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(Task 2) Intersecting Objects

Now that your ray tracer generates camera rays, we need to be able to answer the core query in ray tracing: “does this ray hit this object?” Here, you will start by implementing ray-object intersection routines against the two types of objects in the starter code: triangles and spheres. Later, we will use a BVH to accelerate these queries, but for now we consider an intersection test against a single object.

First, take a look at the rays/object.h for the interface of Object class. An Object can be either a Tri_Mesh, a Shape, a BVH(which you will implement in Task 3), or a list of Objects. Right now, we are only dealing with Tri_Mesh’s case and Shape’s case, and their interfaces are in rays/tri_mesh.h and rays/shapes.h, respectively. Tri_Mesh contains a BVH of Triangle, and in this task you will be working with the Triangle class. For Shape, you are going to work with Spheres, which is the major type of Shape in Scotty 3D.

Now, you need to implement the hit routine for both Triangle and Sphere. hit takes in a ray, and returns a Trace structure, which contains information on whether the ray hits the object and if hits, the information describing the surface at the point of the hit. See rays/trace.h for the definition of Trace.

In order to correctly implement hit you need to understand some of the fields in the Ray structure defined in lib/ray.h.

  • point: represents the 3D point of origin of the ray
  • dir: represents the 3D direction of the ray (this direction will be normalized)
  • time_bounds: correspond to the minimum and maximum points on the ray with its x-component as the lower bound and y-component as the upper bound. That is, intersections that lie outside the [ray.time_bounds.x, ray.time_bounds.y] range should not be considered valid intersections with the primitive.

One important detail of the Ray structure is that time_bounds is a mutable field of the Ray. This means that this fields can be modified by constant member functions such as Triangle::hit. When finding the first intersection of a ray and the scene, you almost certainly want to update the ray’s time_bounds value after finding each hit with scene geometry. By bounding the ray as tightly as possible, your ray tracer will be able to avoid unnecessary tests with scene geometry that is known to not be able to result in a closest hit, resulting in higher performance.

Step 1: Intersecting Triangles

The first intersect routine that the hit routines for the triangle mesh in student/tri_mesh.cpp.

While faster implementations are possible, we recommend you implement ray-triangle intersection using the method described in the lecture slides. Further details of implementing this method efficiently are given in these notes.

There are two important details you should be aware of about intersection:

  • When finding the first-hit intersection with a triangle, you need to fill in the Trace structure with details of the hit. The structure should be initialized with:

    • hit: a boolean representing if there is a hit or not
    • time: the ray’s t-value of the hit point
    • position: the exact position of the hit point. This can be easily computed by the time above as with the ray’s point and dir.
    • normal: the normal of the surface at the hit point. This normal should be the interpolated normal (obtained via interpolation of the per-vertex normals according to the barycentric coordinates of the hit point)

Once you’ve successfully implemented triangle intersection, you will be able to render many of the scenes in the media directory. However, your ray tracer will be very slow!

While you are working with student/tri_mesh.cpp, you should implement Triangle::bbox as well, which are important for task 3.

Step 2: Intersecting Spheres

You also need to implement the hit routines for the Sphere class in student/sphapes.cpp. Remember that your intersection tests should respect the ray’s time_bound. Because spheres always represent closed surfaces, you should not flip back-facing normals you did with triangles.

Note: take care not to use the Vec3::normalize() method when computing your normal vector. You should instead use Vec3::unit(), since Vec3::normalize() will actually change the Vec3 object passed in rather than returning a normalized version.

Visualization of normals might be very helpful with debugging.