Commit 29de0c28 authored by BlackAngle233's avatar BlackAngle233
Browse files

10.19 learned

parent 912976bb
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
/// <summary>
/// A used-defined marker on the input animation timeline.
/// </summary>
public class InputAnimationMarker
/// <summary>
/// Placement of the marker relative to the input animation start time.
/// </summary>
public float time = 0.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Custom name of the marker.
/// </summary>
public string name = "";
/// <summary>
/// Contains a set of animation curves that describe motion of camera and hands.
/// </summary>
public class InputAnimation
protected static readonly int jointCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TrackedHandJoint)).Length;
/// <summary>
/// Maximum duration of all animations curves.
/// </summary>
private float duration = 0.0f;
public float Duration => duration;
public class PoseCurves
readonly public AnimationCurve PositionX = new AnimationCurve();
readonly public AnimationCurve PositionY = new AnimationCurve();
readonly public AnimationCurve PositionZ = new AnimationCurve();
readonly public AnimationCurve RotationX = new AnimationCurve();
readonly public AnimationCurve RotationY = new AnimationCurve();
readonly public AnimationCurve RotationZ = new AnimationCurve();
readonly public AnimationCurve RotationW = new AnimationCurve();
private AnimationCurve handTrackedCurveLeft;
private AnimationCurve handTrackedCurveRight;
private AnimationCurve handPinchCurveLeft;
private AnimationCurve handPinchCurveRight;
private Dictionary<TrackedHandJoint, PoseCurves> handJointCurvesLeft;
private Dictionary<TrackedHandJoint, PoseCurves> handJointCurvesRight;
private PoseCurves cameraCurves;
public PoseCurves CameraCurves => cameraCurves;
/// <summary>
/// Number of markers in the animation.
/// </summary>
private List<InputAnimationMarker> markers;
public int markerCount => markers.Count;
internal class CompareMarkers : IComparer<InputAnimationMarker>
public int Compare(InputAnimationMarker a, InputAnimationMarker b)
return a.time.CompareTo(b.time);
public InputAnimation()
handTrackedCurveLeft = new AnimationCurve();
handTrackedCurveRight = new AnimationCurve();
handPinchCurveLeft = new AnimationCurve();
handPinchCurveRight = new AnimationCurve();
handJointCurvesLeft = new Dictionary<TrackedHandJoint, PoseCurves>();
handJointCurvesRight = new Dictionary<TrackedHandJoint, PoseCurves>();
cameraCurves = new PoseCurves();
markers = new List<InputAnimationMarker>();
/// <summary>
/// Get animation curves for the pose of the given hand joint, if they exist.
/// </summary>
public bool TryGetHandJointCurves(Handedness handedness, TrackedHandJoint joint, out PoseCurves curves)
if (handedness == Handedness.Left)
return handJointCurvesLeft.TryGetValue(joint, out curves);
else if (handedness == Handedness.Right)
return handJointCurvesRight.TryGetValue(joint, out curves);
curves = null;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Make sure the pose animation curves for the given hand joint exist.
/// </summary>
public PoseCurves CreateHandJointCurves(Handedness handedness, TrackedHandJoint joint)
if (handedness == Handedness.Left)
if (!handJointCurvesLeft.TryGetValue(joint, out PoseCurves curves))
curves = new PoseCurves();
handJointCurvesLeft.Add(joint, curves);
return curves;
else if (handedness == Handedness.Right)
if (!handJointCurvesRight.TryGetValue(joint, out PoseCurves curves))
curves = new PoseCurves();
handJointCurvesRight.Add(joint, curves);
return curves;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Add a keyframe for the tracking state of a hand.
/// </summary>
public void AddHandStateKey(float time, Handedness handedness, bool isTracked, bool isPinching)
if (handedness == Handedness.Left)
AddHandStateKey(time, isTracked, isPinching, handTrackedCurveLeft, handPinchCurveLeft);
else if (handedness == Handedness.Right)
AddHandStateKey(time, isTracked, isPinching, handTrackedCurveRight, handPinchCurveRight);
/// <summary>
/// Add a keyframe for one hand joint.
/// </summary>
public void AddHandJointKey(float time, Handedness handedness, TrackedHandJoint joint, MixedRealityPose jointPose, float positionThreshold, float rotationThreshold)
if (handedness == Handedness.Left)
AddHandJointKey(time, joint, jointPose, handJointCurvesLeft, positionThreshold, rotationThreshold);
else if (handedness == Handedness.Right)
AddHandJointKey(time, joint, jointPose, handJointCurvesRight, positionThreshold, rotationThreshold);
/// Add a keyframe for the tracking state of a hand.
private void AddHandStateKey(float time, bool isTracked, bool isPinching, AnimationCurve trackedCurve, AnimationCurve pinchCurve)
AddBoolKeyFiltered(trackedCurve, time, isTracked);
AddBoolKeyFiltered(pinchCurve, time, isPinching);
duration = Mathf.Max(duration, time);
/// Add a keyframe for one hand joint.
private void AddHandJointKey(float time, TrackedHandJoint joint, MixedRealityPose jointPose, Dictionary<TrackedHandJoint, PoseCurves> jointCurves, float positionThreshold, float rotationThreshold)
if (!jointCurves.TryGetValue(joint, out PoseCurves curves))
curves = new PoseCurves();
jointCurves.Add(joint, curves);
AddPoseKeyFiltered(curves, time, jointPose, positionThreshold, rotationThreshold);
duration = Mathf.Max(duration, time);
/// <summary>
/// Add a keyframe for the camera transform.
/// </summary>
public void AddCameraPoseKey(float time, MixedRealityPose cameraPose, float positionThreshold, float rotationThreshold)
AddPoseKeyFiltered(cameraCurves, time, cameraPose, positionThreshold, rotationThreshold);
duration = Mathf.Max(duration, time);
private static void AddPoseKey(PoseCurves curves, float time, MixedRealityPose pose)
AddFloatKey(curves.PositionX, time, pose.Position.x);
AddFloatKey(curves.PositionY, time, pose.Position.y);
AddFloatKey(curves.PositionZ, time, pose.Position.z);
AddFloatKey(curves.RotationX, time, pose.Rotation.x);
AddFloatKey(curves.RotationY, time, pose.Rotation.y);
AddFloatKey(curves.RotationZ, time, pose.Rotation.z);
AddFloatKey(curves.RotationW, time, pose.Rotation.w);
/// Add a pose keyframe to an animation curve.
/// Keys are only added if the value changes sufficiently.
private static void AddPoseKeyFiltered(PoseCurves curves, float time, MixedRealityPose pose, float positionThreshold, float rotationThreshold)
AddPositionKeyFiltered(curves.PositionX, curves.PositionY, curves.PositionZ, time, pose.Position, positionThreshold);
AddRotationKeyFiltered(curves.RotationX, curves.RotationY, curves.RotationZ, curves.RotationW, time, pose.Rotation, rotationThreshold);
// Add a vector keyframe to animation curve if the threshold distance to the previous value is exceeded.
// Otherwise replace the last keyframe instead of adding a new one.
private static void AddPositionKeyFiltered(AnimationCurve curveX, AnimationCurve curveY, AnimationCurve curveZ, float time, Vector3 position, float threshold)
float sqrThreshold = threshold * threshold;
int iX = FindKeyframeInterval(curveX, time);
int iY = FindKeyframeInterval(curveY, time);
int iZ = FindKeyframeInterval(curveZ, time);
if (iX > 0 && iY > 0 && iZ > 0)
Vector3 v0 = new Vector3(curveX.keys[iX - 1].value, curveY.keys[iY - 1].value, curveZ.keys[iZ - 1].value);
Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(curveX.keys[iX].value, curveY.keys[iY].value, curveZ.keys[iZ].value);
// Merge the preceding two intervals if difference is small enough
if ((v1 - v0).sqrMagnitude <= sqrThreshold && (position - v1).sqrMagnitude <= sqrThreshold)
AddFloatKey(curveX, time, position.x);
AddFloatKey(curveY, time, position.y);
AddFloatKey(curveZ, time, position.z);
// Add a quaternion keyframe to animation curve if the threshold angular distance to the previous value is exceeded.
