Commit c2535f0f authored by TheNumbat's avatar TheNumbat
Browse files

upstream changes

parent 8b8ee1f1
Language: Cpp
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......@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ settings.json
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Finally, to build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
make -j4
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ To build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
make -j4
......@@ -4,71 +4,72 @@
#include <imgui/imgui_impl_sdl.h>
#include "app.h"
#include "scene/renderer.h"
#include "geometry/util.h"
#include "platform/platform.h"
#include "scene/renderer.h"
App::App(Settings set, Platform* plt) :
window_dim(plt ? plt->window_draw() : Vec2{1.0f}),
camera(plt ? plt->window_draw() : Vec2{1.0f}),
gui(scene, plt ? plt->window_size() : Vec2{1.0f}),
undo(scene, gui) {
App::App(Settings set, Platform *plt)
: window_dim(plt ? plt->window_draw() : Vec2{1.0f}),
camera(plt ? plt->window_draw() : Vec2{1.0f}), plt(plt), scene(Gui::n_Widget_IDs),
gui(scene, plt ? plt->window_size() : Vec2{1.0f}), undo(scene, gui) {
if(!set.headless) assert(plt);
if (!set.headless)
std::string err;
bool loaded_scene = true;
if(!set.scene_file.empty()) {
if (!set.scene_file.empty()) {
info("Loading scene file...");
err = scene.load(true, undo, gui, set.scene_file);
if(!err.empty()) {
if (!err.empty()) {
warn("Error loading scene: %s", err.c_str());
loaded_scene = false;
if(!set.env_map_file.empty()) {
if (!set.env_map_file.empty()) {
info("Loading environment map...");
err = scene.set_env_map(set.env_map_file);
if(!err.empty()) warn("Error loading environment map: %s", err.c_str());
if (!err.empty())
warn("Error loading environment map: %s", err.c_str());
if(!set.headless) {
if (!set.headless) {
} else if(loaded_scene) {
} else if (loaded_scene) {
info("Rendering scene...");
err = gui.get_render().headless_render(gui.get_animate(), scene, set.output_file,
set.animate, set.w, set.h, set.s,, set.d, set.exp, set.w_from_ar);
set.animate, set.w, set.h, set.s,, set.d,
set.exp, set.w_from_ar);
if(!err.empty()) warn("Error rendering scene: %s", err.c_str());
if (!err.empty())
warn("Error rendering scene: %s", err.c_str());
else {
auto [build,render] = gui.get_render().completion_time();
auto [build, render] = gui.get_render().completion_time();
info("Built scene in %.2fs, rendered in %.2fs", build, render);
App::~App() {
App::~App() { Renderer::shutdown(); }
void App::event(SDL_Event e) {
ImGuiIO& IO = ImGui::GetIO();
ImGuiIO &IO = ImGui::GetIO();
IO.DisplayFramebufferScale = plt->scale(Vec2{1.0f, 1.0f});
switch(e.type) {
switch (e.type) {
if(IO.WantCaptureKeyboard) break;
if(gui.keydown(undo, e.key.keysym, scene, camera)) break;
if (IO.WantCaptureKeyboard)
if (gui.keydown(undo, e.key.keysym, scene, camera))
#ifdef __APPLE__
Uint16 mod = KMOD_GUI;
......@@ -76,13 +77,12 @@ void App::event(SDL_Event e) {
Uint16 mod = KMOD_CTRL;
if(e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_z) {
if(e.key.keysym.mod & mod) {
if (e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_z) {
if (e.key.keysym.mod & mod) {
else if(e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_y) {
if(e.key.keysym.mod & mod) {
} else if (e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_y) {
if (e.key.keysym.mod & mod) {
......@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ void App::event(SDL_Event e) {
Vec2 dim = plt->window_draw();
Vec2 n = Vec2(2.0f * p.x / dim.x - 1.0f, 2.0f * p.y / dim.y - 1.0f);
if(gui_capture) {
if (gui_capture) {
gui.drag_to(scene, camera.pos(), n, screen_to_world(p));
} else if(cam_mode == Camera_Control::orbit) {
} else if (cam_mode == Camera_Control::orbit) {
} else if(cam_mode == Camera_Control::move) {
} else if (cam_mode == Camera_Control::move) {
} else {
gui.hover(p, camera.pos(), n, screen_to_world(p));
......@@ -117,35 +117,38 @@ void App::event(SDL_Event e) {
if(IO.WantCaptureMouse) break;
if (IO.WantCaptureMouse)
Vec2 p = plt->scale(Vec2{e.button.x, e.button.y});
Vec2 dim = plt->window_draw();
Vec2 n = Vec2(2.0f * p.x / dim.x - 1.0f, 2.0f * p.y / dim.y - 1.0f);
if(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
Scene_ID id = Renderer::get().read_id(p);
if(cam_mode == Camera_Control::none && (plt->is_down(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT) | plt->is_down(SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT))) {
if (cam_mode == Camera_Control::none &&
(plt->is_down(SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT) | plt->is_down(SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT))) {
cam_mode = Camera_Control::orbit;
} else if(, undo, id, camera.pos(), n, screen_to_world(p))) {
} else if (, undo, id, camera.pos(), n, screen_to_world(p))) {
cam_mode = Camera_Control::none;
gui_capture = true;
} else if(id) {
} else if (id) {
selection_changed = true;
mouse_press = Vec2(e.button.x, e.button.y);
} else if(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
if(cam_mode == Camera_Control::none) {
} else if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
if (cam_mode == Camera_Control::none) {
cam_mode = Camera_Control::move;
} else if(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) {
} else if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) {
cam_mode = Camera_Control::orbit;
} break;
......@@ -154,8 +157,8 @@ void App::event(SDL_Event e) {
Vec2 dim = plt->window_draw();
Vec2 n = Vec2(2.0f * p.x / dim.x - 1.0f, 2.0f * p.y / dim.y - 1.0f);
if(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
if(!IO.WantCaptureMouse && gui_capture) {
if (e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
if (!IO.WantCaptureMouse && gui_capture) {
gui_capture = false;
gui.drag_to(scene, camera.pos(), n, screen_to_world(p));
gui.end_drag(undo, scene);
......@@ -163,14 +166,14 @@ void App::event(SDL_Event e) {
} else {
Vec2 diff = mouse_press - Vec2(e.button.x, e.button.y);
if(!selection_changed && diff.norm() <= 3) {
if (!selection_changed && diff.norm() <= 3) {
selection_changed = false;
if((e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && cam_mode == Camera_Control::orbit) ||
