Commit ca7443d7 authored by Yuwei Xiao's avatar Yuwei Xiao
Browse files


\ No newline at end of file
[submodule "libigl"]
path = libigl
url =
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall")
# libigl
option(LIBIGL_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY "Use libigl as static library" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_CORK "Use Cork" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_EMBREE "Use Embree" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_MATLAB "Use Matlab" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_PYTHON "Use Python" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_TETGEN "Use Tetgen" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_TRIANGLE "Use Triangle" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_VIEWER "Use OpenGL viewer" ON)
# Add default project files
file(GLOB LIBFILES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../include/*.*)
source_group("Library Files" FILES ${LIBFILES})
# Add your project files
file(GLOB SRCFILES *.cpp)
file(GLOB HFILES *.h)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRCFILES} ${HFILES} ${LIBFILES} )
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} igl::core igl::opengl_glfw igl::opengl_glfw_imgui)
\ No newline at end of file
#include "DummySim.h"
using namespace std;
* Example simulation that changes the colors of a cube.
DummySim::DummySim() : Simulation() {
void DummySim::init() {
// create a cube on [-1,1]^3
// vertices
m_V.resize(8, 3);
int v = 5;
m_V << -v, -v, -v, v, -v, -v, -v, v, -v, v, v, -v, -v, -v, v, v, -v, v,
-v, v, v, v, v, v;
// faces
m_F.resize(12, 3);
m_F << 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 5, 3, 7, 5, 2, 6, 3, 6, 7, 3, 5, 7, 4, 7,
6, 4, 4, 6, 0, 6, 2, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1;
// face colors
m_C.resize(12, 3);
void DummySim::resetMembers() {
void DummySim::updateRenderGeometry() {
m_renderV = m_V;
m_renderF = m_F;
m_renderC = m_C;
bool DummySim::advance() {
// do next step of some color animation
int speed = 60;
int decColor = (m_step / speed) % 3;
int incColor = (decColor + 1) % 3;
for (int i = 0; i < m_C.rows(); i++) {
m_C(i, decColor) = (m_C(i, decColor) * speed - 1) / speed;
m_C(i, incColor) = (m_C(i, incColor) * speed + 1) / speed;
// advance step
return false;
void DummySim::renderRenderGeometry(
igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer &viewer) {, m_renderF);;
\ No newline at end of file
#include "Simulation.h"
* Example simulation that changes the colors of a cube.
class DummySim : public Simulation {
virtual void init() override;
virtual void resetMembers() override;
virtual void updateRenderGeometry() override;
virtual bool advance() override;
virtual void renderRenderGeometry(igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer &viewer) override;
Eigen::MatrixXd m_V; // vertex positions
Eigen::MatrixXi m_F; // face indices
Eigen::MatrixXd m_C; // colors per face
Eigen::MatrixXd m_renderV; // vertex positions for rendering
Eigen::MatrixXi m_renderF; // face indices for rendering
Eigen::MatrixXd m_renderC; // colors per face for rendering
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#include <igl/writeOFF.h>
#include <thread>
#include "DummySim.h"
#include "Gui.h"
#include "Simulator.h"
* This class is a GUI for our dummy simulation. It extends the basic GUI
* defined in Gui.h. We could add more controls and visuals here, but we don't
* need any additional functionality for this dummy simulation.
class DummyGui : public Gui {
DummySim *p_dummySim = NULL; // pointer to the dummy simulation
DummyGui() {
// create a new dummy simulation
p_dummySim = new DummySim();
// set this simulation as the simulation that is running in our GUI
// start the GUI
virtual void updateSimulationParameters() override {
// We don't have any simulation parameters to update periodically so we
// don't need to do anything here
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// create a new instance of the GUI for the dummy simulation
new DummyGui();
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
option(LIBIGL_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY "Use libigl as static library" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_CORK "Use Cork" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_EMBREE "Use Embree" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_MATLAB "Use Matlab" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_PYTHON "Use Python" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_TETGEN "Use Tetgen" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_TRIANGLE "Use Triangle" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_VIEWER "Use OpenGL viewer" ON)
\ No newline at end of file
# Computer Animation 2020 - Exercise
## Overview
Code framework for course exercise.
## Installation
Install **Git** and build system **Cmake**.
### Note for linux users
Many linux distributions do not include `gcc` and the basic development tools in their default installation. On Ubuntu, you need to install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libx11-dev mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev libblas-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev
### Build
Run the following commands inside the relevant subfolder to setup the build folder:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Compile and run the executable, e.g. Ubuntu:
make && ./0_dummy/0_dummy
## Exercise Handin
**You only need to handin the directory containing the modified executable**. For example (homework 0), you only need to compress folder *0_dummy* and submit the compressed file. *Please don't include any build file, only the source code and related resource file*.
zip 0_dummy/*
Rename your compressed file following the rule *`NAME_ID_XXX`*.
