import torch import argparse import os import glob import numpy as np import torchvision.transforms as transforms from torchvision.utils import save_image from torchvision import datasets from import DataLoader from torch.autograd import Variable import cv2 from gen_image import * import json # param BATCH_SIZE = 5 NUM_EPOCH = 5000 INTERLEAVE_RATE = 2 IM_H = 480 IM_W = 640 N = 9 # number of input light field stack M = 2 # number of display layers DATA_FILE = "/home/yejiannan/Project/deeplightfield/data/try" DATA_JSON = "/home/yejiannan/Project/deeplightfield/data/data.json" OUTPUT_DIR = "/home/yejiannan/Project/deeplightfield/output" class lightFieldDataLoader( def __init__(self, file_dir_path, file_json, transforms=None): self.file_dir_path = file_dir_path self.transforms = transforms # self.datum_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(file_dir_path,"*")) with open(DATA_JSON, encoding='utf-8') as file: self.dastset_desc = json.loads( def __len__(self): return len(self.dastset_desc["focaldepth"]) def __getitem__(self, idx): lightfield_images, gt, fd = self.get_datum(idx) if self.transforms: lightfield_images = self.transforms(lightfield_images) return (lightfield_images, gt, fd) def get_datum(self, idx): lf_image_paths = os.path.join(DATA_FILE, self.dastset_desc["train"][idx]) # print(lf_image_paths) fd_gt_path = os.path.join(DATA_FILE, self.dastset_desc["gt"][idx]) # print(fd_gt_path) lf_images = [] lf_image_big = cv2.imread(lf_image_paths, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED).astype(np.float32) / 255. lf_image_big = cv2.cvtColor(lf_image_big,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i in range(9): lf_image = lf_image_big[i//3*IM_H:i//3*IM_H+IM_H,i%3*IM_W:i%3*IM_W+IM_W,0:3] # print(lf_image.shape) lf_images.append(lf_image) gt = cv2.imread(fd_gt_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED).astype(np.float32) / 255. gt = cv2.cvtColor(gt,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) fd = self.dastset_desc["focaldepth"][idx] return (np.asarray(lf_images),gt,fd) OUT_CHANNELS_RB = 128 KERNEL_SIZE_RB = 3 KERNEL_SIZE = 3 class residual_block(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(residual_block,self).__init__() self.layer1 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(OUT_CHANNELS_RB,OUT_CHANNELS_RB,KERNEL_SIZE_RB,stride=1,padding = 1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(OUT_CHANNELS_RB), torch.nn.ELU() ) self.layer2 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(OUT_CHANNELS_RB,OUT_CHANNELS_RB,KERNEL_SIZE_RB,stride=1,padding = 1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(OUT_CHANNELS_RB,OUT_CHANNELS_RB), torch.nn.ELU() ) def forward(self,input): output = self.layer1(input) output = self.layer2(output) output = input+output return output class deinterleave(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, block_size): super(deinterleave, self).__init__() self.block_size = block_size self.block_size_sq = block_size*block_size def forward(self, input): output = input.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) (batch_size, d_height, d_width, d_depth) = output.size() s_depth = int(d_depth / self.block_size_sq) s_width = int(d_width * self.block_size) s_height = int(d_height * self.block_size) t_1 = output.reshape(batch_size, d_height, d_width, self.block_size_sq, s_depth) spl = t_1.split(self.block_size, 3) stack = [t_t.reshape(batch_size, d_height, s_width, s_depth) for t_t in spl] output = torch.stack(stack,0).transpose(0,1).permute(0,2,1,3,4).reshape(batch_size, s_height, s_width, s_depth) output = output.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) return output class interleave(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, block_size): super(interleave, self).__init__() self.block_size = block_size self.block_size_sq = block_size*block_size def forward(self, input): output = input.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) (batch_size, s_height, s_width, s_depth) = output.size() d_depth = s_depth * self.block_size_sq d_width = int(s_width / self.block_size) d_height = int(s_height / self.block_size) t_1 = output.split(self.block_size, 2) stack = [t_t.reshape(batch_size, d_height, d_depth) for t_t in t_1] output = torch.stack(stack, 1) output = output.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) output = output.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) return output LAST_LAYER_CHANNELS = 6 * INTERLEAVE_RATE**2 FIRSST_LAYER_CHANNELS = 28 * INTERLEAVE_RATE**2 class model(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(model, self).