Commit ae2d1fe4 authored by github-actions's avatar github-actions Committed by Melledy
Browse files

Fix whitespace [skip actions]

parent 510d564b
......@@ -6,29 +6,29 @@ import emu.grasscutter.utils.Position;
import emu.grasscutter.utils.Utils;
public final class GameConstants {
public static String VERSION = "2.8.0";
public static final int MAX_TEAMS = 4;
public static final int MAIN_CHARACTER_MALE = 10000005;
public static final int MAIN_CHARACTER_FEMALE = 10000007;
public static final Position START_POSITION = new Position(2747, 194, -1719);
public static final int MAX_FRIENDS = 45;
public static final int MAX_FRIEND_REQUESTS = 50;
public static final int SERVER_CONSOLE_UID = 99; // The UID of the server console's "player".
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_MAX_LEVEL = 50;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_POINT_PER_LEVEL = 1000;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_POINT_PER_WEEK = 10000;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_LEVEL_PRICE = 150;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_CURRENT_INDEX = 2;
// Default entity ability hashes.
public static final String[] DEFAULT_ABILITY_STRINGS = {
"Avatar_DefaultAbility_VisionReplaceDieInvincible", "Avatar_DefaultAbility_AvartarInShaderChange", "Avatar_SprintBS_Invincible",
"Avatar_Freeze_Duration_Reducer", "Avatar_Attack_ReviveEnergy", "Avatar_Component_Initializer", "Avatar_FallAnthem_Achievement_Listener"
public static final int[] DEFAULT_ABILITY_HASHES =;
public static final int DEFAULT_ABILITY_NAME = Utils.abilityHash("Default");
public static String VERSION = "2.8.0";
public static final int MAX_TEAMS = 4;
public static final int MAIN_CHARACTER_MALE = 10000005;
public static final int MAIN_CHARACTER_FEMALE = 10000007;
public static final Position START_POSITION = new Position(2747, 194, -1719);
public static final int MAX_FRIENDS = 45;
public static final int MAX_FRIEND_REQUESTS = 50;
public static final int SERVER_CONSOLE_UID = 99; // The UID of the server console's "player".
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_MAX_LEVEL = 50;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_POINT_PER_LEVEL = 1000;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_POINT_PER_WEEK = 10000;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_LEVEL_PRICE = 150;
public static final int BATTLE_PASS_CURRENT_INDEX = 2;
// Default entity ability hashes.
public static final String[] DEFAULT_ABILITY_STRINGS = {
"Avatar_DefaultAbility_VisionReplaceDieInvincible", "Avatar_DefaultAbility_AvartarInShaderChange", "Avatar_SprintBS_Invincible",
"Avatar_Freeze_Duration_Reducer", "Avatar_Attack_ReviveEnergy", "Avatar_Component_Initializer", "Avatar_FallAnthem_Achievement_Listener"
public static final int[] DEFAULT_ABILITY_HASHES =;
public static final int DEFAULT_ABILITY_NAME = Utils.abilityHash("Default");
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ public final class Grasscutter {
private static void onShutdown() {
// Disable all plugins.
if(pluginManager != null)
if (pluginManager != null)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public final class DefaultAuthentication implements AuthenticationSystem {
private OAuthAuthenticator oAuthAuthenticator = new OAuthAuthentication();
public DefaultAuthentication() {
passwordAuthenticator = new ExperimentalPasswordAuthenticator();
} else {
passwordAuthenticator = new PasswordAuthenticator();
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public final class CommandMap {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(player, "commands.execution.clear_target");
return true;
// Sets default targetPlayer to the UID provided.
try {
int uid = Integer.parseInt(targetUid);
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ public final class CommandMap {
Command annotation = this.annotations.get(label);
// Resolve targetPlayer
try {
targetPlayer = getTargetPlayer(playerId, player, targetPlayer, args);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ public final class AccountCommand implements CommandHandler {
int uid = 0;
String password = "";
if(Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword == true) {
if(args.size() < 3) {
if (Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword == true) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword requires a password argument");
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Usage: account create <username> <password> [uid]");
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public final class AccountCommand implements CommandHandler {
uid = Integer.parseInt(args.get(3));
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, translate(sender, "commands.account.invalid"));
if(Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword == true) {
if (Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword == true) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword requires argument 2 to be a password, not a uid");
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Usage: account create <username> <password> [uid]");
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public final class AccountCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, translate(sender, "commands.account.exists"));
} else {
if(Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword == true) {
if (Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword == true) {
account.setPassword(BCrypt.withDefaults().hashToString(12, password.toCharArray()));
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public final class AccountCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, translate(sender, "commands.account.no_account"));
// Get the player for the account.