if ((e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && cam_mode == Camera_Control::orbit) ||
(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE && cam_mode == Camera_Control::orbit) ||
(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && cam_mode == Camera_Control::move)) {
cam_mode = Camera_Control::none;
......@@ -179,7 +182,8 @@ void App::event(SDL_Event e) {
} break;
if(IO.WantCaptureMouse) break;
if (IO.WantCaptureMouse)
} break;
......@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ void App::render() {
view = camera.get_view();
iviewproj = (proj * view).inverse();
Renderer& r = Renderer::get();
Renderer &r = Renderer::get();
......@@ -204,8 +208,7 @@ void App::render() {
Vec3 App::screen_to_world(Vec2 mouse) {
Vec2 t(2.0f * mouse.x / window_dim.x - 1.0f,
1.0f - 2.0f * mouse.y / window_dim.y);
Vec2 t(2.0f * mouse.x / window_dim.x - 1.0f, 1.0f - 2.0f * mouse.y / window_dim.y);
Vec3 p = iviewproj * Vec3(t.x, t.y, 0.1f);
return (p - camera.pos()).unit();
......@@ -216,4 +219,3 @@ void App::apply_window_dim(Vec2 new_dim) {
#pragma once
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include "util/camera.h"
#include "lib/mathlib.h"
#include "gui/manager.h"
#include "lib/mathlib.h"
#include "util/camera.h"
#include "scene/scene.h"
#include "scene/undo.h"
......@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ class Platform;
class App {
struct Settings {
std::string scene_file;
std::string env_map_file;
bool headless = false;
// If headless is true, use all of these
std::string output_file = "out.png";
int w = 640;
......@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ public:
bool w_from_ar = false;
App(Settings set, Platform* plt = nullptr);
App(Settings set, Platform *plt = nullptr);
void render();
......@@ -43,11 +45,7 @@ private:
Vec3 screen_to_world(Vec2 mouse);
// Camera data
enum class Camera_Control {
enum class Camera_Control { none, orbit, move };
Vec2 window_dim, mouse_press;
bool selection_changed = false;
Camera_Control cam_mode = Camera_Control::none;
......@@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ private:
Mat4 view, proj, iviewproj;
// Systems
Platform* plt = nullptr;
Platform *plt = nullptr;
Scene scene;
Gui::Manager gui;
Undo undo;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -130,19 +130,15 @@
#pragma once
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <variant>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "../platform/gl.h"
// Types of sub-division
enum class SubD {
enum class SubD { linear, catmullclark, loop };
class Halfedge_Mesh {
......@@ -246,19 +242,22 @@ public:
Computes vertex positions for a face that was just created by beveling a vertex,
but not yet confirmed.
void bevel_vertex_positions(const std::vector<Vec3>& start_positions, FaceRef face, float tangent_offset);
void bevel_vertex_positions(const std::vector<Vec3> &start_positions, FaceRef face,
float tangent_offset);
Computes vertex positions for a face that was just created by beveling an edge,
but not yet confirmed.
void bevel_edge_positions(const std::vector<Vec3>& start_positions, FaceRef face, float tangent_offset);
void bevel_edge_positions(const std::vector<Vec3> &start_positions, FaceRef face,
float tangent_offset);
Computes vertex positions for a face that was just created by beveling a face,
but not yet confirmed.
void bevel_face_positions(const std::vector<Vec3>& start_positions, FaceRef face, float tangent_offset, float normal_offset);
void bevel_face_positions(const std::vector<Vec3> &start_positions, FaceRef face,
float tangent_offset, float normal_offset);
// Student Global Operations | student/meshedit.cpp
......@@ -312,8 +311,8 @@ public:
class Vertex {
// Returns a halfedge incident from the vertex
HalfedgeRef& halfedge() {return _halfedge;}
HalfedgeCRef halfedge() const {return _halfedge;}
HalfedgeRef &halfedge() { return _halfedge; }
HalfedgeCRef halfedge() const { return _halfedge; }
// Returns whether the vertex is on a boundary loop
bool on_boundary() const;
......@@ -326,7 +325,7 @@ public:
// Computes the centroid of the loop of the vertex
Vec3 neighborhood_center() const;
// Returns an id unique to this vertex
unsigned int id() const {return _id;}
unsigned int id() const { return _id; }
// The vertex position
Vec3 pos;
......@@ -343,8 +342,8 @@ public:
class Edge {
// Returns one of the two halfedges associated with this edge
HalfedgeRef& halfedge() {return _halfedge;}
HalfedgeCRef halfedge() const {return _halfedge;}
HalfedgeRef &halfedge() { return _halfedge; }
HalfedgeCRef halfedge() const { return _halfedge; }
// Returns whether this edge is contained in a boundary loop
bool on_boundary() const;
......@@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ public:
// Returns the length of the edge
float length() const;
// Returns an id unique to this edge
unsigned int id() const {return _id;}
unsigned int id() const { return _id; }
Edge(unsigned int id) : _id(id) {}
......@@ -369,11 +368,11 @@ public:
class Face {
// Returns some halfedge contained within this face
HalfedgeRef& halfedge() {return _halfedge;}
HalfedgeCRef halfedge() const {return _halfedge;}
HalfedgeRef &halfedge() { return _halfedge; }
HalfedgeCRef halfedge() const { return _halfedge; }
// Returns whether this is a boundary face
bool is_boundary() const {return boundary;}
bool is_boundary() const { return boundary; }
// Returns the centroid of this face
Vec3 center() const;
// Returns an area weighted face normal
......@@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ public:
// Returns the number of vertices/edges in this face
unsigned int degree() const;
// Returns an id unique to this face
unsigned int id() const {return _id;}
unsigned int id() const { return _id; }
Face(unsigned int id, bool is_boundary = false) : _id(id), boundary(is_boundary) {}
......@@ -395,34 +394,34 @@ public:
class Halfedge {
// Retrives the twin halfedge
HalfedgeRef& twin() {return _twin;}
HalfedgeCRef twin() const {return _twin;}
HalfedgeRef &twin() { return _twin; }
HalfedgeCRef twin() const { return _twin; }
// Retrieves the next halfedge
HalfedgeRef& next() {return _next;}
