Commit dcd3c696 authored by AnimeGitB's avatar AnimeGitB
Browse files

Add default Climates per weather

parent 4df068bb
package emu.grasscutter.command.commands;
import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter;
import emu.grasscutter.command.Command;
import emu.grasscutter.command.CommandHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSceneAreaWeatherNotify;
import java.util.List;
import static emu.grasscutter.utils.Language.translate;
@Command(label = "weather", usage = "weather <climate type(weatherId)> <weather type(climateId)>", aliases = {"w"}, permission = "", permissionTargeted = "", description = "")
@Command(label = "weather", usage = "weather [weatherId] [climateType]", aliases = {"w"}, permission = "", permissionTargeted = "", description = "")
public final class WeatherCommand implements CommandHandler {
public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
int weatherId = 0;
int climateId = 1;
switch (args.size()) {
case 2:
try {
climateId = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, ""));
case 1:
Scene scene = targetPlayer.getScene();
int weatherId = scene.getWeather();
ClimateType climate = ClimateType.CLIMATE_NONE; // Sending ClimateType.CLIMATE_NONE to Scene.setWeather will use the default climate for that weather
if (args.isEmpty()) {
climate = scene.getClimate();
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", Integer.toString(weatherId), climate.getShortName());
for (String arg : args) {
ClimateType c = ClimateType.getTypeByShortName(arg.toLowerCase());
if (c != ClimateType.CLIMATE_NONE) {
climate = c;
} else {
try {
weatherId = Integer.parseInt(args.get(0));
weatherId = Integer.parseInt(arg);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, ""));
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, ""));
ClimateType climate = ClimateType.getTypeByValue(climateId);
targetPlayer.getScene().broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneAreaWeatherNotify(targetPlayer));
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "", Integer.toString(weatherId), Integer.toString(climateId)));
scene.setWeather(weatherId, climate);
climate = scene.getClimate(); // Might be different to what we set
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", Integer.toString(weatherId), climate.getShortName());
......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ public class GameData {
private static final Int2ObjectMap<FurnitureMakeConfigData> furnitureMakeConfigDataMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private static final Int2ObjectMap<InvestigationMonsterData> investigationMonsterDataMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private static final Int2ObjectMap<CityData> cityDataMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private static final Int2ObjectMap<WeatherData> weatherDataMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private static final Int2ObjectMap<BattlePassMissionExcelConfigData> battlePassMissionExcelConfigDataMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private static final Int2ObjectMap<BattlePassRewardExcelConfigData> battlePassRewardExcelConfigDataMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
......@@ -414,10 +415,15 @@ public class GameData {
public static Int2ObjectMap<InvestigationMonsterData> getInvestigationMonsterDataMap() {
return investigationMonsterDataMap;
public static Int2ObjectMap<CityData> getCityDataMap() {
return cityDataMap;
public static Int2ObjectMap<WeatherData> getWeatherDataMap() {
return weatherDataMap;
public static Int2ObjectMap<BattlePassMissionExcelConfigData> getBattlePassMissionExcelConfigDataMap() {
return battlePassMissionExcelConfigDataMap;
import lombok.Getter;
@ResourceType(name = "WeatherExcelConfigData.json")
public class WeatherData extends GameResource {
@Getter private int areaID;
@Getter private int weatherAreaId;
@Getter private String maxHeightStr;
@Getter private int gadgetID;
@Getter private boolean isDefaultValid;
@Getter private String templateName;
@Getter private int priority;
@Getter private String profileName;
@Getter private ClimateType defaultClimate;
@Getter private boolean isUseDefault;
@Getter private int sceneID;
public int getId() {
return this.areaID;
......@@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ public enum ClimateType {
public int getValue() {
return value;
return this.value;
public String getShortName() {
public static ClimateType getTypeByValue(int value) {
......@@ -42,4 +46,9 @@ public enum ClimateType {
public static ClimateType getTypeByName(String name) {
return stringMap.getOrDefault(name, CLIMATE_NONE);
public static ClimateType getTypeByShortName(String shortName) {
String name = "CLIMATE_" + shortName.toUpperCase();
return stringMap.getOrDefault(name, CLIMATE_NONE);
......@@ -138,12 +138,30 @@ public class Scene {
return weather;
public void setClimate(ClimateType climate) {
synchronized public void setClimate(ClimateType climate) {
this.climate = climate;
for (Player player : this.players) {
this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneAreaWeatherNotify(player));
synchronized public void setWeather(int weather) {
this.setWeather(weather, ClimateType.CLIMATE_NONE);
public void setWeather(int weather) {
synchronized public void setWeather(int weather, ClimateType climate) {
// Lookup default climate for this weather
if (climate == ClimateType.CLIMATE_NONE) {
WeatherData w = GameData.getWeatherDataMap().get(weather);
if (w != null) {
climate = w.getDefaultClimate();
} = weather;
this.climate = climate;
for (Player player : this.players) {
this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneAreaWeatherNotify(player));
public int getPrevScene() {
......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
"itemLevel": "Invalid itemLevel.",
"itemRefinement": "Invalid itemRefinement.",
"playerId": "Invalid player ID.",
"uid": "Invalid UID."
"uid": "Invalid UID.",
"id": "Invalid ID."
