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# Scotty3D
Welcome to Scotty3D! This 3D graphics software implements interactive mesh
editing, realistic path tracing, and dynamic animation. Implementing the
functionality of the program constitutes the majority of the coursework for
15-462/662 Computer Graphics at Carnegie Mellon University
The [User Guide](docs/guide/ describes the intended functionality of the software to an end user.
The components of the Developer Manual are exhaustively listed on the sidebar to the right, and are organized under the three main components of the software:
- [MeshEdit](docs/meshedit/
- [PathTracer](docs/pathtracer/
- [Animation](docs/animation/
See the sidebar on the right for access to all material in this wiki. In particular,
please read through the [Project Philosophy](docs/ before you begin work.
## Build Instructions
![Ubuntu Build Status]( ![MacOS Build Status]( ![Windows Build Status](
To get the code:
```git clone```
Note: the first build on any platform will be very slow, as it must compile the source-based dependencies. Subsequent builds will only need to re-compile your edited Scotty3D code.
### Linux
The following packages (ubuntu/debian) are required, as well as CMake and either gcc or clang:
sudo apt install pkg-config libgtk-3-dev libsdl2-dev
The version of CMake packaged with apt may be too old (we are using the latest version). If this is the case, you can install the latest version through pip:
pip install cmake
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
Finally, to build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
The same process should also work modified for your distro/package manager of choice. Note that if you are using Wayland, you may need to set the environment variable ``SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland`` when running ``Scotty3D`` for acceptable performance.
- You can instead use ``cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..`` to build in debug mode, which, while far slower, makes the debugging experience much more intuitive.
- You can replace ``4`` with the number of build processes to run in parallel (set to the number of cores in your machine for maximum utilization).
- If you have both gcc and clang installed and want to build with clang, you should run ``CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ..`` instead.
### Windows
The windows build only supports the Visual Studio compiler (for now). You can download Visual Studio Community 2019 [here]( Be sure to install the "Desktop development with C++" component.
You can download CMake for windows [here](
Once the Visual Studio compiler (MSVC) is installed, you can access it by running "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019," which opens a terminal with the utilities in scope. The compiler is called ``cl``. You can also import these utilities in any terminal session by running the script installed at ``C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat``.
We also provide a simple script, ``build_win.bat``, that will automatically import the compiler and build the project. You should be able to simply run it in the project root to build. ``Scotty3D.exe`` will be generated under ``build/RelWithDebInfo/``.
If you want to build manually, the steps (assuming MSVC is in scope) are:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
You can also use ``--config Debug`` to build in debug mode, which, while far slower, makes the debugging experience much more intuitive. If you swap this, be sure to make a new build directory for it.
Finally, also note that ``cmake ..`` generates a Visual Studio solution file in the current directory. You can open this solution (``Scotty3D.sln``) in Visual Studio itself and use its interface to build, run, and debug the project. (Using the Visual Studio debugger or the provided VSCode launch options for debugging is highly recommended.)
### MacOS
The following packages are required, as well as CMake and clang. You can install them with [homebrew](
brew install pkg-config sdl2
To build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
- You can instead use ``cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..`` to build in debug mode, which, while far slower, makes the debugging experience much more intuitive.
- You can replace ``4`` with the number of build processes to run in parallel (set to the number of cores in your machine for maximum utilization).
The User Guide provides some end-user information on how to use Scotty3D.
## Modes and Actions
The basic paradigm in Scotty3D is that there are six different _modes_, each
of which lets you perform certain class of actions. For instance, in `Model` mode, you
can perform actions associated with modeling, such as moving mesh elements and performing global mesh operations.
When in `Animate` mode, you can perform actions associated with animation. Etc.
Within a given mode, you can
switch between actions by hitting the appropriate key; keyboard commands are
listed below for each mode. Note that the input scheme may change depending on
the mode. For instance, key commands in `Model` mode may result in
different actions in `Render` mode.
The current mode is displayed as the "pressed" button in the menu bar, and available actions
are are detailed in the left sidebar. Note that some actions are only available when a model/element/etc. is selected.
## Global Navigation
In all modes, you can move the camera around and select scene elements. Information about your selection will be shown in the left sidebar.
The camera can be manipulated in three ways:
- Rotate: holding shift, left-clicking, and dragging will orbit the camera about the scene. Holding middle click and dragging has the same effect.
- Zoom: using the scroll wheel or scrolling on your trackpad will move the camera towards or away from its center.
- Translate: right-clicking (or using multi-touch on a trackpad, e.g., two-finger click-and-drag) and dragging will move the camera around the scene.
## Global Preferences
You can open the preferences window from the edit option in the menu bar.
- Multisampling: this controls how many samples are used for MSAA when rendering scene objects in the Scotty3D interface. If your computer struggles to render complex scenes, try changing this to `1`.
## Global Undo
As is typical, all operations on scene objects, meshes, etc. are un and re-doable using Control/Command-Z to undo and Control/Command-Y to redo. These actions are also available from the `Edit` option in the menu bar.
## Mode Guides
- [Layout](
- [Model](
- [Render](
- [Rig](
- [Animate](
- [Simulate](
# Layout
This is the main scene editing mode in Scotty3D, and does not contain tasks for the student to implement.