HalfedgeCRef next() const {return _next;}
HalfedgeRef &next() { return _next; }
HalfedgeCRef next() const { return _next; }
// Retrieves the associated vertex
VertexRef& vertex() {return _vertex;}
VertexCRef vertex() const {return _vertex;}
VertexRef &vertex() { return _vertex; }
VertexCRef vertex() const { return _vertex; }
// Retrieves the associated edge
EdgeRef& edge() {return _edge;}
EdgeCRef edge() const {return _edge;}
EdgeRef &edge() { return _edge; }
EdgeCRef edge() const { return _edge; }
// Retrieves the associated face
FaceRef& face() {return _face;}
FaceCRef face() const {return _face;}
FaceRef &face() { return _face; }
FaceCRef face() const { return _face; }
// Returns an id unique to this halfedge
unsigned int id() const {return _id;}
unsigned int id() const { return _id; }
// Returns whether this edge is inside a boundary face
bool is_boundary() const {return _face->is_boundary();}
bool is_boundary() const { return _face->is_boundary(); }
// Convenience function for setting all members of the halfedge
void set_neighbors(HalfedgeRef next, HalfedgeRef twin, VertexRef vertex,
EdgeRef edge, FaceRef face) {
void set_neighbors(HalfedgeRef next, HalfedgeRef twin, VertexRef vertex, EdgeRef edge,
FaceRef face) {
_next = next;
_twin = twin;
_vertex = vertex;
......@@ -441,13 +440,13 @@ public:
These methods delete a specified mesh element. One should think very, very carefully about
exactly when and how to delete mesh elements, since other elements will often still point
to the element that is being deleted, and accessing a deleted element will cause your
program to crash (or worse!). A good exercise to think about is: suppose you're iterating
over a linked list, and want to delete some of the elements as you go. How do you do this
without causing any problems? For instance, if you delete the current
element, will you be able to iterate to the next element? Etc.
These methods delete a specified mesh element. One should think very, very carefully
about exactly when and how to delete mesh elements, since other elements will often still
point to the element that is being deleted, and accessing a deleted element will cause your
program to crash (or worse!). A good exercise to think about is: suppose you're
iterating over a linked list, and want to delete some of the elements as you go. How do you
do this without causing any problems? For instance, if you delete the current element, will
you be able to iterate to the next element? Etc.
void erase(HalfedgeRef h) { halfedges.erase(h); }
void erase(VertexRef v) { vertices.erase(v); }
......@@ -456,8 +455,8 @@ public:
void erase_boundary(FaceRef f) { boundaries.erase(f); }
These methods allocate new mesh elements, returning a pointer (i.e., iterator) to the new element.
(These methods cannot have const versions, because they modify the mesh!)
These methods allocate new mesh elements, returning a pointer (i.e., iterator) to the
new element. (These methods cannot have const versions, because they modify the mesh!)
HalfedgeRef new_halfedge() { return halfedges.insert(halfedges.end(), Halfedge(next_id++)); }
VertexRef new_vertex() { return vertices.insert(vertices.end(), Vertex(next_id++)); }
......@@ -506,10 +505,10 @@ public:
This return simple statistics about the current mesh.
Size n_vertices() const {return vertices.size();};
Size n_edges() const {return edges.size();};
Size n_faces() const {return faces.size();};
Size n_halfedges() const {return halfedges.size();};
Size n_vertices() const { return vertices.size(); };
Size n_edges() const { return edges.size(); };
Size n_faces() const { return faces.size(); };
Size n_halfedges() const { return halfedges.size(); };
/// Check if half-edge mesh is valid
std::string validate() const;
......@@ -520,34 +519,36 @@ public:
// Various ways of constructing meshes
Halfedge_Mesh(const GL::Mesh& mesh);
Halfedge_Mesh(const std::vector<std::vector<Index>>& polygons, const std::vector<Vec3>& verts);
Halfedge_Mesh(const Halfedge_Mesh& src) = delete;
Halfedge_Mesh(Halfedge_Mesh&& src) = default;
Halfedge_Mesh(const GL::Mesh &mesh);
Halfedge_Mesh(const std::vector<std::vector<Index>> &polygons, const std::vector<Vec3> &verts);
Halfedge_Mesh(const Halfedge_Mesh &src) = delete;
Halfedge_Mesh(Halfedge_Mesh &&src) = default;
~Halfedge_Mesh() = default;
// Various ways of copying meshes
void operator=(const Halfedge_Mesh& src) = delete;
Halfedge_Mesh& operator=(Halfedge_Mesh&& src) = default;
void copy_to(Halfedge_Mesh& mesh);
ElementRef copy_to(Halfedge_Mesh& mesh, unsigned int eid);
void operator=(const Halfedge_Mesh &src) = delete;
Halfedge_Mesh &operator=(Halfedge_Mesh &&src) = default;
void copy_to(Halfedge_Mesh &mesh);
ElementRef copy_to(Halfedge_Mesh &mesh, unsigned int eid);
/// Clear mesh of all elements.
void clear();
/// Creates new sub-divided mesh with provided scheme
bool subdivide(SubD strategy);
/// Export to renderable vertex-index mesh. Indexes the mesh.
void to_mesh(GL::Mesh& mesh, bool split_faces) const;
void to_mesh(GL::Mesh &mesh, bool split_faces) const;
/// Create mesh from polygon list
std::string from_poly(const std::vector<std::vector<Index>>& polygons, const std::vector<Vec3>& verts);
/// Create mesh from renderable triangle mesh (beware of connectivity, does not de-duplicate vertices)
std::string from_mesh(const GL::Mesh& mesh);
std::string from_poly(const std::vector<std::vector<Index>> &polygons,
const std::vector<Vec3> &verts);
/// Create mesh from renderable triangle mesh (beware of connectivity, does not de-duplicate
/// vertices)
std::string from_mesh(const GL::Mesh &mesh);
/// For rendering
bool render_dirty_flag = false;
void mark_dirty();
bool flipped() const {return flip_orientation;}
void flip() {flip_orientation = !flip_orientation;};
bool flipped() const { return flip_orientation; }
void flip() { flip_orientation = !flip_orientation; };
Vec3 normal_of(ElementRef elem);
static Vec3 center_of(ElementRef elem);
......@@ -568,28 +569,28 @@ private:
Here we just say that one iterator comes before another if the address of the
object it points to is smaller. (You should not have to worry about this!)