// Otherwise replace the last keyframe instead of adding a new one.
private static void AddRotationKeyFiltered(AnimationCurve curveX, AnimationCurve curveY, AnimationCurve curveZ, AnimationCurve curveW, float time, Quaternion rotation, float threshold)
float sqrThreshold = threshold * threshold;
int iX = FindKeyframeInterval(curveX, time);
int iY = FindKeyframeInterval(curveY, time);
int iZ = FindKeyframeInterval(curveZ, time);
int iW = FindKeyframeInterval(curveW, time);
if (iX > 0 && iY > 0 && iZ > 0 && iW > 0)
Quaternion q0 = new Quaternion(curveX.keys[iX - 1].value, curveY.keys[iY - 1].value, curveZ.keys[iZ - 1].value, curveW.keys[iW - 1].value);
Quaternion q1 = new Quaternion(curveX.keys[iX].value, curveY.keys[iY].value, curveZ.keys[iZ].value, curveW.keys[iW].value);
// Merge the preceding two intervals if difference is small enough
(q0 * Quaternion.Inverse(q1)).ToAngleAxis(out float angle0, out Vector3 axis0);
(rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(q0)).ToAngleAxis(out float angle1, out Vector3 axis1);
if (angle0 <= sqrThreshold && angle1 <= sqrThreshold)
AddFloatKey(curveX, time, rotation.x);
AddFloatKey(curveY, time, rotation.y);
AddFloatKey(curveZ, time, rotation.z);
AddFloatKey(curveW, time, rotation.w);
/// Add a float value to an animation curve.
/// Returns the index of the newly added keyframe.
private static int AddFloatKey(AnimationCurve curve, float time, float value)
// Use linear interpolation by setting tangents and weights to zero.
var keyframe = new Keyframe(time, value, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
keyframe.weightedMode = WeightedMode.Both;
return curve.AddKey(keyframe);
/// Arbitrarily large weight for representing a boolean value in float curves.
const float boolOutWeight = 1.0e6f;
/// Utility function that creates a non-interpolated keyframe suitable for boolean values.
/// Returns the index of the newly added keyframe.
private static int AddBoolKey(AnimationCurve curve, float time, bool value)
float fvalue = value ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// Set tangents and weights such than the input value is cut off and out tangent is constant.
var keyframe = new Keyframe(time, fvalue, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, boolOutWeight);
keyframe.weightedMode = WeightedMode.Both;
return curve.AddKey(keyframe);
/// Utility function that creates a non-interpolated keyframe suitable for boolean values.
/// Keys are only added if the value changes.
/// Returns the index of the newly added keyframe, or -1 if no keyframe has been added.
private static int AddBoolKeyFiltered(AnimationCurve curve, float time, bool value)
float fvalue = value ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// Set tangents and weights such than the input value is cut off and out tangent is constant.
var keyframe = new Keyframe(time, fvalue, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, boolOutWeight);
keyframe.weightedMode = WeightedMode.Both;
int insertAfter = FindKeyframeInterval(curve, time);
if (insertAfter >= 0 && curve.keys[insertAfter].value == fvalue)
// Value unchanged from previous key, ignore
return -1;
int insertBefore = insertAfter + 1;
if (insertBefore < curve.keys.Length && curve.keys[insertBefore].value == fvalue)
// Same value as next key, replace next key
return curve.MoveKey(insertBefore, keyframe);
return curve.AddKey(keyframe);
/// <summary>
/// Remove all keyframes from all animation curves with time values before the given cutoff time.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If keyframes exists before the cutoff time then one preceding keyframe will be retained,
/// so that interpolation at the cutoff time yields the same result.
/// </remarks>
public void CutoffBeforeTime(float time)
foreach (var curve in AnimationCurves)
CutoffBeforeTime(curve, time);
private void CutoffBeforeTime(AnimationCurve curve, float time)
// Keep the keyframe before the cutoff time to ensure correct value at the beginning
int idx0 = FindKeyframeInterval(curve, time);
if (idx0 > 0)
Keyframe[] newKeys = new Keyframe[curve.keys.Length - idx0];
for (int i = 0; i < newKeys.Length; ++i)
newKeys[i] = curve.keys[idx0 + i];
curve.keys = newKeys;
/// <summary>
/// Remove all keyframes from all animation curves.
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
foreach (var curve in AnimationCurves)
curve.keys = new Keyframe[0];
// Helper class to enumerate all curves in the input animation
internal class AnimationCurveEnumerable : IEnumerable<AnimationCurve>
private InputAnimation animation;
public AnimationCurveEnumerable(InputAnimation animation)
this.animation = animation;
public IEnumerator<AnimationCurve> GetEnumerator()
yield return animation.handTrackedCurveLeft;
yield return animation.handTrackedCurveRight;
yield return animation.handPinchCurveLeft;
yield return animation.handPinchCurveRight;
foreach (var curves in animation.handJointCurvesLeft.Values)
yield return curves.PositionX;
yield return curves.PositionY;
yield return curves.PositionZ;
yield return curves.RotationX;
yield return curves.RotationY;
yield return curves.RotationZ;
yield return curves.RotationW;
foreach (var curves in animation.handJointCurvesRight.Values)
yield return curves.PositionX;
yield return curves.PositionY;
yield return curves.PositionZ;
yield return curves.RotationX;
yield return curves.RotationY;
yield return curves.RotationZ;
yield return curves.RotationW;
yield return animation.cameraCurves.PositionX;
yield return animation.cameraCurves.PositionY;
yield return animation.cameraCurves.PositionZ;
yield return animation.cameraCurves.RotationX;
yield return animation.cameraCurves.RotationY;
yield return animation.cameraCurves.RotationZ;
yield return animation.cameraCurves.RotationW;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return this.GetEnumerator();
private IEnumerable<AnimationCurve> AnimationCurves => new AnimationCurveEnumerable(this);
/// <summary>
/// Find an index i in the sorted events list, such that events[i].time <= time < events[i+1].time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// 0 <= i < eventCount if a full interval could be found.
/// -1 if time is less than the first event time.
/// eventCount-1 if time is greater than the last event time.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Uses binary search.
/// </remarks>
private static int FindKeyframeInterval(AnimationCurve curve, float time)
var keys = curve.keys;
int lowIdx = -1;
int highIdx = keys.Length;
while (lowIdx < highIdx - 1)
int midIdx = (lowIdx + highIdx) >> 1;
if (time >= keys[midIdx].time)
lowIdx = midIdx;
highIdx = midIdx;
return lowIdx;
/// <summary>
/// Add a user-defined marker.
/// </summary>
public void AddMarker(InputAnimationMarker marker)
int index = FindMarkerInterval(marker.time) + 1;
markers.Insert(index, marker);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the user-defined marker at the given index.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveMarker(int index)
/// <summary>
/// Change the time of the marker at the given index.
/// </summary>
public void SetMarkerTime(int index, float time)
InputAnimationMarker marker = markers[index];
int newIndex = FindMarkerInterval(time) + 1;
marker.time = time;
markers.Insert(newIndex, marker);
/// <summary>
/// Evaluate hand tracking state at the given time.
/// </summary>
public void EvaluateHandState(float time, Handedness handedness, out bool isTracked, out bool isPinching)
if (handedness == Handedness.Left)
EvaluateHandState(time, handTrackedCurveLeft, handPinchCurveLeft, out isTracked, out isPinching);
else if (handedness == Handedness.Right)
EvaluateHandState(time, handTrackedCurveRight, handPinchCurveRight, out isTracked, out isPinching);
isTracked = false;
isPinching = false;
/// Evaluate hand tracking state at the given time.
private void EvaluateHandState(float time, AnimationCurve trackedCurve, AnimationCurve pinchCurve, out bool isTracked, out bool isPinching)
isTracked = (trackedCurve.Evaluate(time) > 0.5f);
isPinching = (pinchCurve.Evaluate(time) > 0.5f);
/// <summary>
/// Evaluate joint pose at the given time.
/// </summary>
public MixedRealityPose EvaluateHandJoint(float time, Handedness handedness, TrackedHandJoint joint)
if (handedness == Handedness.Left)
return EvaluateHandJoint(time, joint, handJointCurvesLeft);
else if (handedness == Handedness.Right)
return EvaluateHandJoint(time, joint, handJointCurvesRight);
return MixedRealityPose.ZeroIdentity;
/// Evaluate joint pose at the given time.
private MixedRealityPose EvaluateHandJoint(float time, TrackedHandJoint joint, Dictionary<TrackedHandJoint, PoseCurves> jointCurves)
if (jointCurves.TryGetValue(joint, out PoseCurves curves))
return EvaluatePose(curves, time);
return MixedRealityPose.ZeroIdentity;
/// <summary>
/// Evaluate the camera transform at the given time.
