// Check if config.json exists. If not, we generate a new config.
getLogger().info("config.json could not be found. Generating a default configuration ...");
// If the file already exists, we attempt to load it.
getLogger().error("There was an error while trying to load the configuration from config.json. Please make sure that there are no syntax errors. If you want to start with a default configuration, delete your existing config.json.");
* Saves the provided server configuration.
* @param config The configuration to save, or null for a new one.
// Check if config.json exists. If not, we generate a new config.
getLogger().info("config.json could not be found. Generating a default configuration ...");
// If the file already exists, we attempt to load it.
getLogger().error("There was an error while trying to load the configuration from config.json. Please make sure that there are no syntax errors. If you want to start with a default configuration, delete your existing config.json.");
* Saves the provided server configuration.
* @param config The configuration to save, or null for a new one.
// If there's still no targetPlayer at this point, use previously-set target
targetPlayer=Grasscutter.getGameServer().getPlayerByUid(targetPlayerIds.get(playerId),true);// We check every time in case the target is deleted after being targeted
targetPlayer=Grasscutter.getGameServer().getPlayerByUid(this.targetPlayerIds.get(playerId),true);// We check every time in case the target is deleted after being targeted
"success":"Changed climate type to %s with weather type %s.",
"invalid_id":"Invalid ID.",
"description":"Changes the weather"
"usage":"Usage: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nWeather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist",
"success":"Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status":"Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s.",
"description":"Changes weather ID and climate type. Weather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist"
"description":"Ban a player",
"command_usage":"Usage: ban <playerId> [timestamp] [reason]",
"failure":"Failed, player not found.",
"invalid_time":"Unable to parse timestamp.",
"invalid_player_id":"Unable to parse player ID.",
"command_usage":"Usage: ban <playerId> [timestamp] [reason]"
"success":"Le type de climat a été changé à %s avec le type de météo %s.",
"invalid_id":"ID invalide.",
"description":"Change la météo"
"description":"Change la météo. Weather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage":"Utilisation: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nWeather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"success":"Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status":"Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."