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeCRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeCRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeCRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeCRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexCRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexCRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexCRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::VertexCRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeCRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeCRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeCRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeCRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef& j) {
inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef &i, const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef &j) {
return &*i < &*j;
......@@ -598,52 +599,52 @@ inline bool operator<(const Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef& i, const Halfedge_Mesh::Fac
Here we simply hash the unique ID of the element.
namespace std {
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::VertexCRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::VertexCRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::VertexCRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeCRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeCRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeCRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::FaceCRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
template<> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeCRef> {
template <> struct hash<Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeCRef> {
uint64_t operator()(Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeCRef key) const {
static const std::hash<unsigned int> h;
return h(key->id());
} // namespace std
#pragma once
#include "../lib/mathlib.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "../lib/mathlib.h"
template<typename T>
class Spline {
template <typename T> class Spline {
// Returns the interpolated value.
T at(float time) const;
......@@ -42,7 +40,8 @@ public:
// Returns set of keys
std::set<float> keys() const {
std::set<float> ret;
for(auto& e : control_points) ret.insert(e.first);
for (auto &e : control_points)
return ret;
......@@ -52,18 +51,19 @@ private:
// Given a time between 0 and 1, evaluates a cubic polynomial with
// the given endpoint and tangent values at the beginning (0) and
// end (1) of the interval
static T cubic_unit_spline(float time,
const T& position0, const T& position1,
const T& tangent0, const T& tangent1);
static T cubic_unit_spline(float time, const T &position0, const T &position1,
const T &tangent0, const T &tangent1);
class Spline<Quat> {
template <> class Spline<Quat> {
Quat at(float time) const {
if(values.empty()) return Quat::euler(Vec3(0.0f));
if(values.size() == 1) return values.begin()->second;
if(values.begin()->first > time)
if (values.empty())
return Quat::euler(Vec3(0.0f));
if (values.size() == 1)
return values.begin()->second;
if (values.begin()->first > time)
return values.begin()->second;
auto k2 = values.upper_bound(time);
if (k2 == values.end())
......@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ public:
float norm_t = (time - t1) / dt;
Quat qa = tangent(p0,p1,p2);
Quat pb = tangent(p1,p2,p3);
Quat qa = tangent(p0, p1, p2);
Quat pb = tangent(p1, p2, p3);
float slerpT = 2.0f * norm_t * (1.0f - norm_t);
Quat slerp1 = p1.slerp(p2, norm_t);
......@@ -103,18 +103,13 @@ public:
return slerp1.slerp(slerp2, slerpT);
Quat operator()(float time) const {
return at(time);
void set(float time, Quat value) {
values[time] = value;
void erase(float time) {
Quat operator()(float time) const { return at(time); }
void set(float time, Quat value) { values[time] = value; }
void erase(float time) { values.erase(time); }
std::set<float> keys() const {
std::set<float> ret;
for(auto& e : values) ret.insert(e.first);
for (auto &e : values)
return ret;
bool has(float t) const { return values.count(t); }
......@@ -127,7 +122,7 @@ public:
std::map<float, Quat> values;
static Quat tangent(const Quat& q0, const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2) {
static Quat tangent(const Quat &q0, const Quat &q1, const Quat &q2) {
Quat q1inv = q1.inverse();
Quat c1 = q1inv * q2;
Quat c2 = q1inv * q0;
......@@ -141,8 +136,7 @@ private:
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
class Splines {
template <typename T, typename... Ts> class Splines {
void set(float t, T arg, Ts... args) {
head.set(t, arg);
......@@ -152,12 +146,8 @@ public:
bool any() const {
return head.any() || tail.any();
bool has(float t) const {
return head.has(t) || tail.has(t);
bool any() const { return head.any() || tail.any(); }
bool has(float t) const { return head.has(t) || tail.has(t); }
void clear() {
......@@ -181,33 +171,16 @@ private:
Splines<Ts...> tail;
template<typename T>
class Splines<T> {
template <typename T> class Splines<T> {
void set(float t, T arg) {
head.set(t, arg);
void erase(float t) {
bool any() const {
return head.any();
bool has(float t) const {
return head.has(t);
void crop(float t) {
void clear() {
std::set<float> keys() const {
return head.keys();
std::tuple<T> at(float t) const {
return std::make_tuple(;
void set(float t, T arg) { head.set(t, arg); }
void erase(float t) { head.erase(t); }
bool any() const { return head.any(); }
bool has(float t) const { return head.has(t); }
void crop(float t) { head.crop(t); }
void clear() { head.clear(); }
std::set<float> keys() const { return head.keys(); }
std::tuple<T> at(float t) const { return std::make_tuple(; }
Spline<T> head;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -7,42 +7,42 @@
namespace Util {
GL::Mesh cube_mesh(float radius);
GL::Mesh square_mesh(float radius);
