//========= Copyright Valve Corporation ============// #include "compat.h" #include "strtools.h" #include "pathtools.h" #if defined( _WIN32) #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef GetEnvironmentVariable #else #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined OSX #include #include #include #define _S_IFDIR S_IFDIR // really from tier0/platform.h which we dont have yet #endif #include #include /** Returns the path of the current working directory */ std::string Path_GetWorkingDirectory() { std::string sPath; #if defined( _WIN32 ) wchar_t buf[MAX_UNICODE_PATH]; sPath = UTF16to8( _wgetcwd( buf, MAX_UNICODE_PATH ) ); #else char buf[ 1024 ]; sPath = getcwd( buf, sizeof( buf ) ); #endif return sPath; } /** Sets the path of the current working directory. Returns true if this was successful. */ bool Path_SetWorkingDirectory( const std::string & sPath ) { bool bSuccess; #if defined( _WIN32 ) std::wstring wsPath = UTF8to16( sPath.c_str() ); bSuccess = 0 == _wchdir( wsPath.c_str() ); #else bSuccess = 0 == chdir( sPath.c_str() ); #endif return bSuccess; } /** Returns the specified path without its filename */ std::string Path_StripFilename( const std::string & sPath, char slash ) { if( slash == 0 ) slash = Path_GetSlash(); std::string::size_type n = sPath.find_last_of( slash ); if( n == std::string::npos ) return sPath; else return std::string( sPath.begin(), sPath.begin() + n ); } /** returns just the filename from the provided full or relative path. */ std::string Path_StripDirectory( const std::string & sPath, char slash ) { if( slash == 0 ) slash = Path_GetSlash(); std::string::size_type n = sPath.find_last_of( slash ); if( n == std::string::npos ) return sPath; else return std::string( sPath.begin() + n + 1, sPath.end() ); } /** returns just the filename with no extension of the provided filename. * If there is a path the path is left intact. */ std::string Path_StripExtension( const std::string & sPath ) { for( std::string::const_reverse_iterator i = sPath.rbegin(); i != sPath.rend(); i++ ) { if( *i == '.' ) { return std::string( sPath.begin(), i.base() - 1 ); } // if we find a slash there is no extension if( *i == '\\' || *i == '/' ) break; } // we didn't find an extension return sPath; } /** returns just extension of the provided filename (if any). */ std::string Path_GetExtension( const std::string & sPath ) { for ( std::string::const_reverse_iterator i = sPath.rbegin(); i != sPath.rend(); i++ ) { if ( *i == '.' ) { return std::string( i.base(), sPath.end() ); } // if we find a slash there is no extension if ( *i == '\\' || *i == '/' ) break; } // we didn't find an extension return ""; } bool Path_IsAbsolute( const std::string & sPath ) { if( sPath.empty() ) return false; #if defined( WIN32 ) if ( sPath.size() < 3 ) // must be c:\x or \\x at least return false; if ( sPath[1] == ':' ) // drive letter plus slash, but must test both slash cases { if ( sPath[2] == '\\' || sPath[2] == '/' ) return true; } else if ( sPath[0] == '\\' && sPath[1] == '\\' ) // UNC path return true; #else if( sPath[0] == '\\' || sPath[0] == '/' ) // any leading slash return true; #endif return false; } /** Makes an absolute path from a relative path and a base path */ std::string Path_MakeAbsolute( const std::string & sRelativePath, const std::string & sBasePath ) { if( Path_IsAbsolute( sRelativePath ) ) return sRelativePath; else { if( !Path_IsAbsolute( sBasePath ) ) return ""; std::string sCompacted = Path_Compact( Path_Join( sBasePath, sRelativePath ) ); if( Path_IsAbsolute( sCompacted ) ) return sCompacted; else return ""; } } /** Fixes the directory separators for the current platform */ std::string Path_FixSlashes( const std::string & sPath, char slash ) { if( slash == 0 ) slash = Path_GetSlash(); std::string sFixed = sPath; for( std::string::iterator i = sFixed.begin(); i != sFixed.end(); i++ ) { if( *i == '/' || *i == '\\' ) *i = slash; } return sFixed; } char Path_GetSlash() { #if defined(_WIN32) return '\\'; #else return '/'; #endif } /** Jams two paths together with the right kind of slash */ std::string Path_Join( const std::string & first, const std::string & second, char slash ) { if( slash == 0 ) slash = Path_GetSlash(); // only insert a slash if we don't already have one std::string::size_type nLen = first.length(); if( !nLen ) return second; #if defined(_WIN32) if( first.back() == '\\' || first.back() == '/' ) nLen--; #else char last_char = first[first.length()-1]; if (last_char == '\\' || last_char == '/') nLen--; #endif return first.substr( 0, nLen ) + std::string( 1, slash ) + second; } std::string Path_Join( const std::string & first, const std::string & second, const std::string & third, char slash ) { return Path_Join( Path_Join( first, second, slash ), third, slash ); } std::string Path_Join( const std::string & first, const std::string & second, const std::string & third, const std::string &fourth, char slash ) { return Path_Join( Path_Join( Path_Join( first, second, slash ), third, slash ), fourth, slash ); } std::string Path_Join( const std::string & first, const std::string & second, const std::string & third, const std::string & fourth, const std::string & fifth, char slash ) { return Path_Join( Path_Join( Path_Join( Path_Join( first, second, slash ), third, slash ), fourth, slash ), fifth, slash ); } std::string Path_RemoveTrailingSlash( const std::string & sRawPath, char slash ) { if ( slash == 0 ) slash = Path_GetSlash(); std::string sPath = sRawPath; std::string::size_type nCurrent = sRawPath.length(); if ( nCurrent == 0 ) return sPath; int nLastFound = -1; nCurrent--; while( nCurrent != 0 ) { if ( sRawPath[ nCurrent ] == slash ) { nLastFound = (int)nCurrent; nCurrent--; } else { break; } } if ( nLastFound >= 0 ) { sPath.erase( nLastFound, std::string::npos ); } return sPath; } /** Removes redundant /.. elements in the path. Returns an empty path if the * specified path has a broken number of directories for its number of ..s */ std::string Path_Compact( const std::string & sRawPath, char slash ) { if( slash == 0 ) slash = Path_GetSlash(); std::string sPath = Path_FixSlashes( sRawPath, slash ); std::string sSlashString( 1, slash ); // strip out all /./ for( std::string::size_type i = 0; (i + 3) < sPath.length(); ) { if( sPath[ i ] == slash && sPath[ i+1 ] == '.' && sPath[ i+2 ] == slash ) { sPath.replace( i, 3, sSlashString ); } else { ++i; } } // get rid of trailing /. but leave the path separator if( sPath.length() > 2 ) { std::string::size_type len = sPath.length(); if( sPath[ len-1 ] == '.' && sPath[ len-2 ] == slash ) { // sPath.pop_back(); sPath[len-1] = 0; // for now, at least } } // get rid of leading ./ if( sPath.length() > 2 ) { if( sPath[ 0 ] == '.' && sPath[ 1 ] == slash ) { sPath.replace( 0, 2, "" ); } } // each time we encounter .. back up until we've found the previous directory name // then get rid of both std::string::size_type i = 0; while( i < sPath.length() ) { if( i > 0 && sPath.length() - i >= 2 && sPath[i] == '.' && sPath[i+1] == '.' && ( i + 2 == sPath.length() || sPath[ i+2 ] == slash ) && sPath[ i-1 ] == slash ) { // check if we've hit the start of the string and have a bogus path if( i == 1 ) return ""; // find the separator before i-1 std::string::size_type iDirStart = i-2; while( iDirStart > 0 && sPath[ iDirStart - 1 ] != slash ) --iDirStart; // remove everything from iDirStart to i+2 sPath.replace( iDirStart, (i - iDirStart) + 3, "" ); // start over i = 0; } else { ++i; } } return sPath; } /** Returns the path to the current DLL or exe */ std::string Path_GetThisModulePath() { // gets the path of vrclient.dll itself #ifdef WIN32 HMODULE hmodule = NULL; ::GetModuleHandleEx( GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, reinterpret_cast(Path_GetThisModulePath), &hmodule ); wchar_t *pwchPath = new wchar_t[MAX_UNICODE_PATH]; char *pchPath = new char[ MAX_UNICODE_PATH_IN_UTF8 ]; ::GetModuleFileNameW( hmodule, pwchPath, MAX_UNICODE_PATH ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, pwchPath, -1, pchPath, MAX_UNICODE_PATH_IN_UTF8, NULL, NULL ); delete[] pwchPath; std::string sPath = pchPath; delete [] pchPath; return sPath; #elif defined( OSX ) || defined( LINUX ) // get the addr of a function in vrclient.so and then ask the dlopen system about it Dl_info info; dladdr( (void *)Path_GetThisModulePath, &info ); return info.dli_fname; #endif } /** returns true if the specified path represents an app bundle */ bool Path_IsAppBundle( const std::string & sPath ) { #if defined(OSX) NSBundle *bundle = [ NSBundle bundleWithPath: [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:sPath.c_str() ] ]; bool bisAppBundle = ( nullptr != bundle ); [ bundle release ]; return bisAppBundle; #else return false; #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if the the path exists //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Path_Exists( const