A Calibration Method for On-Vehicle AR-HUD System Using Mixed Reality Glasses

Calibration is a key step for on-vehicle AR-HUD systems to ensure the augmented information to be correctly viewed by the driver. State-of-art calibration methods require setting up of spatial tracking devices or attaching markers on vehicles, which is time-consuming and error-prone. In this paper, we present a novel multi-viewpoints calibration method for AR-HUD using only a mixed reality glasses such as HoloLens. The full calibration process can be done in one minute and provides high precise calibration result, while no markers need to be attached on vehicle.

Publication: Deng N, Zhou Y, Ye J, et al. A calibration method for on-vehicle AR-HUD system using mixed reality glasses[C]//2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). IEEE, 2018: 541-542.

Preprint PDF: A Calibration Method for On-Vehicle AR-HUD System Using Mixed Reality Glasses.pdf


title={A calibration method for on-vehicle AR-HUD system using mixed reality glasses},
author={Deng, Nianchen and Zhou, Yanqing and Ye, Jiannan and Yang, Xubo},
booktitle={2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)},