GL::Mesh quad_mesh(float x, float y);
GL::Mesh cyl_mesh(float radius, float height, int sides = 12, bool cap = true);
GL::Mesh torus_mesh(float iradius, float oradius, int segments = 48, int sides = 24);
GL::Mesh sphere_mesh(float r, int subdivsions);
GL::Mesh hemi_mesh(float r);
GL::Mesh cone_mesh(float bradius, float tradius, float height, int sides = 12, bool cap = true);
GL::Mesh capsule_mesh(float h, float r);
GL::Mesh arrow_mesh(float base, float tip, float height);
GL::Mesh scale_mesh();
GL::Lines spotlight_mesh(Vec3 color, float inner, float outer);
namespace Gen {
struct Data {
std::vector<GL::Mesh::Vert> verts;
std::vector<GL::Mesh::Index> elems;
struct LData {
std::vector<GL::Lines::Vert> verts;
GL::Mesh cube_mesh(float radius);
GL::Mesh square_mesh(float radius);
GL::Mesh quad_mesh(float x, float y);
GL::Mesh cyl_mesh(float radius, float height, int sides = 12, bool cap = true);
GL::Mesh torus_mesh(float iradius, float oradius, int segments = 48, int sides = 24);
GL::Mesh sphere_mesh(float r, int subdivsions);
GL::Mesh hemi_mesh(float r);
GL::Mesh cone_mesh(float bradius, float tradius, float height, int sides = 12, bool cap = true);
GL::Mesh capsule_mesh(float h, float r);
GL::Mesh merge(Data&& l, Data&& r);
LData merge(LData&& l, LData&& r);
GL::Mesh arrow_mesh(float base, float tip, float height);
GL::Mesh scale_mesh();
LData circle(Vec3 color, float r, int sides);
GL::Lines spotlight_mesh(Vec3 color, float inner, float outer);
Data cube(float r);
Data quad(float x, float y);
namespace Gen {
Data ico_sphere(float radius, int level);
Data uv_hemisphere(float radius);
Data cone(float bradius, float tradius, float height, int sides, bool caps);
Data torus(float iradius, float oradius, int segments, int sides);
struct Data {
std::vector<GL::Mesh::Vert> verts;
std::vector<GL::Mesh::Index> elems;
struct LData {
std::vector<GL::Lines::Vert> verts;
GL::Mesh merge(Data &&l, Data &&r);
LData merge(LData &&l, LData &&r);
LData circle(Vec3 color, float r, int sides);
Data cube(float r);
Data quad(float x, float y);
Data ico_sphere(float radius, int level);
Data uv_hemisphere(float radius);
Data cone(float bradius, float tradius, float height, int sides, bool caps);
Data torus(float iradius, float oradius, int segments, int sides);
} // namespace Gen
} // namespace Util
This diff is collapsed.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include "widgets.h"
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <set>
namespace Gui {
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public:
Anim_Camera(Vec2 dim) : dim(dim) {}
Camera at(float t) const;
void set(float t, const Camera& cam);
void set(float t, const Camera &cam);
Splines<Vec3, Quat, float, float> splines;
......@@ -25,31 +25,32 @@ private:
class Animate {
Animate(Vec2 screen_dim) :
ui_camera(screen_dim), anim_camera(screen_dim), ui_render(screen_dim) {}
Animate(Vec2 screen_dim)
: ui_camera(screen_dim), anim_camera(screen_dim), ui_render(screen_dim) {}
void update_dim(Vec2 dim);
bool keydown(Widgets& widgets, Undo& undo, Scene_ID sel, SDL_Keysym key);
bool keydown(Widgets &widgets, Undo &undo, Scene_ID sel, SDL_Keysym key);
Vec3 selected_pos(Scene_Item& item);
void end_transform(Undo& undo, Scene_Item& obj);
void apply_transform(Widgets& widgets, Scene_Item& obj);
bool select(Scene& scene, Widgets& widgets, Scene_ID selected, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
Vec3 selected_pos(Scene_Item &item);
void end_transform(Undo &undo, Scene_Item &obj);
void apply_transform(Widgets &widgets, Scene_Item &obj);
bool select(Scene &scene, Widgets &widgets, Scene_ID selected, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos,
Vec3 dir);
void render(Scene& scene, Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& cam);
void timeline(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Scene& scene, Scene_Maybe obj, Camera& user_cam);
void UIsidebar(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Camera& user_cam);
void render(Scene &scene, Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets &widgets, Camera &cam);
void timeline(Manager &manager, Undo &undo, Scene &scene, Scene_Maybe obj, Camera &user_cam);
void UIsidebar(Manager &manager, Undo &undo, Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Camera &user_cam);
void clear();
void update(Scene& scene);
void refresh(Scene& scene);
void update(Scene &scene);
void refresh(Scene &scene);
std::string pump_output(Scene& scene);
Camera set_time(Scene& scene, float time);
std::string pump_output(Scene &scene);
Camera set_time(Scene &scene, float time);
float fps() const;
int n_frames() const;
const Anim_Camera& camera() const;
Anim_Camera& camera();
const Anim_Camera &camera() const;
Anim_Camera &camera();
void set(int n_frames, int fps);
......@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ private:
Widget_Render ui_render;
Anim_Camera anim_camera;
Joint* joint_select = nullptr;
Joint *joint_select = nullptr;
unsigned int joint_id_offset = 0;
Pose old_pose;
......@@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ private:
bool camera_selected = false;
Scene_ID prev_selected = 0;
std::unordered_map<Scene_ID, GL::Lines> spline_cache;
void make_spline(Scene_ID id, const Anim_Pose& pose);
void make_spline(Scene_ID id, const Anim_Pose &pose);
void camera_spline();
} // namespace Gui
......@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
#include "layout.h"
#include "manager.h"
#include "../scene/undo.h"
#include "../scene/renderer.h"
#include "../scene/undo.h"
namespace Gui {
bool Layout::keydown(Widgets& widgets, SDL_Keysym key) {
return false;
bool Layout::keydown(Widgets &widgets, SDL_Keysym key) { return false; }
void Layout::render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& cam) {
void Layout::render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets &widgets, Camera &cam) {