// If that player is currently online, we kick them before proceeding with the deletion.
Player player = Grasscutter.getGameServer().getPlayerByAccountId(toDelete.getId());
......@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ public final class AccountCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, translate(sender, "commands.account.delete"));
case "resetpass":
if(Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword != true) {
if (Configuration.ACCOUNT.EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword != true) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "resetpass requires EXPERIMENTAL_RealPassword to be true.");
if(args.size() != 3) {
if (args.size() != 3) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid Args");
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Usage: account resetpass <username> <password>");
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public final class AnnounceCommand implements CommandHandler {
switch (args.get(0)){
switch (args.get(0)) {
case "tpl":
if (args.size() < 2) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.announce.command_usage");
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public final class AnnounceCommand implements CommandHandler {
var templateId = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
var tpl = manager.getAnnounceConfigItemMap().get(templateId);
if(tpl == null){
if (tpl == null) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.announce.not_found", templateId));
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public final class CoopCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, ""));
// There's no target==host check but this just places them in multiplayer in their own world which seems fine.
if (targetPlayer.isInMultiplayer()) {
......@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ public final class EnterDungeonCommand implements CommandHandler {
try {
int dungeonId = Integer.parseInt(args.get(0));
if (dungeonId == targetPlayer.getSceneId()) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.enter_dungeon.in_dungeon_error"));
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.enter_dungeon.in_dungeon_error"));
boolean result = targetPlayer.getServer().getDungeonSystem().enterDungeon(targetPlayer.getSession().getPlayer(), 0, dungeonId);
if (!result) {
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public final class GiveCommand implements CommandHandler {
if (avatar.getAvatarId() == GameConstants.MAIN_CHARACTER_MALE) {
else if(avatar.getAvatarId() == GameConstants.MAIN_CHARACTER_FEMALE) {
else if (avatar.getAvatarId() == GameConstants.MAIN_CHARACTER_FEMALE) {
......@@ -352,11 +352,11 @@ public final class GiveCommand implements CommandHandler {
return affixes;
private static int getAppendPropId(String substatText, ItemData itemData) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// If the given substat text is an integer, we just use that as the append prop ID.
try {
return Integer.parseInt(substatText);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
private static int getAppendPropId(String substatText, ItemData itemData) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// If the given substat text is an integer, we just use that as the append prop ID.
try {
return Integer.parseInt(substatText);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
// If the argument was not an integer, we try to determine
// the append prop ID from the given text + artifact information.
// A substat string has the format `substat_tier`, with the
......@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ public final class GiveCommand implements CommandHandler {
substatTier -= 1; // 1-indexed to 0-indexed
substatTier = Math.min(Math.max(0, substatTier), substats.size() - 1);
return substats.get(substatTier);
private static void parseRelicArgs(GiveItemParameters param, List<String> args) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// Get the main stat from the arguments.
......@@ -476,11 +476,11 @@ public final class GiveCommand implements CommandHandler {
10000-10008, 11411, 11506-11508, 12505, 12506, 12508, 12509,
13503, 13506, 14411, 14503, 14505, 14508, 15504-15506
private static final SparseSet illegalRelicIds = new SparseSet("""
20001, 23300-23340, 23383-23385, 78310-78554, 99310-99554
private static final SparseSet illegalItemIds = new SparseSet("""
100086, 100087, 100100-101000, 101106-101110, 101306, 101500-104000,
105001, 105004, 106000-107000, 107011, 108000, 109000-110000,
......@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ public final class HelpCommand implements CommandHandler {
builder.append("\n\t").append(translate(player, ""));
if(annotation.permission().isEmpty() || annotation.permission().isBlank()) {
if (annotation.permission().isEmpty() || annotation.permission().isBlank()) {
builder.append(translate(player, ""));
} else {
if(!annotation.permissionTargeted().isEmpty() && !annotation.permissionTargeted().isBlank()) {
if (!annotation.permissionTargeted().isEmpty() && !annotation.permissionTargeted().isBlank()) {
String permissionTargeted = annotation.permissionTargeted();
builder.append(" ").append(translate(player, "", permissionTargeted));
