Commit 6294701e authored by Nianchen Deng's avatar Nianchen Deng
Browse files


parent 2824f796
#include "Sampler.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "../utils/cuda.h"
__device__ glm::vec3 _raySphereIntersect(glm::vec3 p, glm::vec3 v, float r, float &o_depth) {
float pp = glm::dot(p, p);
float vv = glm::dot(v, v);
float pv = glm::dot(p, v);
o_depth = (sqrtf(pv * pv - vv * (pp - r * r)) - pv) / vv;
return p + o_depth * v;
__device__ float _getAngle(float x, float y) {
return -atan(x / y) + (y < 0) * (float)M_PI + 0.5f * (float)M_PI;
* Dispatch with block_size=(n_samples, *), grid_size=(1, nRays/*)
* Index with (sample_idx, ray_idx)
__global__ void cu_sampleOnRays(float *o_coords, float *o_depths, glm::vec3 *rays, uint nRays,
glm::vec3 origin, Range range, bool outputRadius) {
glm::uvec3 idx3 = IDX3;
uint idx = flattenIdx(idx3);
uint sampleIdx = idx3.x;
uint rayIdx = idx3.y;
if (rayIdx >= nRays)
float r_reciprocal = range.get(sampleIdx);
glm::vec3 p = _raySphereIntersect(origin, rays[rayIdx], 1.0f / r_reciprocal, o_depths[idx]);
glm::vec3 sp(r_reciprocal, _getAngle(p.x, p.z), acos(p.y * r_reciprocal));
if (outputRadius)
((glm::vec3 *)o_coords)[idx] = sp;
((glm::vec2 *)o_coords)[idx] = {sp.y, sp.z};
void Sampler::sampleOnRays(sptr<CudaArray<float>> o_coords, sptr<CudaArray<float>> o_depths,
sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> rays, glm::vec3 rayCenter) {
dim3 blkSize(_dispRange.steps(), 1024 / _dispRange.steps());
dim3 grdSize(1, (uint)ceil(rays->n() / (float)blkSize.y));
(*o_coords, *o_depths, *rays, rays->n(), rayCenter, _dispRange, _outputRadius);
\ No newline at end of file
#include "View.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "../utils/cuda.h"
__global__ void cu_transPoints(glm::vec3 *o_vecs, glm::vec3 *vecs, glm::vec3 t, glm::mat3 rot_t,
uint n) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_vecs[idx] = vecs[idx] * rot_t + t;
__global__ void cu_transPoints(glm::vec3 *o_vecs, glm::vec3 *vecs, glm::vec3 t, glm::mat3 rot_t,
uint n, int *indices) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_vecs[idx] = vecs[indices[idx]] * rot_t + t;
__global__ void cu_transPointsInverse(glm::vec3 *o_pts, glm::vec3 *pts, glm::vec3 t,
glm::mat3 inv_rot_t, uint n) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_pts[idx] = (pts[idx] - t) * inv_rot_t;
__global__ void cu_transPointsInverse(glm::vec3 *o_pts, glm::vec3 *pts, glm::vec3 t,
glm::mat3 inv_rot_t, uint n, int *indices) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_pts[idx] = (pts[indices[idx]] - t) * inv_rot_t;
__global__ void cu_transVectors(glm::vec3 *o_vecs, glm::vec3 *vecs, glm::mat3 rot_t, uint n) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_vecs[idx] = vecs[idx] * rot_t;
__global__ void cu_transVectors(glm::vec3 *o_vecs, glm::vec3 *vecs, glm::mat3 rot_t, uint n,
int *indices) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_vecs[idx] = vecs[indices[idx]] * rot_t;
__global__ void cu_genLocalRays(glm::vec3 *o_rays, glm::vec2 f, glm::vec2 c, glm::uvec2 res) {
glm::uvec2 idx2 = IDX2;
if (idx2.x >= res.x || idx2.y >= res.y)
uint idx = idx2.x + idx2.y * res.x;
o_rays[idx] = glm::vec3((glm::vec2(idx2) - c) / f, 1.0f);
__global__ void cu_genLocalRaysNormed(glm::vec3 *o_rays, glm::vec2 f, glm::vec2 c, glm::uvec2 res) {
glm::uvec2 idx2 = IDX2;
if (idx2.x >= res.x || idx2.y >= res.y)
uint idx = idx2.x + idx2.y * res.x;
o_rays[idx] = glm::normalize(glm::vec3((glm::vec2(idx2) - c) / f, 1.0f));