if(!obj_opt.has_value()) return;
Scene_Item& item = obj_opt.value();
if (!obj_opt.has_value())
Scene_Item &item = obj_opt.value();
if(<Scene_Light>()) {
Scene_Light& light = item.get<Scene_Light>();
if(light.is_env()) return;
if (<Scene_Light>()) {
Scene_Light &light = item.get<Scene_Light>();
if (light.is_env())
Pose& pose = item.pose();
Pose &pose = item.pose();
float scale = std::min((cam.pos() - pose.pos).norm() / 5.5f, 10.0f);
Mat4 view = cam.get_view();
......@@ -32,32 +32,26 @@ void Layout::render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& cam) {
widgets.render(view, pose.pos, scale);
Scene_ID Layout::selected() const {
return selected_mesh;
Scene_ID Layout::selected() const { return selected_mesh; }
void Layout::clear_select() {
selected_mesh = 0;
void Layout::clear_select() { selected_mesh = 0; }
void Layout::set_selected(Scene_ID id) { selected_mesh = id; }
void Layout::set_selected(Scene_ID id) {
selected_mesh = id;
Vec3 Layout::selected_pos(Scene& scene) {
Vec3 Layout::selected_pos(Scene &scene) {
auto obj = scene.get(selected_mesh);
if(obj.has_value()) return obj->get().pose().pos;
if (obj.has_value())
return obj->get().pose().pos;
return {};
void Layout::select(Scene& scene, Widgets& widgets, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir) {
void Layout::select(Scene &scene, Widgets &widgets, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir) {
if (widgets.want_drag()) {
Scene_Item& item = scene.get(selected_mesh).value();
Pose& pose = item.pose();
Scene_Item &item = scene.get(selected_mesh).value();
Pose &pose = item.pose();
widgets.start_drag(pose.pos, cam, spos, dir);
old_pose = pose;
......@@ -66,22 +60,23 @@ void Layout::select(Scene& scene, Widgets& widgets, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2
void Layout::end_transform(Undo& undo, Scene_Item& obj) {
void Layout::end_transform(Undo &undo, Scene_Item &obj) {
undo.update_pose(, old_pose);
old_pose = {};
Mode Layout::UIsidebar(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Widgets& widgets, Scene_Maybe obj_opt) {
Mode Layout::UIsidebar(Manager &manager, Undo &undo, Widgets &widgets, Scene_Maybe obj_opt) {
if(!obj_opt.has_value()) return Mode::layout;
if (!obj_opt.has_value())
return Mode::layout;
ImGui::Text("Object Options");
Mode ret = manager.item_options(undo, Mode::layout, obj_opt.value(), old_pose);
return ret;
void Layout::apply_transform(Scene_Item& obj, Widgets& widgets) {
void Layout::apply_transform(Scene_Item &obj, Widgets &widgets) {
obj.pose() = widgets.apply_action(old_pose);
} // namespace Gui
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include "../util/camera.h"
#include "../scene/scene.h"
#include "../util/camera.h"
#include "widgets.h"
......@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ class Manager;
class Layout {
bool keydown(Widgets& widgets, SDL_Keysym key);
void render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& cam);
void select(Scene& scene, Widgets& widgets, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
Vec3 selected_pos(Scene& scene);
bool keydown(Widgets &widgets, SDL_Keysym key);
void render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets &widgets, Camera &cam);
void select(Scene &scene, Widgets &widgets, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
Vec3 selected_pos(Scene &scene);
void apply_transform(Scene_Item& obj, Widgets& widgets);
void end_transform(Undo& undo, Scene_Item& obj);
Mode UIsidebar(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Widgets& widgets, Scene_Maybe obj);
void apply_transform(Scene_Item &obj, Widgets &widgets);
void end_transform(Undo &undo, Scene_Item &obj);
Mode UIsidebar(Manager &manager, Undo &undo, Widgets &widgets, Scene_Maybe obj);
Scene_ID selected() const;
void clear_select();
......@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ private:
Scene_ID selected_mesh = (Scene_ID)Widget_IDs::none;
} // namespace Gui
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
#include "../lib/mathlib.h"
#include "../util/camera.h"
#include "../scene/undo.h"
#include "../scene/scene.h"
#include "../scene/undo.h"
#include "widgets.h"
#include "animate.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "rig.h"
#include "animate.h"
#include "widgets.h"
namespace Gui {
......@@ -27,16 +27,9 @@ struct Settings {
int samples = 4;
enum class Mode {
enum class Mode { layout, model, render, rig, animate, simulate };
#define RGBv(n,r,g,b) static inline const Vec3 n = Vec3(r##.0f,g##.0f,b##.0f) / 255.0f;
#define RGBv(n, r, g, b) static inline const Vec3 n = Vec3(r##.0f, g##.0f, b##.0f) / 255.0f;
struct Color {
RGBv(black, 0, 0, 0);
RGBv(outline, 242, 153, 41);
......@@ -52,35 +45,35 @@ struct Color {
class Manager {
Manager(Scene& scene, Vec2 window_dim);
Manager(Scene &scene, Vec2 window_dim);
// Input
void update_dim(Vec2 dim);
bool keydown(Undo& undo, SDL_Keysym key, Scene& scene, Camera& cam);
bool keydown(Undo &undo, SDL_Keysym key, Scene &scene, Camera &cam);
Rig& get_rig();
Render& get_render();
Animate& get_animate();
const Settings& get_settings() const;
Rig &get_rig();
Render &get_render();
Animate &get_animate();
const Settings &get_settings() const;
void set_file(std::string save);
// Object interaction
bool select(Scene& scene, Undo& undo, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
bool select(Scene &scene, Undo &undo, Scene_ID id, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
void clear_select();
void set_select(Scene_ID id);
void hover(Vec2 pixel, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
void drag_to(Scene& scene, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
void end_drag(Undo& undo, Scene& scene);
void drag_to(Scene &scene, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
void end_drag(Undo &undo, Scene &scene);