# A cube
8 12 0
-1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
1 1 -1
-1 -1 1
1 -1 1
-1 1 1
1 1 1
3 0 2 1
3 2 3 1
3 1 3 5
3 3 7 5
3 2 6 3
3 6 7 3
3 5 7 4
3 7 6 4
3 4 6 0
3 6 2 0
3 4 0 1
3 4 1 5
\ No newline at end of file
# A cube
8 24 0
-1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
1 1 -1
-1 -1 1
1 -1 1
-1 1 1
1 1 1
3 0 2 1
3 2 3 1
3 1 3 5
3 3 7 5
3 2 6 3
3 6 7 3
3 5 7 4
3 7 6 4
3 4 6 0
3 6 2 0
3 4 0 1
3 4 1 5
3 0 3 1
3 2 3 0
3 1 7 5
3 3 7 1
3 2 7 3
3 6 7 2
3 5 7 6
3 6 4 5
3 4 6 2
3 4 2 0
3 5 0 1
3 4 0 5
\ No newline at end of file
# A cube
8 12 0
-1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
1 1 -1
-1 -1 1
1 -1 1
-1 1 1
1 1 1
3 0 2 1
3 2 3 1
3 2 6 3
3 6 7 3
3 5 7 4
3 7 6 4
3 1 7 5
3 3 7 1
#3 2 7 3
#3 6 7 2
3 4 6 2
3 4 2 0
3 5 0 1
3 4 0 5
\ No newline at end of file
# A cube
8 12 0
-1 -0.01 -1
1 -0.01 -1
-1 0.01 -1
1 0.01 -1
-1 -0.01 1
1 -0.01 1
-1 0.01 1
1 0.01 1
3 0 2 1
3 2 3 1
3 1 3 5
3 3 7 5
3 2 6 3
3 6 7 3
3 5 7 4
3 7 6 4
3 4 6 0
3 6 2 0
3 4 0 1
3 4 1 5
\ No newline at end of file
482 960 0
0 19.7371 -0
-0 19.3578 -3.85051
-0.751198 19.3578 -3.77653
-1.47353 19.3578 -3.55741
-2.13923 19.3578 -3.20159
-2.72272 19.3578 -2.72272
-3.20159 19.3578 -2.13923
-3.55741 19.3578 -1.47353
-3.77653 19.3578 -0.751197
-3.85051 19.3578 1e-06
-3.77653 19.3578 0.751199
-3.55741 19.3578 1.47353
-3.20158 19.3578 2.13923
-2.72272 19.3578 2.72273
-2.13923 19.3578 3.20159
-1.47353 19.3578 3.55741
-0.751195 19.3578 3.77653
4e-06 19.3578 3.85051
0.751202 19.3578 3.77653
1.47353 19.3578 3.55741
2.13924 19.3578 3.20158
2.72273 19.3578 2.72272
3.20159 19.3578 2.13923
3.55741 19.3578 1.47352
3.77653 19.3578 0.751192
3.85051 19.3578 -6e-06
3.77653 19.3578 -0.751204
3.55741 19.3578 -1.47353
3.20158 19.3578 -2.13924
2.72272 19.3578 -2.72273
2.13922 19.3578 -3.20159
1.47352 19.3578 -3.55741
0.75119 19.3578 -3.77653
-0 18.2347 -7.55305
-1.47353 18.2347 -7.40792
-2.89043 18.2347 -6.97811
-4.19625 18.2347 -6.28014
-5.34082 18.2347 -5.34082
-6.28014 18.2347 -4.19625
-6.97811 18.2347 -2.89043
-7.40792 18.2347 -1.47353
-7.55305 18.2347 2e-06
-7.40792 18.2347 1.47353
-6.97811 18.2347 2.89043
-6.28013 18.2347 4.19626
-5.34081 18.2347 5.34082
-4.19625 18.2347 6.28014
-2.89042 18.2347 6.97811
-1.47352 18.2347 7.40793
7e-06 18.2347 7.55305
1.47353 18.2347 7.40792
2.89044 18.2347 6.97811
4.19626 18.2347 6.28013
5.34082 18.2347 5.34081
6.28014 18.2347 4.19624
6.97812 18.2347 2.89042
7.40793 18.2347 1.47352
7.55305 18.2347 -1.2e-05
7.40792 18.2347 -1.47354
6.97811 18.2347 -2.89044
6.28013 18.2347 -4.19626
5.34081 18.2347 -5.34083
4.19624 18.2347 -6.28014
2.89041 18.2347 -6.97812
1.47351 18.2347 -7.40793
-0 16.4108 -10.9653
-2.13923 16.4108 -10.7546
-4.19625 16.4108 -10.1306
-6.09201 16.4108 -9.11734
-7.75366 16.4108 -7.75366
-9.11734 16.4108 -6.09201
-10.1306 16.4108 -4.19625
-10.7546 16.4108 -2.13923
-10.9653 16.4108 4e-06
-10.7546 16.4108 2.13924
-10.1306 16.4108 4.19626
-9.11734 16.4108 6.09202
-7.75366 16.4108 7.75367
-6.09201 16.4108 9.11735
-4.19624 16.4108 10.1307
-2.13922 16.4108 10.7546
1.1e-05 16.4108 10.9653
2.13924 16.4108 10.7546
4.19626 16.4108 10.1306
6.09202 16.4108 9.11733
7.75367 16.4108 7.75365
9.11735 16.4108 6.092
10.1307 16.4108 4.19624
10.7546 16.4108 2.13921
10.9653 16.4108 -1.8e-05
10.7546 16.4108 -2.13925
10.1306 16.4108 -4.19627
9.11733 16.4108 -6.09203
7.75365 16.4108 -7.75368
6.09199 16.4108 -9.11735
4.19623 16.4108 -10.1307
2.13921 16.4108 -10.7546
-1e-06 13.9562 -13.9562
-2.72272 13.9562 -13.6881
-5.34082 13.9562 -12.8939
-7.75366 13.9562 -11.6042
-9.86854 13.9562 -9.86854
-11.6042 13.9562 -7.75366
-12.8939 13.9562 -5.34081
-13.6881 13.9562 -2.72272
-13.9562 13.9562 5e-06
-13.6881 13.9562 2.72273
-12.8939 13.9562 5.34082
-11.6042 13.9562 7.75367
-9.86853 13.9562 9.86855
-7.75365 13.9562 11.6042
-5.34081 13.9562 12.8939
-2.72271 13.9562 13.6881
1.3e-05 13.9562 13.9562
2.72274 13.9562 13.6881
5.34083 13.9562 12.8939
7.75368 13.9562 11.6042
9.86855 13.9562 9.86853
11.6042 13.9562 7.75365
12.8939 13.9562 5.3408
13.6881 13.9562 2.7227
13.9562 13.9562 -2.2e-05
13.6881 13.9562 -2.72275
12.8939 13.9562 -5.34084
11.6042 13.9562 -7.75368
9.86852 13.9562 -9.86856
7.75364 13.9562 -11.6042
5.34079 13.9562 -12.8939
2.72269 13.9562 -13.6881
