import os import importlib from os.path import join from import color_mode from ..nets.msl_net import MslNet from ..nets.msl_net_new import NewMslNet from ..nets.spher_net import SpherNet class SphericalViewSynConfig(object): def __init__(self): = 'default' self.COLOR = color_mode.RGB # Net parameters self.NET_TYPE = 'msl' self.N_ENCODE_DIM = 10 self.NORMALIZE = False self.DIR_AS_INPUT = False self.OPT_DECAY = 0 self.FC_PARAMS = { 'nf': 256, 'n_layers': 8, 'skips': [] } self.SAMPLE_PARAMS = { 'spherical': True, 'depth_range': (1, 50), 'n_samples': 32, 'perturb_sample': True, 'lindisp': True, 'inverse_r': True, } def load(self, path): module_name = os.path.splitext(path)[0].replace('/', '.') config_module = importlib.import_module( 'deep_view_syn.' + module_name) config_module.update_config(self) = module_name.split('.')[-1] def load_by_name(self, name): config_module = importlib.import_module( 'deep_view_syn.configs.' + name) config_module.update_config(self) = name def to_id(self): net_type_id = "%s-%s" % (self.NET_TYPE, color_mode.to_str(self.COLOR)) encode_id = "_e%d" % self.N_ENCODE_DIM fc_id = "_fc%dx%d" % (self.FC_PARAMS['nf'], self.FC_PARAMS['n_layers']) skip_id = "_skip%s" % ','.join([ '%d' % val for val in self.FC_PARAMS['skips'] ]) if len(self.FC_PARAMS['skips']) > 0 else "" depth_id = "_d%.2f-%.2f" % (self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['depth_range'][0], self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['depth_range'][1]) samples_id = '_s%d' % self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['n_samples'] opt_decay_id = '_decay%.1e' % self.OPT_DECAY if self.OPT_DECAY > 1e-5 else '' neg_flags = '%s%s%s' % ( 'p' if not self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['perturb_sample'] else '', 'l' if not self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['lindisp'] else '', 'i' if not self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['inverse_r'] else '' ) neg_flags = '_~' + neg_flags if neg_flags != '' else '' pos_flags = '%s%s' % ( 'n' if self.NORMALIZE else '', 'd' if self.DIR_AS_INPUT else '', ) pos_flags = '_+' + pos_flags if pos_flags != '' else '' return "%s@%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (, net_type_id, encode_id, fc_id, skip_id, depth_id, samples_id, opt_decay_id, neg_flags, pos_flags) def from_id(self, id: str): id_splited = id.split('@') if len(id_splited) == 2: = id_splited[0] segs = id_splited[-1].split('_') for i, seg in enumerate(segs): if seg.startswith('fc'): # Full-connected network parameters self.FC_PARAMS['nf'], self.FC_PARAMS['n_layers'] = ( int(str) for str in seg[2:].split('x')) continue if seg.startswith('skip'): # Skip connection self.FC_PARAMS['skips'] = [int(str) for str in seg[4:].split(',')] continue if seg.startswith('decay'): self.OPT_DECAY = float(seg[5:]) continue if seg.startswith('e'): # Encode self.N_ENCODE_DIM = int(seg[1:]) continue if seg.startswith('d'): # Depth range self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['depth_range'] = tuple( float(str) for str in seg[1:].split('-')) continue if seg.startswith('s'): # Number of samples self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['n_samples'] = int(seg[1:]) continue if seg.startswith('~'): # Negative flags if seg.find('p') >= 0: self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['perturb_sample'] = False if seg.find('l') >= 0: self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['lindisp'] = False if seg.find('i') >= 0: self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['inverse_r'] = False continue if seg.startswith('+'): # Positive flags if seg.find('n') >= 0: self.NORMALIZE = True if seg.find('d') >= 0: self.DIR_AS_INPUT = True continue if i == 0: # NetType self.NET_TYPE, color_str = seg.split('-') self.COLOR = color_mode.from_str(color_str) continue def print(self): print('==== Config %s ====' % print('Net type: ', self.NET_TYPE) print('Encode dim: ', self.N_ENCODE_DIM) print('Optimizer decay: ', self.OPT_DECAY) print('Normalize: ', self.NORMALIZE) print('Direction as input: ', self.DIR_AS_INPUT) print('Full-connected network parameters:', self.FC_PARAMS) print('Sample parameters', self.SAMPLE_PARAMS) print('==========================') def create_net(self): if self.NET_TYPE == 'msl': return MslNet(fc_params=self.FC_PARAMS, sampler_params=self.SAMPLE_PARAMS, normalize_coord=self.NORMALIZE, dir_as_input=self.DIR_AS_INPUT, color=self.COLOR, encode_to_dim=self.N_ENCODE_DIM) if self.NET_TYPE.startswith('nmsl'): n_nets = int(self.NET_TYPE[4:]) if len(self.NET_TYPE) > 4 else 2 if self.SAMPLE_PARAMS['n_samples'] % n_nets != 0: raise ValueError('n_samples should be divisible by n_nets') return NewMslNet(fc_params=self.FC_PARAMS, sampler_params=self.SAMPLE_PARAMS, normalize_coord=self.NORMALIZE, n_nets=n_nets, dir_as_input=self.DIR_AS_INPUT, color=self.COLOR, encode_to_dim=self.N_ENCODE_DIM) if self.NET_TYPE == 'nnmsl': return NewMslNet(fc_params=self.FC_PARAMS, sampler_params=self.SAMPLE_PARAMS, normalize_coord=self.NORMALIZE, dir_as_input=self.DIR_AS_INPUT, not_same_net=True, color=self.COLOR, encode_to_dim=self.N_ENCODE_DIM) raise ValueError('Invalid net type')