Commit 4c487e22 authored by 真心's avatar 真心 Committed by memetrollsXD
Browse files


parent 48aea3f5
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ There is a dummy user named "Server" in every player's friends list that you can
| clearartifacts | clearartifacts | player.clearartifacts | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked level 0 artifacts, including 5-star rarity ones from your inventory. | clearart |
| clearweapons | clearweapons | player.clearweapons | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked weapons, including 5-star rarity ones from your inventory. | clearwpns |
| drop | drop <itemID\|itemName> [amount] | server.drop | Client only | Drops an item around you. | `d` `dropitem` |
| give | give [player] <itemId\|itemName> [amount] [level] | player.give | Both side | Gives item(s) to you or the specified player. | `g` `item` `giveitem` |
| give | give [player] <itemId\|itemName> [amount] [level] [finement] | player.give | Both side | Gives item(s) to you or the specified player. (finement option only weapon.) | `g` `item` `giveitem` |
| givechar | givechar <uid> <avatarId> | player.givechar | Both side | Gives the player a specified character. | givec |
| giveall | giveall [uid] [amount] | player.giveall | Both side | Gives all items. | givea |
| godmode | godmode [uid] | player.godmode | Client only | Prevents you from taking damage. | |
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ chmod +x gradlew
| clearartifacts | clearartifacts | player.clearartifacts | 仅客户端 | 删除所有未装备及未解锁的圣遗物,包括五星 | clearart |
| clearweapons | clearweapons | player.clearweapons | 仅客户端 | 删除所有未装备及未解锁的武器,包括五星 | clearwp |
| drop | drop <物品ID\|物品名称> [数量] | server.drop | 仅客户端 | 在指定玩家周围掉落指定物品 | `d` `dropitem` |
| give | give [uid] <物品ID\|物品名称> [数量] [等级] | | | 给予指定玩家一定数量及等级的物品 | `g` `item` `giveitem` |
| give | give [uid] <物品ID\|物品名称> [数量] [等级] [精炼等级] | | | 给予指定玩家一定数量及等级的物品 (精炼等级仅适用于武器) | `g` `item` `giveitem` |
| givechar | givechar <uid> <角色ID> [等级] | player.givechar | 均可使用 | 给予指定玩家对应角色 | givec |
| giveall | giveall [uid] [数量] | player.giveall | 均可使用 | 给予指定玩家全部物品 | givea |
| godmode | godmode [uid] | player.godmode | 仅客户端 | 保护你不受到任何伤害(依然会被击退) | |
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