Commit cb8b21d0 authored by AnimeGitB's avatar AnimeGitB Committed by Melledy
Browse files

Auto language lint

parent 0e406d9f
......@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
"description": "Establece propiedades de la cuenta. Cosas como el modo Dios pueden ser establecidos con este comando, además de cambiar cosas como desbloquear pisos del abusmo o progreso del pase de batalla.\n\tValores para <prop>: godmode | nostamina | unlimitedenergy | abyss | worldlevel | bplevel\n\t(cont.) Observa PlayerProperty enum para ver otros posibles valores, de la forma PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume"
"setStats": {
"description": "Establece propiedades de combate para tu personaje actual\n\tValores para <estado>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(cont.) Bonus de daño elemental: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(cont.) Resistencia elemental: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys"
"description": "Establece propiedades de combate para tu personaje actual\n\tValores para <estado>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(cont.) Bonus de daño elemental: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(cont.) Resistencia elemental: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys",
"locked_to": "🇺🇸%s locked to %s.",
"locked_for_to": "🇺🇸%s for %s locked to %s.",
"unlocked": "🇺🇸%s unlocked.",
"unlocked_for": "🇺🇸%s for %s unlocked."
"spawn": {
"success": "Generados %s de %s.",
......@@ -334,6 +338,10 @@
"invalid_time": "No se puede establecer la marca de tiempo.",
"description": "Beta a un jugador"
"unlockall": {
"success": "🇺🇸Unlocked all open states for %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Unlocks all open states for a player."
"unban": {
"success": "Exitoso.",
"failure": "Error, jugador no encontrado.",
......@@ -355,24 +363,24 @@
"documentation": {
"handbook": {
"title": "GM Handbook",
"title": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"title_commands": "Comandos",
"title_avatars": "Avatares",
"title_items": "Objetos",
"title_scenes": "Escenario",
"title_monsters": "Monstruos",
"header_id": "Id",
"header_id": "🇺🇸Id",
"header_command": "Comando",
"header_description": "Descripción",
"header_avatar": "Avatar",
"header_avatar": "🇺🇸Avatar",
"header_item": "Objeto",
"header_scene": "Escenario",
"header_monster": "Monstruo"
"index": {
"title": "Documentación",
"handbook": "GM Handbook",
"handbook": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"gacha_mapping": "JSON de mapeo del Gacha"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
"send": "%s %s (niveau %s) ont été ajouté au message.\nContinuez d'ajouter plus d'objets ou utilisez '/sendmail finish' pour envoyer le message.",
"invalid_arguments_please_use": "Arguments invalides.\n Veuillez utiliser '/sendmail %s'",
"title": "<titre>",
"message": "<message>",
"message": "🇺🇸<message>",
"sender": "<expéditeur>",
"arguments": "<itemID|itemName|finish> [quantité] [niveau]",
"error": "ERREUR: Stade de construction invalide : %s. Vérifiez la console pour la pile d'appels.",
......@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@
"description": "Envoie un message au joueur spécifié en tant que Serveur"
"setConst": {
"range_error": "Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"range_error": "🇺🇸Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "🇺🇸Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "🇺🇸Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "🇺🇸Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "🇺🇸Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"setFetterLevel": {
"range_error": "Le niveau d'affinité doit être compris entre 0 et 10.",
......@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
"description": "Définit des propriétes pour votre compte. Des choses comme le godemode peuvent être activés avec cette commande, et le déblocage de l'abysse ainsi que l'avancement du PB.\n\tValues for <prop>: godmode | nostamina | unlimitedenergy | abyss | worldlevel | bplevel\n\t(cont.) see PlayerProperty enum for other possible values, of form PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume"
"setStats": {
"description": "Définit les propriétés de combat de votre personnage actif\n\tValeurs pour <stat>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(cont.) Bonus de dégât élémentaire: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(cont.) Résistance élémentaire: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys"
"description": "Définit les propriétés de combat de votre personnage actif\n\tValeurs pour <stat>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(cont.) Bonus de dégât élémentaire: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(cont.) Résistance élémentaire: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys",
"locked_to": "🇺🇸%s locked to %s.",
"locked_for_to": "🇺🇸%s for %s locked to %s.",
"unlocked": "🇺🇸%s unlocked.",
"unlocked_for": "🇺🇸%s for %s unlocked."
