Commit 5069f8ae authored by BobYeah's avatar BobYeah
Browse files


parent 055dc0bb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import torch import torch
import glm
def RandomGenSamplesInPupil(conf, n_samples): def Fov2Length(angle):
return np.tan(angle * np.pi / 360) * 2
def RandomGenSamplesInPupil(pupil_size, n_samples):
''' '''
Random sample n_samples positions in pupil region Random sample n_samples positions in pupil region
...@@ -18,14 +26,14 @@ def RandomGenSamplesInPupil(conf, n_samples): ...@@ -18,14 +26,14 @@ def RandomGenSamplesInPupil(conf, n_samples):
samples = torch.empty(n_samples, 2) samples = torch.empty(n_samples, 2)
i = 0 i = 0
while i < n_samples: while i < n_samples:
s = (torch.rand(2) - 0.5) * conf.pupil_size s = (torch.rand(2) - 0.5) * pupil_size
if np.linalg.norm(s) > conf.pupil_size / 2.: if np.linalg.norm(s) > pupil_size / 2.:
continue continue
samples[i, :] = s samples[i, :] = [ s[0], s[1], 0 ]
i += 1 i += 1
return samples return samples
def GenSamplesInPupil(conf, circles): def GenSamplesInPupil(pupil_size, circles):
''' '''
Sample positions on circles in pupil region Sample positions on circles in pupil region
...@@ -38,68 +46,116 @@ def GenSamplesInPupil(conf, circles): ...@@ -38,68 +46,116 @@ def GenSamplesInPupil(conf, circles):
-------- --------
a n_samples x 2 tensor with 2D sample position in each row a n_samples x 2 tensor with 2D sample position in each row
''' '''
samples = torch.tensor([[ 0., 0. ]]) samples = torch.zeros(1, 3)
for i in range(1, circles): for i in range(1, circles):
r = conf.pupil_size / 2. / (circles - 1) * i r = pupil_size / 2. / (circles - 1) * i
n = 4 * i n = 4 * i
for j in range(0, n): for j in range(0, n):
angle = 2 * np.pi / n * j angle = 2 * np.pi / n * j
samples =, torch.tensor([[ r * np.cos(angle), r * np.sin(angle)]])),dim=0) samples =[ samples, torch.tensor([[ r * np.cos(angle), r * np.sin(angle), 0 ]]) ], 0)
return samples return samples
def GenRetinal2LayerMappings(conf, df, v, u): class RetinalGen(object):
''' '''
Generate the mapping matrix from retinal to layers. Class for retinal generation process
conf - multi-layers' parameters configuration
u - M x 3 tensor, M sample positions in pupil
p_r - H_r x W_r x 3 tensor, retinal pixel grid, [H_r, W_r] is the retinal resolution
Phi - N x H_r x W_r x M x 2 tensor, retinal to layers mapping, N is number of layers
mask - N x H_r x W_r x M x 2 tensor, indicates invalid (out-of-range) mapping
def __init__(self, conf, u):
Initialize retinal generator instance
Parameters Parameters
-------- --------
conf - multi-layers' parameters configuration conf - multi-layers' parameters configuration
df - focal distance u - a M x 3 tensor stores M sample positions in pupil
v - a 1 x 2 tensor stores half viewport '''
u - a M x 2 tensor stores M sample positions on pupil self.conf = conf
# self.u =
self.u = u # M x 3 M sample positions
self.D_r = conf.retinal_res # retinal res 480 x 640
self.N = conf.GetNLayers() # 2
self.M = u.size()[0] # samples
p_rx, p_ry = torch.meshgrid(torch.tensor(range(0, self.D_r[0])),
torch.tensor(range(0, self.D_r[1])))
self.p_r =[
((torch.stack([p_rx, p_ry], 2) + 0.5) / self.D_r - 0.5) * conf.GetEyeViewportSize(), # 眼球视野
torch.ones(self.D_r[0], self.D_r[1], 1)
], 2)
Returns # self.Phi = torch.empty(N, D_r[0], D_r[1], M, 2, device=cuda_dev, dtype=torch.long)
# self.mask = torch.empty(self.N, self.D_r[0], self.D_r[1], self.M, 2, dtype=torch.float) # 2 x 480 x 640 x 41 x 2
def CalculateRetinal2LayerMappings(self, df, gaze):
Calculate the mapping matrix from retinal to layers.