/// </summary>
public MixedRealityPose EvaluateCameraPose(float time)
return EvaluatePose(cameraCurves, time);
private static MixedRealityPose EvaluatePose(PoseCurves curves, float time)
float px = curves.PositionX.Evaluate(time);
float py = curves.PositionY.Evaluate(time);
float pz = curves.PositionZ.Evaluate(time);
float rx = curves.RotationX.Evaluate(time);
float ry = curves.RotationY.Evaluate(time);
float rz = curves.RotationZ.Evaluate(time);
float rw = curves.RotationW.Evaluate(time);
var pose = new MixedRealityPose();
pose.Position = new Vector3(px, py, pz);
pose.Rotation = new Quaternion(rx, ry, rz, rw);
return pose;
/// <summary>
/// Get the marker at the given index.
/// </summary>
public InputAnimationMarker GetMarker(int index)
return markers[index];
/// <summary>
/// Find an index i in the sorted events list, such that events[i].time &lt;= time &lt; events[i+1].time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// 0 &lt;= i &lt; eventCount if a full interval could be found.
/// -1 if time is less than the first event time.
/// eventCount-1 if time is greater than the last event time.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Uses binary search.
/// </remarks>
public int FindMarkerInterval(float time)
int lowIdx = -1;
int highIdx = markers.Count;
while (lowIdx < highIdx - 1)
int midIdx = (lowIdx + highIdx) >> 1;
if (time >= markers[midIdx].time)
lowIdx = midIdx;
highIdx = midIdx;
return lowIdx;
private void ComputeDuration()
duration = 0.0f;
foreach (var curve in AnimationCurves)
float curveDuration = (curve.length > 0 ? curve.keys[curve.length - 1].time : 0.0f);
duration = Mathf.Max(duration, curveDuration);
/// <summary>
/// Serialize animation data into a stream.
/// </summary>
public void ToStream(Stream stream, float startTime)
PoseCurves defaultCurves = new PoseCurves();
var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
PoseCurvesToStream(writer, cameraCurves, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteBoolCurve(writer, handTrackedCurveLeft, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteBoolCurve(writer, handTrackedCurveRight, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteBoolCurve(writer, handPinchCurveLeft, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteBoolCurve(writer, handPinchCurveRight, startTime);
for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; ++i)
if (!handJointCurvesLeft.TryGetValue((TrackedHandJoint)i, out PoseCurves curves))
curves = defaultCurves;
PoseCurvesToStream(writer, curves, startTime);
for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; ++i)
if (!handJointCurvesRight.TryGetValue((TrackedHandJoint)i, out PoseCurves curves))
curves = defaultCurves;
PoseCurvesToStream(writer, curves, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteMarkerList(writer, markers, startTime);
/// <summary>
/// Deserialize animation data from a stream.
/// </summary>
public void FromStream(Stream stream)
var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadHeader(reader, out int versionMajor, out int versionMinor);
if (versionMajor != 1 || versionMinor != 0)
Debug.LogError("Only version 1.0 of input animation file format is supported.");
PoseCurvesFromStream(reader, cameraCurves);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadBoolCurve(reader, handTrackedCurveLeft);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadBoolCurve(reader, handTrackedCurveRight);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadBoolCurve(reader, handPinchCurveLeft);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadBoolCurve(reader, handPinchCurveRight);
for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; ++i)
if (!handJointCurvesLeft.TryGetValue((TrackedHandJoint)i, out PoseCurves curves))
curves = new PoseCurves();
handJointCurvesLeft.Add((TrackedHandJoint)i, curves);
PoseCurvesFromStream(reader, curves);
for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; ++i)
if (!handJointCurvesRight.TryGetValue((TrackedHandJoint)i, out PoseCurves curves))
curves = new PoseCurves();
handJointCurvesRight.Add((TrackedHandJoint)i, curves);
PoseCurvesFromStream(reader, curves);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadMarkerList(reader, markers);
private static void PoseCurvesToStream(BinaryWriter writer, PoseCurves curves, float startTime)
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curves.PositionX, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curves.PositionY, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curves.PositionZ, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curves.RotationX, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curves.RotationY, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curves.RotationZ, startTime);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curves.RotationW, startTime);
private static void PoseCurvesFromStream(BinaryReader reader, PoseCurves curves)
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curves.PositionX);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curves.PositionY);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curves.PositionZ);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curves.RotationX);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curves.RotationY);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curves.RotationZ);
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curves.RotationW);
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
/// <summary>
/// Functions for serializing input animation data to and from binary files.
/// </summary>
public static class InputAnimationSerializationUtils
private static readonly int jointCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TrackedHandJoint)).Length;
public const string Extension = "bin";
const long Magic = 0x6a8faf6e0f9e42c6;
public const int VersionMajor = 1;
public const int VersionMinor = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Generate a file name for export.
/// </summary>
public static string GetOutputFilename(string baseName = "InputAnimation", bool appendTimestamp = true)
string filename;
if (appendTimestamp)
filename = String.Format("{0}-{1}.{2}", baseName, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"), InputAnimationSerializationUtils.Extension);
filename = baseName;
return filename;
/// <summary>
/// Write a header for the input animation file format into the stream.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteHeader(BinaryWriter writer)
/// <summary>
/// Write a header for the input animation file format into the stream.
/// </summary>
public static void ReadHeader(BinaryReader reader, out int fileVersionMajor, out int fileVersionMinor)
long fileMagic = reader.ReadInt64();
if (fileMagic != Magic)
throw new Exception("File is not an input animation file");
fileVersionMajor = reader.ReadInt32();
fileVersionMinor = reader.ReadInt32();
/// <summary>
/// Serialize an animation curve with tangents as binary data.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteFloatCurve(BinaryWriter writer, AnimationCurve curve, float startTime)
for (int i = 0; i < curve.length; ++i)
var keyframe = curve.keys[i];
writer.Write(keyframe.time - startTime);
/// <summary>
/// Deserialize an animation curve with tangents from binary data.
/// </summary>
public static void ReadFloatCurve(BinaryReader reader, AnimationCurve curve)
curve.preWrapMode = (WrapMode)reader.ReadInt32();
curve.postWrapMode = (WrapMode)reader.ReadInt32();
int keyframeCount = reader.ReadInt32();
Keyframe[] keys = new Keyframe[keyframeCount];
for (int i = 0; i < keyframeCount; ++i)
keys[i].time = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].value = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].inTangent = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].outTangent = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].inWeight = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].outWeight = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].weightedMode = (WeightedMode)reader.ReadInt32();
curve.keys = keys;
/// <summary>
/// Serialize an animation curve as binary data, ignoring tangents.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteBoolCurve(BinaryWriter writer, AnimationCurve curve, float startTime)
for (int i = 0; i < curve.length; ++i)
var keyframe = curve.keys[i];
writer.Write(keyframe.time - startTime);
/// <summary>
/// Deserialize an animation curve from binary data, ignoring tangents.
/// </summary>
public static void ReadBoolCurve(BinaryReader reader, AnimationCurve curve)
curve.preWrapMode = (WrapMode)reader.ReadInt32();
curve.postWrapMode = (WrapMode)reader.ReadInt32();
int keyframeCount = reader.ReadInt32();
Keyframe[] keys = new Keyframe[keyframeCount];
for (int i = 0; i < keyframeCount; ++i)
keys[i].time = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].value = reader.ReadSingle();
keys[i].inTangent = 0.0f;
keys[i].outTangent = 0.0f;
keys[i].inWeight = 0.0f;
keys[i].outWeight = 1.0e6f;
keys[i].weightedMode = WeightedMode.Both;
curve.keys = keys;
/// <summary>
/// Serialize an array of animation curves with tangents as binary data.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteFloatCurveArray(BinaryWriter writer, AnimationCurve[] curves, float startTime)
foreach (AnimationCurve curve in curves)
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteFloatCurve(writer, curve, startTime);
/// <summary>
/// Deserialize an array of animation curves with tangents from binary data.
/// </summary>
public static void ReadFloatCurveArray(BinaryReader reader, AnimationCurve[] curves)
foreach (AnimationCurve curve in curves)
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadFloatCurve(reader, curve);
/// <summary>
/// Serialize an array of animation curves as binary data, ignoring tangents.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteBoolCurveArray(BinaryWriter writer, AnimationCurve[] curves, float startTime)
foreach (AnimationCurve curve in curves)
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.WriteBoolCurve(writer, curve, startTime);
/// <summary>
/// Deserialize an array of animation curves from binary data, ignoring tangents.
/// </summary>
public static void ReadBoolCurveArray(BinaryReader reader, AnimationCurve[] curves)
foreach (AnimationCurve curve in curves)
InputAnimationSerializationUtils.ReadBoolCurve(reader, curve);
/// <summary>
/// Serialize a list of markers.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteMarkerList(BinaryWriter writer, List<InputAnimationMarker> markers, float startTime)
foreach (var marker in markers)
writer.Write(marker.time - startTime);
/// <summary>
/// Deserialize a list of markers.