__global__ void cu_camGetRays(glm::vec3 *o_vecs, glm::vec3 *vecs, glm::vec3 offset, glm::mat3 rot_t, uint n) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_vecs[idx] = glm::normalize(vecs[idx] + offset) * rot_t;
__global__ void cu_camGetRays(glm::vec3 *o_vecs, glm::vec3 *vecs, glm::vec3 offset, glm::mat3 rot_t, uint n,
int *indices) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
o_vecs[idx] = (vecs[indices[idx]] + offset) * rot_t;
__global__ void cu_indexedCopy(glm::vec4 *o_colors, glm::vec4 *colors, int *indices, uint n) {
uint idx = flattenIdx();
if (idx >= n)
int srcIdx = indices[idx];
o_colors[idx] = srcIdx >= 0 ? colors[srcIdx] : glm::vec4();
void View::transPoints(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> results, sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> points,
sptr<CudaArray<int>> indices, bool inverse) {
glm::mat3 r_t = inverse ? _r : glm::transpose(_r);
dim3 blkSize(1024);
dim3 grdSize(ceilDiv(results->n(), blkSize.x));
if (inverse) {
if (indices == nullptr)
CU_INVOKE(cu_transPointsInverse)(*results, *points, _t, r_t, points->n());
CU_INVOKE(cu_transPointsInverse)(*results, *points, _t, r_t, points->n(), *indices);
} else {
if (indices == nullptr)
CU_INVOKE(cu_transPoints)(*results, *points, _t, r_t, results->n());
CU_INVOKE(cu_transPoints)(*results, *points, _t, r_t, results->n(), *indices);
void View::transVectors(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> results, sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> vectors,
sptr<CudaArray<int>> indices, bool inverse) {
glm::mat3 r_t = inverse ? _r : glm::transpose(_r);
dim3 blkSize(1024);
dim3 grdSize(ceilDiv(results->n(), blkSize.x));
if (indices == nullptr)
CU_INVOKE(cu_transVectors)(*results, *vectors, r_t, results->n());
CU_INVOKE(cu_transVectors)(*results, *vectors, r_t, results->n(), *indices);
View View::getStereoEye(float ipd, Eye eye) {
glm::vec3 eyeOffset((eye == Eye_Left ? -ipd : ipd) / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
return View(_r * eyeOffset + _t, _r);
Camera::Camera(glm::uvec2 res, float fov) {
_f.x = _f.y = 0.5f * res.y / tan(fov * (float)M_PI / 360.0f);
_f.y *= -1.0f;
_c = res / 2u;
_res = res;
Camera::Camera(glm::uvec2 res, float fov, glm::vec2 c) {
_f.x = _f.y = 0.5f * res.y / tan(fov * (float)M_PI / 360.0f);
_f.y *= -1.0f;
_c = c;
_res = res;
sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> Camera::localRays() {
if (_localRays == nullptr)
return _localRays;
bool Camera::loadMaskData(std::string filepath) {
std::ifstream fin(filepath, std::ios::binary);
if (!fin)
return false;
int n; *)&n, sizeof(n));
std::vector<int> subsetIndicesBuffer(n); *), sizeof(int) * n);
_subsetIndices.reset(new CudaArray<int>(subsetIndicesBuffer)); *)&n, sizeof(n));
std::vector<int> subsetInverseIndicesBuffer(n); *), sizeof(int) * n);
_subsetInverseIndices.reset(new CudaArray<int>(subsetInverseIndicesBuffer));
if (!fin) {
_subsetIndices = nullptr;
_subsetInverseIndices = nullptr;
return false;
}"Mask data loaded. Subset indices: %d, subset inverse indices: %d",
_subsetIndices->n(), _subsetInverseIndices->n());
return true;
void Camera::getRays(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> o_rays, View &view, glm::vec3 offset) {
glm::mat3 r_t = glm::transpose(view.r());
dim3 blkSize(1024);
dim3 grdSize(ceilDiv(nRays(), blkSize.x));
if (_subsetIndices == nullptr)
CU_INVOKE(cu_camGetRays)(*o_rays, *localRays(), offset, r_t, nRays());
CU_INVOKE(cu_camGetRays)(*o_rays, *localRays(), offset, r_t, nRays(), *_subsetIndices);