-1e-06 10.9653 -16.4108
-3.20159 10.9653 -16.0955
-6.28013 10.9653 -15.1616
-9.11734 10.9653 -13.6451
-11.6042 10.9653 -11.6042
-13.6451 10.9653 -9.11734
-15.1616 10.9653 -6.28013
-16.0955 10.9653 -3.20158
-16.4108 10.9653 5e-06
-16.0955 10.9653 3.20159
-15.1616 10.9653 6.28014
-13.6451 10.9653 9.11735
-11.6042 10.9653 11.6042
-9.11733 10.9653 13.6451
-6.28012 10.9653 15.1616
-3.20157 10.9653 16.0955
1.6e-05 10.9653 16.4108
3.2016 10.9653 16.0955
6.28015 10.9653 15.1616
9.11736 10.9653 13.6451
11.6042 10.9653 11.6042
13.6451 10.9653 9.11732
15.1616 10.9653 6.28011
16.0955 10.9653 3.20156
16.4108 10.9653 -2.6e-05
16.0954 10.9653 -3.20161
15.1616 10.9653 -6.28016
13.6451 10.9653 -9.11737
11.6042 10.9653 -11.6042
9.11732 10.9653 -13.6451
6.2801 10.9653 -15.1616
3.20155 10.9653 -16.0955
-1e-06 7.55305 -18.2347
-3.55741 7.55305 -17.8843
-6.97811 7.55305 -16.8467
-10.1306 7.55305 -15.1616
-12.8939 7.55305 -12.8939
-15.1616 7.55305 -10.1306
-16.8467 7.55305 -6.97811
-17.8843 7.55305 -3.55741
-18.2347 7.55305 6e-06
-17.8843 7.55305 3.55742
-16.8466 7.55305 6.97812
-15.1616 7.55305 10.1307
-12.8939 7.55305 12.8939
-10.1306 7.55305 15.1616
-6.9781 7.55305 16.8467
-3.55739 7.55305 17.8843
1.8e-05 7.55305 18.2347
3.55743 7.55305 17.8843
6.97813 7.55305 16.8466
10.1307 7.55305 15.1616
12.8939 7.55305 12.8939
15.1616 7.55305 10.1306
16.8467 7.55305 6.97809
17.8843 7.55305 3.55738
18.2347 7.55305 -2.9e-05
17.8843 7.55305 -3.55744
16.8466 7.55305 -6.97814
15.1616 7.55305 -10.1307
12.8938 7.55305 -12.8939
10.1306 7.55305 -15.1616
6.97808 7.55305 -16.8467
3.55737 7.55305 -17.8843
-1e-06 3.85051 -19.3578
-3.77653 3.85051 -18.9859
-7.40792 3.85051 -17.8843
-10.7546 3.85051 -16.0955
-13.6881 3.85051 -13.6881
-16.0955 3.85051 -10.7546
-17.8843 3.85051 -7.40792
-18.9859 3.85051 -3.77652
-19.3578 3.85051 6e-06
-18.9859 3.85051 3.77653
-17.8843 3.85051 7.40793
-16.0954 3.85051 10.7546
-13.688 3.85051 13.6881
-10.7546 3.85051 16.0955
-7.40791 3.85051 17.8843
-3.77651 3.85051 18.9859
1.9e-05 3.85051 19.3578
3.77655 3.85051 18.9859
7.40794 3.85051 17.8843
10.7547 3.85051 16.0954
13.6881 3.85051 13.688
16.0955 3.85051 10.7546
17.8843 3.85051 7.4079
18.9859 3.85051 3.7765
19.3578 3.85051 -3.1e-05
18.9859 3.85051 -3.77656
17.8843 3.85051 -7.40796
16.0954 3.85051 -10.7547
13.688 3.85051 -13.6881
10.7546 3.85051 -16.0955
7.40789 3.85051 -17.8843
3.77648 3.85051 -18.9859
-1e-06 1e-06 -19.7371
-3.85051 1e-06 -19.3578
-7.55305 1e-06 -18.2347
-10.9653 1e-06 -16.4108
-13.9562 1e-06 -13.9562
-16.4108 1e-06 -10.9653
-18.2347 1e-06 -7.55305
-19.3578 1e-06 -3.85051
-19.7371 1e-06 6e-06
-19.3578 1e-06 3.85052
-18.2347 1e-06 7.55306
-16.4108 1e-06 10.9653
-13.9562 1e-06 13.9562
-10.9653 1e-06 16.4108
-7.55304 1e-06 18.2347
-3.8505 1e-06 19.3578
1.9e-05 1e-06 19.7371
3.85053 1e-06 19.3578
7.55307 1e-06 18.2347
10.9654 1e-06 16.4108
13.9562 1e-06 13.9562
16.4108 1e-06 10.9653
18.2347 1e-06 7.55303
19.3578 1e-06 3.85048
19.7371 1e-06 -3.2e-05
19.3578 1e-06 -3.85055
18.2347 1e-06 -7.55308
16.4108 1e-06 -10.9654
13.9562 1e-06 -13.9562
10.9653 1e-06 -16.4108
7.55302 1e-06 -18.2347
3.85047 1e-06 -19.3578
-1e-06 -3.85051 -19.3578
-3.77653 -3.85051 -18.9859
-7.40792 -3.85051 -17.8843
-10.7546 -3.85051 -16.0955
-13.6881 -3.85051 -13.6881
-16.0955 -3.85051 -10.7546
-17.8843 -3.85051 -7.40792
-18.9859 -3.85051 -3.77652
-19.3578 -3.85051 6e-06
-18.9859 -3.85051 3.77654
-17.8843 -3.85051 7.40793
-16.0954 -3.85051 10.7546
-13.688 -3.85051 13.6881
-10.7546 -3.85051 16.0955
-7.40791 -3.85051 17.8843
-3.77651 -3.85051 18.9859
1.9e-05 -3.85051 19.3578
3.77655 -3.85051 18.9859
7.40794 -3.85051 17.8843
10.7547 -3.85051 16.0954
13.6881 -3.85051 13.688
16.0955 -3.85051 10.7546
17.8843 -3.85051 7.4079
18.9859 -3.85051 3.7765
19.3578 -3.85051 -3.1e-05
18.9859 -3.85051 -3.77656
17.8843 -3.85051 -7.40796
16.0954 -3.85051 -10.7547
13.688 -3.85051 -13.6881
10.7546 -3.85051 -16.0955
7.40789 -3.85051 -17.8843
3.77649 -3.85051 -18.9859
-1e-06 -7.55305 -18.2347
-3.55741 -7.55305 -17.8843
-6.97811 -7.55305 -16.8467
-10.1306 -7.55305 -15.1616
-12.8939 -7.55305 -12.8939
-15.1616 -7.55305 -10.1306
-16.8467 -7.55305 -6.97811
-17.8843 -7.55305 -3.55741
-18.2347 -7.55305 6e-06
-17.8843 -7.55305 3.55742
-16.8466 -7.55305 6.97812