void render_3d(Scene& scene, Camera& camera);
void render_ui(Scene& scene, Undo& undo, Camera& camera);
void render_3d(Scene &scene, Camera &camera);
void render_ui(Scene &scene, Undo &undo, Camera &camera);
void set_error(std::string msg);
void invalidate_obj(Scene_ID id);
void light_edit_gui(Undo& undo, Scene_Light& light);
void material_edit_gui(Undo& undo, Scene_ID id, Material& material);
Mode item_options(Undo& undo, Mode cur_mode, Scene_Item& item, Pose& old_pose);
void light_edit_gui(Undo &undo, Scene_Light &light);
void material_edit_gui(Undo &undo, Scene_ID id, Material &material);
Mode item_options(Undo &undo, Mode cur_mode, Scene_Item &item, Pose &old_pose);
static bool wrap_button(std::string label);
......@@ -88,20 +81,20 @@ private:
void UIerror();
void UIstudent();
void UIsettings();
void UInew_obj(Undo& undo);
void UInew_light(Scene& scene, Undo& undo);
float UImenu(Scene& scene, Undo& undo);
void UIsidebar(Scene& scene, Undo& undo, float menu_height, Camera& cam);
void load_image(Scene_Light& image);
void frame(Scene& scene, Camera& cam);
void UInew_obj(Undo &undo);
void UInew_light(Scene &scene, Undo &undo);
float UImenu(Scene &scene, Undo &undo);
void UIsidebar(Scene &scene, Undo &undo, float menu_height, Camera &cam);
void load_image(Scene_Light &image);
void frame(Scene &scene, Camera &cam);
static inline const char* scene_file_types = "dae,obj,fbx,glb,gltf,3ds,blend,stl,ply";
static inline const char* image_file_types = "exr,jpg,jpeg,png,tga,bmp,psd,gif";
static inline const char *scene_file_types = "dae,obj,fbx,glb,gltf,3ds,blend,stl,ply";
static inline const char *image_file_types = "exr,jpg,jpeg,png,tga,bmp,psd,gif";
void render_selected(Scene_Object& obj);
void load_scene(Scene& scene, Undo& undo, bool clear);
void write_scene(Scene& scene);
void save_scene(Scene& scene);
void render_selected(Scene_Object &obj);
void load_scene(Scene &scene, Undo &undo, bool clear);
void write_scene(Scene &scene);
void save_scene(Scene &scene);
Mode mode = Mode::layout;
Layout layout;
......@@ -124,4 +117,4 @@ private:
Vec2 window_dim;
}; // namespace Gui
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../util/camera.h"
#include "../geometry/halfedge.h"
#include "../platform/gl.h"
#include "../scene/scene.h"
#include "../util/camera.h"
namespace Gui {
......@@ -19,52 +19,49 @@ public:
// Gui view API
bool keydown(Widgets& widgets, SDL_Keysym key, Camera& cam);
bool keydown(Widgets &widgets, SDL_Keysym key, Camera &cam);
void unset_mesh();
std::string UIsidebar(Undo& undo, Widgets& widgets, Scene_Maybe obj, Camera& cam);
void render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& cam);
std::string UIsidebar(Undo &undo, Widgets &widgets, Scene_Maybe obj, Camera &cam);
void render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets &widgets, Camera &cam);
Vec3 selected_pos();
void clear_select();
std::string end_transform(Widgets& widgets, Undo& undo, Scene_Object& obj);
void apply_transform(Widgets& widgets);
std::string select(Widgets& widgets, Scene_ID click, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
std::string end_transform(Widgets &widgets, Undo &undo, Scene_Object &obj);
void apply_transform(Widgets &widgets);
std::string select(Widgets &widgets, Scene_ID click, Vec3 cam, Vec2 spos, Vec3 dir);
std::tuple<GL::Mesh&,GL::Instances&,GL::Instances&,GL::Instances&> shapes();
std::tuple<GL::Mesh &, GL::Instances &, GL::Instances &, GL::Instances &> shapes();
unsigned int select_id() const;
unsigned int hover_id() const;
void set_hover(unsigned int id);
template<typename T>
std::string update_mesh(Undo& undo, Scene_Object& obj, Halfedge_Mesh&& before, Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef ref, T&& op);
template<typename T>
std::string update_mesh_global(Undo& undo, Scene_Object& obj, Halfedge_Mesh&& before, T&& op);
void zoom_to(Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef ref, Camera& cam);
void set_mesh(Halfedge_Mesh& mesh);
template <typename T>
std::string update_mesh(Undo &undo, Scene_Object &obj, Halfedge_Mesh &&before,
Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef ref, T &&op);
template <typename T>
std::string update_mesh_global(Undo &undo, Scene_Object &obj, Halfedge_Mesh &&before, T &&op);
void zoom_to(Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef ref, Camera &cam);
void set_mesh(Halfedge_Mesh &mesh);
void begin_transform();
bool begin_bevel(std::string& err);
bool begin_bevel(std::string &err);
void set_selected(Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef elem);
std::optional<Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef> selected_element();
void rebuild();
void update_vertex(Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef vert);
void vertex_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef v, float& size, Mat4& transform);
void edge_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef e, Mat4& transform);
void halfedge_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef h, Mat4& transform);
void face_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef face, std::vector<GL::Mesh::Vert>& verts,
std::vector<GL::Mesh::Index>& idxs, size_t insert_at);
void vertex_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef v, float &size, Mat4 &transform);
void edge_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::EdgeRef e, Mat4 &transform);
void halfedge_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef h, Mat4 &transform);
void face_viz(Halfedge_Mesh::FaceRef face, std::vector<GL::Mesh::Vert> &verts,
std::vector<GL::Mesh::Index> &idxs, size_t insert_at);
Halfedge_Mesh* my_mesh = nullptr;
Halfedge_Mesh *my_mesh = nullptr;
Halfedge_Mesh old_mesh;
enum class Bevel {
enum class Bevel { face, edge, vert };
Bevel beveling;
struct Transform_Data {
......@@ -92,4 +89,4 @@ private:
