Commit 5d1d329d authored by Nianchen Deng's avatar Nianchen Deng
Browse files


parent f6604bd2
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"cStandard": "gnu17",
"cppStandard": "gnu++14",
"intelliSenseMode": "gcc-x64"
"version": 4
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ OUTPUT_DIR = "/home/yejiannan/Project/LightField/outputE/lf_syn_full"
Video generate:
ffmpeg -r 50 -i view%04d.png -c:v libx264 -vf fps=50 -pix_fmt yuv420p ../mc_hint.mp4
ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i view_%04d.png -c:v libx264 -vf fps=30 -pix_fmt yuv420p ../train.mp4
trtexec --onnx=net@256x256x2.onnx --fp16 --saveEngine=net@256x256x2.trt --workspace=4096
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ import math
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as nn_f
from typing import List, Tuple
from . import util
from utils import img
from utils import view
from utils import misc
class Foveation(object):
......@@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ class Foveation(object):
for i in range(self.n_layers - 1)
] # blend maps of fovea layers
self.coords = util.MeshGrid(out_res).to(device=device)
self.coords = misc.meshgrid(*out_res).to(device=device)
def to(self, device):
self.eye_fovea_blend = [
......@@ -32,13 +34,13 @@ class Foveation(object):
Generate foveated retinal image by blending fovea layers
**Note: current implementation only support two fovea layers**
:param layers ```List(Tensor(B, C, H'{l}, W'{l}))```: list of foveated layers
:return ```Tensor(B, C, H:out, W:out)```: foveated images
:param layers `List(Tensor(B, C, H'{l}, W'{l}))`: list of foveated layers
:return `Tensor(B, C, H:out, W:out)`: foveated images
output: torch.Tensor = nn_f.interpolate(layers[-1], self.out_res,
mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
if shifts != None:
output = util.horizontal_shift_image(output, shifts[-1])
output = img.horizontal_shift(output, shifts[-1])
c = torch.tensor([
fovea_center[0] + self.out_res[1] / 2,
fovea_center[1] + self.out_res[0] / 2
......@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class Foveation(object):
R = self.get_layer_size_in_final_image(i) / 2
grid = ((self.coords - c) / R)[None, ...]
if shifts != None:
grid = util.horizontal_shift_image(grid, shifts[i], -2)
grid = img.horizontal_shift(grid, shifts[i], -2)
blend = nn_f.grid_sample(self.eye_fovea_blend[i][None, None, ...], grid) # (1, 1, H:out, W:out)
output.mul_(1 - blend).add_(nn_f.grid_sample(layers[i], grid) * blend)
return output
......@@ -61,8 +63,8 @@ class Foveation(object):
:param i: index of layer
:return: size of layer i in final image (in pixels)
length_i = util.Fov2Length(self.fov_list[i])
length = util.Fov2Length(self.fov_list[-1])
length_i = view.fov2length(self.fov_list[i])
length = view.fov2length(self.fov_list[-1])
k = length_i / length
return int(math.ceil(self.out_res[0] * k))
......@@ -71,11 +73,10 @@ class Foveation(object):
Generate blend map for fovea layer i
:param i: index of fovea layer
:return ```Tensor(H{i}, W{i})```: blend map
:return `Tensor(H{i}, W{i})`: blend map
size = self.get_layer_size_in_final_image(i)
R = size / 2
p = util.MeshGrid((size, size)).to(
device=self.device) # (size, size, 2)
p = misc.meshgrid(size, size).to(device=self.device) # (size, size, 2)
r = torch.norm(p - R, dim=2) # (size, size, 2)
return util.SmoothStep(R, R * 0.6, r)
return misc.smooth_step(R, R * 0.6, r)
import torch
import math
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as nn_f
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Tuple
from . import view
from torch import nn
from utils import view
from utils import misc
from utils.perf import Perf
from . import refine
from . import util
from .foveation import Foveation
from .simple_perf import SimplePerf
class GenFinal(object):
......@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ class GenFinal(object):
periph_cam = self.layer_cams[2]
trans_periph = mono_trans if mono_trans != None else trans
perf = SimplePerf(True, True) if perf_time else None
perf = Perf(True, True) if perf_time else None
# *_rays_o, *_rays_d: (1, N, 3)
fovea_rays_o, fovea_rays_d = fovea_cam.get_global_rays(trans, True)