......@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ public final class ReloadCommand implements CommandHandler {
public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.reload.reload_start"));
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.reload.reload_done"));
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public final class SendMailCommand implements CommandHandler {
public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
int senderId;
if(sender != null) {
if (sender != null) {
senderId = sender.getUid();
} else {
senderId = -1;
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public final class SendMailCommand implements CommandHandler {
private String getConstructionArgs(int stage, Player sender) {
return switch(stage) {
return switch (stage) {
case 0 -> translate(sender, "commands.sendMail.title");
case 1 -> translate(sender, "commands.sendMail.message");
case 2 -> translate(sender, "commands.sendMail.sender");
package emu.grasscutter.command.commands;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import emu.grasscutter.command.Command;
import emu.grasscutter.command.CommandHandler;
@Command(label = "setprop", usage = "setprop|prop <prop> <value>", aliases = {"prop"}, permission = "player.setprop", permissionTargeted = "player.setprop.others", description = "commands.setProp.description")
public final class SetPropCommand implements CommandHandler {
static enum PseudoProp {
static class Prop {
String name;
PlayerProperty prop;
PseudoProp pseudoProp;
public Prop(PlayerProperty prop) {
this(prop.toString(), prop, PseudoProp.NONE);
public Prop(String name) {
this(name, PlayerProperty.PROP_NONE, PseudoProp.NONE);
public Prop(String name, PseudoProp pseudoProp) {
this(name, PlayerProperty.PROP_NONE, pseudoProp);
public Prop(String name, PlayerProperty prop) {
this(name, prop, PseudoProp.NONE);
public Prop(String name, PlayerProperty prop, PseudoProp pseudoProp) { = name;
this.prop = prop;
this.pseudoProp = pseudoProp;
Map<String, Prop> props;
public SetPropCommand() {
this.props = new HashMap<>();
// Full PlayerProperty enum that won't be advertised but can be used by devs
for (PlayerProperty prop : PlayerProperty.values()) {
String name = prop.toString().substring(5); // PROP_EXP -> EXP
String key = name.toLowerCase(); // EXP -> exp
this.props.put(key, new Prop(name, prop));
// Add special props
Prop worldlevel = new Prop("World Level", PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL, PseudoProp.WORLD_LEVEL);
this.props.put("worldlevel", worldlevel);
this.props.put("wl", worldlevel);
Prop abyss = new Prop("Tower Level", PseudoProp.TOWER_LEVEL);
this.props.put("abyss", abyss);
this.props.put("abyssfloor", abyss);
this.props.put("ut", abyss);
this.props.put("tower", abyss);
this.props.put("towerlevel", abyss);
this.props.put("unlocktower", abyss);
Prop bplevel = new Prop("BP Level", PseudoProp.BP_LEVEL);
this.props.put("bplevel", bplevel);
this.props.put("bp", bplevel);
this.props.put("battlepass", bplevel);
Prop godmode = new Prop("godmode", PseudoProp.GOD_MODE);
this.props.put("godmode", godmode);
this.props.put("god", godmode);
Prop nostamina = new Prop("nostamina", PseudoProp.NO_STAMINA);
this.props.put("nostamina", nostamina);
this.props.put("nostam", nostamina);
this.props.put("ns", nostamina);
Prop unlimitedenergy = new Prop("unlimitedenergy", PseudoProp.UNLIMITED_ENERGY);
this.props.put("unlimitedenergy", unlimitedenergy);
this.props.put("ue", unlimitedenergy);
public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() != 2) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.setProp.usage");
String propStr = args.get(0).toLowerCase();
String valueStr = args.get(1).toLowerCase();
int value;
if (!props.containsKey(propStr)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.setProp.usage");
try {
value = switch(valueStr.toLowerCase()) {
case "on", "true" -> 1;
case "off", "false" -> 0;
case "toggle" -> -1;
default -> Integer.parseInt(valueStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.execution.argument_error");
boolean success = false;
Prop prop = props.get(propStr);
success = switch (prop.pseudoProp) {
case WORLD_LEVEL -> targetPlayer.setWorldLevel(value);
case BP_LEVEL -> targetPlayer.getBattlePassManager().setLevel(value);
case TOWER_LEVEL -> this.setTowerLevel(sender, targetPlayer, value);
case GOD_MODE, NO_STAMINA, UNLIMITED_ENERGY -> this.setBool(sender, targetPlayer, prop.pseudoProp, value);
default -> targetPlayer.setProperty(prop.prop, value);
if (success) {
if (targetPlayer == sender) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.set_to",, valueStr);
} else {
String uidStr = targetPlayer.getAccount().getId();
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.set_for_to",, uidStr, valueStr);
} else {
if (prop.prop != PlayerProperty.PROP_NONE) { // PseudoProps need to do their own error messages
String min = Integer.toString(targetPlayer.getPropertyMin(prop.prop));
String max = Integer.toString(targetPlayer.getPropertyMax(prop.prop));
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.invalid.value_between",, min, max);
private boolean setTowerLevel(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, int topFloor) {
