Commit 57f98ce1 authored by TheNumbat's avatar TheNumbat
Browse files

fix multi-boundary mesh loading

parent 768c19db
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ void Halfedge_Mesh::clear() {
render_dirty_flag = true;
next_id = Gui::n_Widget_IDs;
void Halfedge_Mesh::copy_to(Halfedge_Mesh &mesh) { copy_to(mesh, 0); }
......@@ -42,10 +43,10 @@ Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef Halfedge_Mesh::copy_to(Halfedge_Mesh &mesh, unsigned i
// with elements of the new mesh. (Note that we can use a single
// map for both interior and boundary faces, because the map
// doesn't care which list of faces these iterators come from.)
std::unordered_map<HalfedgeCRef, HalfedgeRef> halfedgeOldToNew(n_halfedges());
std::unordered_map<VertexCRef, VertexRef> vertexOldToNew(n_vertices());
std::unordered_map<EdgeCRef, EdgeRef> edgeOldToNew(n_edges());
std::unordered_map<FaceCRef, FaceRef> faceOldToNew(n_faces());
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, HalfedgeRef> halfedgeOldToNew(n_halfedges());
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, VertexRef> vertexOldToNew(n_vertices());
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, EdgeRef> edgeOldToNew(n_edges());
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, FaceRef> faceOldToNew(n_faces());
// Copy geometry from the original mesh and create a map from
// pointers in the original mesh to those in the new mesh.
......@@ -53,49 +54,49 @@ Halfedge_Mesh::ElementRef Halfedge_Mesh::copy_to(Halfedge_Mesh &mesh, unsigned i
auto hn = mesh.halfedges.insert(mesh.halfedges.end(), *h);
if (h->id() == eid)
ret = hn;
halfedgeOldToNew[h] = hn;
halfedgeOldToNew[h->id()] = hn;
for (VertexCRef v = vertices_begin(); v != vertices_end(); v++) {
auto vn = mesh.vertices.insert(mesh.vertices.end(), *v);
if (v->id() == eid)
ret = vn;
vertexOldToNew[v] = vn;
vertexOldToNew[v->id()] = vn;
for (EdgeCRef e = edges_begin(); e != edges_end(); e++) {
auto en = mesh.edges.insert(mesh.edges.end(), *e);
if (e->id() == eid)
ret = en;
edgeOldToNew[e] = en;
edgeOldToNew[e->id()] = en;
for (FaceCRef f = faces_begin(); f != faces_end(); f++) {
auto fn = mesh.faces.insert(mesh.faces.end(), *f);
if (f->id() == eid)
ret = fn;
faceOldToNew[f] = fn;
faceOldToNew[f->id()] = fn;
for (FaceCRef b = boundaries_begin(); b != boundaries_end(); b++) {
auto bn = mesh.boundaries.insert(mesh.boundaries.end(), *b);
if (b->id() == eid)
ret = bn;
faceOldToNew[b] = bn;
faceOldToNew[b->id()] = bn;
// "Search and replace" old pointers with new ones.
for (HalfedgeRef he = mesh.halfedges_begin(); he != mesh.halfedges_end(); he++) {
he->next() = halfedgeOldToNew[he->next()];
he->twin() = halfedgeOldToNew[he->twin()];
he->vertex() = vertexOldToNew[he->vertex()];
he->edge() = edgeOldToNew[he->edge()];
he->face() = faceOldToNew[he->face()];
he->next() = halfedgeOldToNew[he->next()->id()];
he->twin() = halfedgeOldToNew[he->twin()->id()];
he->vertex() = vertexOldToNew[he->vertex()->id()];
he->edge() = edgeOldToNew[he->edge()->id()];
he->face() = faceOldToNew[he->face()->id()];
for (VertexRef v = mesh.vertices_begin(); v != mesh.vertices_end(); v++)
v->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[v->halfedge()];
v->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[v->halfedge()->id()];
for (EdgeRef e = mesh.edges_begin(); e != mesh.edges_end(); e++)
e->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[e->halfedge()];
e->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[e->halfedge()->id()];
for (FaceRef f = mesh.faces_begin(); f != mesh.faces_end(); f++)
f->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[f->halfedge()];
f->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[f->halfedge()->id()];
for (FaceRef b = mesh.boundaries_begin(); b != mesh.boundaries_end(); b++)
b->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[b->halfedge()];
b->halfedge() = halfedgeOldToNew[b->halfedge()->id()];
mesh.render_dirty_flag = true;
mesh.next_id = next_id;
......@@ -467,6 +468,8 @@ bool Halfedge_Mesh::subdivide(SubD strategy) {
} break;
case SubD::loop: {
if (boundaries.size())
return false;
for (FaceRef f = faces_begin(); f != faces_end(); f++) {
if (f->degree() != 3)
return false;
......@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ public:
Size n_vertices() const { return vertices.size(); };
Size n_edges() const { return edges.size(); };
Size n_faces() const { return faces.size(); };
Size n_boundaries() const { return boundaries.size(); };
Size n_halfedges() const { return halfedges.size(); };
/// Check if half-edge mesh is valid
......@@ -62,24 +62,30 @@ void Model::update_vertex(Halfedge_Mesh::VertexRef vert) {
vertex_viz(v, d, vi.transform);
vert_sizes[v->id()] = d;
size_t idx = id_to_info[h->face()->id()].instance;
face_viz(h->face(), face_mesh.edit_verts(), face_mesh.edit_indices(), idx);
Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef fh = h->face()->halfedge();
do {
halfedge_viz(fh, arrows.get(id_to_info[fh->id()].instance).transform);
fh = fh->next();
} while (fh != h->face()->halfedge());
if(!h->face()->is_boundary()) {
size_t idx = id_to_info[h->face()->id()].instance;
face_viz(h->face(), face_mesh.edit_verts(), face_mesh.edit_indices(), idx);
Halfedge_Mesh::HalfedgeRef fh = h->face()->halfedge();
do {
halfedge_viz(fh, arrows.get(id_to_info[fh->id()].instance).transform);
fh = fh->next();
} while (fh != h->face()->halfedge());
h = h->twin()->next();
} while (h != vert->halfedge());
// Update surrounding halfedges & edges
do {
GL::Instances::Info &hi = arrows.get(id_to_info[h->id()].instance);
halfedge_viz(h, hi.transform);
GL::Instances::Info &thi = arrows.get(id_to_info[h->twin()->id()].instance);
halfedge_viz(h->twin(), thi.transform);
if(!h->is_boundary()) {
GL::Instances::Info &hi = arrows.get(id_to_info[h->id()].instance);
halfedge_viz(h, hi.transform);
if(!h->twin()->is_boundary()) {
GL::Instances::Info &thi = arrows.get(id_to_info[h->twin()->id()].instance);
halfedge_viz(h->twin(), thi.transform);
GL::Instances::Info &e = cylinders.get(id_to_info[h->edge()->id()].instance);
edge_viz(h->edge(), e.transform);
......@@ -375,8 +381,6 @@ void Model::rebuild() {
std::vector<GL::Mesh::Index> idxs;
for (auto f = mesh.faces_begin(); f != mesh.faces_end(); f++) {
if (f->is_boundary())
face_viz(f, verts, idxs, verts.size());
face_mesh.recreate(std::move(verts), std::move(idxs));
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