from typing import List, Tuple from math import pi import torch import torch.nn as nn from .pytorch_prototyping.pytorch_prototyping import * from .my import net_modules from .my import util from .my import device def RaySphereIntersect(p: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate intersections of each rays and each spheres :param p: B x 3, positions of rays :param v: B x 3, directions of rays :param r: B'(1D), radius of spheres :return: B x B' x 3, points of intersection """ # p, v: Expand to B x 1 x 3 p = p.unsqueeze(1) v = v.unsqueeze(1) # pp, vv, pv: B x 1 pp = (p * p).sum(dim=2) vv = (v * v).sum(dim=2) pv = (p * v).sum(dim=2) # k: Expand to B x B' x 1 k = (((pv * pv - vv * (pp - r * r)).sqrt() - pv) / vv).unsqueeze(2) return p + k * v def RayToSpherical(p: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate intersections of each rays and each spheres :param p: B x 3, positions of rays :param v: B x 3, directions of rays :param r: B' x 1, radius of spheres :return: B x B' x 3, spherical coordinates """ p_on_spheres = RaySphereIntersect(p, v, r) return util.CartesianToSpherical(p_on_spheres) class SpherNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cam_params, # spher_min: Tuple[float, float], spher_max: Tuple[float, float], fc_params, out_res: Tuple[int, int] = None, gray: bool = False, encode_to_dim: int = 0): """ Initialize a sphere net :param cam_params: intrinsic parameters of camera :param fc_params: parameters of full-connection network :param out_res: resolution of output view image :param gray: is grayscale mode :param encode_to_dim: encode input to number of dimensions """ super().__init__() self.cam_params = cam_params self.in_chns = 2 self.out_res = out_res #self.spher_min = torch.tensor(spher_min, device=device.GetDevice()).view(1, 2) #self.spher_max = torch.tensor(spher_max, device=device.GetDevice()).view(1, 2) #self.spher_range = self.spher_max - self.spher_min self.input_encoder = net_modules.InputEncoder.Get(encode_to_dim, self.in_chns) fc_params['in_chns'] = self.input_encoder.out_dim fc_params['out_chns'] = 1 if gray else 3 = net_modules.FcNet(**fc_params) def forward(self, _, ray_directions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ rays -> colors :param ray_directions ```Tensor(B, M, 3)|Tensor(B, 3)```: ray directions :return: Tensor(B, 1|3, H, W)|Tensor(B, 1|3), inferred images/pixels """ v = ray_directions.view(-1, 3) # (*, 3) spher = util.CartesianToSpherical(v)[..., 1:3] # (*, 2) # (spher - self.spher_min) / self.spher_range * 2 - 0.5 spher_normed = spher c: torch.Tensor = # Unflatten to (B, 1|3, H, W) if take view as item return c.view(ray_directions.size(0), self.out_res[0], self.out_res[1], -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) if len(ray_directions.size()) == 3 else c