List<Integer> floorIds = targetPlayer.getServer().getTowerSystem().getAllFloors();
if (topFloor < 0 || topFloor > floorIds.size()) {
String min = Integer.toString(0);
String max = Integer.toString(floorIds.size());
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.invalid.value_between", "Tower Level", min, max);
return false;
Map<Integer, TowerLevelRecord> recordMap = targetPlayer.getTowerManager().getRecordMap();
// Add records for each unlocked floor
for (int floor : floorIds.subList(0, topFloor)) {
if (!recordMap.containsKey(floor)) {
recordMap.put(floor, new TowerLevelRecord(floor));
// Remove records for each floor past our target
for (int floor : floorIds.subList(topFloor, floorIds.size())) {
if (recordMap.containsKey(floor)) {
// Six stars required on Floor 8 to unlock Floor 9+
if (topFloor > 8) {
recordMap.get(floorIds.get(7)).setLevelStars(0, 6); // levelIds seem to start at 1 for Floor 1 Chamber 1, so this doesn't get shown at all
return true;
private boolean setBool(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, PseudoProp pseudoProp, int value) {
boolean enabled = switch (pseudoProp) {
case GOD_MODE -> targetPlayer.inGodmode();
case NO_STAMINA -> targetPlayer.getUnlimitedStamina();
case UNLIMITED_ENERGY -> !targetPlayer.getEnergyManager().getEnergyUsage();
default -> false;
enabled = switch (value) {
case -1 -> !enabled;
case 0 -> false;
default -> true;
switch (pseudoProp) {
case GOD_MODE:
return false;
return true;
package emu.grasscutter.command.commands;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import emu.grasscutter.command.Command;
import emu.grasscutter.command.CommandHandler;
@Command(label = "setprop", usage = "setprop|prop <prop> <value>", aliases = {"prop"}, permission = "player.setprop", permissionTargeted = "player.setprop.others", description = "commands.setProp.description")
public final class SetPropCommand implements CommandHandler {
static enum PseudoProp {
static class Prop {
String name;
PlayerProperty prop;
PseudoProp pseudoProp;
public Prop(PlayerProperty prop) {
this(prop.toString(), prop, PseudoProp.NONE);
public Prop(String name) {
this(name, PlayerProperty.PROP_NONE, PseudoProp.NONE);
public Prop(String name, PseudoProp pseudoProp) {
this(name, PlayerProperty.PROP_NONE, pseudoProp);
public Prop(String name, PlayerProperty prop) {
this(name, prop, PseudoProp.NONE);
public Prop(String name, PlayerProperty prop, PseudoProp pseudoProp) { = name;
this.prop = prop;
this.pseudoProp = pseudoProp;
Map<String, Prop> props;
public SetPropCommand() {
this.props = new HashMap<>();
// Full PlayerProperty enum that won't be advertised but can be used by devs
for (PlayerProperty prop : PlayerProperty.values()) {
String name = prop.toString().substring(5); // PROP_EXP -> EXP
String key = name.toLowerCase(); // EXP -> exp
this.props.put(key, new Prop(name, prop));
// Add special props
Prop worldlevel = new Prop("World Level", PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL, PseudoProp.WORLD_LEVEL);
this.props.put("worldlevel", worldlevel);
this.props.put("wl", worldlevel);
Prop abyss = new Prop("Tower Level", PseudoProp.TOWER_LEVEL);
this.props.put("abyss", abyss);
this.props.put("abyssfloor", abyss);
this.props.put("ut", abyss);
this.props.put("tower", abyss);
this.props.put("towerlevel", abyss);
this.props.put("unlocktower", abyss);
Prop bplevel = new Prop("BP Level", PseudoProp.BP_LEVEL);
this.props.put("bplevel", bplevel);
this.props.put("bp", bplevel);
this.props.put("battlepass", bplevel);
Prop godmode = new Prop("godmode", PseudoProp.GOD_MODE);
this.props.put("godmode", godmode);
this.props.put("god", godmode);
Prop nostamina = new Prop("nostamina", PseudoProp.NO_STAMINA);
this.props.put("nostamina", nostamina);
this.props.put("nostam", nostamina);
this.props.put("ns", nostamina);
Prop unlimitedenergy = new Prop("unlimitedenergy", PseudoProp.UNLIMITED_ENERGY);
this.props.put("unlimitedenergy", unlimitedenergy);
this.props.put("ue", unlimitedenergy);
public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() != 2) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.setProp.usage");
String propStr = args.get(0).toLowerCase();
String valueStr = args.get(1).toLowerCase();
int value;
if (!props.containsKey(propStr)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.setProp.usage");
try {
value = switch (valueStr.toLowerCase()) {
case "on", "true" -> 1;
case "off", "false" -> 0;
case "toggle" -> -1;
default -> Integer.parseInt(valueStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.execution.argument_error");
boolean success = false;
Prop prop = props.get(propStr);
success = switch (prop.pseudoProp) {
case WORLD_LEVEL -> targetPlayer.setWorldLevel(value);
case BP_LEVEL -> targetPlayer.getBattlePassManager().setLevel(value);
case TOWER_LEVEL -> this.setTowerLevel(sender, targetPlayer, value);
case GOD_MODE, NO_STAMINA, UNLIMITED_ENERGY -> this.setBool(sender, targetPlayer, prop.pseudoProp, value);
default -> targetPlayer.setProperty(prop.prop, value);
if (success) {
if (targetPlayer == sender) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.set_to",, valueStr);
} else {
String uidStr = targetPlayer.getAccount().getId();
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.set_for_to",, uidStr, valueStr);
