@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ inset (i.e., shunken or expanded) by a user-controllable amount.
- Vertex Extrude: The selected vertex _v_ is beveled by a flat amount (we use 1/3 the length of the edge from the original vertex _v_ to an adjacent vertex endpoint as the tangential offset), a new vertex _v'_ is inserted into the resulting face, and _v'_ is offset in its normal direction by a user-controllable amount.
- Face Bevel: The selected face _f_ is replaced by a new face _g_, as well
as a ring of faces around _g_, such that the vertices of _g_ connect to the
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ user-controllable amount.
- Face Inset: The selected face _f_ is replaced by a new face _g_ as in Face Bevel, but its vertices are only offset in the tangent direction by a constant factor (we use 1/3 in the example).
- Edge Bisect: The selected edge _e_ is split at its midpoint, and the new vertex _v_ at the split is returned. Note that the new vertex _v_ is not connected to the two opposite vertices as in Edge Split.
@@ -138,6 +147,7 @@ the path tracer), this command will be applied only to the selected mesh.
- Triangulate: Each polygon is split into triangles.
To view a rigged example, see `media/human.dae` example and select the object in the Rig tab to view its joints.
Once you've implemented forward kinematics the skeleton should be setup like so:
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ Once you've implemented forward kinematics the skeleton should be setup like so:
Each joint has an associated `Radius` which controls the part of the mesh influenced by the selected bone during animaton. The radius is visualized by the blue capsule around each bone and can be edited using the menu. The position of the joint can also be edited using the `Extent` values in the menu.
Note that rigging only uses extents of the bone for skeleton setup, joint pose does not influence the skeleton. Once rigging is done, the object can be posed by changing joint rotations in the [animate](/docs/guide/animate.md) mode.
@@ -35,7 +37,4 @@ To associate a target position with a joint, select `Add IK` and edit the target
In the [animate](/docs/guide/animate.md) mode, once inverse kinematics is implemented, joint rotation(pose) is updated based on the enabled IK handles.
In this task you will implement a bounding volume hierarchy that accelerates ray-scene intersection. Most of this work will be in `student/bvh.inl`. Note that this file has an unusual extension (`.inl` = inline) because it is an implementation file for a template class. This means `bvh.h` must `#include` it, so all code that sees `bvh.h` will also see `bvh.inl`.
"Camera rays" emanate from the camera and measure the amount of scene radiance that reaches a point on the camera's sensor plane. (Given a point on the virtual sensor plane, there is a corresponding camera ray that is traced into the scene.) Your job is to generate these rays, which is the first step in the raytracing procedure.
The final task of this assignment will be to implement a new type of light source: an infinite environment light. An environment light is a light that supplies incident radiance (really, the light intensity dPhi/dOmega) from all directions on the sphere. Rather than using a predefined collection of explicit lights, an environment light is a capture of the actual incoming light from some real-world scene; rendering using environment lighting can be quite striking.
Now that you have implemented the ability to sample more complex light paths, it's time to add support for more types of materials. In this task you will add support for two types of specular materials: mirrors and glass. These materials are implemented in `student/bsdf.cpp`.
- In the diagrams below, both `out_dir` and `in_dir` are pointing _away_ from the intersection point. This is so that we can more consistently consider their angles with respect to the surface normal.
- Remember that we are tracing rays _backwards_, from the camera into the scene. This is why the computed scattering direction (`in_dir`) corresponds with the _incoming_ light.
First, take another at the BSDF interface in `rays/bsdf.h`. There are a number of key methods you should understand in `BSDF`:
@@ -32,9 +31,9 @@ To complete the mirror and glass materials, you will only need to implement thei
Finally, when working with Snell's law, there is a special case to account for: total internal reflection. This occurs when a ray hits a refractive boundary at an angle greater than the _critical angle_. The critical angle is the incident \theta_i that causes the refracted \theta_t to be >= 90 degrees, hence can produce no real solution to Snell's Law. In this case, you should set `was_internal` to `true`.
You also need to implement the `hit` routines for the `Sphere` class in `student/shapes.cpp`. Remember that your intersection tests should respect the ray's `dist_bounds`, and that normals should be out-facing.