/// Returns a list of types for all classes that extend from the current type and are not abstract
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootType">The class type from which to search for inherited classes</param>
/// <param name="searchAssemblies">List of assemblies to search through for types. If null, default is to grab all assemblies in current app domain</param>
/// <returns>Null if rootType is not a class, otherwise returns list of types for sub-classes of rootType</returns>
privatestaticreadonlyGUIContentAxisTypeContent=newGUIContent("Axis Type","The axis type of the button, e.g. Analogue, Digital, etc.");
privatestaticreadonlyGUIContentControllerInputTypeContent=newGUIContent("Input Type","The primary action of the input as defined by the controller SDK.");
privatestaticreadonlyGUIContentActionContent=newGUIContent("Action","Action to be raised to the Input Manager when the input data has changed.");
privatestaticreadonlyGUIContentKeyCodeContent=newGUIContent("KeyCode","Unity Input KeyCode id to listen for.");
privatestaticreadonlyGUIContentXAxisContent=newGUIContent("X Axis","Horizontal Axis to listen for.");
privatestaticreadonlyGUIContentYAxisContent=newGUIContent("Y Axis","Vertical Axis to listen for.");
privatestaticreadonlyGUIContentInvertContent=newGUIContent("Invert","Should an Axis be inverted?");