} else {
if (prop.prop != PlayerProperty.PROP_NONE) { // PseudoProps need to do their own error messages
String min = Integer.toString(targetPlayer.getPropertyMin(prop.prop));
String max = Integer.toString(targetPlayer.getPropertyMax(prop.prop));
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.invalid.value_between",, min, max);
private boolean setTowerLevel(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, int topFloor) {
List<Integer> floorIds = targetPlayer.getServer().getTowerSystem().getAllFloors();
if (topFloor < 0 || topFloor > floorIds.size()) {
String min = Integer.toString(0);
String max = Integer.toString(floorIds.size());
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.invalid.value_between", "Tower Level", min, max);
return false;
Map<Integer, TowerLevelRecord> recordMap = targetPlayer.getTowerManager().getRecordMap();
// Add records for each unlocked floor
for (int floor : floorIds.subList(0, topFloor)) {
if (!recordMap.containsKey(floor)) {
recordMap.put(floor, new TowerLevelRecord(floor));
// Remove records for each floor past our target
for (int floor : floorIds.subList(topFloor, floorIds.size())) {
if (recordMap.containsKey(floor)) {
// Six stars required on Floor 8 to unlock Floor 9+
if (topFloor > 8) {
recordMap.get(floorIds.get(7)).setLevelStars(0, 6); // levelIds seem to start at 1 for Floor 1 Chamber 1, so this doesn't get shown at all
return true;
private boolean setBool(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, PseudoProp pseudoProp, int value) {
boolean enabled = switch (pseudoProp) {
case GOD_MODE -> targetPlayer.inGodmode();
case NO_STAMINA -> targetPlayer.getUnlimitedStamina();
case UNLIMITED_ENERGY -> !targetPlayer.getEnergyManager().getEnergyUsage();
default -> false;
enabled = switch (value) {
case -1 -> !enabled;
case 0 -> false;
default -> true;
switch (pseudoProp) {
case GOD_MODE:
return false;
return true;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public final class SpawnCommand implements CommandHandler {
int id = 0; // This is just to shut up the linter, it's not a real default
int amount = 1;
int level = 1;
float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
switch (args.size()) {
case 6:
try {
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public final class SpawnCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.spawn.usage"));
MonsterData monsterData = GameData.getMonsterDataMap().get(id);
GadgetData gadgetData = GameData.getGadgetDataMap().get(id);
ItemData itemData = GameData.getItemDataMap().get(id);
......@@ -72,21 +72,21 @@ public final class SpawnCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.generic.invalid.entityId"));
Scene scene = targetPlayer.getScene();
if (scene.getEntities().size() + amount > GAME_OPTIONS.sceneEntityLimit) {
amount = Math.max(Math.min(GAME_OPTIONS.sceneEntityLimit - scene.getEntities().size(), amount), 0);
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.spawn.limit_reached", amount));
if (amount <= 0) {
amount = Math.max(Math.min(GAME_OPTIONS.sceneEntityLimit - scene.getEntities().size(), amount), 0);
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.spawn.limit_reached", amount));
if (amount <= 0) {
double maxRadius = Math.sqrt(amount * 0.2 / Math.PI);
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
Position pos = GetRandomPositionInCircle(targetPlayer.getPosition(), maxRadius).addY(3);
if(x != 0 && y != 0 && z != 0) {
if (x != 0 && y != 0 && z != 0) {
pos = GetRandomPositionInCircle(new Position(x, y, z), maxRadius).addY(3);
GameEntity entity = null;
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public final class SpawnCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.spawn.success", Integer.toString(amount), Integer.toString(id)));
private Position GetRandomPositionInCircle(Position origin, double radius){
private Position GetRandomPositionInCircle(Position origin, double radius) {
Position target = origin.clone();
double angle = Math.random() * 360;
double r = Math.sqrt(Math.random() * radius * radius);
package emu.grasscutter.command.commands;
import emu.grasscutter.command.Command;
import emu.grasscutter.command.CommandHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketChangeMpTeamAvatarRsp;
import java.util.List;
import static emu.grasscutter.config.Configuration.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
@Command(label = "team", usage = "team <add|remove|set> [avatarId,...] [index|first|last|index-index,...]",
permission = "", permissionTargeted = "", description = "")
public final class TeamCommand implements CommandHandler {
private static final int BASE_AVATARID = 10000000;
public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.isEmpty()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
switch (args.get(0)) {
case "add":
if (!addCommand(sender, targetPlayer, args)) return;
case "remove":
if (!removeCommand(sender, targetPlayer, args)) return;
case "set":
if (!setCommand(sender, targetPlayer, args)) return;
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
new PacketChangeMpTeamAvatarRsp(targetPlayer, targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo()));