/// </summary>
public static void ReadMarkerList(BinaryReader reader, List<InputAnimationMarker> markers)
int count = reader.ReadInt32();
markers.Capacity = count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var marker = new InputAnimationMarker();
marker.time = reader.ReadSingle(); = reader.ReadString();
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
/// <summary>
/// Provides input recording into an internal buffer and exporting to files.
/// </summary>
(SupportedPlatforms)(-1), // Supported on all platforms
"Input Recording Service",
public class InputRecordingService :
private static readonly int jointCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(TrackedHandJoint)).Length;
public event Action OnRecordingStarted;
public event Action OnRecordingStopped;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="registrar">The <see cref="IMixedRealityServiceRegistrar"/> instance that loaded the data provider.</param>
/// <param name="inputSystem">The <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input.IMixedRealityInputSystem"/> instance that receives data from this provider.</param>
/// <param name="name">Friendly name of the service.</param>
/// <param name="priority">Service priority. Used to determine order of instantiation.</param>
/// <param name="profile">The service's configuration profile.</param>
[Obsolete("This constructor is obsolete (registrar parameter is no longer required) and will be removed in a future version of the Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit.")]
public InputRecordingService(
IMixedRealityServiceRegistrar registrar,
IMixedRealityInputSystem inputSystem,
string name = null,
uint priority = DefaultPriority,
BaseMixedRealityProfile profile = null) : this(inputSystem, name, priority, profile)
Registrar = registrar;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputSystem">The <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input.IMixedRealityInputSystem"/> instance that receives data from this provider.</param>
/// <param name="name">Friendly name of the service.</param>
/// <param name="priority">Service priority. Used to determine order of instantiation.</param>
/// <param name="profile">The service's configuration profile.</param>
public InputRecordingService(
IMixedRealityInputSystem inputSystem,
string name = null,
uint priority = DefaultPriority,
BaseMixedRealityProfile profile = null) : base(inputSystem, name, priority, profile)
{ }
/// <summary>
/// Return the service profile and ensure that the type is correct.
/// </summary>
public MixedRealityInputRecordingProfile InputRecordingProfile
var profile = ConfigurationProfile as MixedRealityInputRecordingProfile;
if (!profile)
Debug.LogError("Profile for Input Recording Service must be a MixedRealityInputRecordingProfile");
return profile;
/// <summary>
/// Service has been enabled.
/// </summary>
public bool IsEnabled { get; private set; } = false;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool IsRecording { get; private set; } = false;
private bool useBufferTimeLimit = true;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool UseBufferTimeLimit
get { return useBufferTimeLimit; }
if (useBufferTimeLimit && !value)
// Start at buffer limit when making buffer unlimited
unlimitedRecordingStartTime = StartTime;
useBufferTimeLimit = value;
if (useBufferTimeLimit)
private float recordingBufferTimeLimit = 30.0f;
/// <inheritdoc />
public float RecordingBufferTimeLimit
get { return recordingBufferTimeLimit; }
recordingBufferTimeLimit = Mathf.Max(value, 0.0f);
if (useBufferTimeLimit)
private InputAnimation recordingBuffer = null;
// Start time of recording if buffer is unlimited.
// Nullable to determine when time needs to be reset.
private float? unlimitedRecordingStartTime = null;
public float StartTime
if (unlimitedRecordingStartTime.HasValue)
if (useBufferTimeLimit)
return Mathf.Max(unlimitedRecordingStartTime.Value, Time.time - recordingBufferTimeLimit);
return unlimitedRecordingStartTime.Value;
return Time.time;
private void ResetStartTime()
if (IsRecording)
unlimitedRecordingStartTime = Time.time;
unlimitedRecordingStartTime = null;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void Enable()
IsEnabled = true;
recordingBuffer = new InputAnimation();
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void Disable()
IsEnabled = false;
recordingBuffer = null;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void StartRecording()
IsRecording = true;
if (UseBufferTimeLimit)
if (!unlimitedRecordingStartTime.HasValue)
unlimitedRecordingStartTime = Time.time;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void StopRecording()
IsRecording = false;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void LateUpdate()
if (IsEnabled)
if (IsRecording)
if (UseBufferTimeLimit)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void DiscardRecordedInput()
if (IsEnabled)
/// <summary>
/// Record a keyframe at the given time for the main camera and tracked input devices.
/// </summary>
private void RecordKeyframe()
float time = Time.time;
var profile = InputRecordingProfile;
if (CameraCache.Main)
var cameraPose = new MixedRealityPose(CameraCache.Main.transform.position, CameraCache.Main.transform.rotation);
recordingBuffer.AddCameraPoseKey(time, cameraPose, profile.CameraPositionThreshold, profile.CameraRotationThreshold);
/// <summary>
/// Record a keyframe at the given time for a hand with the given handedness it is tracked.
/// </summary>
private bool RecordInputHandData(Handedness handedness)
float time = Time.time;
var profile = InputRecordingProfile;
var hand = HandJointUtils.FindHand(handedness);
if (hand == null)
recordingBuffer.AddHandStateKey(time, handedness, false, false);
return false;
bool isTracked = (hand.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked);
// Extract extra information from current interactions
bool isPinching = false;
for (int i = 0; i < hand.Interactions?.Length; i++)
var interaction = hand.Interactions[i];
switch (interaction.InputType)
case DeviceInputType.Select:
isPinching = interaction.BoolData;
recordingBuffer.AddHandStateKey(time, handedness, isTracked, isPinching);
if (isTracked)
for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; ++i)
if (hand.TryGetJoint((TrackedHandJoint)i, out MixedRealityPose jointPose))
recordingBuffer.AddHandJointKey(time, handedness, (TrackedHandJoint)i, jointPose, profile.JointPositionThreshold, profile.JointRotationThreshold);
return true;
/// <inheritdoc />
public string SaveInputAnimation(string directory = null)
return SaveInputAnimation(InputAnimationSerializationUtils.GetOutputFilename(), directory);
/// <inheritdoc />
public string SaveInputAnimation(string filename, string directory = null)
if (IsEnabled)
string path = Path.Combine(directory ?? Application.persistentDataPath, filename);
using (Stream fileStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Create))
recordingBuffer.ToStream(fileStream, StartTime);
Debug.Log($"Recorded input animation exported to {path}");
return path;
catch (IOException ex)
return "";
/// Discard keyframes before the cutoff time.
private void PruneBuffer()
"name": "Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Services.InputAnimation",
"references": [
"optionalUnityReferences": [],
"includePlatforms": [],
"excludePlatforms": [],
"allowUnsafeCode": false
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
/// <summary>
/// Settings for recording input animation assets.
/// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Mixed Reality Toolkit/Profiles/Mixed Reality Input Recording Profile", fileName = "MixedRealityInputRecordingProfile", order = (int)CreateProfileMenuItemIndices.Input)]
public class MixedRealityInputRecordingProfile : BaseMixedRealityProfile
[Tooltip("Minimum movement of hand joints to record a keyframe")]
private float jointPositionThreshold = 0.001f;
public float JointPositionThreshold => jointPositionThreshold;
[Tooltip("Minimum movement of hand joints to record a keyframe")]
private float jointRotationThreshold = 0.02f;
public float JointRotationThreshold => jointRotationThreshold;
[Tooltip("Minimum movement of the camera to record a keyframe")]
private float cameraPositionThreshold = 0.002f;
public float CameraPositionThreshold => cameraPositionThreshold;
[Tooltip("Minimum rotation angle of the camera to record a keyframe")]
private float cameraRotationThreshold = 0.02f;
public float CameraRotationThreshold => cameraRotationThreshold;
\ No newline at end of file
"items": [
"joint": "None",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.0470723882317543,
"y": -0.18403607606887818,
"z": -0.5408412218093872
"rotation": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"w": 0.0
"joint": "Wrist",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.06179157271981239,
"y": -0.15333214402198792,
"z": -0.0469515398144722
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5501163005828857,
"y": -0.11712269484996796,
"z": 0.001836930401623249,
"w": 0.8265576958656311
"joint": "Palm",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.05801215022802353,
"y": -0.1058567613363266,
"z": -0.02556976117193699
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5501163005828857,
"y": -0.11712269484996796,
"z": 0.001836930401623249,
"w": 0.8265576958656311
"joint": "ThumbMetacarpalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.03695414960384369,
"y": -0.1407443881034851,
"z": -0.03328647091984749
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5855690240859985,
"y": -0.10429229587316513,
"z": 0.5890942811965942,
"w": 0.547493577003479
"joint": "ThumbProximalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.00045104348100721836,
"y": -0.11720659583806992,
"z": -0.01997363194823265
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5386121273040772,
"y": 0.04485885053873062,
"z": 0.5422580242156982,
"w": 0.6437124609947205
"joint": "ThumbDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.016296127811074258,
"y": -0.09359179437160492,
"z": -0.006718119606375694
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6040476560592651,
"y": -0.08891747146844864,
"z": 0.5752687454223633,
"w": 0.5448194742202759
"joint": "ThumbTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.03216664865612984,
"y": -0.08244754374027252,
"z": -0.001603197306394577
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6040476560592651,
"y": -0.08891747146844864,
"z": 0.5752687454223633,
"w": 0.5448194742202759
"joint": "IndexMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.04794362187385559,
"y": -0.13700048625469209,
"z": -0.03438100963830948
"rotation": {
"x": -0.534980297088623,
"y": -0.28449201583862307,
"z": -0.061086010187864307,
"w": 0.7931764721870422
"joint": "IndexKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.023209279403090478,
"y": -0.08038382232189179,
"z": -0.017351558431982995
"rotation": {
"x": -0.599485456943512,
"y": -0.1474478840827942,
"z": 0.04840812832117081,
"w": 0.7852058410644531
"joint": "IndexMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.009743190370500088,
"y": -0.03727291524410248,
"z": -0.006295463070273399
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6344203948974609,
"y": -0.08629350364208222,
"z": 0.11939872056245804,
"w": 0.7588865756988525
"joint": "IndexDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.0026917937211692335,
"y": -0.013759316876530648,
"z": -0.0017971978522837163
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6451734304428101,
"y": -0.12336783856153488,
"z": 0.00809548981487751,
"w": 0.7542511224746704
"joint": "IndexTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.0002534952946007252,
"y": 0.0007631087210029364,
"z": 0.0002575620310381055
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6451734304428101,
"y": -0.12336783856153488,
"z": 0.00809548981487751,
"w": 0.7542511224746704
"joint": "MiddleMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.056570135056972507,
"y": -0.13634957373142243,
"z": -0.03486650064587593
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6017327308654785,
"y": -0.1049300879240036,
"z": 0.008752312511205674,
"w": 0.7917264699935913
"joint": "MiddleKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.045069482177495959,
"y": -0.07444917410612107,
"z": -0.018345370888710023
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5885983109474182,
"y": -0.10035836696624756,
"z": 0.025189023464918138,
"w": 0.8017893433570862
"joint": "MiddleMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.035030756145715716,
"y": -0.025001518428325654,
"z": -0.0032290546223521234
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6631931662559509,
"y": -0.09005288034677506,
"z": -0.0027521485462784769,
"w": 0.7431085109710693
"joint": "MiddleDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.031546302139759067,
"y": 0.0013798222644254566,
"z": -0.0004363078624010086
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6468731164932251,
"y": -0.11953263729810715,
"z": -0.06937266886234284,
"w": 0.7504633665084839
"joint": "MiddleTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.030048875138163568,
"y": 0.017790958285331727,
"z": 0.0018172836862504483
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6468731164932251,
"y": -0.11953263729810715,
"z": -0.06937266886234284,
"w": 0.7504633665084839
"joint": "RingMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.06806596368551254,
"y": -0.13525664806365968,
"z": -0.034837257117033008
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5803540945053101,
"y": 0.014031633734703064,
"z": 0.05480925738811493,
"w": 0.8123965859413147
"joint": "RingKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.06544187664985657,
"y": -0.07453925907611847,
"z": -0.013881120830774308
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6466344594955444,
"y": -0.03600946068763733,
"z": 0.02467469871044159,
"w": 0.7615609765052795
"joint": "RingMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.06159381568431854,
"y": -0.03093438223004341,
"z": -0.006733019836246967
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6550348401069641,
"y": -0.06099399924278259,
"z": -0.04121965169906616,
"w": 0.7520787715911865
"joint": "RingDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.06070023775100708,
"y": -0.007464663125574589,
"z": -0.003544492181390524
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6712727546691895,
"y": -0.05777180939912796,
"z": -0.05727298930287361,
"w": 0.7370488047599793
"joint": "RingTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.060552775859832767,
"y": 0.010114867240190506,
"z": -0.0019072332652285696
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6712727546691895,
"y": -0.05777180939912796,
"z": -0.05727298930287361,
"w": 0.7370488047599793
"joint": "PinkyMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.07710164040327072,
"y": -0.13650110363960267,
"z": -0.032643478363752368
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5344982147216797,
"y": 0.1545339822769165,
"z": 0.10820292681455612,
"w": 0.8238464593887329
"joint": "PinkyKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.08530370891094208,
"y": -0.08254323154687882,
"z": -0.010162543505430222
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6702333688735962,
"y": 0.05704934149980545,
"z": 0.006686835549771786,
"w": 0.7399358749389648
"joint": "PinkyMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.08779342472553253,
"y": -0.049793362617492679,
"z": -0.0070251524448394779
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6393072605133057,
"y": 0.030266048386693,
"z": -0.15569603443145753,
"w": 0.7524937987327576
"joint": "PinkyDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.09219621121883393,
"y": -0.03264733776450157,
"z": -0.0037694787606596948
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6555882692337036,
"y": -0.0018634665757417679,
"z": -0.09289215505123139,
"w": 0.7497090101242065
"joint": "PinkyTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.09392204880714417,
"y": -0.018381092697381974,
"z": -0.0017222119495272637
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6555882692337036,
"y": -0.0018634665757417679,
"z": -0.09289215505123139,
"w": 0.7497090101242065
\ No newline at end of file
"items": [
"joint": "None",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.08690944314002991,
"y": 0.013536587357521057,
"z": -0.3781388998031616
"rotation": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"w": 0.0
"joint": "Wrist",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.059647563844919208,
"y": -0.018170714378356935,
"z": -0.07320141047239304
"rotation": {
"x": -0.44069746136665347,
"y": -0.3151600956916809,
"z": -0.029152734205126764,
"w": 0.8398429155349731
"joint": "Palm",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.040150947868824008,
"y": 0.022433746606111528,
"z": -0.04928050562739372
"rotation": {
"x": -0.44069746136665347,
"y": -0.3151600956916809,
"z": -0.029152734205126764,
"w": 0.8398429155349731
"joint": "ThumbMetacarpalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.033823080360889438,
"y": -0.014000600203871727,
"z": -0.06483504176139832
"rotation": {
"x": 0.46251192688941958,
"y": 0.15892137587070466,
"z": -0.748396635055542,
"w": -0.44902268052101138
"joint": "ThumbProximalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.0048112208023667339,
"y": -0.005827075336128473,
"z": -0.04063580185174942
"rotation": {
"x": 0.32614850997924807,
"y": -0.017511412501335145,
"z": -0.7735356688499451,
"w": -0.5439797639846802
"joint": "ThumbDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.02188277430832386,
"y": 0.0075818500481545929,
"z": -0.01290540024638176
"rotation": {
"x": 0.22856087982654572,
"y": -0.09300848096609116,
