from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn as nn from .my import net_modules from .my import util from .my import device from .my import color_mode rand_gen = torch.Generator(device=device.GetDevice()) rand_gen.manual_seed(torch.seed()) def RaySphereIntersect(p: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate intersections of each rays and each spheres :param p ```Tensor(B, 3)```: positions of rays :param v ```Tensor(B, 3)```: directions of rays :param r ```Tensor(N)```: , radius of spheres :return ```Tensor(B, N, 3)```: points of intersection :return ```Tensor(B, N)```: depths of intersection along ray """ # p, v: Expand to (B, 1, 3) p = p.unsqueeze(1) v = v.unsqueeze(1) # pp, vv, pv: (B, 1) pp = (p * p).sum(dim=2) vv = (v * v).sum(dim=2) pv = (p * v).sum(dim=2) depths = (((pv * pv - vv * (pp - r * r)).sqrt() - pv) / vv) return p + depths[..., None] * v, depths class Rendering(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, raw_noise_std: float = 0.0, white_bg: bool = False): """ Initialize a Rendering module """ super().__init__() self.raw_noise_std = raw_noise_std self.white_bg = white_bg def forward(self, raw, z_vals, ret_extra: bool = False): """Transforms model's predictions to semantically meaningful values. Args: raw: [num_rays, num_samples along ray, 4]. Prediction from model. z_vals: [num_rays, num_samples along ray]. Integration time. Returns: rgb_map: [num_rays, 3]. Estimated RGB color of a ray. disp_map: [num_rays]. Disparity map. Inverse of depth map. acc_map: [num_rays]. Sum of weights along each ray. weights: [num_rays, num_samples]. Weights assigned to each sampled color. depth_map: [num_rays]. Estimated distance to object. """ color, alpha = self.raw2color(raw, z_vals) # Compute weight for RGB of each sample along each ray. A cumprod() is # used to express the idea of the ray not having reflected up to this # sample yet. one_minus_alpha = util.broadcast_cat( torch.cumprod(1 - alpha[..., :-1] + 1e-10, dim=-1), 1.0, append=False) weights = alpha * one_minus_alpha # (N_rays, N_samples) # (N_rays, 1|3), computed weighted color of each sample along each ray. color_map = torch.sum(weights[..., None] * color, dim=-2) # To composite onto a white background, use the accumulated alpha map. if self.white_bg or ret_extra: # Sum of weights along each ray. This value is in [0, 1] up to numerical error. acc_map = torch.sum(weights, -1) if self.white_bg: color_map = color_map + (1. - acc_map[..., None]) else: acc_map = None if not ret_extra: return color_map # Estimated depth map is expected distance. depth_map = torch.sum(weights * z_vals, dim=-1) # Disparity map is inverse depth. disp_map = torch.clamp_min( depth_map / torch.sum(weights, dim=-1), 1e-10).reciprocal() return color_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map def raw2color(self, raw: torch.Tensor, z_vals: torch.Tensor): """ Raw value inferred from model to color and alpha :param raw ```Tensor(N.rays, N.samples, 2|4)```: model's output :param z_vals ```Tensor(N.rays, N.samples)```: integration time :return ```Tensor(N.rays, N.samples, 1|3)```: color :return ```Tensor(N.rays, N.samples)```: alpha """ def raw2alpha(raw, dists, act_fn=torch.relu): """ Function for computing density from model prediction. This value is strictly between [0, 1]. """ return -torch.exp(-act_fn(raw) * dists) + 1.0 # Compute 'distance' (in time) between each integration time along a ray. # The 'distance' from the last integration time is infinity. # dists: (N_rays, N_samples) dists = z_vals[..., 1:] - z_vals[..., :-1] last_dist = z_vals[..., 0:1] * 0 + 1e10 dists =[ dists, last_dist ], -1) # Extract RGB of each sample position along each ray. color = torch.sigmoid(raw[..., :-1]) # (N_rays, N_samples, 1|3) if self.raw_noise_std > 0.: # Add noise to model's predictions for