Commit 39f23a0c authored by KingRainbow44's avatar KingRainbow44
Browse files

Add new authentication system

parent 0b21a439
package emu.grasscutter.auth;
import emu.grasscutter.server.http.objects.*;
import express.http.Request;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Defines an authenticator for the server.
* Can be changed by plugins.
public interface AuthenticationSystem {
* Called when a user requests to make an account.
* @param username The provided username.
* @param password The provided password. (SHA-256'ed)
void createAccount(String username, String password);
* Called when a user requests to reset their password.
* @param username The username of the account to reset.
void resetPassword(String username);
* This is the authenticator used for password authentication.
* @return An authenticator.
Authenticator<LoginResultJson> getPasswordAuthenticator();
* This is the authenticator used for token authentication.
* @return An authenticator.
Authenticator<LoginResultJson> getTokenAuthenticator();
* This is the authenticator used for session authentication.
* @return An authenticator.
Authenticator<ComboTokenResJson> getSessionKeyAuthenticator();
* A data container that holds relevant data for authenticating a client.
* Call {@link AuthenticationRequest#builder()} to create a builder.
@Builder @AllArgsConstructor @Getter
class AuthenticationRequest {
private final Request request;
@Nullable private final LoginAccountRequestJson passwordRequest;
@Nullable private final LoginTokenRequestJson tokenRequest;
@Nullable private final ComboTokenReqJson sessionKeyRequest;
@Nullable private final ComboTokenReqJson.LoginTokenData sessionKeyData;
* Generates an authentication request from a {@link LoginAccountRequestJson} object.
* @param request The Express request.
* @param jsonData The JSON data.
* @return An authentication request.
static AuthenticationRequest fromPasswordRequest(Request request, LoginAccountRequestJson jsonData) {
return AuthenticationRequest.builder()
* Generates an authentication request from a {@link LoginTokenRequestJson} object.
* @param request The Express request.
* @param jsonData The JSON data.
* @return An authentication request.
static AuthenticationRequest fromTokenRequest(Request request, LoginTokenRequestJson jsonData) {
return AuthenticationRequest.builder()
* Generates an authentication request from a {@link ComboTokenReqJson} object.
* @param request The Express request.
* @param jsonData The JSON data.
* @return An authentication request.
static AuthenticationRequest fromComboTokenRequest(Request request, ComboTokenReqJson jsonData,
ComboTokenReqJson.LoginTokenData tokenData) {
return AuthenticationRequest.builder()
package emu.grasscutter.auth;
import emu.grasscutter.server.http.objects.*;
* Handles username/password authentication from the client.
* @param <T> The response object type. Should be {@link LoginResultJson} or {@link ComboTokenResJson}
public interface Authenticator<T> {
* Attempt to authenticate the client with the provided credentials.
* @param request The authentication request wrapped in a {@link AuthenticationSystem.AuthenticationRequest} object.
* @return The result of the login in an object.
T authenticate(AuthenticationSystem.AuthenticationRequest request);
\ No newline at end of file
package emu.grasscutter.auth;
import emu.grasscutter.auth.DefaultAuthenticators.*;
import emu.grasscutter.server.http.objects.ComboTokenResJson;
import emu.grasscutter.server.http.objects.LoginResultJson;
* The default Grasscutter authentication implementation.
* Allows all users to access any account.
public final class DefaultAuthentication implements AuthenticationSystem {
private final Authenticator<LoginResultJson> passwordAuthenticator = new PasswordAuthenticator();
private final Authenticator<LoginResultJson> tokenAuthenticator = new TokenAuthenticator();
private final Authenticator<ComboTokenResJson> sessionKeyAuthenticator = new SessionKeyAuthenticator();
public void createAccount(String username, String password) {
// Unhandled. The default authenticator doesn't store passwords.
public void resetPassword(String username) {
// Unhandled. The default authenticator doesn't store passwords.