private boolean addCommand(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
int index = -1;
if (args.size() > 2) {
try {
index = Integer.parseInt(args.get(2)) - 1;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
var avatarIds = args.get(1).split(",");
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
if (currentTeamAvatars.size() + avatarIds.length > GAME_OPTIONS.avatarLimits.singlePlayerTeam) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", GAME_OPTIONS.avatarLimits.singlePlayerTeam);
return false;
for (var avatarId: avatarIds) {
int id = Integer.parseInt(avatarId);
var success = addAvatar(sender, targetPlayer, id, index);
if (index > 0) ++index;
return true;
private boolean removeCommand(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
var avatarCount = currentTeamAvatars.size();
var metaIndexList = args.get(1).split(",");
var indexes = new HashSet<Integer>();
var ignoreList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (var metaIndex: metaIndexList) {
// step 1: parse metaIndex to indexes
var subIndexes = transformToIndexes(metaIndex, avatarCount);
if (subIndexes == null) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", metaIndex);
// step 2: get all of the avatar id through indexes
for (var avatarIndex: subIndexes) {
try {
indexes.add(currentTeamAvatars.get(avatarIndex - 1));
} catch (Exception e) {
// step 3: check if user remove all of the avatar
if (indexes.size() >= avatarCount) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
// step 4: hint user for ignore index
if (!ignoreList.isEmpty()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", ignoreList);
// step 5: remove
return true;
private boolean setCommand(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
int index;
try {
index = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1)) - 1;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
} catch(Exception e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", args.get(1));
return false;
if (index + 1 > currentTeamAvatars.size()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
int avatarId;
try {
avatarId = Integer.parseInt(args.get(2));
} catch(Exception e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", args.get(2));
return false;
if (avatarId < BASE_AVATARID) {
avatarId += BASE_AVATARID;
if (currentTeamAvatars.contains(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
if (!targetPlayer.getAvatars().hasAvatar(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
currentTeamAvatars.set(index, avatarId);
return true;
private boolean addAvatar(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, int avatarId, int index) {
if (avatarId < BASE_AVATARID) {
avatarId += BASE_AVATARID;
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
if (currentTeamAvatars.contains(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
if (!targetPlayer.getAvatars().hasAvatar(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
if (index < 0) {
} else {
currentTeamAvatars.add(index, avatarId);
return true;
private List<Integer> transformToIndexes(String metaIndexes, int listLength) {
// step 1: check if metaIndexes is a special constants
if (metaIndexes.equals("first")) {
return List.of(1);
} else if (metaIndexes.equals("last")) {
return List.of(listLength);
// step 2: check if metaIndexes is a range
if (metaIndexes.contains("-")) {
var range = metaIndexes.split("-");
if (range.length < 2) {
return null;
int min, max;
try {
min = switch (range[0]) {
case "first" -> 1;
case "last" -> listLength;
default -> Integer.parseInt(range[0]);
max = switch (range[1]) {
case "first" -> 1;
case "last" -> listLength;
default -> Integer.parseInt(range[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
if (min > max) {
min ^= max;
max ^= min;
min ^= max;
var indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = min; i <= max; ++i) {
return indexes;
// step 3: index is a value, simply return
try {
int index = Integer.parseInt(metaIndexes);
return List.of(index);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
package emu.grasscutter.command.commands;
import emu.grasscutter.command.Command;
import emu.grasscutter.command.CommandHandler;
import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketChangeMpTeamAvatarRsp;
import java.util.List;
import static emu.grasscutter.config.Configuration.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
@Command(label = "team", usage = "team <add|remove|set> [avatarId,...] [index|first|last|index-index,...]",
permission = "", permissionTargeted = "", description = "")
public final class TeamCommand implements CommandHandler {
private static final int BASE_AVATARID = 10000000;
public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.isEmpty()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
switch (args.get(0)) {
case "add":
if (!addCommand(sender, targetPlayer, args)) return;
case "remove":
if (!removeCommand(sender, targetPlayer, args)) return;
case "set":
if (!setCommand(sender, targetPlayer, args)) return;
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
new PacketChangeMpTeamAvatarRsp(targetPlayer, targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo()));
private boolean addCommand(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