"spawn": {
"success": " %s %s sont apparu.",
......@@ -334,6 +338,10 @@
"invalid_time": "Impossible d'analyser le timestamp.",
"description": "Bannis un joueur"
"unlockall": {
"success": "🇺🇸Unlocked all open states for %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Unlocks all open states for a player."
"unban": {
"success": "Succès.",
"failure": "Échec, joueur introuvable.",
......@@ -349,7 +357,7 @@
"records": {
"title": "Historique de voeux",
"date": "Date",
"date": "🇺🇸Date",
"item": "Objet"
......@@ -357,22 +365,22 @@
"handbook": {
"title": "Manuel GM",
"title_commands": "Commandes",
"title_avatars": "Avatars",
"title_avatars": "🇺🇸Avatars",
"title_items": "Objets",
"title_scenes": "Scènes",
"title_monsters": "Monstres",
"header_id": "Id",
"header_id": "🇺🇸Id",
"header_command": "Commande",
"header_description": "Description",
"header_avatar": "Avatar",
"header_description": "🇺🇸Description",
"header_avatar": "🇺🇸Avatar",
"header_item": "Objet",
"header_scene": "Scène",
"header_monster": "Monstre"
"index": {
"title": "Documentation",
"title": "🇺🇸Documentation",
"handbook": "Manuel GM",
"gacha_mapping": "Gacha mapping JSON"
"gacha_mapping": "🇺🇸Gacha mapping JSON"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@
"description": "Wyślij wiadomość do gracza jako serwer. Jeśli nie określono celu, wysyła do wszystkich graczy na serwerze."
"setConst": {
"range_error": "Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"range_error": "🇺🇸Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "🇺🇸Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "🇺🇸Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "🇺🇸Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "🇺🇸Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"setFetterLevel": {
"range_error": "Poziom przyjaźni musi być pomiędzy 0 a 10.",
......@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
"description": "Ustaw pewne własności konta, takie jak tryb nieśmiertelności (godmode) czy też zmiana postępu Battle Pass.\n\tMożliwe nazwy własności: godmode | nostamina | unlimitedenergy | abyss | worldlevel | bplevel | ...\n\tTa komenda ma więcej nazw własności, które może otrzymać. Możesz je wszystkie zobaczyć w pliku \"game/props/\".\n\tW tym pliku, przyjmują one formę \"PROP_XXX_YYY_ZZZ\", ale powinieneś je zapisywać jako \"xxx_yyy_zzz\" jeśli chcesz je użyć w tej komendzie."
"setStats": {
"description": "Ustaw statystykę walki dla obecnie wybranej postaci wybranego gracza.\n\tMożliwe nazwy statystyki: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\tDodatkowe obrażenia od żywiołu: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\tOdporność na żywioł: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys"
"description": "Ustaw statystykę walki dla obecnie wybranej postaci wybranego gracza.\n\tMożliwe nazwy statystyki: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\tDodatkowe obrażenia od żywiołu: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\tOdporność na żywioł: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys",
"locked_to": "🇺🇸%s locked to %s.",
"locked_for_to": "🇺🇸%s for %s locked to %s.",
"unlocked": "🇺🇸%s unlocked.",
"unlocked_for": "🇺🇸%s for %s unlocked."
"spawn": {
"success": "Stworzono %s obiektów o ID %s.",
......@@ -334,6 +338,10 @@
"invalid_time": "Nieprawidłowy czas bana.",
"description": "Zbanuj podanego gracza."
"unlockall": {
"success": "🇺🇸Unlocked all open states for %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Unlocks all open states for a player."
"unban": {
"success": "Pomyślnie odbanowano podanego gracza.",
"failure": "Gracz o podanym ID nie istnieje.",
......@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@
"description": "Trimite un mesaj unui jucător în calitate de server. Dacă este utilizat fără țintă, trimite mesajul către toți jucătorii de pe server."