-15.1616 -7.55305 10.1307
-12.8939 -7.55305 12.8939
-10.1306 -7.55305 15.1616
-6.9781 -7.55305 16.8467
-3.55739 -7.55305 17.8843
1.8e-05 -7.55305 18.2347
3.55743 -7.55305 17.8843
6.97813 -7.55305 16.8466
10.1307 -7.55305 15.1616
12.8939 -7.55305 12.8939
15.1616 -7.55305 10.1306
16.8467 -7.55305 6.97809
17.8843 -7.55305 3.55738
18.2347 -7.55305 -2.9e-05
17.8843 -7.55305 -3.55744
16.8466 -7.55305 -6.97814
15.1616 -7.55305 -10.1307
12.8938 -7.55305 -12.8939
10.1306 -7.55305 -15.1616
6.97808 -7.55305 -16.8467
3.55737 -7.55305 -17.8843
-1e-06 -10.9653 -16.4108
-3.20159 -10.9653 -16.0955
-6.28013 -10.9653 -15.1616
-9.11734 -10.9653 -13.6451
-11.6042 -10.9653 -11.6042
-13.6451 -10.9653 -9.11734
-15.1616 -10.9653 -6.28013
-16.0955 -10.9653 -3.20158
-16.4108 -10.9653 5e-06
-16.0955 -10.9653 3.20159
-15.1616 -10.9653 6.28014
-13.6451 -10.9653 9.11735
-11.6042 -10.9653 11.6042
-9.11733 -10.9653 13.6451
-6.28012 -10.9653 15.1616
-3.20157 -10.9653 16.0955
1.6e-05 -10.9653 16.4108
3.2016 -10.9653 16.0955
6.28015 -10.9653 15.1616
9.11736 -10.9653 13.6451
11.6042 -10.9653 11.6042
13.6451 -10.9653 9.11732
15.1616 -10.9653 6.28011
16.0955 -10.9653 3.20156
16.4108 -10.9653 -2.6e-05
16.0954 -10.9653 -3.20161
15.1616 -10.9653 -6.28016
13.6451 -10.9653 -9.11737
11.6042 -10.9653 -11.6042
9.11732 -10.9653 -13.6451
6.2801 -10.9653 -15.1616
3.20155 -10.9653 -16.0955
-1e-06 -13.9562 -13.9562
-2.72272 -13.9562 -13.6881
-5.34082 -13.9562 -12.8939
-7.75366 -13.9562 -11.6042
-9.86854 -13.9562 -9.86854
-11.6042 -13.9562 -7.75366
-12.8939 -13.9562 -5.34081
-13.6881 -13.9562 -2.72272
-13.9562 -13.9562 5e-06
-13.6881 -13.9562 2.72273
-12.8939 -13.9562 5.34082
-11.6042 -13.9562 7.75367
-9.86853 -13.9562 9.86855
-7.75365 -13.9562 11.6042
-5.34081 -13.9562 12.8939
-2.72271 -13.9562 13.6881
1.3e-05 -13.9562 13.9562
2.72274 -13.9562 13.6881
5.34083 -13.9562 12.8939
7.75368 -13.9562 11.6042
9.86855 -13.9562 9.86853
11.6042 -13.9562 7.75365
12.8939 -13.9562 5.3408
13.6881 -13.9562 2.7227
13.9562 -13.9562 -2.2e-05
13.6881 -13.9562 -2.72275
12.8939 -13.9562 -5.34084
11.6042 -13.9562 -7.75368
9.86852 -13.9562 -9.86856
7.75364 -13.9562 -11.6042
5.34079 -13.9562 -12.8939
2.72269 -13.9562 -13.6881
-0 -16.4108 -10.9653
-2.13923 -16.4108 -10.7546
-4.19625 -16.4108 -10.1306
-6.09201 -16.4108 -9.11734
-7.75366 -16.4108 -7.75366
-9.11734 -16.4108 -6.09201
-10.1306 -16.4108 -4.19625
-10.7546 -16.4108 -2.13923
-10.9653 -16.4108 4e-06
-10.7546 -16.4108 2.13924
-10.1306 -16.4108 4.19626
-9.11734 -16.4108 6.09202
-7.75366 -16.4108 7.75367
-6.09201 -16.4108 9.11734
-4.19624 -16.4108 10.1306
-2.13922 -16.4108 10.7546
1.1e-05 -16.4108 10.9653
2.13924 -16.4108 10.7546
4.19626 -16.4108 10.1306
6.09202 -16.4108 9.11733
7.75367 -16.4108 7.75365
9.11735 -16.4108 6.092
10.1307 -16.4108 4.19624
10.7546 -16.4108 2.13921
10.9653 -16.4108 -1.8e-05
10.7546 -16.4108 -2.13925
10.1306 -16.4108 -4.19627
9.11733 -16.4108 -6.09203
7.75365 -16.4108 -7.75368
6.09199 -16.4108 -9.11735
4.19623 -16.4108 -10.1307
2.13921 -16.4108 -10.7546
-0 -18.2347 -7.55305
-1.47353 -18.2347 -7.40792
-2.89043 -18.2347 -6.97811
-4.19625 -18.2347 -6.28013
-5.34081 -18.2347 -5.34081
-6.28013 -18.2347 -4.19625
-6.97811 -18.2347 -2.89043
-7.40792 -18.2347 -1.47353
-7.55305 -18.2347 2e-06
-7.40792 -18.2347 1.47353
-6.97811 -18.2347 2.89043
-6.28013 -18.2347 4.19625
-5.34081 -18.2347 5.34082
-4.19625 -18.2347 6.28014
-2.89042 -18.2347 6.97811
-1.47352 -18.2347 7.40792
7e-06 -18.2347 7.55305
1.47353 -18.2347 7.40792
2.89043 -18.2347 6.97811
4.19626 -18.2347 6.28013
5.34082 -18.2347 5.34081
6.28014 -18.2347 4.19624
6.97811 -18.2347 2.89042
7.40792 -18.2347 1.47352
7.55305 -18.2347 -1.2e-05
7.40792 -18.2347 -1.47354
6.9781 -18.2347 -2.89044
6.28012 -18.2347 -4.19626
5.3408 -18.2347 -5.34082
4.19624 -18.2347 -6.28014
2.89041 -18.2347 -6.97812
1.47351 -18.2347 -7.40792
-0 -19.3578 -3.85051
-0.751197 -19.3578 -3.77652
-1.47353 -19.3578 -3.55741
-2.13923 -19.3578 -3.20158
-2.72272 -19.3578 -2.72272
-3.20158 -19.3578 -2.13923
-3.55741 -19.3578 -1.47353
-3.77652 -19.3578 -0.751196
-3.85051 -19.3578 1e-06
-3.77652 -19.3578 0.751198
-3.5574 -19.3578 1.47353
-3.20158 -19.3578 2.13923
-2.72272 -19.3578 2.72272
-2.13923 -19.3578 3.20158
-1.47352 -19.3578 3.55741