int index = -1;
if (args.size() > 2) {
try {
index = Integer.parseInt(args.get(2)) - 1;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
var avatarIds = args.get(1).split(",");
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
if (currentTeamAvatars.size() + avatarIds.length > GAME_OPTIONS.avatarLimits.singlePlayerTeam) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", GAME_OPTIONS.avatarLimits.singlePlayerTeam);
return false;
for (var avatarId: avatarIds) {
int id = Integer.parseInt(avatarId);
var success = addAvatar(sender, targetPlayer, id, index);
if (index > 0) ++index;
return true;
private boolean removeCommand(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() < 2) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
var avatarCount = currentTeamAvatars.size();
var metaIndexList = args.get(1).split(",");
var indexes = new HashSet<Integer>();
var ignoreList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (var metaIndex: metaIndexList) {
// step 1: parse metaIndex to indexes
var subIndexes = transformToIndexes(metaIndex, avatarCount);
if (subIndexes == null) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", metaIndex);
// step 2: get all of the avatar id through indexes
for (var avatarIndex: subIndexes) {
try {
indexes.add(currentTeamAvatars.get(avatarIndex - 1));
} catch (Exception e) {
// step 3: check if user remove all of the avatar
if (indexes.size() >= avatarCount) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
// step 4: hint user for ignore index
if (!ignoreList.isEmpty()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", ignoreList);
// step 5: remove
return true;
private boolean setCommand(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
int index;
try {
index = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1)) - 1;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", args.get(1));
return false;
if (index + 1 > currentTeamAvatars.size()) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "");
return false;
int avatarId;
try {
avatarId = Integer.parseInt(args.get(2));
} catch (Exception e) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", args.get(2));
return false;
if (avatarId < BASE_AVATARID) {
avatarId += BASE_AVATARID;
if (currentTeamAvatars.contains(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
if (!targetPlayer.getAvatars().hasAvatar(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
currentTeamAvatars.set(index, avatarId);
return true;
private boolean addAvatar(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, int avatarId, int index) {
if (avatarId < BASE_AVATARID) {
avatarId += BASE_AVATARID;
var currentTeamAvatars = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars();
if (currentTeamAvatars.contains(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
if (!targetPlayer.getAvatars().hasAvatar(avatarId)) {
CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "", avatarId);
return false;
if (index < 0) {
} else {
currentTeamAvatars.add(index, avatarId);
return true;
private List<Integer> transformToIndexes(String metaIndexes, int listLength) {
// step 1: check if metaIndexes is a special constants
if (metaIndexes.equals("first")) {
return List.of(1);
} else if (metaIndexes.equals("last")) {
return List.of(listLength);
// step 2: check if metaIndexes is a range
if (metaIndexes.contains("-")) {
var range = metaIndexes.split("-");
if (range.length < 2) {
return null;
int min, max;
try {
min = switch (range[0]) {
case "first" -> 1;
case "last" -> listLength;
default -> Integer.parseInt(range[0]);
max = switch (range[1]) {
case "first" -> 1;
case "last" -> listLength;
default -> Integer.parseInt(range[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
if (min > max) {
min ^= max;
max ^= min;
min ^= max;
var indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = min; i <= max; ++i) {
return indexes;
// step 3: index is a value, simply return
try {
int index = Integer.parseInt(metaIndexes);
return List.of(index);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public final class TeleportAllCommand implements CommandHandler {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.teleportAll.error"));
for (Player player : targetPlayer.getWorld().getPlayers()) {
if (player.equals(targetPlayer))
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public final class TeleportAllCommand implements CommandHandler {
player.getWorld().transferPlayerToScene(player, targetPlayer.getSceneId(), pos);
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.teleportAll.success"));
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ public final class TeleportCommand implements CommandHandler {
if (!result) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.teleport.exists_error"));
} else {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.teleport.success",
targetPlayer.getNickname(), Float.toString(x), Float.toString(y),
CommandHandler.sendMessage(sender, translate(sender, "commands.teleport.success",
targetPlayer.getNickname(), Float.toString(x), Float.toString(y),
Float.toString(z), Integer.toString(sceneId))
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class ConfigContainer {
try { // Check if the server is using a legacy config.
