@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ The starter code constructs a valid BVH, but it is a trivial BVH with a single n
Finally, note that the BVH visualizer will start drawing from `BVH::root_idx`, so be sure to set this to the proper index (probably 0 or `nodes.size() - 1`, depending on your implementation) when you build the BVH.

## Step 0: Bounding Box Calculation
@@ -39,3 +36,24 @@ Your job is to construct a `BVH` using the [Surface Area Heuristic](http://15462
## Step 2: Ray-BVH Intersection
Implement the ray-BVH intersection routine `Trace BVH<Primitive>::hit(const Ray& ray)`. You may wish to consider the node visit order optimizations we discussed in class. Once complete, your renderer should be able to render all of the test scenes in a reasonable amount of time. [Visualization of normals](visualization_of_normals.md) may help with debugging.
## Visualization
In Render mode, simply check the box for "BVH", and you would be able to see the BVH you generated in task 3 when you **start rendering**. You can click on the horizontal bar to see each level of your BVH.

The bvh constructed for spot on the 10th level.

The bvh constructed for a scene composed of several cubs and spheres on the 0th level.

The bvh constructed for a scene composed of several cubs and spheres on the 1st level.