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**Attention:** We always welcome contributors to the project. Before adding your contribution, please carefully read our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/Grasscutters/Grasscutter/blob/stable/CONTRIBUTING.md).
@@ -22,7 +24,7 @@
### Requirements
* Java - SE ([mirror link](https://github.com/adoptium/temurin16-binaries/releases/tag/jdk-16.0.2+7) since Oracle required an account to download old builds)
* Java SE - 16 ([mirror link](https://github.com/adoptium/temurin16-binaries/releases/tag/jdk-16.0.2+7) since Oracle required an account to download old builds)
**Note:** If you just want to **run it**, then **jre** is fine
@@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ There is a dummy user named "Server" in every player's friends list that you can
| broadcast | broadcast <message> | server.broadcast | Both side | Sends a message to all the players. | b |
| changescene | changescene <sceneid> | player.changescene | Client only | Switch scenes by scene ID. | scene |
| clearartifacts | clearartifacts | player.clearartifacts | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked level 0 artifacts, including yellow rarity ones from your inventory. | clearart |
| clearweapons | clearweapons | player.clearweapons | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked weapons, including yellow rarity ones from your inventory. | clearwpns |
| clearweapons | clearweapons | player.clearweapons | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked weapons, including yellow rarity ones from your inventory. | clearwp |
| drop | drop <itemID\|itemName> [amount] | server.drop | Client only | Drops an item around you. | `d``dropitem` |
| give | give [player] <itemId\|itemName> [amount] [level] | player.give | Both side | Gives item(s) to you or the specified player. | `g``item``giveitem` |
| givechar | givechar <uid><avatarId> [level] | player.givechar | Both side | Gives the player a specified character. | givec |
@@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ There is a dummy user named "Server" in every player's friends list that you can
| resetconst | resetconst [all] | player.resetconstellation | Client only | Resets the constellation level on your current active character, will need to relog after using the command to see any changes. | resetconstellation |
| restart | | | Both side | Restarts the current session | |
| say | say <player><message> | server.sendmessage | Both side | Sends a message to a player as the server | `sendservmsg``sendservermessage``sendmessage` |
| setfetterlevel | setfetterlevel <level> | player.setfetterlevel | Client only | Sets your fetter level for your current active character | setfetterlvl |
| setfetterlevel | setfetterlevel <level> | player.setfetterlevel | Client only | Sets your fetter level for your current active character | `setfetterlvl``setfriendship` |
| setstats | setstats <stat><value> | player.setstats | Client only | Set fight property for your current active character | stats |
| setworldlevel | setworldlevel <level> | player.setworldlevel | Client only | Sets your world level (Relog to see proper effects) | setworldlvl |
| spawn | spanw <entityID\|entityName> [level] [amount] | server.spawn | Client only | Spawns an entity near you | |
@@ -140,8 +142,7 @@ character falling from a very high destination, exact location that you marked.
# Quick Troubleshooting
* If compiling wasn't successful, please check your JDK installation (must be JDK 8 and validated JDK's bin PATH
* If compiling wasn't successful, please check your JDK installation (must be JDK 16 and validated JDK's bin PATH variable)
* My client doesn't connect, doesn't login, 4206, etc... - Mostly your proxy daemon setup is *the issue*, if using
Fiddler make sure it running on another port except 8888