import bpy import json import os import math import numpy as np from itertools import product scene = bpy.context.scene cam_obj = cam = scene.cycles.device = 'GPU' dataset_name = 'train' tbox = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7] rbox = [300, 120] dataset_desc = { 'color_file': '%s/view_%%04d.png' % dataset_name, "gl_coord": True, 'view_res': { 'x': 512, 'y': 512 }, 'cam_params': { 'fov': 60.0, 'cx': 0.5, 'cy': 0.5, 'normalized': True }, 'range': { 'min': [-tbox[0] / 2, -tbox[1] / 2, -tbox[2] / 2, -rbox[0] / 2, -rbox[1] / 2], 'max': [tbox[0] / 2, tbox[1] / 2, tbox[2] / 2, rbox[0] / 2, rbox[1] / 2] }, 'samples': [5, 5, 5, 6, 3], #'samples': [2000], 'view_centers': [], 'view_rots': [] } data_desc_file = f'output/{dataset_name}.json' if not os.path.exists('output'): os.mkdir('output') if os.path.exists(data_desc_file): with open(data_desc_file, 'r') as fp: dataset_desc.update(json.load(fp)) with open(data_desc_file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(dataset_desc, fp, indent=4) # Output resolution scene.render.resolution_x = dataset_desc['view_res']['x'] scene.render.resolution_y = dataset_desc['view_res']['y'] # Field of view cam.lens_unit = 'FOV' cam.angle = math.radians(dataset_desc['cam_params']['fov']) cam.dof.use_dof = False def add_sample(i, x, y, z, rx, ry, render_only=False): cam_obj.location = [x, y, z] cam_obj.rotation_euler = [math.radians(ry), math.radians(rx), 0] scene.render.filepath = 'output/' + dataset_desc['color_file'] % i bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) if not render_only: dataset_desc['view_centers'].append(list(cam_obj.location)) dataset_desc['view_rots'].append([rx, ry]) with open(data_desc_file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(dataset_desc, fp, indent=4) for i in range(len(dataset_desc['view_centers'])): if not os.path.exists('output/' + dataset_desc['color_file'] % i): add_sample(i, *dataset_desc['view_centers'][i], *dataset_desc['view_rots'][i], render_only=True) start_view = len(dataset_desc['view_centers']) if len(dataset_desc['samples']) == 1: range_min = np.array(dataset_desc['range']['min']) range_max = np.array(dataset_desc['range']['max']) samples = (range_max - range_min) * np.random.rand(dataset_desc['samples'][0], 5) + range_min for i in range(start_view, dataset_desc['samples'][0]): add_sample(i, *list(samples[i])) else: ranges = [ np.linspace(dataset_desc['range']['min'][i], dataset_desc['range']['max'][i], dataset_desc['samples'][i]) for i in range(0, 3) ] + [ np.linspace(dataset_desc['range']['min'][i], dataset_desc['range']['max'][i], dataset_desc['samples'][i]) for i in range(3, 5) ] i = 0 for x, y, z, rx, ry in product(*ranges): if i >= start_view: add_sample(i, x, y, z, rx, ry) i += 1