-0.751194 -19.3578 3.77652
4e-06 -19.3578 3.85051
0.751201 -19.3578 3.77652
1.47353 -19.3578 3.5574
2.13923 -19.3578 3.20158
2.72272 -19.3578 2.72272
3.20158 -19.3578 2.13922
3.55741 -19.3578 1.47352
3.77652 -19.3578 0.751191
3.85051 -19.3578 -6e-06
3.77652 -19.3578 -0.751203
3.5574 -19.3578 -1.47353
3.20158 -19.3578 -2.13923
2.72271 -19.3578 -2.72273
2.13922 -19.3578 -3.20159
1.47352 -19.3578 -3.55741
0.751189 -19.3578 -3.77652
0 -19.7371 -0
3 0 1 2
3 0 2 3
3 0 3 4
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3 0 18 19
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3 0 29 30
3 0 30 31
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3 0 32 1
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3 2 35 3
3 3 35 36
3 3 36 4
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3 27 60 28
3 28 60 61
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3 31 64 32
3 32 64 33
3 32 33 1
3 33 65 66
3 33 66 34
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3 37 70 38
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3 48 80 81
3 48 81 49
3 49 81 82
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3 50 82 83
3 50 83 51
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3 60 92 93
3 60 93 61
3 61 93 94
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3 63 96 64
3 64 96 65
3 64 65 33
3 65 97 98
3 65 98 66
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3 66 99 67
3 67 99 100
3 67 100 68
3 68 100 101
3 68 101 69
3 69 101 102
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3 78 111 79
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3 83 116 84
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3 84 117 85
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3 86 119 87
3 87 119 120
3 87 120 88
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3 88 121 89
3 89 121 122
3 89 122 90
3 90 122 123
3 90 123 91
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3 91 124 92
3 92 124 125
3 92 125 93
3 93 125 126
3 93 126 94
3 94 126 127
3 94 127 95
3 95 127 128
3 95 128 96
3 96 128 97
3 96 97 65
3 97 129 130
3 97 130 98
3 98 130 131
3 98 131 99
3 99 131 132
3 99 132 100
3 100 132 133
3 100 133 101
3 101 133 134
3 101 134 102
3 102 134 135
3 102 135 103
3 103 135 136
3 103 136 104
3 104 136 137
3 104 137 105
3 105 137 138
3 105 138 106
3 106 138 139
3 106 139 107
3 107 139 140
3 107 140 108
3 108 140 141
3 108 141 109
3 109 141 142
3 109 142 110
3 110 142 143
3 110 143 111
3 111 143 144
3 111 144 112
3 112 144 145
3 112 145 113
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3 113 146 114
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3 114 147 115
3 115 147 148
3 115 148 116
3 116 148 149
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3 117 149 150
3 117 150 118
3 118 150 151
3 118 151 119
3 119 151 152
3 119 152 120
3 120 152 153
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3 121 153 154
3 121 154 122
3 122 154 155
3 122 155 123
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3 123 156 124
3 124 156 157
3 124 157 125
3 125 157 158
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3 126 158 159
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3 127 160 128
3 128 160 129
3 128 129 97
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3 129 162 130
3 130 162 163
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3 131 164 132
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3 137 170 138
3 138 170 171
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3 149 182 150
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3 154 187 155
3 155 187 188
3 155 188 156
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3 156 189 157
3 157 189 190
3 157 190 158
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3 159 192 160
3 160 192 161
3 160 161 129
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3 161 194 162
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3 481 449 480
# A cube
20 36 0
-1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1
1 1 -1
-1 -1 1
1 -1 1
-1 1 1
1 1 1
-3 -1 -1
3 -1 -1
-3 1 -1
3 1 -1
-3 -1 1
3 -1 1
-3 1 1
3 1 1
-1 -3 -1
1 -3 -1
-1 -3 1
1 -3 1
3 0 2 1
3 2 3 1
3 9 11 13
3 11 15 13
3 2 6 3
3 6 7 3
3 5 7 4
3 7 6 4
3 12 14 8
3 14 10 8