void Camera::restoreImage(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec4>> o_imgData, sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec4>> colors) {
if (_subsetInverseIndices == nullptr) {
cudaMemcpy(o_imgData->getBuffer(), colors->getBuffer(), nPixels() * sizeof(glm::vec4),
} else {
dim3 blkSize(1024);
dim3 grdSize(ceilDiv(nPixels(), blkSize.x));
CU_INVOKE(cu_indexedCopy)(*o_imgData, *colors, *_subsetInverseIndices, nPixels());
void Camera::_genLocalRays(bool norm) {
_localRays = sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>>(new CudaArray<glm::vec3>(nPixels()));
dim3 blkSize(32, 32);
dim3 grdSize(ceilDiv(_res.x, blkSize.x), ceilDiv(_res.y, blkSize.y));
if (norm)
CU_INVOKE(cu_genLocalRaysNormed)(*_localRays, _f, _c, _res);
CU_INVOKE(cu_genLocalRays)(*_localRays, _f, _c, _res);
#pragma once
#include "../utils/common.h"
class View {
View(glm::vec3 t, glm::mat3 r) : _t(t), _r(r) {}
glm::vec3 t() const { return _t; }
glm::mat3 r() const { return _r; }
void transPoints(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> results, sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> points,
sptr<CudaArray<int>> indices = nullptr, bool inverse = false);
void transVectors(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> results, sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> vectors,
sptr<CudaArray<int>> indices = nullptr, bool inverse = false);
View getStereoEye(float ipd, Eye eye);
glm::vec3 _t;
glm::mat3 _r;
class Camera {
Camera(glm::uvec2 res, float fov);
Camera(glm::uvec2 res, float fov, glm::vec2 c);
bool loadMaskData(std::string filepath);
sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> localRays();
void getRays(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> o_rays, View &view, glm::vec3 offset);
void restoreImage(sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec4>> o_imgData, sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec4>> colors);
glm::vec2 f() const { return _f; }
glm::vec2 c() const { return _c; }
glm::uvec2 res() const { return _res; }
uint nPixels() const { return _res.x * _res.y; }
uint nRays() const { return _subsetIndices == nullptr ? nPixels() : (uint)_subsetIndices->n(); }
sptr<CudaArray<int>> subsetIndices() const { return _subsetIndices; };
sptr<CudaArray<int>> subsetInverseIndices() const { return _subsetInverseIndices; }
glm::vec2 _f;
glm::vec2 _c;
glm::uvec2 _res;
sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> _localRays;
sptr<CudaArray<int>> _subsetIndices;
sptr<CudaArray<int>> _subsetInverseIndices;
void _genLocalRays(bool norm);
#include "Voxels.h"
Voxels::Voxels(const std::string &path) { }
void Voxels::toVoxelIndices(sptr<CudaArray<int>> gi, sptr<CudaArray<int>> o_vi) const {
\ No newline at end of file
#pragma once
#include "../utils/common.h"
class Voxels {
Voxels(const std::string &path);
int nVoxels() const { return _voxels->n(); }
int nCorners() const { return _corners->n(); }
int nGrids() const { return _steps[0] * _steps[1] * _steps[2]; }
glm::vec3 voxelSize() const { return (_bbox[1] - _bbox[0]) / (glm::vec3)_steps; }
void toVoxelIndices(sptr<CudaArray<int>> gi, sptr<CudaArray<int>> o_vi) const;
glm::vec3 _bbox[2];
glm::ivec3 _steps;
sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> _voxels;
sptr<CudaArray<int>> _cornerIndices;
sptr<CudaArray<glm::vec3>> _corners;
sptr<CudaArray<int>> _voxelIndicesInGrid;
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