"z": -0.7769821286201477,
"w": -0.5795565247535706
"joint": "ThumbTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.026505667716264726,
"y": 0.015197398141026497,
"z": 0.0034610535949468614
"rotation": {
"x": 0.22856087982654572,
"y": -0.09300848096609116,
"z": -0.7769821286201477,
"w": -0.5795565247535706
"joint": "IndexMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.04238410294055939,
"y": -0.007463002577424049,
"z": -0.06319385766983032
"rotation": {
"x": -0.420803427696228,
"y": -0.44982725381851199,
"z": -0.04907778277993202,
"w": 0.7862387895584106
"joint": "IndexKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.0008817678317427635,
"y": 0.03838954120874405,
"z": -0.04752813279628754
"rotation": {
"x": 0.004830620251595974,
"y": 0.18448397517204286,
"z": -0.1560613363981247,
"w": -0.9703620672225952
"joint": "IndexMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.014839660376310349,
"y": 0.03651837632060051,
"z": -0.01135229505598545
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5098936557769775,
"y": 0.03039226494729519,
"z": -0.30394697189331057,
"w": -0.8042332530021668
"joint": "IndexDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.008270945399999619,
"y": 0.015406630001962185,
"z": 0.0006891884841024876
"rotation": {
"x": -0.7222777009010315,
"y": -0.08202659338712692,
"z": -0.2391108274459839,
"w": -0.6440979242324829
"joint": "IndexTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": -0.0009594520088285208,
"y": 0.000933439121581614,
"z": -0.00021468542399816215
"rotation": {
"x": -0.7222777009010315,
"y": -0.08202659338712692,
"z": -0.2391108274459839,
"w": -0.6440979242324829
"joint": "MiddleMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.04958740621805191,
"y": -0.004707379266619682,
"z": -0.06129273772239685
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5128890872001648,
"y": -0.29369285702705386,
"z": 0.018453821539878846,
"w": 0.8064419627189636
"joint": "MiddleKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.020074930042028428,
"y": 0.04420189931988716,
"z": -0.04323747381567955
"rotation": {
"x": -0.07308150827884674,
"y": 0.17278942465782166,
"z": -0.10241489112377167,
"w": -0.9769001603126526
"joint": "MiddleMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.005748542491346598,
"y": 0.0362907275557518,
"z": -0.001959702931344509
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"y": -0.10770050436258316,
"z": 0.016813457012176515
"rotation": {
"x": 0.312323659658432,
"y": -0.2742984890937805,
"z": -0.6935320496559143,
"w": -0.5894817113876343
"joint": "ThumbDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.026396021246910096,
"y": -0.08305369317531586,
"z": 0.03835996612906456
"rotation": {
"x": 0.26157766580581667,
"y": -0.3302468955516815,
"z": -0.6686716675758362,
"w": -0.6136223673820496
"joint": "ThumbTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.027343440800905229,
"y": -0.07000578194856644,
"z": 0.04939644783735275
"rotation": {
"x": 0.26157766580581667,
"y": -0.3302468955516815,
"z": -0.6686716675758362,
"w": -0.6136223673820496
"joint": "IndexMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.06611358374357224,
"y": -0.12426556646823883,
"z": -0.0055283233523368839
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5613270998001099,
"y": -0.42208683490753176,
"z": -0.06766947358846665,
"w": 0.7086432576179504
"joint": "IndexKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.034438081085681918,
"y": -0.0725482851266861,
"z": -0.004708992317318916
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6286489963531494,
"y": -0.2787279188632965,
"z": 0.040076885372400287,
"w": 0.7249277830123901
"joint": "IndexMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.015563697554171086,
"y": -0.03562714159488678,
"z": -0.0024565430358052255
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6645650863647461,
"y": -0.2075067013502121,
"z": 0.10458821058273316,
"w": 0.7102522253990173
"joint": "IndexDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.005756473168730736,
"y": -0.015270628966391087,
"z": -0.0017626225017011166
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6223592162132263,
"y": -0.24349386990070344,
"z": 0.01842544600367546,
"w": 0.7439839839935303
"joint": "IndexTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.00011674128472805023,
"y": -0.0018588211387395859,
"z": -0.00020025699632242322
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6223592162132263,
"y": -0.24349386990070344,
"z": 0.01842544600367546,
"w": 0.7439839839935303
"joint": "MiddleMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.07268297672271729,
"y": -0.12254584580659867,
"z": -0.004201311618089676
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6534333825111389,
"y": -0.22906279563903809,
"z": -0.018352244049310685,
"w": 0.7212615013122559
"joint": "MiddleKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.054447855800390246,
"y": -0.06595612317323685,
"z": -0.0017550308257341385
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5899049043655396,
"y": -0.16088859736919404,
"z": -0.018363818526268007,
"w": 0.7910826206207275
"joint": "MiddleMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.04355549067258835,
"y": -0.022029317915439607,
"z": 0.010043984279036522
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6020974516868591,
"y": -0.14070262014865876,
"z": -0.036361001431941989,
"w": 0.7852000594139099
"joint": "MiddleDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.03923114016652107,
"y": 0.0012873951345682145,
"z": 0.015791211277246476
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5366969108581543,
"y": -0.17153941094875337,
"z": -0.09987709671258927,
"w": 0.8206644058227539
"joint": "MiddleTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.03647539019584656,
"y": 0.015714645385742189,
"z": 0.021557386964559556
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5366969108581543,
"y": -0.17153941094875337,
"z": -0.09987709671258927,
"w": 0.8206644058227539
"joint": "RingMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.08137646317481995,
"y": -0.11985518038272858,
"z": -0.00190657377243042
"rotation": {
"x": -0.6267969012260437,
"y": -0.10518965870141983,
"z": 0.02498382329940796,
"w": 0.7716453075408936
"joint": "RingKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.07067620009183884,
"y": -0.06669728457927704,
"z": 0.008708799257874489
"rotation": {
"x": 0.40646883845329287,
"y": 0.1807955503463745,
"z": 0.030094729736447336,
"w": -0.8951042294502258
"joint": "RingMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.060088954865932468,
"y": -0.04056686535477638,
"z": 0.03008754923939705
"rotation": {
"x": -0.2107616662979126,
"y": 0.18913404643535615,
"z": -0.04620787873864174,
"w": -0.9580028653144836
"joint": "RingDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.0528024360537529,
"y": -0.0495174415409565,
"z": 0.047927625477313998
"rotation": {
"x": -0.449715256690979,
"y": 0.15903393924236298,
"z": -0.020673276856541635,
"w": -0.8789007067680359
"joint": "RingTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.048170287162065509,
"y": -0.06364263594150543,
"z": 0.05758979544043541
"rotation": {
"x": -0.449715256690979,
"y": 0.15903393924236298,
"z": -0.020673276856541635,
"w": -0.8789007067680359
"joint": "PinkyMetacarpal",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.08909709751605988,
"y": -0.11985252797603607,
"z": 0.001964922994375229
"rotation": {
"x": -0.5780324339866638,
"y": -0.0013396204449236394,
"z": 0.06318691372871399,
"w": 0.8135625720024109
"joint": "PinkyKnuckle",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.0851951465010643,
"y": -0.07107751816511154,
"z": 0.019172409549355508
"rotation": {
"x": 0.31776368618011477,
"y": 0.2502634525299072,
"z": 0.05463750660419464,
"w": -0.9129235744476318
"joint": "PinkyMiddleJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.07433749735355377,
"y": -0.055455759167671207,
"z": 0.03647337108850479
"rotation": {
"x": -0.17528946697711945,
"y": 0.2344343513250351,
"z": 0.019245747476816179,
"w": -0.9560556411743164
"joint": "PinkyDistalJoint",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.06645255535840988,
"y": -0.06111001968383789,
"z": 0.050835996866226199
"rotation": {
"x": -0.4488738477230072,
"y": 0.26990553736686709,
"z": 0.08396486192941666,
"w": -0.8479632139205933
"joint": "PinkyTip",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0.05911727994680405,
"y": -0.07095448672771454,
"z": 0.05705229192972183
"rotation": {
"x": -0.4488738477230072,
"y": 0.26990553736686709,
"z": 0.08396486192941666,
"w": -0.8479632139205933
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct("Microsoft® Mixed Reality Toolkit aipmragent_work")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Microsoft Corporation")]
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
/// <summary>
/// Base class for services that create simulated input devices.
/// </summary>
public abstract class BaseInputSimulationService : BaseInputDeviceManager
/// <summary>
/// Dictionary to capture all active controllers detected
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Handedness, BaseController> trackedControllers = new Dictionary<Handedness, BaseController>();
/// <summary>
/// Active controllers
/// </summary>
private IMixedRealityController[] activeControllers = System.Array.Empty<IMixedRealityController>();
/// <inheritdoc />
public override IMixedRealityController[] GetActiveControllers()
return activeControllers;
#region BaseInputDeviceManager Implementation
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="registrar">The <see cref="IMixedRealityServiceRegistrar"/> instance that loaded the data provider.</param>
/// <param name="inputSystem">The <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input.IMixedRealityInputSystem"/> instance that receives data from this provider.</param>
/// <param name="name">Friendly name of the service.</param>
/// <param name="priority">Service priority. Used to determine order of instantiation.</param>
/// <param name="profile">The service's configuration profile.</param>
[System.Obsolete("This constructor is obsolete (registrar parameter is no longer required) and will be removed in a future version of the Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit.")]
