//========= Copyright Valve Corporation ============// #include "strtools.h" #include #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool StringHasPrefix( const std::string & sString, const std::string & sPrefix ) { return 0 == strncasecmp( sString.c_str(), sPrefix.c_str(), sPrefix.length() ); } bool StringHasPrefixCaseSensitive( const std::string & sString, const std::string & sPrefix ) { return 0 == strncmp( sString.c_str(), sPrefix.c_str(), sPrefix.length() ); } bool StringHasSuffix( const std::string &sString, const std::string &sSuffix ) { size_t cStrLen = sString.length(); size_t cSuffixLen = sSuffix.length(); if ( cSuffixLen > cStrLen ) return false; std::string sStringSuffix = sString.substr( cStrLen - cSuffixLen, cSuffixLen ); return 0 == strcasecmp( sStringSuffix.c_str(), sSuffix.c_str() ); } bool StringHasSuffixCaseSensitive( const std::string &sString, const std::string &sSuffix ) { size_t cStrLen = sString.length(); size_t cSuffixLen = sSuffix.length(); if ( cSuffixLen > cStrLen ) return false; std::string sStringSuffix = sString.substr( cStrLen - cSuffixLen, cSuffixLen ); return 0 == strcmp( sStringSuffix.c_str(), sSuffix.c_str() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string UTF16to8(const wchar_t * in) { std::string out; unsigned int codepoint = 0; for ( ; in && *in != 0; ++in ) { if (*in >= 0xd800 && *in <= 0xdbff) codepoint = ((*in - 0xd800) << 10) + 0x10000; else { if (*in >= 0xdc00 && *in <= 0xdfff) codepoint |= *in - 0xdc00; else codepoint = *in; if (codepoint <= 0x7f) out.append(1, static_cast(codepoint)); else if (codepoint <= 0x7ff) { out.append(1, static_cast(0xc0 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1f))); out.append(1, static_cast(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3f))); } else if (codepoint <= 0xffff) { out.append(1, static_cast(0xe0 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x0f))); out.append(1, static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f))); out.append(1, static_cast(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3f))); } else { out.append(1, static_cast(0xf0 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0x07))); out.append(1, static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3f))); out.append(1, static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f))); out.append(1, static_cast(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3f))); } codepoint = 0; } } return out; } std::wstring UTF8to16(const char * in) { std::wstring out; unsigned int codepoint = 0; int following = 0; for ( ; in && *in != 0; ++in ) { unsigned char ch = *in; if (ch <= 0x7f) { codepoint = ch; following = 0; } else if (ch <= 0xbf) { if (following > 0) { codepoint = (codepoint << 6) | (ch & 0x3f); --following; } } else if (ch <= 0xdf) { codepoint = ch & 0x1f; following = 1; } else if (ch <= 0xef) { codepoint = ch & 0x0f; following = 2; } else { codepoint = ch & 0x07; following = 3; } if (following == 0) { if (codepoint > 0xffff) { out.append(1, static_cast(0xd800 + (codepoint >> 10))); out.append(1, static_cast(0xdc00 + (codepoint & 0x03ff))); } else out.append(1, static_cast(codepoint)); codepoint = 0; } } return out; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: converts a string to upper case // -------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string StringToUpper( const std::string & sString ) { std::string sOut; sOut.reserve( sString.size() + 1 ); for( std::string::const_iterator i = sString.begin(); i != sString.end(); i++ ) { sOut.push_back( (char)toupper( *i ) ); } return sOut; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: converts a string to lower case // -------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string StringToLower( const std::string & sString ) { std::string sOut; sOut.reserve( sString.size() + 1 ); for( std::string::const_iterator i = sString.begin(); i != sString.end(); i++ ) { sOut.push_back( (char)tolower( *i ) ); } return sOut; } uint32_t ReturnStdString( const std::string & sValue, char *pchBuffer, uint32_t unBufferLen ) { uint32_t unLen = (uint32_t)sValue.length() + 1; if( !pchBuffer || !unBufferLen ) return unLen; if( unBufferLen < unLen ) { pchBuffer[0] = '\0'; } else { memcpy( pchBuffer, sValue.c_str(), unLen ); } return unLen; } void BufferToStdString( std::string & sDest, const char *pchBuffer, uint32_t unBufferLen ) { sDest.resize( unBufferLen + 1 ); memcpy( const_cast< char* >( sDest.c_str() ), pchBuffer, unBufferLen ); const_cast< char* >( sDest.c_str() )[ unBufferLen ] = '\0'; } /** Returns a std::string from a uint64_t */ std::string Uint64ToString( uint64_t ulValue ) { char buf[ 22 ]; #if defined( _WIN32 ) sprintf_s( buf, "%llu", ulValue ); #else snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%llu", (long long unsigned int ) ulValue ); #endif return buf; } /** returns a uint64_t from a string */ uint64_t StringToUint64( const std::string & sValue ) { return strtoull( sValue.c_str(), NULL, 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper for converting a numeric value to a hex digit, value should be 0-15. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char cIntToHexDigit( int nValue ) { //Assert( nValue >= 0 && nValue <= 15 ); return "0123456789ABCDEF"[ nValue & 15 ]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper for converting a hex char value to numeric, return -1 if the char // is not a valid hex digit. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int iHexCharToInt( char cValue ) { int32_t iValue = cValue; if ( (uint32_t)( iValue - '0' ) < 10 ) return iValue - '0'; iValue |= 0x20; if ( (uint32_t)( iValue - 'a' ) < 6 ) return iValue - 'a' + 10; return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Internal implementation of encode, works in the strict RFC manner, or // with spaces turned to + like HTML form encoding. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void V_URLEncodeInternal( char *pchDest, int nDestLen, const char *pchSource, int nSourceLen, bool bUsePlusForSpace ) { //AssertMsg( nDestLen > 3*nSourceLen, "Target buffer for V_URLEncode should be 3x source length, plus one for terminating null\n" ); int iDestPos = 0; for ( int i=0; i < nSourceLen; ++i ) { // worst case we need 3 additional chars if( (iDestPos+3) > nDestLen ) { pchDest[0] = '\0'; // AssertMsg( false, "Target buffer too short\n" ); return; } // We allow only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, underscore, and hyphen to pass through unescaped. // These are the characters allowed by both the original RFC 1738 and the latest RFC 3986. // Current specs also allow '~', but that is forbidden under original RFC 1738. if ( !( pchSource[i] >= 'a' && pchSource[i] <= 'z' ) && !( pchSource[i] >= 'A' && pchSource[i] <= 'Z' ) && !(pchSource[i] >= '0' && pchSource[i] <= '9' ) && pchSource[i] != '-' && pchSource[i] != '_' && pchSource[i] != '.' ) { if ( bUsePlusForSpace && pchSource[i] == ' ' ) { pchDest[iDestPos++] = '+'; } else { pchDest[iDestPos++] = '%'; uint8_t iValue = pchSource[i]; if ( iValue == 0 ) { pchDest[iDestPos++] = '0'; pchDest[iDestPos++] = '0'; } else { char cHexDigit1 = cIntToHexDigit( iValue % 16 ); iValue /= 16; char cHexDigit2 = cIntToHexDigit( iValue ); pchDest[iDestPos++] = cHexDigit2; pchDest[iDestPos++] = cHexDigit1; } } } else { pchDest[iDestPos++] = pchSource[i]; } } if( (iDestPos+1) > nDestLen ) { pchDest[0] = '\0'; //AssertMsg( false, "Target buffer too short to terminate\n" ); return; } // Null terminate pchDest[iDestPos++] = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Internal implementation of decode, works in the strict RFC manner, or // with spaces turned to + like HTML form encoding. // // Returns the amount of space used in the output buffer. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t V_URLDecodeInternal( char *pchDecodeDest, int nDecodeDestLen, const char *pchEncodedSource, int nEncodedSourceLen, bool bUsePlusForSpace ) { if ( nDecodeDestLen < nEncodedSourceLen ) { //AssertMsg( false, "V_URLDecode needs a dest buffer at least as large as the source" ); return 0; } int iDestPos = 0; for( int i=0; i < nEncodedSourceLen; ++i ) { if ( bUsePlusForSpace && pchEncodedSource[i] == '+' ) { pchDecodeDest[ iDestPos++ ] = ' '; } else if ( pchEncodedSource[i] == '%' ) { // Percent signifies an encoded value, look ahead for the hex code, convert to numeric, and use that // First make sure we have 2 more chars if ( i < nEncodedSourceLen - 2 ) { char cHexDigit1 = pchEncodedSource[i+1]; char cHexDigit2 = pchEncodedSource[i+2]; // Turn the chars into a hex value, if they are not valid, then we'll // just place the % and the following two chars direct into the string, // even though this really shouldn't happen, who knows what bad clients // may do with encoding. bool bValid = false; int iValue = iHexCharToInt( cHexDigit1 ); if ( iValue != -1 ) { iValue *= 16; int iValue2 = iHexCharToInt( cHexDigit2 ); if ( iValue2 != -1 ) { iValue += iValue2; pchDecodeDest[ iDestPos++ ] = (char)iValue; bValid = true; } } if ( !bValid ) { pchDecodeDest[ iDestPos++ ] = '%'; pchDecodeDest[ iDestPos++ ] = cHexDigit1; pchDecodeDest[ iDestPos++ ] = cHexDigit2; } } // Skip ahead i += 2; } else { pchDecodeDest[ iDestPos++ ] = pchEncodedSource[i]; } } // We may not have extra room to NULL terminate, since this can be used on raw data, but if we do // go ahead and do it as this can avoid bugs. if ( iDestPos < nDecodeDestLen ) { pchDecodeDest[iDestPos] = 0; } return (size_t)iDestPos; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Encodes a string (or binary data) from URL encoding format, see rfc1738 section 2.2. // This version of the call isn't a strict RFC implementation, but uses + for space as is // the standard in HTML form encoding, despite it not being part of the RFC. // // Dest buffer should be at least as large as source buffer to guarantee room for decode. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void V_URLEncode( char *pchDest, int nDestLen, const char *pchSource, int nSourceLen ) { return V_URLEncodeInternal( pchDest, nDestLen, pchSource, nSourceLen, true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Decodes a string (or binary data) from URL encoding format, see rfc1738 section 2.2. // This version of the call isn't a strict RFC implementation, but uses + for space as is // the standard in HTML form encoding, despite it not being part of the RFC. // // Dest buffer should be at least as large as source buffer to guarantee room for decode. // Dest buffer being the same as the source buffer (decode in-place) is explicitly allowed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t V_URLDecode( char *pchDecodeDest, int nDecodeDestLen, const char *pchEncodedSource, int nEncodedSourceLen ) { return V_URLDecodeInternal( pchDecodeDest, nDecodeDestLen, pchEncodedSource, nEncodedSourceLen, true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void V_StripExtension( std::string &in ) { // Find the last dot. If it's followed by a dot or a slash, then it's part of a // directory specifier like ../../somedir/./blah. std::string::size_type test = in.rfind( '.' ); if ( test != std::string::npos ) { // This handles things like ".\blah" or "c:\my@email.com\abc\def\geh" // Which would otherwise wind up with "" and "c:\my@email", respectively. if ( in.rfind( '\\' ) < test && in.rfind( '/' ) < test ) { in.resize( test ); } } }