"setConst": {
"range_error": "Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"range_error": "🇺🇸Constellation level must be between 0 and 6.",
"level_error": "🇺🇸Invalid constellation level.",
"fail": "🇺🇸Failed to set constellation.",
"failed_success": "🇺🇸Constellations for %s have been set to %s. Please reload scene to see changes.",
"success": "🇺🇸Constellations for %s have been set to %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Sets constellation level for your current active character"
"setFetterLevel": {
"range_error": "Nivelul Fetter trebuie să fie între 0 și 10.",
......@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
"description": "Stabilește proprietățile la nivel de cont. Lucruri precum godmode pot fi activate în acest fel, precum și schimbarea unor lucuri precum etajul abisului deblocat și progresul battle pass.\n\tValori pentru <prop>: godmode | nostamina | unlimitedenergy | abyss | worldlevel | bplevel\n\t(cont.) see PlayerProperty enum for other possible values, of form PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume"
"setStats": {
"description": "Stabilește proprietatea de luptă pentru caracterul activ curent.\n\tValori pentru <stat>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(cont.) Elemental DMG Bonus: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(cont.) Elemental RES: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys"
"description": "Stabilește proprietatea de luptă pentru caracterul activ curent.\n\tValori pentru <stat>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(cont.) Elemental DMG Bonus: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(cont.) Elemental RES: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys",
"locked_to": "🇺🇸%s locked to %s.",
"locked_for_to": "🇺🇸%s for %s locked to %s.",
"unlocked": "🇺🇸%s unlocked.",
"unlocked_for": "🇺🇸%s for %s unlocked."
"spawn": {
"success": "A generat %s de %s.",
......@@ -334,6 +338,10 @@
"invalid_time": "Imposibil de analizat durata.",
"description": "Interziceți un jucător"
"unlockall": {
"success": "🇺🇸Unlocked all open states for %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Unlocks all open states for a player."
"unban": {
"success": "Succes.",
"failure": "Eșec, jucătorul nu a fost găsit.",
......@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
"description": "Задаёт свойства аккаунта. С помощью данной команды может быть включен godmode, а также разблокированы этажи Коридора Бездны и изменён прогресс боевого пропуска.\n\tВозможные значения <св-во>: godmode | nostamina | unlimitedenergy | abyss | worldlevel | bplevel\n\t(прод.) см. перечисление (enum) PlayerProperty для остальных возможных значений, of form PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume"
"setStats": {
"description": "Задаёт боевые характеристики для активного персонажа\n\tВозможные значения <хар-ка>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(прод.) Бонус элементального урона: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(прод.) Элементальное сопротивление: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys"
"description": "Задаёт боевые характеристики для активного персонажа\n\tВозможные значения <хар-ка>: hp | maxhp | def | atk | em | er | crate | cdmg | cdr | heal | heali | shield | defi\n\t(прод.) Бонус элементального урона: epyro | ecryo | ehydro | egeo | edendro | eelectro | ephys\n\t(прод.) Элементальное сопротивление: respyro | rescryo | reshydro | resgeo | resdendro | reselectro | resphys",
"locked_to": "🇺🇸%s locked to %s.",
"locked_for_to": "🇺🇸%s for %s locked to %s.",
"unlocked": "🇺🇸%s unlocked.",
"unlocked_for": "🇺🇸%s for %s unlocked."
"spawn": {
"success": "Заспавнено %s %s.",
......@@ -379,4 +383,4 @@
"gacha_mapping": "Мапирование системы гача в JSON"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
"description": "设置账号的状态。比如可以通过此命令启用 godmode,也可以解锁深渊或更改纪行等级\n\t可更改的状态列表:godmode(上帝模式)|nostamina(无限体力)|unlimitedenergy(无限能量)|abyss(深渊)|worldlevel(世界等级)|bplevel(纪行等级)\n查看 PlayerProperty enum 以获得其他数值,格式为 PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume"
"setStats": {
"description": "设置当前角色的属性\n\t可更改的属性列表:hp(生命值)|maxhp(最大生命值)|def(防御力)|atk(攻击力)|em(元素精通)|er(元素充能效率)|crate(暴击率)|cdmg(暴击伤害)|cdr(冷却缩减)|heal(治疗加成)|heali(受治疗加成)|shield(护盾强效)|defi(无视防御)\n元素增伤:epyro(火)|ecryo(冰)|ehydro(水)|egeo(岩)|edendro(草)|eelectro(雷)|ephys(物理)\n元素抗性:respyro(火)|rescryo(冰)|reshydro(水)|resgeo(岩)|resdendro(草)|reselectro(雷)|resphys(物理)"
"description": "设置当前角色的属性\n\t可更改的属性列表:hp(生命值)|maxhp(最大生命值)|def(防御力)|atk(攻击力)|em(元素精通)|er(元素充能效率)|crate(暴击率)|cdmg(暴击伤害)|cdr(冷却缩减)|heal(治疗加成)|heali(受治疗加成)|shield(护盾强效)|defi(无视防御)\n元素增伤:epyro(火)|ecryo(冰)|ehydro(水)|egeo(岩)|edendro(草)|eelectro(雷)|ephys(物理)\n元素抗性:respyro(火)|rescryo(冰)|reshydro(水)|resgeo(岩)|resdendro(草)|reselectro(雷)|resphys(物理)",
"locked_to": "🇺🇸%s locked to %s.",
"locked_for_to": "🇺🇸%s for %s locked to %s.",
"unlocked": "🇺🇸%s unlocked.",
"unlocked_for": "🇺🇸%s for %s unlocked."