protected BaseInputSimulationService(
IMixedRealityServiceRegistrar registrar,
IMixedRealityInputSystem inputSystem,
string name,
uint priority,
BaseMixedRealityProfile profile) : this(inputSystem, name, priority, profile)
Registrar = registrar;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputSystem">The <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input.IMixedRealityInputSystem"/> instance that receives data from this provider.</param>
/// <param name="name">Friendly name of the service.</param>
/// <param name="priority">Service priority. Used to determine order of instantiation.</param>
/// <param name="profile">The service's configuration profile.</param>
protected BaseInputSimulationService(
IMixedRealityInputSystem inputSystem,
string name,
uint priority,
BaseMixedRealityProfile profile) : base(inputSystem, name, priority, profile)
{ }
#endregion BaseInputDeviceManager Implementation
// Register input sources for controllers based on controller data
protected void UpdateControllerDevice(ControllerSimulationMode simulationMode, Handedness handedness, object controllerData)
if (controllerData != null)
if(controllerData is SimulatedHandData handData && handData.IsTracked)
SimulatedHand hand = GetOrAddControllerDevice(handedness, simulationMode) as SimulatedHand;
else if (controllerData is SimulatedMotionControllerData motionControllerData && motionControllerData.IsTracked)
SimulatedMotionController motionController = GetOrAddControllerDevice(handedness, simulationMode) as SimulatedMotionController;
public BaseController GetControllerDevice(Handedness handedness)
if (trackedControllers.TryGetValue(handedness, out BaseController controller))
return controller;
return null;
protected BaseController GetOrAddControllerDevice(Handedness handedness, ControllerSimulationMode simulationMode)
var controller = GetControllerDevice(handedness);
if (controller != null)
if (controller is SimulatedHand hand && hand.SimulationMode == simulationMode)
return controller;
else if (controller is SimulatedMotionController && simulationMode == ControllerSimulationMode.MotionController)
return controller;
// Remove and recreate controller device if simulation mode doesn't match
DebugUtilities.LogVerboseFormat("GetOrAddControllerDevice: Adding a new simulated controller of handedness {0} and simulation mode {1}", handedness, simulationMode);
System.Type controllerType = null;
SupportedControllerType st;
IMixedRealityInputSource inputSource;
switch (simulationMode)
case ControllerSimulationMode.HandGestures:
st = SupportedControllerType.GGVHand;
inputSource = Service?.RequestNewGenericInputSource($"{handedness} Hand", RequestPointers(st, handedness), InputSourceType.Hand);
controller = new SimulatedGestureHand(TrackingState.Tracked, handedness, inputSource);
controllerType = typeof(SimulatedGestureHand);
case ControllerSimulationMode.ArticulatedHand:
st = SupportedControllerType.ArticulatedHand;
inputSource = Service?.RequestNewGenericInputSource($"{handedness} Hand", RequestPointers(st, handedness), InputSourceType.Hand);
controller = new SimulatedArticulatedHand(TrackingState.Tracked, handedness, inputSource);
controllerType = typeof(SimulatedArticulatedHand);
case ControllerSimulationMode.MotionController:
st = SupportedControllerType.WindowsMixedReality;
inputSource = Service?.RequestNewGenericInputSource($"{handedness} MotionController", RequestPointers(st, handedness), InputSourceType.Controller);
controller = new SimulatedMotionController(TrackingState.Tracked, handedness, inputSource);
controllerType = typeof(SimulatedMotionController);
controller = null;
if (controller == null || !controller.Enabled)
// Controller failed to be setup correctly.
Debug.LogError($"Failed to create {controllerType} controller");
// Return null so we don't raise the source detected.
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < controller.InputSource?.Pointers?.Length; i++)
controller.InputSource.Pointers[i].Controller = controller;
Service?.RaiseSourceDetected(controller.InputSource, controller);
trackedControllers.Add(handedness, controller);
return controller;
protected void RemoveControllerDevice(Handedness handedness)
var controller = GetControllerDevice(handedness);
if (controller != null)
DebugUtilities.LogVerboseFormat("RemoveHandDevice: Removing simulated controller of handedness", handedness);
Service?.RaiseSourceLost(controller.InputSource, controller);
protected void RemoveAllControllerDevices()
foreach (var controller in trackedControllers.Values)
Service?.RaiseSourceLost(controller.InputSource, controller);
private void UpdateActiveControllers()
activeControllers = trackedControllers.Values.ToArray<IMixedRealityController>();
#region Obsolete Methods
// Register input sources for hands based on hand data
[Obsolete("Use UpdateControllerDevice instead.")]
protected void UpdateHandDevice(ControllerSimulationMode simulationMode, Handedness handedness, SimulatedHandData handData)
UpdateControllerDevice(simulationMode, handedness, handData);
[Obsolete("Use GetControllerDevice instead.")]
public SimulatedHand GetHandDevice(Handedness handedness)
return GetControllerDevice(handedness) as SimulatedHand;
[Obsolete("Use GetOrAddControllerDevice instead.")]
protected SimulatedHand GetOrAddHandDevice(Handedness handedness, ControllerSimulationMode simulationMode)
return GetOrAddControllerDevice(handedness, simulationMode) as SimulatedHand;
[Obsolete("Use RemoveControllerDevice instead.")]
protected void RemoveHandDevice(Handedness handedness)
[Obsolete("Use RemoveAllControllerDevices instead.")]
protected void RemoveAllHandDevices()
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct("Microsoft® Mixed Reality Toolkit aipmragent_work")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Microsoft Corporation")]
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
/// <summary>
/// Tools for simulating and recording input as well as playing back input animation in the Unity editor.
/// </summary>
public class InputSimulationWindow : EditorWindow
private InputAnimation Animation
get { return PlaybackService?.Animation; }
set { if (PlaybackService != null) PlaybackService.Animation = value; }
private string loadedFilePath = "";
private IInputSimulationService simulationService = null;
private IInputSimulationService SimulationService
if (simulationService == null)
simulationService = CoreServices.GetInputSystemDataProvider<IInputSimulationService>();
return simulationService;
private IMixedRealityInputRecordingService recordingService = null;
private IMixedRealityInputRecordingService RecordingService
if (recordingService == null)
recordingService = CoreServices.GetInputSystemDataProvider<IMixedRealityInputRecordingService>();
return recordingService;
private IMixedRealityInputPlaybackService playbackService = null;
private IMixedRealityInputPlaybackService PlaybackService
if (playbackService == null)
playbackService = CoreServices.GetInputSystemDataProvider<IMixedRealityInputPlaybackService>();
return playbackService;
public enum ToolMode
/// <summary>
/// Record input animation and store in the asset.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Play back input animation as simulated input.
/// </summary>
public ToolMode Mode { get; private set; } = ToolMode.Record;
/// Icon textures
private Texture2D iconPlay = null;
private Texture2D iconPause = null;
private Texture2D iconRecord = null;
private Texture2D iconRecordActive = null;
private Texture2D iconStepFwd = null;
private Texture2D iconJumpBack = null;
private Texture2D iconJumpFwd = null;
[MenuItem("Mixed Reality Toolkit/Utilities/Input Simulation")]
private static void ShowWindow()
InputSimulationWindow window = GetWindow<InputSimulationWindow>();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Input Simulation");
private void OnGUI()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Input simulation is only available in play mode", MessageType.Info);
string[] modeStrings = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ToolMode));
Mode = (ToolMode)GUILayout.SelectionGrid((int)Mode, modeStrings, modeStrings.Length);
switch (Mode)
case ToolMode.Record:
case ToolMode.Playback:
// XXX Reloading the scene is currently not supported,
// due to the life cycle of the MRTK "instance" object (see #4530).
// Enable the button below once scene reloading is supported!
#if false
using (new GUIEnabledWrapper(Application.isPlaying))
bool reloadScene = GUILayout.Button("Reload Scene");
if (reloadScene)
Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
if (activeScene.IsValid())
private void DrawSimulationGUI()
if (SimulationService == null)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No input simulation service found", MessageType.Info);
private void DrawHeadGUI()
if (!CameraCache.Main)
using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox))
Transform headTransform = CameraCache.Main.transform;
Vector3 newPosition = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Position", headTransform.position);
Vector3 newRotation = DrawRotationGUI("Rotation", headTransform.rotation.eulerAngles);
bool resetHand = GUILayout.Button("Reset");
if (newPosition != headTransform.position)
headTransform.position = newPosition;
if (newRotation != headTransform.rotation.eulerAngles)
headTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newRotation);
if (resetHand)
headTransform.position =;
headTransform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
private void DrawHandsGUI()
ControllerSimulationMode newHandSimMode = (ControllerSimulationMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Hand Simulation Mode", SimulationService.ControllerSimulationMode);
if (newHandSimMode != SimulationService.ControllerSimulationMode)
SimulationService.ControllerSimulationMode = newHandSimMode;
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
SimulationService.IsAlwaysVisibleControllerLeft, v => SimulationService.IsAlwaysVisibleControllerLeft = v,
SimulationService.ControllerPositionLeft, v => SimulationService.ControllerPositionLeft = v,
SimulationService.ControllerRotationLeft, v => SimulationService.ControllerRotationLeft = v,
SimulationService.IsAlwaysVisibleControllerRight, v => SimulationService.IsAlwaysVisibleControllerRight = v,
SimulationService.ControllerPositionRight, v => SimulationService.ControllerPositionRight = v,
SimulationService.ControllerRotationRight, v => SimulationService.ControllerRotationRight = v,
private void DrawHandGUI(string name,
bool isAlwaysVisible, Action<bool> setAlwaysVisible,
Vector3 position, Action<Vector3> setPosition,
Vector3 rotation, Action<Vector3> setRotation,
Action reset)
using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox))
GUILayout.Label($"{name} Hand:");
bool newIsAlwaysVisible = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Always Visible", isAlwaysVisible);
Vector3 newPosition = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Position", position);
Vector3 newRotation = DrawRotationGUI("Rotation", rotation);
bool resetHand = GUILayout.Button("Reset");
if (newIsAlwaysVisible != isAlwaysVisible)
if (newPosition != position)
if (newRotation != rotation)
if (resetHand)
private void DrawRecordingGUI()
if (RecordingService == null)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No input recording service found", MessageType.Info);
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
bool newUseTimeLimit = GUILayout.Toggle(RecordingService.UseBufferTimeLimit, "Use buffer time limit");
if (newUseTimeLimit != RecordingService.UseBufferTimeLimit)
RecordingService.UseBufferTimeLimit = newUseTimeLimit;
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(!RecordingService.UseBufferTimeLimit))
float newTimeLimit = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(RecordingService.RecordingBufferTimeLimit);
if (newTimeLimit != RecordingService.RecordingBufferTimeLimit)
RecordingService.RecordingBufferTimeLimit = newTimeLimit;
bool wasRecording = RecordingService.IsRecording;
var recordButtonContent = wasRecording
? new GUIContent(iconRecordActive, "Stop recording input animation")
: new GUIContent(iconRecord, "Record new input animation");
bool record = GUILayout.Toggle(wasRecording, recordButtonContent, "Button");
if (record != wasRecording)
if (record)
private void DrawPlaybackGUI()
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
if (GUILayout.Button("Load ..."))
