from typing import List, Union import torch import math from . import misc def cartesian2spherical(cart: torch.Tensor, inverse_r: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert coordinates from Cartesian to Spherical :param cart `Tensor(..., 3)`: coordinates in Cartesian :param inverse_r: whether to inverse r :return `Tensor(..., 3)`: coordinates in Spherical (r, theta, phi) """ rho = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(cart * cart, dim=-1)) theta = misc.get_angle(cart[..., 0], cart[..., 2]) if inverse_r: rho = rho.reciprocal() phi = torch.acos(cart[..., 1] * rho) else: phi = torch.acos(cart[..., 1] / rho) return torch.stack([rho, theta, phi], dim=-1) def spherical2cartesian(spher: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert coordinates from Spherical to Cartesian :param spher: ... x 3, coordinates in Spherical :return: ... x 3, coordinates in Cartesian (r, theta, phi) """ rho = spher[..., 0] sin_theta_phi = torch.sin(spher[..., 1:3]) cos_theta_phi = torch.cos(spher[..., 1:3]) x = rho * cos_theta_phi[..., 0] * sin_theta_phi[..., 1] y = rho * cos_theta_phi[..., 1] z = rho * sin_theta_phi[..., 0] * sin_theta_phi[..., 1] return torch.stack([x, y, z], dim=-1) def ray_sphere_intersect(p: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate intersections of each rays and each spheres :param p `Tensor(B, 3)`: positions of rays :param v `Tensor(B, 3)`: directions of rays :param r `Tensor(N)`: , radius of spheres :return `Tensor(B, N, 3)`: points of intersection :return `Tensor(B, N)`: depths of intersection along ray """ # p, v: Expand to (B, 1, 3) p = p.unsqueeze(1) v = v.unsqueeze(1) # pp, vv, pv: (B, 1) pp = (p * p).sum(dim=2) vv = (v * v).sum(dim=2) pv = (p * v).sum(dim=2) depths = (((pv * pv - vv * (pp - r * r)).sqrt() - pv) / vv) return p + depths[..., None] * v, depths def get_rot_matrix(theta: Union[float, torch.Tensor], phi: Union[float, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Get rotation matrix from angles in spherical space :param theta `Tensor(..., 1) | float`: rotation angles around y axis :param phi `Tensor(..., 1) | float`: rotation angles around x axis :return: `Tensor(..., 3, 3)` rotation matrices """ if not isinstance(theta, torch.Tensor): theta = torch.tensor([theta]) if not isinstance(phi, torch.Tensor): phi = torch.tensor([phi]) spher =[torch.ones_like(theta), theta, phi], dim=-1) print(spher) forward = spherical2cartesian(spher) # (..., 3) up = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) forward, up = torch.broadcast_tensors(forward, up) print(forward, up) right = torch.cross(forward, up, dim=-1) # (..., 3) up = torch.cross(right, forward, dim=-1) # (..., 3) print(right, up, forward) return torch.stack([right, up, forward], dim=-2) # (..., 3, 3) def calc_local_dir(dirs, spherical_coords, pts): """ [summary] :param dirs `Tensor(B, 3)`: :param spherical_coords `Tensor(B, N, 3)`: :param pts `Tensor(B, N, 3)`: :return `Tensor(B, N, 2)` """ local_z = pts / pts.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) local_x = spherical2cartesian( spherical_coords + torch.tensor([0, math.radians(0.1), 0], device=spherical_coords.device)) - pts local_x = local_x / local_x.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) local_y = torch.cross(local_x, local_z, -1) local_rot = torch.stack([local_x, local_y, local_z], dim=-2) # (B, N, 3, 3) return cartesian2spherical(torch.matmul(dirs[:, None, None, :], local_rot)) \ .squeeze(-2)[..., 1:3]