Commit afa3f68f authored by TheNumbat's avatar TheNumbat
Browse files

fix 0 particle/s

parent 59ff78b6
......@@ -121,28 +121,31 @@ void Scene_Particles::step(const PT::BVH<PT::Object>& scene, float dt) {
float cos = std::cos(Radians(opt.angle) / 2.0f);
double cooldown = 1.0 / opt.pps;
while(particle_cooldown <= 0.0f) {
if(opt.pps > 0.0f) {
double cooldown = 1.0 / opt.pps;
while(particle_cooldown <= 0.0f) {
float z = lerp(cos, 1.0f, RNG::unit());
float t = 2 * PI_F * RNG::unit();
float r = std::sqrt(1 - z * z);
Vec3 dir = opt.velocity * Vec3(r * std::cos(t), z, r * std::sin(t));
float z = lerp(cos, 1.0f, RNG::unit());
float t = 2 * PI_F * RNG::unit();
float r = std::sqrt(1 - z * z);
Vec3 dir = opt.velocity * Vec3(r * std::cos(t), z, r * std::sin(t));
Particle p;
p.pos = pose.pos;
p.velocity = pose.rotation_mat().rotate(dir);
p.age = opt.lifetime;
Particle p;
p.pos = pose.pos;
p.velocity = pose.rotation_mat().rotate(dir);
p.age = opt.lifetime;
Mat4 T = Mat4{Vec4{S, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, Vec4{0.0f, S, 0.0f, 0.0f},
Vec4{0.0f, 0.0f, S, 0.0f}, Vec4{p.pos, 1.0f}};
Mat4 T = Mat4{Vec4{S, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, Vec4{0.0f, S, 0.0f, 0.0f},
Vec4{0.0f, 0.0f, S, 0.0f}, Vec4{p.pos, 1.0f}};
particle_cooldown += cooldown;
particle_cooldown += cooldown;
particle_cooldown -= dt;
particle_cooldown -= dt;
particles = std::move(next);
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