string filepath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel(
"Select input animation file",
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(PlaybackService == null))
bool wasPlaying = PlaybackService.IsPlaying;
bool play, stepFwd, jumpBack, jumpFwd;
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
jumpBack = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(iconJumpBack, "Jump to the start of the input animation"), "Button");
var playButtonContent = wasPlaying
? new GUIContent(iconPause, "Stop playing input animation")
: new GUIContent(iconPlay, "Play back input animation");
play = GUILayout.Toggle(wasPlaying, playButtonContent, "Button");
stepFwd = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(iconStepFwd, "Step forward one frame"), "Button");
jumpFwd = GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(iconJumpFwd, "Jump to the end of the input animation"), "Button");
float time = PlaybackService.LocalTime;
float duration = (Animation != null ? Animation.Duration : 0.0f);
float newTimeField = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Current time", time);
float newTimeSlider = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(time, 0.0f, duration);
if (play != wasPlaying)
if (play)
if (jumpBack)
PlaybackService.LocalTime = 0.0f;
if (jumpFwd)
PlaybackService.LocalTime = duration;
if (stepFwd)
PlaybackService.LocalTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (newTimeField != time)
PlaybackService.LocalTime = newTimeField;
if (newTimeSlider != time)
PlaybackService.LocalTime = newTimeSlider;
// Repaint while playing to update the timeline
if (PlaybackService.IsPlaying)
private void DrawAnimationInfo()
using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(EditorStyles.helpBox))
GUILayout.Label("Animation Info:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
if (Animation != null)
GUILayout.Label($"File Path: {loadedFilePath}");
GUILayout.Label($"Duration: {Animation.Duration} seconds");
GUILayout.Label("No animation loaded");
private Vector3 DrawRotationGUI(string label, Vector3 rotation)
Vector3 newRotation = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(label, rotation);
return newRotation;
private void SaveAnimation(bool loadAfterExport)
string outputPath;
if (loadedFilePath.Length > 0)
string loadedDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(loadedFilePath);
outputPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel(
"Select output path",
outputPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject(
"Select output path",
"Enter filename for exporting input animation");
if (outputPath.Length > 0)
string filename = Path.GetFileName(outputPath);
string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);
string result = RecordingService.SaveInputAnimation(filename, directory);
if (loadAfterExport)
private void LoadAnimation(string filepath)
if (PlaybackService.LoadInputAnimation(filepath))
loadedFilePath = filepath;
loadedFilePath = "";
private void LoadIcons()
// MRTK_TimelinePlay.png
LoadTexture(ref iconPlay, "474f3f21b48daea4f8617806305769ff");
// MRTK_TimelinePause.png
LoadTexture(ref iconPause, "1bfd4df7e86b18640b9fa1af5713bfb9");
// MRTK_TimelineRecord.png
LoadTexture(ref iconRecord, "c079cf55f13c1dc4db7d09053a51a40d");
// MRTK_TimelineRecordActive.png
LoadTexture(ref iconRecordActive, "6752387ee2181ee4fbef5cc74691b6ac");
// MRTK_TimelineStepFwd.png
LoadTexture(ref iconStepFwd, "230b98155638e544892c123d8d674737");
// MRTK_TimelineJumpFwd.png
LoadTexture(ref iconJumpFwd, "3afb597cbd6ec44439ea7b8ce92d957a");
// MRTK_TimelineJumpBack.png
LoadTexture(ref iconJumpBack, "a5d8e80a54741dc459e4f116e1d477f2");
private static void LoadTexture(ref Texture2D tex, string fileGuid)
if (tex == null)
tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(fileGuid));
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities.Editor;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
/// <summary>
/// Inspector for KeyBindings.
/// This shows a simple dropdown list for selecting a binding, as well as a button for binding keys by pressing them.
/// </summary>
public class KeyBindingInspector : PropertyDrawer
// Draw the property inside the given rect
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
SerializedProperty bindingType = property.FindPropertyRelative("bindingType");
SerializedProperty code = property.FindPropertyRelative("code");
// Using BeginProperty / EndProperty on the parent property means that
// prefab override logic works on the entire property.
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);
// Draw label
position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label);
Rect autoBindPosition = new Rect(position.x + position.width - 20.0f, position.y, 20.0f, position.height);
Rect codePosition = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width - 22.0f, position.height);
// Don't make child fields be indented
var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
// Show the traditional long dropdown list for selecting a key binding.
if (KeyBinding.KeyBindingToEnumMap.TryGetValue(Tuple.Create((KeyBinding.KeyType)bindingType.intValue, code.intValue), out int index))
int newIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(codePosition, index, KeyBinding.AllCodeNames);
if (newIndex != index)
if (KeyBinding.EnumToKeyBindingMap.TryGetValue(newIndex, out var kb))
bindingType.intValue = (int)kb.Item1;
code.intValue = kb.Item2;
// Show a popup for binding by pressing a key or mouse button.
// Note that this method does not work for shift keys (Unity event limitation)
if (GUI.Button(autoBindPosition, ""))
// Set indent back to what it was
EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;
/// <summary>
/// Utility window that listens to input events to set a key binding.
/// Pressing a key or mouse button will define the binding and then immediately close the popup.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The shift keys don't raise input events on their own, so this popup does not work for shift keys.
/// These have to be bound by selecting from the traditional dropdown list.
/// </remarks>
public class KeyBindingPopupWindow : EditorWindow
private static KeyBindingPopupWindow window;
private SerializedProperty keyBindingProp;
private SerializedProperty bindingTypeProp;
private SerializedProperty codeProp;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new popup.
/// </summary>
public static void Show(SerializedProperty keyBinding)
if (window != null)
window = null;
window = CreateInstance<KeyBindingPopupWindow>();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent($"Key Binding : {}");
window.keyBindingProp = keyBinding;
window.bindingTypeProp = keyBinding.FindPropertyRelative("bindingType");
window.codeProp = keyBinding.FindPropertyRelative("code");
var windowSize = new Vector2(256f, 128f);
window.maxSize = windowSize;
window.minSize = windowSize;
private void OnGUI()
Event evt = Event.current;
switch (evt.type)
case EventType.KeyUp:
case EventType.MouseUp:
// Set the binding based on a keyboard key
private void ApplyKeyCode(KeyCode keyCode)
bindingTypeProp.intValue = (int)KeyBinding.KeyType.Key;
codeProp.intValue = (int)keyCode;
// Set the binding based on a mouse button
private void ApplyMouseButton(int button)
bindingTypeProp.intValue = (int)KeyBinding.KeyType.Mouse;
codeProp.intValue = button;
"name": "Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Services.InputSimulation.Editor",
"references": [
"optionalUnityReferences": [],
"includePlatforms": [
"excludePlatforms": [],
"allowUnsafeCode": false,
"overrideReferences": false,
"precompiledReferences": [],
"autoReferenced": true,
"defineConstraints": []
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