3 18 16 17
3 18 17 19
3 8 10 0
3 10 2 0
3 3 9 1
3 3 11 9
3 12 6 14
3 12 4 6
3 7 5 15
3 15 5 13
3 14 2 10
3 2 14 6
3 8 0 12
3 4 12 0
3 3 7 11
3 7 15 11
3 5 1 9
3 5 9 13
3 0 1 17
3 0 17 16
3 19 5 18
3 5 4 18
3 0 16 4
3 4 16 18
3 1 5 19
3 17 1 19
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef AABB_H
#define AABB_H
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "RigidObject.h"
class AABB {
: m_minCoord(
Eigen::Vector3d::Constant(std::numeric_limits<double>::max())) {}
AABB(const Eigen::Vector3d& minCoord, const Eigen::Vector3d& maxCoord)
: m_minCoord(minCoord), m_maxCoord(maxCoord) {}
const Eigen::Vector3d& getMinCoord() const { return m_minCoord; };
const Eigen::Vector3d& getMaxCoord() const { return m_maxCoord; };
void setMinCoord(const Eigen::Vector3d& minCoord) { m_minCoord = minCoord; }
void setMaxCoord(const Eigen::Vector3d& maxCoord) { m_maxCoord = maxCoord; }
bool testCollision(const AABB& other) const {
if (m_maxCoord.x() < other.m_minCoord.x() ||
other.m_maxCoord.x() < m_minCoord.x())
return false;
if (m_maxCoord.y() < other.m_minCoord.y() ||
other.m_maxCoord.y() < m_minCoord.y())
return false;
if (m_maxCoord.z() < other.m_minCoord.z() ||
other.m_maxCoord.z() < m_minCoord.z())
return false;
return true;
void computeAABB(const RigidObject & obj) {
Eigen::MatrixXd V;
Eigen::MatrixXi F;
obj.getMesh(V, F);
Eigen::Vector3d minCoord = V.colwise().minCoeff();
Eigen::Vector3d maxCoord = V.colwise().maxCoeff();
void clear() {
m_minCoord =
m_maxCoord =
Eigen::Vector3d m_minCoord;
Eigen::Vector3d m_maxCoord;
#endif // AABB_H
\ No newline at end of file
// Physically-based Simulation in Computer Graphics
// ETH Zurich
// Author: Christian Schumacher
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
// Simple 2D array
template <typename SCALAR>
class Array2T
// Default constructor
m_size[0] = 0;
m_size[1] = 0;
// Constructor with given size
Array2T(int size0, int size1, SCALAR value = (SCALAR)0)
resize(size0, size1, value);
// Copy constructor
Array2T(const Array2T<SCALAR> &m)
*this = m;
// Resize array
void resize(int size0, int size1, SCALAR value = (SCALAR)0)
m_size[0] = size0;
m_size[1] = size1;
m_data.resize(size0 * size1, value);
// Fill array with scalar s
void fill(SCALAR s)
std::fill(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), s);
// Fill array with 0
void zero()
// Read & write element access
SCALAR& operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
assert(i >= 0 && i < m_size[0] && j >= 0 && j < m_size[1]);
return m_data[i * m_size[1] + j];
// Read only element access
const SCALAR& operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
assert(i >= 0 && i < m_size[0] && j >= 0 && j < m_size[1]);
return m_data[i * m_size[1] + j];
// Dimension
int size(int dimension) const
assert(dimension >= 0 && dimension < 2);
return (int)m_size[dimension];
// Assignment
Array2T<SCALAR> &operator=(const Array2T<SCALAR> &m2)
if (&m2 != this)
resize(m2.size(0), m2.size(1));
int n = (int)m_data.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
m_data[i] = m2.m_data[i];
return *this;
unsigned int m_size[2];
std::vector<SCALAR> m_data;
typedef Array2T<double> Array2d;
#ifndef ARROW_H
#define ARROW_H
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <vector>
class Arrow {
Arrow(const Eigen::RowVector3d& s, const Eigen::RowVector3d& e) {
Arrow(s, e, Eigen::RowVector3d(1.0, 0, 0));
Arrow(const Eigen::RowVector3d& s, const Eigen::RowVector3d& e,
const Eigen::RowVector3d& c)
: start(s), end(e), color(c) {
direction = (end - start).normalized();
Eigen::RowVector3d per1 =
direction.cross(Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0)).normalized() * 0.5;
if (std::isnan(per1.sum())) {
per1 = direction.cross(Eigen::Vector3d(0, 1, 0)).normalized() * 0.5;
Eigen::RowVector3d per2 =
direction.cross(per1.normalized()).normalized() * 0.5;
head[0] = end - 0.1 * (direction + per1);
head[1] = end - 0.1 * (direction - per1);
head[2] = end - 0.1 * (direction + per2);
head[3] = end - 0.1 * (direction - per2);
Eigen::RowVector3d start;
Eigen::RowVector3d end;
Eigen::RowVector3d direction;
std::vector<Eigen::RowVector3d> head;
Eigen::RowVector3d color;
size_t id;
#endif // ARROW_H
\ No newline at end of file
#include "BaseObject.h"