__init__() self.interleave = interleave(INTERLEAVE_RATE) self.first_layer = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(FIRSST_LAYER_CHANNELS,OUT_CHANNELS_RB,KERNEL_SIZE,stride=1,padding=1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(OUT_CHANNELS_RB), torch.nn.ELU() ) self.residual_block1 = residual_block() self.residual_block2 = residual_block() self.residual_block3 = residual_block() self.output_layer = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(OUT_CHANNELS_RB,LAST_LAYER_CHANNELS,KERNEL_SIZE,stride=1,padding=1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(LAST_LAYER_CHANNELS), torch.nn.Tanh() ) self.deinterleave = deinterleave(INTERLEAVE_RATE) def forward(self, lightfield_images, focal_length): # lightfield_images: torch.Size([batch_size, channels * D, H, W]) # channels : RGB*D: 3*9, H:256, W:256 input_to_net = self.interleave(lightfield_images) # print("after interleave:",input_to_net.shape) input_to_rb = self.first_layer(input_to_net) output = self.residual_block1(input_to_rb) # print("output1:",output.shape) output = self.residual_block2(output) output = self.residual_block3(output) # output = output + input_to_net output = self.output_layer(output) output = self.deinterleave(output) return output class Conf(object): def __init__(self): self.pupil_size = 0.02 # 2cm self.retinal_res = torch.tensor([ 480, 640 ]) self.layer_res = torch.tensor([ 480, 640 ]) self.n_layers = 2 self.d_layer = [ 1.75, 3.5 ] # layers' distance self.h_layer = [ 1., 2. ] # layers' height #### Image Gen conf = Conf() v = torch.tensor([conf.h_layer[0] / conf.d_layer[0], conf.h_layer[0] / conf.d_layer[0] * conf.layer_res[1] / conf.layer_res[0]]) u = GenSamplesInPupil(conf, 5) def GenRetinalFromLayersBatch(layers, conf, df, v, u): # layers: batchsize, 2, color, height, width # Phi:torch.Size([batchsize, 480, 640, 2, 41, 2]) # df : batchsize,.. H_r = conf.retinal_res[0] W_r = conf.retinal_res[1] D_r = conf.retinal_res.double() N = conf.n_layers M = u.size()[0] #41 BS = df.shape[0] Phi = torch.empty(BS, H_r, W_r, N, M, 2, dtype=torch.long) # print("Phi:",Phi.shape) p_rx, p_ry = torch.meshgrid(torch.tensor(range(0, H_r)), torch.tensor(range(0, W_r))) p_r = torch.stack([p_rx, p_ry], 2).unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, M, -1) # print("p_r:",p_r.shape) #torch.Size([480, 640, 41, 2]) for bs in range(BS): for i in range(0, N): dpi = conf.h_layer[i] / float(conf.layer_res[0]) # 1 / 480 # print("dpi:",dpi) ci = conf.layer_res / 2 # [240,320] di = conf.d_layer[i] # 深度 pi_r = di * v * (1. / D_r * (p_r + 0.5) - 0.5) / dpi # [480, 640, 41, 2] wi = (1 - di / df[bs]) / dpi # (1 - 深度/聚焦) / dpi df = 2.625 di = 1.75 pi = torch.floor(pi_r + ci + wi * u) torch.clamp_(pi[:, :, :, 0], 0, conf.layer_res[0] - 1) torch.clamp_(pi[:, :, :, 1], 0, conf.layer_res[1] - 1) Phi[bs, :, :, i, :, :] = pi # print("Phi slice:",Phi[0, :, :, 0, 0, 0].shape) retinal = torch.zeros(BS, 3, H_r, W_r) retinal = var_or_cuda(retinal) for bs in range(BS): for j in range(0, M): retinal_view = torch.zeros(3, H_r, W_r) retinal_view = var_or_cuda(retinal_view) for i in range(0, N): retinal_view.add_(layers[bs, (i * 3) : (i * 3 + 3), Phi[bs, :, :, i, j, 0], Phi[bs, :, :, i, j, 1]]) retinal[bs,:,:,:].add_(retinal_view) retinal[bs,:,:,:].div_(M) return retinal #### Image Gen End def merge_two(near,far): df = conf.d_layer[0] + (conf.d_layer[1] - conf.d_layer[0]) / 2. # Phi = GenRetinal2LayerMappings(conf, df, v, u) # retinal = GenRetinalFromLayers(layers, Phi) return near[:,0:3,:,:] + far[:,3:6,:,:] / 2.0 def loss_two_images(generated, gt): l1_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss() return l1_loss(generated, gt) weightVarScale = 0.25 bias_stddev = 0.01 def weight_init_normal(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ if classname.find("Conv") != -1: torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_( torch.nn.init.normal_(,mean = 0.0, std=bias_stddev) elif classname.find("BatchNorm2d") != -1: torch.nn.init.normal_(, 1.0, 0.02) torch.nn.init.constant_(, 0.0) def var_or_cuda(x): if torch.cuda.is_available(): x = x.cuda(non_blocking=True) return x if __name__ == "__main__": #test # train_dataset = lightFieldDataLoader(DATA_FILE,DATA_JSON) # print(train_dataset[0][0].shape) # cv2.imwrite("test_crop0.png",train_dataset[0][1]*255.) # save_image(output[0][0:3].data,os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR,"o%d_%d.png"%(epoch,batch_idx))) #test end train_data_loader =,DATA_JSON), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, shuffle=False, drop_last=False) print(len(train_data_loader)) device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') lf_model = model() lf_model.apply(weight_init_normal) if torch.cuda.is_available(): lf_model = torch.nn.DataParallel(lf_model).cuda() lf_model.train() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(lf_model.parameters(),lr=5e-3,betas=(0.9,0.999)) for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCH): for batch_idx, (image_set, gt, df) in enumerate(train_data_loader): #reshape for input image_set = image_set.permute(0,1,4,2,3) # N LF C H W image_set = image_set.reshape(image_set.shape[0],-1,image_set.shape[3],image_set.shape[4]) # N, LFxC, H, W depth_layer = torch.ones((image_set.shape[0],1,image_set.shape[2],image_set.shape[3])) # print(df.shape[0]) for i in range(df.shape[0]): depth_layer[i] = depth_layer[i] * df[i] # print(depth_layer.shape) image_set =,depth_layer),dim=1) image_set = var_or_cuda(image_set) # gt = gt.permute(0,3,1,2) gt = var_or_cuda(gt) # print("Epoch:",epoch,",Iter:",batch_idx,",Input shape:",image_set.shape, ",Input gt:",gt.shape) optimizer.zero_grad() output = lf_model(image_set,0) # print("output:",output.shape," df:",df.shape) output = GenRetinalFromLayersBatch(output,conf,df,v,u) loss = loss_two_images(output,gt) print("Epoch:",epoch,",Iter:",batch_idx,",loss:",loss) loss.backward() optimizer.step() for i in range(5): save_image(output[i][0:3].data,os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR,"cuda_lr_5e-3_o%d_%d.png"%(epoch,i)))