density. Can be used to # regularize network during training (prevents floater artifacts). noise = torch.normal(0.0, self.raw_noise_std, raw[..., 3].size(), rand_gen) alpha = raw2alpha(raw[..., -1] + noise, dists) else: alpha = raw2alpha(raw[..., -1], dists) return color, alpha class Sampler(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, depth_range: Tuple[float, float], n_samples: int, perturb_sample: bool, spherical: bool, lindisp: bool, inverse_r: bool): """ Initialize a Sampler module :param depth_range: depth range for sampler :param n_samples: count to sample along ray :param perturb_sample: perturb the sample depths :param lindisp: If True, sample linearly in inverse depth rather than in depth """ super().__init__() if lindisp: self.r = 1 / torch.linspace(1 / depth_range[0], 1 / depth_range[1], n_samples, device=device.GetDevice()) else: self.r = torch.linspace(depth_range[0], depth_range[1], n_samples, device=device.GetDevice()) self.perturb_sample = perturb_sample self.spherical = spherical self.inverse_r = inverse_r if perturb_sample: mids = .5 * (self.r[1:] + self.r[:-1]) self.upper =[mids, self.r[-1:]], -1) self.lower =[self.r[:1], mids], -1) def forward(self, rays_o, rays_d): """ Sample points along rays. return Spherical or Cartesian coordinates, specified by ```self.shperical``` :param rays_o ```Tensor(B, 3)```: rays' origin :param rays_d ```Tensor(B, 3)```: rays' direction :return ```Tensor(B, N, 3)```: sampled points :return ```Tensor(B, N)```: corresponding depths along rays """ if self.perturb_sample: # stratified samples in those intervals t_rand = torch.rand(self.r.size(), generator=rand_gen, device=device.GetDevice()) r = self.lower + (self.upper - self.lower) * t_rand else: r = self.r if self.spherical: pts, depths = RaySphereIntersect(rays_o, rays_d, r) sphers = util.CartesianToSpherical(pts, inverse_r=self.inverse_r) return sphers, depths else: return rays_o[..., None, :] + rays_d[..., None, :] * r[..., None], r class MslNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, fc_params, sampler_params, color: int = color_mode.RGB, encode_to_dim: int = 0, export_mode: bool = False): """ Initialize a multi-sphere-layer net :param fc_params: parameters for full-connection network :param sampler_params: parameters for sampler :param gray: is grayscale mode :param encode_to_dim: encode input to number of dimensions """ super().__init__() self.in_chns = 3 self.input_encoder = net_modules.InputEncoder.Get( encode_to_dim, self.in_chns) fc_params['in_chns'] = self.input_encoder.out_dim fc_params['out_chns'] = 2 if color == color_mode.GRAY else 4 self.sampler = Sampler(**sampler_params) self.rendering = Rendering() self.export_mode = export_mode if color == color_mode.YCbCr: self.net1 = net_modules.FcNet( in_chns=fc_params['in_chns'], out_chns=fc_params['nf'] + 2, nf=fc_params['nf'], n_layers=fc_params['n_layers'] - 2) self.net2 = net_modules.FcNet( in_chns=fc_params['nf'], out_chns=2, nf=fc_params['nf'], n_layers=1) = None else: = net_modules.FcNet(**fc_params) def forward(self, rays_o: torch.Tensor, rays_d: torch.Tensor, ret_depth: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: """ rays -> colors :param rays_o ```Tensor(B, 3)```: rays' origin :param rays_d ```Tensor(B, 3)```: rays' direction :return: ```Tensor(B, C)``, inferred images/pixels """ coords, depths = self.sampler(rays_o, rays_d) encoded = self.input_encoder(coords) if not mid_output = self.net1(encoded) net2_output = self.net2(mid_output[..., :-2]) raw =[ mid_output[..., -2:], net2_output ], -1) else: raw = if self.export_mode: colors, alphas = self.rendering.raw2color(raw, depths) return[colors, alphas[..., None]], -1) if ret_depth: color_map, _, _, _, depth_map = self.rendering( raw, depths, ret_extra=True) return color_map, depth_map return self.rendering(raw, depths)