JsonObject configObject = Grasscutter.getGsonFactory()
.fromJson(new FileReader(Grasscutter.configFile), JsonObject.class);
if(!configObject.has("version")) {
if (!configObject.has("version")) {
Grasscutter.getLogger().info("Updating legacy ..");
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public class ConfigContainer {
var existing = config.version;
var latest = version();
if(existing == latest)
if (existing == latest)
// Create a new configuration instance.
......@@ -135,20 +135,20 @@ public class ConfigContainer {
public static class Game {
public String bindAddress = "";
public int bindPort = 22102;
/* This is the address used in the default region. */
public String accessAddress = "";
/* This is the port used in the default region. */
public int accessPort = 0;
/* Entities within a certain range will be loaded for the player */
public int loadEntitiesForPlayerRange = 100;
public boolean enableScriptInBigWorld = false;
public boolean enableConsole = true;
/* Controls whether packets should be logged in console or not */
public ServerDebugMode logPackets = ServerDebugMode.NONE;
public GameOptions gameOptions = new GameOptions();
public JoinOptions joinOptions = new JoinOptions();
public ConsoleAccount serverAccount = new ConsoleAccount();
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class ConfigContainer {
public Region[] regions = {};
public String defaultName = "Grasscutter";
public ServerDebugMode logRequests = ServerDebugMode.NONE;
......@@ -276,4 +276,4 @@ public class ConfigContainer {
public String Ip = "";
public int Port = 22102;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ import static emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter.config;
* A data container for the server's configuration.
* Use `import static emu.grasscutter.Configuration.*;`
* to import all configuration constants.
public final class Configuration extends ConfigContainer {
* Constants
// 'c' is short for 'config' and makes code look 'cleaner'.
public static final ConfigContainer c = config;
public static final Locale LANGUAGE = config.language.language;
public static final Locale FALLBACK_LANGUAGE = config.language.fallback;
public static final String DOCUMENT_LANGUAGE = config.language.document;
......@@ -30,22 +30,22 @@ public final class Configuration extends ConfigContainer {
private static final String PLUGINS_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.plugins;
private static final String SCRIPTS_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.scripts;
private static final String PACKETS_FOLDER = config.folderStructure.packets;
public static final Server SERVER = config.server;
public static final Database DATABASE = config.databaseInfo;
public static final Account ACCOUNT = config.account;
public static final HTTP HTTP_INFO = config.server.http;
public static final Game GAME_INFO =;
public static final Dispatch DISPATCH_INFO = config.server.dispatch;
public static final Encryption HTTP_ENCRYPTION = config.server.http.encryption;
public static final Policies HTTP_POLICIES = config.server.http.policies;
public static final Files HTTP_STATIC_FILES = config.server.http.files;
public static final GameOptions GAME_OPTIONS =;
public static final GameOptions.InventoryLimits INVENTORY_LIMITS =;
* Utilities
......@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ public final class Configuration extends ConfigContainer {
public static String DATA(String path) {
return Paths.get(DATA_FOLDER, path).toString();
public static String RESOURCE(String path) {
return Paths.get(RESOURCES_FOLDER, path).toString();
public static String PLUGIN() {
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class DataLoader {
public static InputStream load(String resourcePath) throws FileNotFoundException {
return load(resourcePath, true);
* Creates an input stream reader for a data file. If the file isn't found within the /data directory then it will fallback to the default within the jar resources
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