-------- --------
The mapping matrix df - focus distance
gaze - 2 x 1 tensor, eye rotation angle (degs) in horizontal and vertical direction
''' '''
H_r = conf.retinal_res[0] Phi = torch.empty(self.N, self.D_r[0], self.D_r[1], self.M, 2, dtype=torch.long) # 2 x 480 x 640 x 41 x 2
W_r = conf.retinal_res[1] mask = torch.empty(self.N, self.D_r[0], self.D_r[1], self.M, 2, dtype=torch.float)
D_r = conf.retinal_res.double() D_r = self.conf.retinal_res # D_r: Resolution of retinal 480 640
N = conf.n_layers V = self.conf.GetEyeViewportSize() # V: Viewport size of eye
M = u.size()[0] #41 c = (self.conf.layer_res / 2) # c: Center of layers (pixel)
Phi = torch.empty(H_r, W_r, N, M, 2, dtype=torch.long) p_f = self.p_r * df # p_f: H x W x 3, focus positions of retinal pixels on focus plane
p_rx, p_ry = torch.meshgrid(torch.tensor(range(0, H_r)), rot_forward = glm.dvec3(glm.tan(glm.radians(glm.dvec2(gaze[1], -gaze[0]))), 1)
torch.tensor(range(0, W_r))) rot_mat = torch.from_numpy(np.array(
p_r = torch.stack([p_rx, p_ry], 2).unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, M, -1) glm.dmat3(glm.lookAtLH(glm.dvec3(), rot_forward, glm.dvec3(0, 1, 0)))))
# print(p_r.shape) #torch.Size([480, 640, 41, 2]) rot_mat = rot_mat.float()
for i in range(0, N): u_rot =, rot_mat)
dpi = conf.h_layer[i] / conf.layer_res[0] # 1 / 480 v_rot = torch.matmul(p_f, rot_mat).unsqueeze(2).expand(
ci = conf.layer_res / 2 # [240,320] -1, -1, self.u.size()[0], -1) - u_rot # v_rot: H x W x M x 3, rotated rays' direction vector
di = conf.d_layer[i] # 深度 v_rot.div_(v_rot[:, :, :, 2].unsqueeze(3)) # make z = 1 for each direction vector in v_rot
pi_r = di * v * (1. / D_r * (p_r + 0.5) - 0.5) / dpi # [480, 640, 41, 2]
wi = (1 - di / df) / dpi # (1 - 深度/聚焦) / dpi df = 2.625 di = 1.75 for i in range(0, self.conf.GetNLayers()):
pi = torch.floor(pi_r + ci + wi * u) dp_i = self.conf.GetLayerSize(i)[0] / self.conf.layer_res[0] # dp_i: Pixel size of layer i
torch.clamp_(pi[:, :, :, 0], 0, conf.layer_res[0] - 1) d_i = self.conf.d_layer[i] # d_i: Distance of layer i
torch.clamp_(pi[:, :, :, 1], 0, conf.layer_res[1] - 1) k = (d_i - u_rot[:, 2]).unsqueeze(1)
Phi[:, :, i, :, :] = pi pi_r = (u_rot[:, 0:2] + v_rot[:, :, :, 0:2] * k) / dp_i # pi_r: H x W x M x 2, rays' pixel coord on layer i
return Phi Phi[i, :, :, :, :] = torch.floor(pi_r + c)
mask[:, :, :, :, 0] = ((Phi[:, :, :, :, 0] >= 0) & (Phi[:, :, :, :, 0] < self.conf.layer_res[0])).float()
def GenRetinalFromLayers(layers, Phi): mask[:, :, :, :, 1] = ((Phi[:, :, :, :, 1] >= 0) & (Phi[:, :, :, :, 1] < self.conf.layer_res[1])).float()
# layers: 2, color, height, width Phi[:, :, :, :, 0].clamp_(0, self.conf.layer_res[0] - 1)
# Phi:torch.Size([480, 640, 2, 41, 2]) Phi[:, :, :, :, 1].clamp_(0, self.conf.layer_res[1] - 1)
M = Phi.size()[3] # 41 retinal_mask =
N = Phi.size()[2] # 2 return [ Phi, retinal_mask ]
# print(layers.shape)# torch.Size([2, 3, 480, 640])
# print(Phi.shape)# torch.Size([480, 640, 2, 41, 2]) def GenRetinalFromLayers(self, layers, Phi):
# retinal image: 3channels x retinal_size '''
retinal = torch.zeros(3, Phi.size()[0], Phi.size()[1]) Generate retinal image from layers, using precalculated mapping matrix
for j in range(0, M):
retinal_view = torch.zeros(3, Phi.size()[0], Phi.size()[1])
for i in range(0, N):
retinal_view.add_(layers[i,:, Phi[:, :, i, j, 0], Phi[:, :, i, j, 1]])
return retinal
layers - 3N x H_l x W_l tensor, stacked layer images, with 3 channels in each layer
3 x H_r x W_r tensor, 3 channels retinal image
H_r x W_r tensor, retinal image mask, indicates pixels valid or not
mapped_layers = torch.empty(self.N, 3, self.D_r[0], self.D_r[1], self.M) # 2 x 3 x 480 x 640 x 41
# print("mapped_layers:",mapped_layers.shape)
for i in range(0, Phi.size()[0]):
# print("gather layers:",layers[(i * 3) : (i * 3 + 3),Phi[i, :, :, :, 0],Phi[i, :, :, :, 1]].shape)
mapped_layers[i, :, :, :, :] = layers[(i * 3) : (i * 3 + 3),
Phi[i, :, :, :, 0],
Phi[i, :, :, :, 1]]
# print("mapped_layers:",mapped_layers.shape)
retinal =[3])
# print("retinal:",retinal.shape)
return retinal
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