#include <igl/per_face_normals.h>
#include <igl/per_vertex_normals.h>
#include <igl/readOBJ.h>
#include <igl/readOFF.h>
bool BaseObject::loadMesh(const std::string& path) {
bool succ = false;
std::ifstream infile(path);
if (!infile.good()) {
return false;
const std::string OFF(".off");
if ( - OFF.size(), OFF.size(), OFF) == 0) {
succ = igl::readOFF(path, m_mesh.V, m_mesh.F, m_mesh.V_normals);
if (succ) {
std::cout << "Reading OFF-file from " << path << " ..."
<< std::endl;
const std::string OBJ(".obj");
if ( - OBJ.size(), OBJ.size(), OBJ) == 0) {
succ = igl::readOBJ(path, m_mesh.V, m_mesh.F);
if (succ) {
std::cout << "Reading OBJ-file from " << path << " ..."
<< std::endl;
igl::per_vertex_normals(m_mesh.V, m_mesh.F, m_mesh.V_normals);
m_mesh.C = Eigen::MatrixXd(1, 3);
m_mesh.C << 255.0 / 255.0, 228.0 / 255.0, 58.0 / 255.0;
return succ;
void BaseObject::setMesh(const Eigen::MatrixXd& V, const Eigen::MatrixXi& F) {
m_mesh.V = V;
m_mesh.F = F;
void BaseObject::findAndLoadMesh(const std::string& file) {
if (loadMesh(file)) return;
if (loadMesh("data/" + file)) return;
if (loadMesh("../data/" + file)) return;
if (loadMesh("../../data/" + file)) return;
if (loadMesh("../../../data/" + file)) return;
std::cerr << "Failed to find " << file << std::endl;
void BaseObject::reset() {
void BaseObject::recomputeCOM() {
Eigen::Vector3d COM = m_mesh.V.colwise().mean();
m_mesh.V = m_mesh.V.rowwise() - COM.transpose();
void BaseObject::setScale(double s) { m_scale = s; }
void BaseObject::setID(int id) { m_id = id; }
void BaseObject::setType(ObjType t) { m_type = t; }
void BaseObject::setPosition(const Eigen::Vector3d& p) { m_position = p; }
void BaseObject::setRotation(const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) {
m_quat = q;
m_rot = q.toRotationMatrix();
void BaseObject::setRotation(const Eigen::Matrix3d& R) {
m_rot = R;
m_quat = R;
void BaseObject::setColors(const Eigen::MatrixXd& C) { m_mesh.C = C; }
double BaseObject::getScale() const { return m_scale; }
int BaseObject::getID() const { return m_id; }
ObjType BaseObject::getType() const { return m_type; }
Eigen::Vector3d BaseObject::getPosition() const { return m_position; }
Eigen::Quaterniond BaseObject::getRotation() const { return m_quat; }
Eigen::Matrix3d BaseObject::getRotationMatrix() const { return m_rot; }
Eigen::Vector3d BaseObject::getVertexPosition(int vertexIndex) const {
return m_mesh.V.row(vertexIndex) * m_scale *
getRotationMatrix().transpose() +
void BaseObject::getMesh(Eigen::MatrixXd& V, Eigen::MatrixXi& F) const {
// get mesh after rotation and translation
V = (m_mesh.V * m_scale * getRotationMatrix().transpose()).rowwise() +
F = m_mesh.F;
void BaseObject::getColors(Eigen::MatrixXd& C) const { C = m_mesh.C; }
\ No newline at end of file
#include <igl/per_face_normals.h>
#include <igl/per_vertex_normals.h>
#include <igl/readOBJ.h>
#include <igl/readOFF.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
struct Mesh {
Eigen::MatrixXd V;
Eigen::MatrixXi F;
Eigen::MatrixXd C;
// Per face attributes
Eigen::MatrixXd F_normals; // One normal per face
// Per vertex attributes
Eigen::MatrixXd V_normals; // One normal per vertex
// UV parametrization
Eigen::MatrixXd V_uv; // UV vertices
Eigen::MatrixXi F_uv; // optional faces for UVs
enum class ObjType { STATIC, DYNAMIC };
class BaseObject {
bool loadMesh(const std::string& path);
void setMesh(const Eigen::MatrixXd& V, const Eigen::MatrixXi& F);
void findAndLoadMesh(const std::string& file);
void reset();
void recomputeCOM();
void setScale(double s);
void setID(int id);
virtual void setType(ObjType t);
void setPosition(const Eigen::Vector3d& p);
void setRotation(const Eigen::Quaterniond& q);
void setRotation(const Eigen::Matrix3d& R);
void setColors(const Eigen::MatrixXd& C);
double getScale() const;
int getID() const;
ObjType getType() const;
Eigen::Vector3d getPosition() const;
Eigen::Quaterniond getRotation() const;
Eigen::Matrix3d getRotationMatrix() const;
Eigen::Vector3d getVertexPosition(int vertexIndex) const;
void getMesh(Eigen::MatrixXd& V, Eigen::MatrixXi& F) const;
void getColors(Eigen::MatrixXd& C) const;
virtual ~BaseObject() {}
* Reset class variables specific to a certain object. Is called by
* BaseObject::reset().