This mode allows you to load full scenes from disk, create or load new objects, export your scene (COLLADA format), and edit transformations that place each object into your scene.
## Creating Objects
There are three ways to add objects to your scene:
- `Import New Scene`: clears the current scene (!) and replaces it with objects loaded from a file on disk.
- `Import Objects`: loads objects from a file, adding them to the current scene.
- `New Object`: creates a new object from a choice of various platonic solids.
To save your scene to disk (including all meshes and their transformations) use the `Export Scene` option.
Scotty3D supports loading objects from the following file formats:
- dae (COLLADA)
- obj
- fbx
- gltf / glb
- 3ds
- stl
- blend
Scotty3D only supports exporting scenes to COLLADA.
## Managing Objects
Left clicking on or enabling the check box of your object under `Select an Object` will select it. Information about that object's transformation will appear under `Edit Object` beneath the "Select an Object" options.
Under `Edit Object`, you may directly edit the values of the object's position, rotation (X->Y->Z Euler angles), and scale. Note that clicking and dragging on the values will smoothly scale them, and Control/Command-clicking on the value will let you edit it as text.
You can also edit the transformation using the `Move`, `Rotate`, and `Scale` tools. One of these options is always active. This determines the transformation widgets that appear at the origin of the object model.
- `Move`: click and drag on the red (X), green (Y), or blue (Z) arrow to move the object along the X/Y/Z axis. Click and drag on the red (YZ), green (XZ), or blue (XY) squares to move the object in the YZ/XZ/XY plane.
- `Rotate`: click and drag on the red (X), green (Y), or blue (Z) loop to rotate the object about the X/Y/Z axis. Note that these rotations are applied relative to the current pose, so they do not necessarily correspond to smooth transformations of the X/Y/Z Euler angles.
- `Scale`: click and drag on the red (X), green (Y), or blue(Z) block to scale the object about the X/Y/Z axis. Again note that this scale is applied relative to the current pose.
Finally, you may remove the object from the scene by pressing `Delete` or hitting the Delete key. You may swap to `Model` mode with this mesh selected by pressing `Edit Mesh`. Note that if this mesh is non-manifold, this option will not appear.
## Key Bindings
| Key | Command |
| :-------------------: | :--------------------------------------------: |
| `r` | Swap between `Move`, `Rotate`, and `Scale`. |
| `delete` | Delete currently selected mesh. |
## Demo
# Project Philosophy
Welcome to your first day of work at Scotty Industries! Over the next few months
you will implement core features in Scotty Industries' flagship product
Scotty3D, which is a modern package for 3D modeling, rendering, and animation.
In terms of basic structure, this package doesn't look much different from
"real" 3D tools like Maya, Blender, modo, or Houdini. Your overarching goal is
to use the developer manual to implement a package that
works as described in the [User Guide](guide/, much as you would at a real
software company (more details below).
Note that the User Guide is **not** an Assignment Writeup. The User Guide
contains only instructions on how to use the software, and serves as a
high-level specification of _what the software should do_. The Developer Guide
contains information about the internals of the code, i.e., _how the software
works_. This division is quite common in software development: there is a
**design specification** or "design spec", and an **implementation** that
implements that spec. Also, as in the real world, the design spec does _not_
necessarily specify every tiny detail of how the software should behave! Some
behaviors may be undefined, and some of these details are left up to the party
who implements the specification. A good example you have already seen is
OpenGL, which defines some important rules about how rasterization should
behave, but is not a "pixel-exact" specification. In other words, two different
OpenGL implementations from two different vendors (Intel and NVIDIA, say) may
produce images that differ by a number of pixels. Likewise, in this assignment,
your implementation may differ from the implementation of your classmates in
terms of the exact values it produces, or the particular collection of
corner-cases it handles. However, as a developer you should strive to provide a
solution that meets a few fundamental criteria:
* [Failing gracefully]( is
preferable to failing utterly---for instance, if a rare corner case is difficult
to handle, it is far better to simply refuse to perform the operation than to
let the program crash!
* Your implementation should follow the [principle of least
surprise]( A user
should be able to expect that things behave more or less as they are described
in the User Guide.
* You should not use an algorithm whose performance is [asymptotically
worse]( just
because it makes your code easier to write (for instance, using [bubble
sort]( rather than [merge
sort]( on large data sets).
* That being said, when it comes to performance, [premature optimization is
the root of all evil!]( The only way to know whether an optimization matters is to [measure performance](, and understand [bottlenecks](
* Finally, you should take pride in your craft. Beautiful things just tend to work better.
Just to reiterate the main point above:
**As in real-world software development, we will not specify every little detail
about how methods in this assignment should work!**
If you encounter a tough corner case (e.g., "how should edge flip behave for a
tetrahedron"), we want you to _think about what a good **design choice** might
be_, and implement it to the best of your ability. This activity is part of
becoming a world-class developer. However, we are more than happy to discuss
good design choices with you, and you should also feel free to discuss these
choices with your classmates. Practically speaking, it is ok for routines to
simply show an error if they encounter a rare and difficult corner case---as long as it
does not interfere with successful operation of the program (i.e., if it does
not crash or yield bizarre behavior). Your main goal here above all else should be
to develop _effective tool for modeling, rendering, and animation_.
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