"execution": {
......@@ -387,10 +388,10 @@
"description": "Unlock all levels of tower"
"weather": {
"usage": "Usage: weather <climate type(weatherId)> <weather type(climateId)>\nWeather types 0: None, 1: Sunny, 2: Cloudy, 3: Rain, 4: Thunderstorm, 5: Snow, 6: Mist",
"success": "Changed climate type to %s with weather type %s.",
"invalid_id": "Invalid ID.",
"description": "Changes the weather"
"description": "Changes the weather. Climate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "Usage: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nClimate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"ban": {
"description": "Ban a player",
......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
"itemLevel": "Niveau de l'objet invalide.",
"itemRefinement": "Raffinement de l'objet invalide.",
"playerId": "ID du joueur invalide.",
"uid": "UID invalide."
"uid": "UID invalide.",
"id": "ID invalide."
"execution": {
......@@ -387,10 +388,10 @@
"description": "Débloque tous les couloirs de l'abysse"
"weather": {
"usage": "Usage: weather <climate type(weatherId)> <weather type(climateId)>\nTypes de météo 0: Aucun, 1: Ensoleillé, 2: Nuageux, 3: Pluvieux, 4: Orageux, 5: Neige, 6: Brouillard",
"success": "Le type de climat a été changé à %s avec le type de météo %s.",
"invalid_id": "ID invalide.",
"description": "Change la météo"
"description": "Change la météo. Climate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "Utilisation: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nClimate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"ban": {
"description": "Bannis un joueur",
......@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
"itemLevel": "Błędny poziom przedmiotu.",
"itemRefinement": "Błędne ulepszenie.",
"playerId": "Błędne playerId.",
"uid": "Błędne UID."
"uid": "Błędne UID.",
"id": "Błędne ID."
"execution": {
......@@ -291,9 +292,10 @@
"success": "Przeteleportowano %s do %s, %s, %s w scenie %s"
"weather": {
"usage": "Użycie: weather <climate type(weatherId)> <weather type(climateId)>\nWeather types 0: None, 1: Sunny, 2: Cloudy, 3: Rain, 4: Thunderstorm, 5: Snow, 6: Mist",
"success": "Changed climate type to %s with weather type %s.",
"invalid_id": "Błędne ID."
"description": "Changes the weather. Climate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "Usage: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nClimate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"drop": {
"command_usage": "Użycie: drop <ID przedmiotu|nazwa przedmiotu> [ilość]",
......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
"itemLevel": "Некорректный уровень предмета (itemLevel).",
"itemRefinement": "Некорректный уровень пробуждения предмета (itemRefinement).",
"playerId": "Некорректный ID игрока.",
"uid": "Некорректный UID."
"uid": "Некорректный UID.",
"id": "Некорректный ID."
"execution": {
......@@ -387,10 +388,10 @@
"description": "Открывает все уровни башни"
"weather": {
"usage": "Применение: weather <тип_климата(Id погоды)> <тип_погоды(Id климата)>\nТипы погоды 0: Отсутствует, 1: Солнечная, 2: Пасмурная, 3: Дождливая, 4: Грозовая, 5: Снежная, 6: Туманная",
"success": "Тип климата был изменен на %s, тип погоды: %s.",
"invalid_id": "Некорректный ID.",
"description": "Изменяет погоду"
"description": "Изменяет погоду. Climate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "Usage: weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nClimate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"ban": {
"description": "Банит игрока",
......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
"itemLevel": "无效的物品等级。",
"itemRefinement": "无效的物品精炼等级。",
"playerId": "无效的玩家ID。",
"uid": "无效的UID。"
"uid": "无效的UID。",
"id": "无效的ID。"
"execution": {
......@@ -387,10 +388,10 @@
"description": "解锁深境螺旋"
"weather": {
"usage": "用法:weather <气候类型(天气ID)> <天气类型(气候ID)>\n天气类型 0: 无, 1: 晴天, 2: 多云, 3: 雨, 4: 雷雨, 5: 雪, 6: 雾",
"success": "已更改气候类型为 %s,天气类型为 %s。",
"invalid_id": "无效的ID。",
"description": "更改天气"
"description": "更改天气. Climate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "用法:weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nClimate types sunny (晴天), cloudy (多云), rain (雨), thunderstorm (雷雨), snow (雪), mist (雾).",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"ban": {
"description": "封禁玩家",
......@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
"itemLevel": "無效的物品等級。",
"itemRefinement": "無效的物品精煉度。",
"playerId": "無效的玩家ID。",
"uid": "無效的UID。"
"uid": "無效的UID。",
"id": "無效的ID。"
"execution": {
......@@ -390,10 +391,10 @@
"description": "解鎖所有級別的深境螺旋。"
"weather": {
"usage": "用法:weather <氣候型別(weatherId)> <天氣型別(climateId)>\n天氣類型: '0:無、 1:晴天、 2:多雲、 3:雨、 4::雷雨、 5:雪、 6:霧'",
"success": "已將當前氣候設定為 %s ,天氣則為 %s 。",
"invalid_id": "無效的ID。",
"description": "更改目前的天氣。"
"description": "更改目前的天氣。. Climate types sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow, mist.",
"usage": "用法:weather [weatherId] [climateType]\nClimate types sunny (晴天), cloudy (多雲), rain (雨), thunderstorm (雷雨), snow (雪), mist (霧).",
"success": "Set weather ID to %s with climate type %s.",
"status": "Current weather ID is %s with climate type %s."
"ban": {
"description": "停權指定玩家。",
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