"spawn": {
"success": "已生成 %s 个 %s。",
......@@ -334,6 +338,10 @@
"invalid_time": "无法解析时间戳。",
"description": "封禁玩家"
"unlockall": {
"success": "🇺🇸Unlocked all open states for %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Unlocks all open states for a player."
"unban": {
"success": "成功取消玩家的封禁。",
"failure": "取消玩家的封禁失败,因为玩家不存在。",
......@@ -375,4 +383,4 @@
"gacha_mapping": "祈愿物品映射JSON"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
"description": "設定帳號屬性。 比如可以通過此命令啟用無敵,也可以解鎖深淵或更改紀行等級。\n\t可更改的屬性列表: godmode(無敵)|nostamina(無限體力)|unlimitedenergy(無限元素能量)|abyss(深淵螺旋)|worldlevel(世界等級)|bplevel(紀行等級)\n\t(cont.) `有關其他可能的數值,請參閱 PlayerProperty 列舉。 (範例 PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME -> max_spring_volume)`"
"setStats": {
"description": "設定當前角色的數據類型。\n\t可使用的數據類型:hp (生命值)| maxhp (最大生命值) | def(防禦力) | atk (攻擊力)| em (元素精通) | er (元素充能效率) | crate(暴擊率) | cdmg (暴擊傷害)| cdr (冷卻縮減) | heal(治療加成)| heali (受治療加成)| shield (護盾強效)| defi (無視防禦)\n\t(cont.) 元素增傷類:epyro (火傷) | ecryo (冰傷) | ehydro (水傷) | egeo (岩傷) | edendro (草傷) | eelectro (雷傷) | ephys (物傷)(cont.) 元素減傷類:respyro (火抗) | rescryo (冰抗) | reshydro (水抗) | resgeo (岩抗) | resdendro (草抗) | reselectro (雷抗) | resphys (物抗)"
"description": "設定當前角色的數據類型。\n\t可使用的數據類型:hp (生命值)| maxhp (最大生命值) | def(防禦力) | atk (攻擊力)| em (元素精通) | er (元素充能效率) | crate(暴擊率) | cdmg (暴擊傷害)| cdr (冷卻縮減) | heal(治療加成)| heali (受治療加成)| shield (護盾強效)| defi (無視防禦)\n\t(cont.) 元素增傷類:epyro (火傷) | ecryo (冰傷) | ehydro (水傷) | egeo (岩傷) | edendro (草傷) | eelectro (雷傷) | ephys (物傷)(cont.) 元素減傷類:respyro (火抗) | rescryo (冰抗) | reshydro (水抗) | resgeo (岩抗) | resdendro (草抗) | reselectro (雷抗) | resphys (物抗)",
"locked_to": "🇺🇸%s locked to %s.",
"locked_for_to": "🇺🇸%s for %s locked to %s.",
"unlocked": "🇺🇸%s unlocked.",
"unlocked_for": "🇺🇸%s for %s unlocked."
"spawn": {
"success": "已生成 %s 個 %s。",
......@@ -334,6 +338,10 @@
"invalid_time": "無效的時間戳。",
"description": "停權指定玩家。"
"unlockall": {
"success": "🇺🇸Unlocked all open states for %s.",
"description": "🇺🇸Unlocks all open states for a player."
"unban": {
"success": "撤銷停權成功。",
"failure": "撤銷停權失敗,玩家帳號不存在。",
......@@ -355,7 +363,7 @@
"documentation": {
"handbook": {
"title": "GM Handbook",
"title": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"title_commands": "指令",
"title_avatars": "角色",
"title_items": "道具",
......@@ -371,8 +379,8 @@
"index": {
"title": "文件",
"handbook": "GM Handbook",
"handbook": "🇺🇸GM Handbook",
"gacha_mapping": "祈願物品映射到JSON上"
\ No newline at end of file
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