from typing import List, Tuple import torch import json from import util def ReadLightField(path: str, views: Tuple[int, int], flatten_views: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: input_img = util.ReadImageTensor(path, batch_dim=False) h = input_img.size()[1] // views[0] w = input_img.size()[2] // views[1] if flatten_views: lf = torch.empty(views[0] * views[1], 3, h, w) for y_i in range(views[0]): for x_i in range(views[1]): lf[y_i * views[1] + x_i, :, :, :] = \ input_img[:, y_i * h:(y_i + 1) * h, x_i * w:(x_i + 1) * w] else: lf = torch.empty(views[0], views[1], 3, h, w) for y_i in range(views[0]): for x_i in range(views[1]): lf[y_i, x_i, :, :, :] = \ input_img[:, y_i * h:(y_i + 1) * h, x_i * w:(x_i + 1) * w] return lf def DecodeDepth(depth_images: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return depth_images[:, 0].unsqueeze(1).mul(255) / 10 class LightFieldSynDataset( """ Data loader for light field synthesis task Attributes -------- data_dir ```string```: the directory of dataset\n n_views ```tuple(int, int)```: rows and columns of views\n num_views ```int```: number of views\n view_images ```N x H x W Tensor```: images of views\n view_depths ```N x H x W Tensor```: depths of views\n view_positions ```N x 3 Tensor```: positions of views\n sparse_view_images ```N' x H x W Tensor```: images of sparse views\n sparse_view_depths ```N' x H x W Tensor```: depths of sparse views\n sparse_view_positions ```N' x 3 Tensor```: positions of sparse views\n """ def __init__(self, data_desc_path: str): """ Initialize data loader for light field synthesis task The data description file is a JSON file with following fields: - lf: string, the path of light field image - lf_depth: string, the path of light field depth image - n_views: { "x", "y" }, columns and rows of views - cam_params: { "f", "c" }, the focal and center of camera (in normalized image space) - depth_range: [ min, max ], the range of depth in depth maps - depth_layers: int, number of layers in depth maps - view_positions: [ [ x, y, z ], ... ], positions of views :param data_desc_path: path to the data description file """ self.data_dir = data_desc_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' with open(data_desc_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: self.data_desc = json.loads( self.n_views = (self.data_desc['n_views'] ['y'], self.data_desc['n_views']['x']) self.num_views = self.n_views[0] * self.n_views[1] self.view_images = ReadLightField( self.data_dir + self.data_desc['lf'], self.n_views, True) self.view_depths = DecodeDepth(ReadLightField( self.data_dir + self.data_desc['lf_depth'], self.n_views, True)) self.cam_params = self.data_desc['cam_params'] self.depth_range = self.data_desc['depth_range'] self.depth_layers = self.data_desc['depth_layers'] self.view_positions = torch.tensor(self.data_desc['view_positions']) _, self.sparse_view_images, self.sparse_view_depths, self.sparse_view_positions \ = self._GetCornerViews() self.diopter_of_layers = self._GetDiopterOfLayers() def __len__(self): return self.num_views def __getitem__(self, idx): return idx, self.view_images[idx], self.view_depths[idx], self.view_positions[idx] def _GetCornerViews(self): corner_selector = torch.zeros(self.num_views, dtype=torch.bool) corner_selector[0] = corner_selector[self.n_views[1] - 1] \ = corner_selector[self.num_views - self.n_views[1]] \ = corner_selector[self.num_views - 1] = True return self.__getitem__(corner_selector) def _GetDiopterOfLayers(self) -> List[float]: diopter_range = (1 / self.depth_range[1], 1 / self.depth_range[0]) step = (diopter_range[1] - diopter_range[0]) / (self.depth_layers - 1) diopter_of_layers = [diopter_range[0] + step * i for i in range(self.depth_layers)] diopter_of_layers.insert(0, 0) return diopter_of_layers