std::string & sPath ) { std::string sFixedPath = Path_FixSlashes( sPath ); if( sFixedPath.empty() ) return false; #if defined( WIN32 ) struct _stat buf; std::wstring wsFixedPath = UTF8to16( sFixedPath.c_str() ); if ( _wstat( wsFixedPath.c_str(), &buf ) == -1 ) { return false; } #else struct stat buf; if ( stat ( sFixedPath.c_str(), &buf ) == -1) { return false; } #endif return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: helper to find a directory upstream from a given path //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Path_FindParentDirectoryRecursively( const std::string &strStartDirectory, const std::string &strDirectoryName ) { std::string strFoundPath = ""; std::string strCurrentPath = Path_FixSlashes( strStartDirectory ); if ( strCurrentPath.length() == 0 ) return ""; bool bExists = Path_Exists( strCurrentPath ); std::string strCurrentDirectoryName = Path_StripDirectory( strCurrentPath ); if ( bExists && _stricmp( strCurrentDirectoryName.c_str(), strDirectoryName.c_str() ) == 0 ) return strCurrentPath; while( bExists && strCurrentPath.length() != 0 ) { strCurrentPath = Path_StripFilename( strCurrentPath ); strCurrentDirectoryName = Path_StripDirectory( strCurrentPath ); bExists = Path_Exists( strCurrentPath ); if ( bExists && _stricmp( strCurrentDirectoryName.c_str(), strDirectoryName.c_str() ) == 0 ) return strCurrentPath; } return ""; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: helper to find a subdirectory upstream from a given path //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Path_FindParentSubDirectoryRecursively( const std::string &strStartDirectory, const std::string &strDirectoryName ) { std::string strFoundPath = ""; std::string strCurrentPath = Path_FixSlashes( strStartDirectory ); if ( strCurrentPath.length() == 0 ) return ""; bool bExists = Path_Exists( strCurrentPath ); while( bExists && strCurrentPath.length() != 0 ) { strCurrentPath = Path_StripFilename( strCurrentPath ); bExists = Path_Exists( strCurrentPath ); if( Path_Exists( Path_Join( strCurrentPath, strDirectoryName ) ) ) { strFoundPath = Path_Join( strCurrentPath, strDirectoryName ); break; } } return strFoundPath; } #if defined(WIN32) #define FILE_URL_PREFIX "file:///" #else #define FILE_URL_PREFIX "file://" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Turns a path to a file on disk into a URL (or just returns the value if it's already a URL) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Path_FilePathToUrl( const std::string & sRelativePath, const std::string & sBasePath ) { if ( !strncasecmp( sRelativePath.c_str(), "http://", 7 ) || !strncasecmp( sRelativePath.c_str(), "https://", 8 ) || !strncasecmp( sRelativePath.c_str(), "file://", 7 ) ) { return sRelativePath; } else { std::string sAbsolute = Path_MakeAbsolute( sRelativePath, sBasePath ); if ( sAbsolute.empty() ) return sAbsolute; sAbsolute = Path_FixSlashes( sAbsolute, '/' ); return std::string( FILE_URL_PREFIX ) + sAbsolute; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Strips off file:// off a URL and returns the path. For other kinds of URLs an empty string is returned // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Path_UrlToFilePath( const std::string & sFileUrl ) { if ( !strncasecmp( sFileUrl.c_str(), FILE_URL_PREFIX, strlen( FILE_URL_PREFIX ) ) ) { std::string sRet = sFileUrl.c_str() + strlen( FILE_URL_PREFIX ); sRet = Path_FixSlashes( sRet ); return sRet; } else { return ""; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the root of the directory the system wants us to store user documents in // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string GetUserDocumentsPath() { #if defined( WIN32 ) WCHAR rwchPath[MAX_PATH]; if ( !SUCCEEDED( SHGetFolderPathW( NULL, CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, rwchPath ) ) ) { return ""; } // Convert the path to UTF-8 and store in the output std::string sUserPath = UTF16to8( rwchPath ); return sUserPath; #elif defined( OSX ) @autoreleasepool { NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES ); if ( [paths count] == 0 ) { return ""; } return [[paths objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String]; } #elif defined( LINUX ) // @todo: not solved/changed as part of OSX - still not real - just removed old class based steam cut and paste const char *pchHome = getenv( "HOME" ); if ( pchHome == NULL ) { return ""; } return pchHome; #endif }