from typing import List, Tuple from math import pi import torch import torch.nn as nn from .pytorch_prototyping.pytorch_prototyping import * from .my import util from .my import device def CartesianToSpherical(cart: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert coordinates from Cartesian to Spherical :param cart: ... x 3, coordinates in Cartesian :return: ... x 3, coordinates in Spherical (r, theta, phi) """ rho = torch.norm(cart, p=2, dim=-1) theta = torch.atan2(cart[..., 2], cart[..., 0]) theta = theta + (theta < 0).type_as(theta) * (2 * pi) phi = torch.acos(cart[..., 1] / rho) return torch.stack([rho, theta, phi], dim=-1) def SphericalToCartesian(spher: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert coordinates from Spherical to Cartesian :param spher: ... x 3, coordinates in Spherical :return: ... x 3, coordinates in Cartesian (r, theta, phi) """ rho = spher[..., 0] sin_theta_phi = torch.sin(spher[..., 1:3]) cos_theta_phi = torch.cos(spher[..., 1:3]) x = rho * cos_theta_phi[..., 0] * sin_theta_phi[..., 1] y = rho * cos_theta_phi[..., 1] z = rho * sin_theta_phi[..., 0] * sin_theta_phi[..., 1] return torch.stack([x, y, z], dim=-1) def RaySphereIntersect(p: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate intersections of each rays and each spheres :param p: B x 3, positions of rays :param v: B x 3, directions of rays :param r: B'(1D), radius of spheres :return: B x B' x 3, points of intersection """ # p, v: Expand to B x 1 x 3 p = p.unsqueeze(1) v = v.unsqueeze(1) # pp, vv, pv: B x 1 pp = (p * p).sum(dim=2) vv = (v * v).sum(dim=2) pv = (p * v).sum(dim=2) # k: Expand to B x B' x 1 k = (((pv * pv - vv * (pp - r * r)).sqrt() - pv) / vv).unsqueeze(2) return p + k * v def RayToSpherical(p: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate intersections of each rays and each spheres :param p: B x 3, positions of rays :param v: B x 3, directions of rays :param r: B' x 1, radius of spheres :return: B x B' x 3, spherical coordinates """ p_on_spheres = RaySphereIntersect(p, v, r) return CartesianToSpherical(p_on_spheres) class FcNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_chns: int, out_chns: int, nf: int, n_layers: int): super().__init__() self.layers = list() self.layers += [ nn.Linear(in_chns, nf), #nn.LayerNorm([nf]), nn.ReLU() ] for _ in range(1, n_layers): self.layers += [ nn.Linear(nf, nf), #nn.LayerNorm([nf]), nn.ReLU() ] self.layers.append(nn.Linear(nf, out_chns)) = nn.Sequential(*self.layers) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return def init_weights(self, m): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): nn.init.xavier_normal_(m.weight) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0.0) class Rendering(nn.Module): def __init__(self, sphere_layers: List[float]): """ Initialize a Rendering module :param sphere_layers: L x 1, radius of sphere layers """ super().__init__() self.sphere_layers = torch.tensor( sphere_layers, device=device.GetDevice()) def forward(self, net: FcNet, p: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ [summary] :param net: the full-connected net :param p: B x 3, positions of rays :param v: B x 3, directions of rays :return B x 1/3, view images by blended layers """ L = self.sphere_layers.size()[0] sp = RayToSpherical(p, v, self.sphere_layers) # B x L x 3 sp[..., 0] = 1 / sp[..., 0] # Radius to diopter color_alpha: torch.Tensor = net( sp.flatten(0, 1)).view(p.size()[0], L, -1) if (color_alpha.size(-1) == 2): # Grayscale c = color_alpha[..., 0:1] a = color_alpha[..., 1:2] else: # RGB c = color_alpha[..., 0:3] a = color_alpha[..., 3:4] blended = c[:, 0, :] * a[:, 0, :] for l in range(1, L): blended = blended * (1 - a[:, l, :]) + c[:, l, :] * a[:, l, :] return blended class MslNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cam_params, sphere_layers: List[float], out_res: Tuple[int, int], gray=False): """ Initialize a multi-sphere-layer net :param cam_params: intrinsic parameters of camera :param sphere_layers: L x 1, radius of sphere layers :param out_res: resolution of output view image """ super().__init__() self.cam_params = cam_params self.out_res = out_res self.v_local = util.GetLocalViewRays(self.cam_params, out_res, flatten=True) \ .to(device.GetDevice()) # N x 3 = FCBlock(hidden_ch=64, # num_hidden_layers=4, # in_features=3, # out_features=2 if gray else 4, # outermost_linear=True) = FcNet(in_chns=3, out_chns=2 if gray else 4, nf=256, n_layers=8) self.rendering = Rendering(sphere_layers) def forward(self, view_centers: torch.Tensor, view_rots: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ T_view -> image :param view_centers: B x 3, centers of views :param view_rots: B x 3 x 3, rotation matrices of views :return: B x 1/3 x H_out x W_out, inferred images of views """ # Transpose matrix so we can perform vec x mat view_rots_t = view_rots.permute(0, 2, 1) # p and v are B x N x 3 tensor p = view_centers.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.v_local.size(0), -1) v = torch.matmul(self.v_local, view_rots_t) c: torch.Tensor = self.rendering(, p.flatten(0, 1), v.flatten(0, 1)) # (BN) x 3 # unflatten return c.view(view_centers.size(0), self.out_res[0], self.out_res[1], -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)