Dynamic Environment Matting Using Radiance

Environment matting captures not only a foreground object and its opacity matte, but also a description of how that object refracts and reflects light. As radiance value is more accurate than color value when sampling a real scene and displaying it on digital devices, a method of dynamic environment matting in radiance space is presented to decrease the error caused by the nonlinearity of the optical system. The results of the approach can get more accurate and detailed realities compared to the composite images in color space. An image sequence is generated using two images taken with two different viewpoints. Then a simulation of the backdrop moving along the line which is parallel to the line connecting the two optical centers could be obtained as we composite all of these frames with the matte of the foreground object.
Publication:Li J, Xiao S, Yang X, et al. Dynamic environment matting using radiance[C]//2006 International Conference on Computational Inteligence for Modelling Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents Web Technologies and International Commerce (CIMCA’06). IEEE, 2006: 104-104.
Preprint PDF:Dynamic Environment Matting Using Radiance.pdf
title={Dynamic environment matting using radiance},
author={Li, Jingxiang and Xiao, Shuangjiu and Yang, Xubo and Ma, Lizhuang},
booktitle={2006 International Conference on Computational Inteligence for Modelling Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents Web Technologies and International Commerce (CIMCA’06)},