......@@ -73,22 +72,22 @@ class GenFinal(object):
mid_periph_rays_o =[mid_rays_o, periph_rays_o], 1)
mid_periph_rays_d =[mid_rays_d, periph_rays_d], 1)
if perf_time:
perf.Checkpoint('Get rays')
perf.checkpoint('Get rays')
perf1 = SimplePerf(True, True) if perf_time else None
perf1 = Perf(True, True) if perf_time else None
fovea_inferred, fovea_depth = self._infer(
self.fovea_net, fovea_rays_o, fovea_rays_d, [fovea_cam.res], True)
if perf_time:
perf1.Checkpoint('Infer fovea')
perf1.checkpoint('Infer fovea')
mid_inferred, mid_depth, periph_inferred, periph_depth = self._infer(
self.periph_net, mid_periph_rays_o, mid_periph_rays_d,
[mid_cam.res, periph_cam.res], True)
if perf_time:
perf1.Checkpoint('Infer mid & periph')
perf1.checkpoint('Infer mid & periph')
if mono_trans != None and shift == 0: # do warp
fovea_depth[torch.isnan(fovea_depth)] = 50
......@@ -96,13 +95,13 @@ class GenFinal(object):
periph_depth[torch.isnan(periph_depth)] = 50
if warp_by_depth:
z_list = util.depth_sample((1, 50), 4, True)
z_list = misc.depth_sample((1, 50), 4, True)
mid_inferred = self._warp(trans, mono_trans, mid_cam,
z_list, mid_inferred, mid_depth)
periph_inferred = self._warp(trans, mono_trans, periph_cam,
z_list, periph_inferred, periph_depth)
if perf_time:
perf.Checkpoint('Mono warp')
perf.checkpoint('Mono warp')
p = torch.tensor([[0, 0, torch.mean(fovea_depth)]],
......@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ class GenFinal(object):
p_, center_as_origin=True)[..., 0].item()
shift = round(shift)
if perf_time:
perf.Checkpoint('Mono shift')
perf.checkpoint('Mono shift')
fovea_refined = refine.grad_aware_median(fovea_inferred, 3, 3, True)
fovea_refined = refine.constrast_enhance(fovea_refined, 3, 0.2)
......@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ class GenFinal(object):
periph_refined = refine.constrast_enhance(periph_inferred, 5, 0.2)
if perf_time:
blended = self.foveation.synthesis([
......@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ class GenFinal(object):
], (gaze[0], gaze[1]), [0, shift, shift] if shift != 0 else None)
if perf_time:
if ret_raw:
return {
......@@ -195,9 +194,9 @@ class GenFinal(object):
:param trans0: [description]
:param cam: [description]
:param z_list: [description]
:param image ```Tensor(B, C, H, W)```:
:param depthmap ```Tensor(B, H, W)```:
:return ```Tensor(B, C, H, W)```:
:param image `Tensor(B, C, H, W)`:
:param depthmap `Tensor(B, H, W)`:
:return `Tensor(B, C, H, W)`:
B = image.size(0)
rays_d = cam.get_global_rays(trans, norm=False)[1] # (1, H, W, 3)
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ import cv2
import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as nn_f
from . import view
from . import util
from utils import view
from utils import img
from utils.constants import *
class GuideRefinement(object):
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class GuideRefinement(object):
for i in range(guides_image.size(0))
], 0)
self.guides_diff = (guides_image - guides_inferred) / \
(guides_inferred + 1e-5)
(guides_inferred + TINY_FLOAT)
self.guides_view = guides_view
self.guides_cam = guides_cam
......@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ def constrast_enhance(image, sigma, fe):
def morph_close(image: torch.Tensor):
image_ = util.Tensor2MatImg(image)
image_ = img.torch2np(image)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3))
image_ = cv2.morphologyEx(image_, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
return util.MatImg2Tensor(image_).to(image.device)
return img.np2torch(image_).to(image.device)
def get_grad(image: torch.Tensor, k=1, do_morph_close=False):
......@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ def getGaussianKernel(ksize, sigma=0):
def grad_aware_median(image: torch.Tensor, median_kernel_size: int, grad_k: float,
grad_do_morph_close: bool):
image_ = util.Tensor2MatImg(image)
image_ = img.torch2np(image)
blur = cv2.medianBlur(image_, median_kernel_size)
blur = util.MatImg2Tensor(blur).to(image.device)
blur = img.np2torch(blur).to(image.device)
grad = get_grad(image, grad_k, grad_do_morph_close)
return image * grad + blur * (1 - grad)
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'bgnet'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