virtual void resetMembers() = 0;
int m_id = -1;
Mesh m_mesh;
ObjType m_type;
double m_scale = 1.0; // Scale
Eigen::Vector3d m_position; // Position of the center of mass
Eigen::Quaterniond m_quat; // Rotation (quaternion)
Eigen::Matrix3d m_rot; // Rotation (matrix)
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef GRID2_H
#define GRID2_H
#include <igl/colormap.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "Array2T.h"
class Grid2 {
Grid2(int res_x, int res_y, double dx) {
m_res_x = res_x;
m_res_y = res_y;
m_dx = dx;
m_x = Array2d(res_x, res_y);
Array2d& x() { return m_x; }
void buildMesh() {
int num_vertices = (m_res_x + 1) * (m_res_y + 1);
int num_faces = m_res_x * m_res_y * 2; // 2 triangles per cell
m_V = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_vertices, 3);
m_F = Eigen::MatrixXi(num_faces, 3);
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y <= m_res_y; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x <= m_res_x; ++x) {
m_V.row(i++) = Eigen::RowVector3d(x, y, 0) * m_dx;
i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < m_res_y; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < m_res_x; ++x) {
int vid = y * (m_res_x + 1) + x;
int vid_right = vid + 1;
int vid_right_up = vid_right + (m_res_x + 1);
int vid_up = vid + (m_res_x + 1);
m_F.row(i++) = Eigen::RowVector3i(vid, vid_right, vid_right_up);
m_F.row(i++) = Eigen::RowVector3i(vid, vid_right_up, vid_up);
void reset() {;
void applySource(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) {
for (int y = (int)(ymin * m_res_y); y < (int)(ymax * m_res_y); y++) {
for (int x = (int)(xmin * m_res_x); x < (int)(xmax * m_res_x); x++) {
m_x(x, y) = 1.0;
void getMesh(Eigen::MatrixXd& V, Eigen::MatrixXi& F) const {
V = m_V;
F = m_F;
void getColors(Eigen::MatrixXd& C, bool normalize=false, bool faceColor=true) const {
if (faceColor) {
if (C.rows() == 0) {
int num_faces = m_res_x * m_res_y * 2; // 2 triangles per cell
C = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_faces, 3);
int i = 0;
double cmin = m_x(0, 0);
double cmax = cmin;
for (int y = 0; y < m_res_y; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < m_res_x; ++x) {
double c = m_x(x, y);
if (normalize) {
if (c > cmax) cmax = c;
if (c < cmin) cmin = c;
else {
if (!normalize) return;
else if (cmin == cmax) {
// std::cout << "cmin:" << cmin << " cmax:" << cmax << std::endl;
for (int y = 0; y < m_res_y; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < m_res_x; ++x) {
double c = m_x(x, y);
c = (c - cmin) / (cmax - cmin); // [0,1]
double r, g, b;
igl::colormap(igl::COLOR_MAP_TYPE_VIRIDIS, c, r, g, b);
C.row(i++) = Eigen::RowVector3d(r, g, b);
C.row(i++) = Eigen::RowVector3d(r, g, b);
else {
// vertex color
if (C.rows() == 0) {
int num_vertices = (m_res_x + 1) * (m_res_y + 1);
C = Eigen::MatrixXd(num_vertices, 3);
int i = 0;
double cmin = m_x(0, 0);
double cmax = cmin;
for (int y = 0; y <= m_res_y; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x <= m_res_x; ++x) {
int x0 = std::max(x - 1, 0);
int x1 = std::min(x, m_res_x - 1);
int y0 = std::max(y - 1, 0);
int y1 = std::min(y, m_res_y - 1);
double c00 = m_x(x0, y0);
double c01 = m_x(x0, y1);
double c10 = m_x(x1, y0);
double c11 = m_x(x1, y1);
double c = (c00 + c01 + c10 + c11) / 4;
if (normalize) {
if (c > cmax) cmax = c;
if (c < cmin) cmin = c;
if (!normalize) return;
else if (cmin == cmax) {
i = 0;
// std::cout << "cmin:" << cmin << " cmax:" << cmax << std::endl;
for (int y = 0; y <= m_res_y; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x <= m_res_x; ++x) {
double c = (C(i, 0) - cmin) / (cmax - cmin); // [0,1]
double r, g, b;
igl::colormap(igl::COLOR_MAP_TYPE_VIRIDIS, c, r, g, b);
C.row(i++) = Eigen::RowVector3d(r, g, b);
int m_res_x, m_res_y;
double m_dx;
Array2d m_x;
Eigen::MatrixXd m_V;
Eigen::MatrixXi m_F;
#endif // GRID2_H
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