Commit 52c1d2f5 authored by Tesutarin's avatar Tesutarin Committed by Melledy
Browse files

Update translation

parent 3a2ebd1e
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
* [MongoDB]( (推荐 4.0+)
* 代理: mitmproxy (推荐 mitmdump), Fiddler Classic 等
* 代理程序: mitmproxy (推荐 mitmdump), Fiddler Classic 等
### 运行
**注意:** 从旧版本升级到新版本, 需要删除 `config.json` 文件
**注意:** 从旧版本升级到新版本, 需要删除 `config.json`
1. 获取 `grasscutter.jar`
-[actions]( 下载
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
* [MongoDB]( (推薦 4.0+)
* 代理: mitmproxy (推薦 mitmdump), Fiddler Classic 等
* 代理程式: mitmproxy (推薦 mitmdump), Fiddler Classic 等
### 執行
**注意:** 從舊版本升級到新版本, 需要刪除 `config.json` 檔案
**注意:** 從舊版本升級到新版本, 需要刪除 `config.json`
1. 獲取 `grasscutter.jar`
-[actions]( 下載
......@@ -97,17 +97,16 @@
"status": {
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"help": "Help",
"help": "Help",
"success": "Success"
"account": {
"modify": "Modify user accounts",
"command_usage": "Usage: account <create|delete> <username> [UID]",
"invalid": "Invalid UID.",
"exists": "An account with this username and/or UID already exists.",
"create": "Account created with UID %s.",
"delete": "Account deleted.",
"no_account": "Account not found.",
"command_usage": "Usage: account <create|delete> <username> [UID]",
"description": "Modify user accounts"
"broadcast": {
......@@ -385,25 +384,25 @@
"description": "Unlock all levels of tower"
"weather": {
"description": "Changes weather ID and climate type. Weather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist",
"usage": "Usage: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nWeather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "Usage: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nWeather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s.",
"description": "Changes weather ID and climate type. Weather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist"
"ban": {
"description": "Ban a player",
"command_usage": "Usage: ban <playerId> [timestamp] [reason]",
"success": "Successful.",
"failure": "Failed, player not found.",
"invalid_time": "Unable to parse timestamp.",
"invalid_player_id": "Unable to parse player ID.",
"command_usage": "Usage: ban <playerId> [timestamp] [reason]"
"description": "Ban a player"
"unban": {
"description": "Unban a player",
"command_usage": "Usage: unban <playerId>",
"success": "Successful.",
"failure": "Failed, player not found.",
"invalid_player_id": "Unable to parse player ID.",
"command_usage": "Usage: unban <playerId>"
"description": "Unban a player"
"gacha": {
......@@ -97,17 +97,16 @@
"status": {
"enabled": "已启用",
"disabled": "未启用",
"help": "帮助",
"help": "帮助",
"success": "成功"
"account": {
"modify": "修改用户账号",
"command_usage": "用法:account <create|delete> <用户名> [UID]",
"invalid": "无效的UID。",
"exists": "具有此用户名和/或 UID 的账号已存在。",
"create": "已创建 UID 为 %s 的账号。",
"delete": "账号已删除。",
"no_account": "账号不存在。",
"command_usage": "用法:account <create|delete> <用户名> [UID]",
"description": "创建或删除账号"
"broadcast": {
......@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@
"usage": "用法:changescene <场景ID>",
"already_in_scene": "你已经在这个场景中了。",
"success": "已切换至场景 %s。",
"exists_error": "场景不存在。",
"exists_error": "场景不存在。",
"description": "切换指定场景"
"clear": {
......@@ -146,8 +145,8 @@
"enter_dungeon": {
"usage": "用法:enterdungeon <秘境ID>",
"changed": "已进入秘境 %s。",
"not_found_error": "秘境不存在。",
"in_dungeon_error": "你已经在秘境中了。",
"not_found_error": "秘境不存在。",
"in_dungeon_error": "你已经在这个秘境中了。",
"description": "进入指定秘境"
"giveAll": {
......@@ -385,25 +384,25 @@
"description": "解锁深境螺旋"
"weather": {
"description": "更改天气. Weather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "用法:weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nWeather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny (晴天), cloudy (多云), rain (雨), thunderstorm (雷雨), snow (雪), mist (雾).",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"usage": "用法:weather [天气ID] [气候类型]\n天气ID可以在 WeatherExcelConfigData.json 中找到。\n气候类型:sunny(晴天), cloudy(多云), rain(雨), thunderstorm(雷雨), snow(雪), mist(雾)",
"success": "已设置天气ID 为 %s,气候类型为 %s。",
"status": "当前天气ID %s,气候类型为 %s",
"description": "更改天气ID和气候类型。天气ID可以在 WeatherExcelConfigData.json 中找到。\n气候类型:sunny(晴天), cloudy(多云), rain(雨), thunderstorm(雷雨), snow(雪), mist(雾)"
"ban": {
"description": "封禁玩家",
"success": "封禁玩家成功。",
"failure": "封禁玩家失败,因为无法获取到其账户。",
"command_usage": "用法:ban <玩家ID> [时间] [原因]",
"success": "成功封禁玩家。",
"failure": "封禁玩家失败,因为玩家不存在。",
"invalid_time": "无法解析时间戳。",
"invalid_player_id": "无法解析玩家 ID。",
"command_usage": "用法:ban <玩家ID> [时间] [原因]"
"invalid_player_id": "无法解析玩家ID。",
"description": "封禁玩家"
"unban": {
"description": "取消玩家的封禁",
"success": "取消玩家的封禁成功。",
"failure": "取消玩家的封禁失败,因为无法获取到其账户。",
"invalid_player_id": "无法解析玩家 ID。",
"command_usage": "用法:unban <玩家ID>"
"command_usage": "用法:unban <玩家ID>",
"success": "成功取消玩家的封禁。",
"failure": "取消玩家的封禁失败,因为玩家不存在。",
"invalid_player_id": "无法解析玩家ID。",
"description": "取消玩家的封禁"
"gacha": {
......@@ -96,11 +96,10 @@
"status": {
"enabled": "已啟用",
"disabled": "未啟用",
"help": "幫助",
"help": "幫助",
"success": "成功"
"account": {
"modify": "修改使用者帳號",
"invalid": "無效的UID。",
"exists": "帳號已存在。",
"create": "已建立帳號,UID 為 %s 。",
......@@ -388,10 +387,10 @@
"description": "解鎖所有級別的深境螺旋。"
"weather": {
"description": "更改目前的天氣。Weather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "用法:weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nWeather IDs can be found in WeatherExcelConfigData.json.\nClimate types: sunny (晴天), cloudy (多雲), rain (雨), thunderstorm (雷雨), snow (雪), mist (霧).",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"usage": "用法:weather [weatherId] [climateType]\n天氣ID可以在 WeatherExcelConfigData.json 中找到。\n氣候型別:sunny(晴天), cloudy(多雲), rain(雨), thunderstorm(雷雨), snow(雪), mist(霧)",
"success": "已設定天氣ID 為 %s,氣候型別為 %s。",
"status": "當前天氣ID %s,氣候型別為 %s",
"description": "更改天氣ID和氣候型別。天氣ID可以在 WeatherExcelConfigData.json 中找到。\n氣候型別:sunny(晴天), cloudy(多雲), rain(雨), thunderstorm(雷雨), snow(雪), mist(霧)"
"ban": {
"description": "停權指定玩家。",
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