'nf': 128,
'n_layers': 4
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'cnerf128'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
config.DEPTH_REF = True
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8
'depth_range': (0.4, 6),
'n_samples': 8,
'perturb_sample': False
from my import color_mode
def update_config(config):
# Dataset settings
config.COLOR = color_mode.RGB
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'nmsl'
config.NET_TYPE = 'dnerfa'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
config.DEPTH_REF = True
'nf': 64,
'n_layers': 4
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8
'depth_range': (1, 50),
'n_samples': 16
'depth_range': (0.4, 6),
'n_samples': 8,
'perturb_sample': False
\ No newline at end of file
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'snerffast4'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
#config.N_DIR_ENCODE = 4
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8
'depth_range': (0.7, 10),
'n_samples': 64,
'perturb_sample': False
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'msl2fast'
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8
'depth_range': (0.5, 5),
'n_samples': 128,
'perturb_sample': False
from my import color_mode
def update_config(config):
# Dataset settings
config.COLOR = color_mode.RGB
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'msl'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
'nf': 128,
'n_layers': 4
......@@ -15,5 +9,3 @@ def update_config(config):
'depth_range': (1, 50),
'n_samples': 32
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'mslfast'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 6
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8
'depth_range': (0.5, 5),
'n_samples': 128,
'perturb_sample': False
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'mslray'
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8
'depth_range': (0.5, 5),
'n_samples': 128,
'perturb_sample': False
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'nerf'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8
'depth_range': (1, 50),
'n_samples': 64,
'perturb_sample': True
'enable': True,
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8,
'additional_samples': 128
\ No newline at end of file
from my import color_mode
def update_config(config):
# Dataset settings
config.COLOR = color_mode.RGB
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'msl'
config.NET_TYPE = 'nerf'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
'nf': 128,
'nf': 96,
'n_layers': 4
'depth_range': (1, 50),
'n_samples': 8
'n_samples': 16,
'perturb_sample': False
\ No newline at end of file
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'nerf'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
#config.N_DIR_ENCODE = 4
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8,
'skips': [4]
'depth_range': (0.7, 10),
'n_samples': 128,
'perturb_sample': False
\ No newline at end of file
from my import color_mode
def update_config(config):
# Dataset settings
config.COLOR = color_mode.RGB
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'nmsl'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
'nf': 128,
'n_layers': 4
from my import color_mode
def update_config(config):
# Dataset settings
config.COLOR = color_mode.RGB
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'nmsl4'
config.NET_TYPE = 'nnerf4'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
'nf': 128,
......@@ -13,7 +8,6 @@ def update_config(config):
'depth_range': (1, 50),
'n_samples': 32
'n_samples': 32,
'perturb_sample': True
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'oracle'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 0
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8,
'activation': 'selu',
'depth_range': (0.4, 6),
'n_samples': 128,
'perturb_sample': False
def update_config(config):
# Net parameters
config.NET_TYPE = 'nerf'
config.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10
config.N_DIR_ENCODE = 4
'nf': 256,
'n_layers': 8,
'skips': [4]
'depth_range': (0.3, 7),
'n_samples': 256,
'perturb_sample': True
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