public Authenticator<LoginResultJson> getPasswordAuthenticator() {
return this.passwordAuthenticator;
public Authenticator<LoginResultJson> getTokenAuthenticator() {
return this.tokenAuthenticator;
public Authenticator<ComboTokenResJson> getSessionKeyAuthenticator() {
return this.sessionKeyAuthenticator;
package emu.grasscutter.auth;
import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter;
import emu.grasscutter.auth.AuthenticationSystem.AuthenticationRequest;
import emu.grasscutter.database.DatabaseHelper;
import emu.grasscutter.server.http.objects.*;
import static emu.grasscutter.Configuration.*;
import static emu.grasscutter.utils.Language.translate;
* A class containing default authenticators.
public final class DefaultAuthenticators {
* Handles the authentication request from the username & password form.
public static class PasswordAuthenticator implements Authenticator<LoginResultJson> {
@Override public LoginResultJson authenticate(AuthenticationRequest request) {
var response = new LoginResultJson();
var requestData = request.getPasswordRequest();
assert requestData != null; // This should never be null.
boolean successfulLogin = false;
String address = request.getRequest().ip();
String responseMessage = translate("messages.dispatch.account.username_error");
// Get account from database.
Account account = DatabaseHelper.getAccountByName(requestData.account);
// Check if account exists.
if(account == null && ACCOUNT.autoCreate) {
// This account has been created AUTOMATICALLY. There will be no permissions added.
account = DatabaseHelper.createAccountWithId(requestData.account, 0);
// Check if the account was created successfully.
if(account == null) {
responseMessage = translate("messages.dispatch.account.username_create_error");
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.account_login_create_error", address));
} else {
// Add default permissions.
for (var permission : ACCOUNT.defaultPermissions)
// Continue with login.
successfulLogin = true;
// Log the creation.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.account_login_create_success", address,;
} else if(account != null)
successfulLogin = true;
// Set response data.
if(successfulLogin) {
response.message = "OK"; = account.getId(); = account.generateSessionKey(); = account.getEmail();
// Log the login.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.login_success", address, account.getId()));
} else {
response.retcode = -201;
response.message = responseMessage;
// Log the failure.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.account_login_exist_error", address));
return response;
* Handles the authentication request from the game when using a registry token.
public static class TokenAuthenticator implements Authenticator<LoginResultJson> {
@Override public LoginResultJson authenticate(AuthenticationRequest request) {
var response = new LoginResultJson();
var requestData = request.getTokenRequest();
assert requestData != null;
boolean successfulLogin;
String address = request.getRequest().ip();
// Log the attempt.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.login_token_attempt", address));
// Get account from database.
Account account = DatabaseHelper.getAccountById(requestData.uid);
// Check if account exists/token is valid.
successfulLogin = account != null && account.getSessionKey().equals(requestData.token);
// Set response data.
if(successfulLogin) {
response.message = "OK"; = account.getId(); = account.getSessionKey(); = account.getEmail();
// Log the login.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.login_token_success", address, requestData.uid));
} else {
response.retcode = -201;
response.message = translate("messages.dispatch.account.account_cache_error");
// Log the failure.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.login_token_error", address));
return response;
* Handles the authentication request from the game when using a combo token/session key.
public static class SessionKeyAuthenticator implements Authenticator<ComboTokenResJson> {
@Override public ComboTokenResJson authenticate(AuthenticationRequest request) {
var response = new ComboTokenResJson();
var requestData = request.getSessionKeyRequest();
var loginData = request.getSessionKeyData();
assert requestData != null; assert loginData != null;
boolean successfulLogin;
String address = request.getRequest().ip();
// Get account from database.
Account account = DatabaseHelper.getAccountById(loginData.uid);
// Check if account exists/token is valid.
successfulLogin = account != null && account.getSessionKey().equals(loginData.token);
// Set response data.
if(successfulLogin) {
response.message = "OK"; = account.getId(); = "157795300"; = account.generateLoginToken();
// Log the login.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.combo_token_success", address));
} else {
response.retcode = -201;
response.message = translate("messages.dispatch.account.session_key_error");
// Log the failure.
Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.dispatch.account.combo_token_error", address));
return response;
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