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, float> vert_sizes;
} // namespace Gui
#include <nfd/nfd.h>
#include <imgui/imgui.h>
#include <nfd/nfd.h>
#include <sf_libs/stb_image_write.h>
#include "../platform/platform.h"
#include "../scene/renderer.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "manager.h"
#include "render.h"
namespace Gui {
Render::Render(Scene& scene, Vec2 dim) :
ui_camera(dim), ui_render(dim) {}
Render::Render(Scene &scene, Vec2 dim) : ui_camera(dim), ui_render(dim) {}
void Render::update_dim(Vec2 dim) {
void Render::update_dim(Vec2 dim) { ui_camera.dim(dim); }
bool Render::keydown(Widgets& widgets, SDL_Keysym key) {
return false;
bool Render::keydown(Widgets &widgets, SDL_Keysym key) { return false; }
void Render::render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& user_cam) {
void Render::render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets &widgets, Camera &user_cam) {
Mat4 view = user_cam.get_view();
Renderer& renderer = Renderer::get();
Renderer &renderer = Renderer::get();
if(!ui_camera.moving()) {
if (!ui_camera.moving()) {
if(render_ray_log && !ui_render.in_progress()) {
if (render_ray_log && !ui_render.in_progress()) {
if(visualize_bvh) {
if (visualize_bvh) {
renderer.lines(bvh_viz, view);
renderer.lines(bvh_active, view);
......@@ -43,14 +38,15 @@ void Render::render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& user_cam) {
if(obj_opt.has_value()) {
if (obj_opt.has_value()) {
Scene_Item& item = obj_opt.value();
Scene_Item &item = obj_opt.value();
float scale = std::min((user_cam.pos() - item.pose().pos).norm() / 5.5f, 10.0f);
if(<Scene_Light>()) {
Scene_Light& light = item.get<Scene_Light>();
if(light.is_env()) return;
if (<Scene_Light>()) {
Scene_Light &light = item.get<Scene_Light>();
if (light.is_env())
......@@ -59,13 +55,12 @@ void Render::render(Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Widgets& widgets, Camera& user_cam) {
const Camera& Render::get_cam() const {
return ui_camera.get();
const Camera &Render::get_cam() const { return ui_camera.get(); }
void Render::load_cam(Vec3 pos, Vec3 center, float ar, float hfov) {
if(ar == 0.0f) ar = ui_render.wh_ar();
if (ar == 0.0f)
ar = ui_render.wh_ar();
float fov = 2.0f * std::atan((1.0f / ar) * std::tan(hfov / 2.0f));
fov = Degrees(fov);
......@@ -73,11 +68,12 @@ void Render::load_cam(Vec3 pos, Vec3 center, float ar, float hfov) {
ui_camera.load(center, pos, ar, fov);
Mode Render::UIsidebar(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Scene& scene, Scene_Maybe obj_opt, Camera& user_cam) {
Mode Render::UIsidebar(Manager &manager, Undo &undo, Scene &scene, Scene_Maybe obj_opt,
Camera &user_cam) {
Mode mode = Mode::render;
if(obj_opt.has_value()) {
if (obj_opt.has_value()) {
ImGui::Text("Object Options");
mode = manager.item_options(undo, mode, obj_opt.value(), old_pose);
......@@ -93,8 +89,8 @@ Mode Render::UIsidebar(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Scene& scene, Scene_Maybe o
bool update_bvh = false;
if(visualize_bvh) {
if(ImGui::SliderInt("Level", &bvh_level, 0, (int)bvh_levels)) {
if (visualize_bvh) {
if (ImGui::SliderInt("Level", &bvh_level, 0, (int)bvh_levels)) {
update_bvh = true;
......@@ -104,29 +100,27 @@ Mode Render::UIsidebar(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Scene& scene, Scene_Maybe o
update_bvh = update_bvh || ui_render.UI(scene, ui_camera, user_cam, err);
if(update_bvh) {
if (update_bvh) {
update_bvh = false;
bvh_levels = ui_render.tracer().visualize_bvh(bvh_viz, bvh_active, (size_t)bvh_level);
if(ImGui::Button("Open Render Window")) {
if (ImGui::Button("Open Render Window")) {;
return mode;
std::pair<float,float> Render::completion_time() const {
return ui_render.completion_time();
std::pair<float, float> Render::completion_time() const { return ui_render.completion_time(); }
std::string Render::headless_render(Animate& animate, Scene& scene, std::string output,
bool a, int w, int h, int s, int ls, int d, float exp, bool w_from_ar) {
if(w_from_ar) {
std::string Render::headless_render(Animate &animate, Scene &scene, std::string output, bool a,
int w, int h, int s, int ls, int d, float exp, bool w_from_ar) {
if (w_from_ar) {
w = (int)std::ceil(ui_camera.get_ar() * h);
return ui_render.headless(animate, scene, ui_camera.get(), output, a, w, h, s, ls, d, exp);
} // namespace Gui
#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <mutex>
#include "../util/camera.h"
#include "../scene/scene.h"
#include "../platform/gl.h"
#include "../rays/pathtracer.h"
#include "../scene/scene.h"
#include "../util/camera.h"
#include "widgets.h"
......@@ -18,19 +18,20 @@ class Manager;
class Render {
Render(Scene& scene, Vec2 dim);
Render(Scene &scene, Vec2 dim);
std::string headless_render(Animate& animate, Scene& scene, std::string output,
bool a, int w, int h, int s, int ls, int d, float exp, bool w_from_ar);
std::pair<float,float> completion_time() const;
std::string headless_render(Animate &animate, Scene &scene, std::string output, bool a, int w,
int h, int s, int ls, int d, float exp, bool w_from_ar);
std::pair<float, float> completion_time() const;
bool keydown(Widgets& widgets, SDL_Keysym key);
Mode UIsidebar(Manager& manager, Undo& undo, Scene& scene, Scene_Maybe selected, Camera& user_cam);
void render(Scene_Maybe obj, Widgets& widgets, Camera& user_cam);
bool keydown(Widgets &widgets, SDL_Keysym key);
Mode UIsidebar(Manager &manager, Undo &undo, Scene &scene, Scene_Maybe selected,
Camera &user_cam);
void render(Scene_Maybe obj, Widgets &widgets, Camera &user_cam);
void update_dim(Vec2 dim);
void load_cam(Vec3 pos, Vec3 front, float ar, float fov);
const Camera& get_cam() const;
const Camera &get_cam() const;
GL::Lines bvh_viz, bvh_active;
......@@ -45,4 +46,4 @@ private:
size_t bvh_levels = 0;
} // namespace Gui
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