import os import json import torch import torchvision.transforms.functional as trans_f from typing import Tuple, Union from import util from import device from import view class SphericalViewSynDataset(object): """ Data loader for spherical view synthesis task Attributes -------- data_dir ```str```: the directory of dataset\n view_file_pattern ```str```: the filename pattern of view images\n cam_params ```object```: camera intrinsic parameters\n view_centers ```Tensor(N, 3)```: centers of views\n view_rots ```Tensor(N, 3, 3)```: rotation matrices of views\n view_images ```Tensor(N, 3, H, W)```: images of views\n """ def __init__(self, dataset_desc_path: str, load_images: bool = True, load_depths: bool = False, gray: bool = False, calculate_rays: bool = True): """ Initialize data loader for spherical view synthesis task The dataset description file is a JSON file with following fields: - view_file_pattern: string, the path pattern of view images - view_res: { "x", "y" }, the resolution of view images - cam_params: { "fx", "fy", "cx", "cy" }, the focal and center of camera (in normalized image space) - view_centers: [ [ x, y, z ], ... ], centers of views - view_rots: [ [ m00, m01, ..., m22 ], ... ], rotation matrices of views :param dataset_desc_path ```str```: path to the data description file :param load_images ```bool```: whether load view images and return in __getitem__() :param load_depths ```bool```: whether load depth images and return in __getitem__() :param gray ```bool```: whether convert view images to grayscale :param calculate_rays ```bool```: whether calculate rays """ super().__init__() self.data_dir = os.path.dirname(dataset_desc_path) self.load_images = load_images self.load_depths = load_depths # Load dataset description file self._load_desc(dataset_desc_path) # Load view images if self.load_images: self.view_images = util.ReadImageTensor( [self.view_file_pattern % i for i in range(self.view_centers.size(0))] ).to(device.GetDevice()) if gray: self.view_images = trans_f.rgb_to_grayscale(self.view_images) else: self.view_images = None # Load depthmaps if self.load_depths: self.view_depths = self._decode_depth_images( util.ReadImageTensor( [self.depth_file_pattern % i for i in range(self.view_centers.size(0))] ).to(device.GetDevice()), self.cam_params.get_local_rays()) else: self.view_depths = None self.patched_images = self.view_images # (N, 1|3, H, W) if calculate_rays: # rays_o & rays_d are both (N, H, W, 3) self.rays_o, self.rays_d = self.cam_params.get_global_rays( self.view_centers, self.view_rots) self.patched_rays_o = self.rays_o self.patched_rays_d = self.rays_d def _decode_depth_images(self, input, local_rays): output = self.depth_range[0] / input[..., 0, :, :] output /= local_rays[..., 2] return output def _load_desc(self, path): with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: data_desc = json.loads( if data_desc['view_file_pattern'] == '': self.load_images = False else: self.view_file_pattern: str = os.path.join( self.data_dir, data_desc['view_file_pattern']) if data_desc['depth_file_pattern'] == '': self.load_depths = False else: self.depth_file_pattern: str = os.path.join( self.data_dir, data_desc['depth_file_pattern']) self.view_res = (data_desc['view_res']['y'], data_desc['view_res']['x']) self.cam_params = view.CameraParam(data_desc['cam_params'], self.view_res, device=device.GetDevice()) self.depth_range = [ data_desc['depth_range']['min'], data_desc['depth_range']['max'] ] if 'range' in data_desc else None self.range = [data_desc['range']['min'], data_desc['range']['max']] \ if 'range' in data_desc else None self.samples = data_desc['samples'] if 'samples' in data_desc else None self.view_centers = torch.tensor(data_desc['view_centers'], device=device.GetDevice()) # (N, 3) self.view_rots = torch.tensor( data_desc['view_rots'], device=device.GetDevice()).view(-1, 3, 3) # (N, 3, 3) self.n_views = self.view_centers.size(0) self.n_pixels = self.n_views * self.view_res[0] * self.view_res[1] def set_patch_size(self, patch_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], offset: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0): """ Set the size of patch and (optional) offset. If patch_size = (1, 1) :param patch_size: :param offset: """ if not isinstance(patch_size, tuple): patch_size = (int(patch_size), int(patch_size)) if not isinstance(offset, tuple): offset = (int(offset), int(offset)) patches = ((self.view_res[0] - offset[0]) // patch_size[0], (self.view_res[1] - offset[1]) // patch_size[1]) slices = (..., slice(offset[0], offset[0] + patches[0] * patch_size[0]), slice(offset[1], offset[1] + patches[1] * patch_size[1])) ray_slices = (slice(self.n_views), slice(offset[0], offset[0] + patches[0] * patch_size[0]), slice(offset[1], offset[1] + patches[1] * patch_size[1])) if patch_size[0] == 1 and patch_size[1] == 1: self.patched_images = self.view_images[slices] \ .permute(0, 2, 3, 1).flatten(0, 2) if self.load_images else None self.patched_rays_o = self.rays_o[ray_slices].flatten(0, 2) self.patched_rays_d = self.rays_d[ray_slices].flatten(0, 2) elif patch_size[0] == self.view_res[0] and patch_size[1] == self.view_res[1]: self.patched_images = self.view_images self.patched_rays_o = self.rays_o self.patched_rays_d = self.rays_d else: self.patched_images = self.view_images[slices] \ .view(self.n_views, -1, patches[0], patch_size[0], patches[1], patch_size[1]) \ .permute(0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5).flatten(0, 2) if self.load_images else None self.patched_rays_o = self.rays_o[ray_slices] \ .view(self.n_views, patches[0], patch_size[0], patches[1], patch_size[1], -1) \ .permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).flatten(0, 2) self.patched_rays_d = self.rays_d[ray_slices] \ .view(self.n_views, patches[0], patch_size[0], patches[1], patch_size[1], -1) \ .permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).flatten(0, 2) def __len__(self): return self.patched_rays_o.size(0) def __getitem__(self, idx): if self.load_images: return idx, self.patched_images[idx], self.patched_rays_o[idx], \ self.patched_rays_d[idx] return idx, False, self.patched_rays_o[idx], self.patched_rays_d[idx]