# Copyright (c) 2013-2018, Ruslan Baratov # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This is a gate file to Hunter package manager. # Include this file using `include` command and add package you need, example: # # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) # # include("cmake/HunterGate.cmake") # HunterGate( # URL "https://github.com/path/to/hunter/archive.tar.gz" # SHA1 "798501e983f14b28b10cda16afa4de69eee1da1d" # ) # # project(MyProject) # # hunter_add_package(Foo) # hunter_add_package(Boo COMPONENTS Bar Baz) # # Projects: # * https://github.com/hunter-packages/gate/ # * https://github.com/ruslo/hunter option(HUNTER_ENABLED "Enable Hunter package manager support" ON) if(HUNTER_ENABLED) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.2") message( FATAL_ERROR "At least CMake version 3.2 required for Hunter dependency management." " Update CMake or set HUNTER_ENABLED to OFF." ) endif() endif() include(CMakeParseArguments) # cmake_parse_arguments option(HUNTER_STATUS_PRINT "Print working status" ON) option(HUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG "Print a lot info" OFF) option(HUNTER_TLS_VERIFY "Enable/disable TLS certificate checking on downloads" ON) set(HUNTER_WIKI "https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/wiki") function(hunter_gate_status_print) if(HUNTER_STATUS_PRINT OR HUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG) foreach(print_message ${ARGV}) message(STATUS "[hunter] ${print_message}") endforeach() endif() endfunction() function(hunter_gate_status_debug) if(HUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG) foreach(print_message ${ARGV}) string(TIMESTAMP timestamp) message(STATUS "[hunter *** DEBUG *** ${timestamp}] ${print_message}") endforeach() endif() endfunction() function(hunter_gate_wiki wiki_page) message("------------------------------ WIKI -------------------------------") message(" ${HUNTER_WIKI}/${wiki_page}") message("-------------------------------------------------------------------") message("") message(FATAL_ERROR "") endfunction() function(hunter_gate_internal_error) message("") foreach(print_message ${ARGV}) message("[hunter ** INTERNAL **] ${print_message}") endforeach() message("[hunter ** INTERNAL **] [Directory:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}]") message("") hunter_gate_wiki("error.internal") endfunction() function(hunter_gate_fatal_error) cmake_parse_arguments(hunter "" "WIKI" "" "${ARGV}") string(COMPARE EQUAL "${hunter_WIKI}" "" have_no_wiki) if(have_no_wiki) hunter_gate_internal_error("Expected wiki") endif() message("") foreach(x ${hunter_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) message("[hunter ** FATAL ERROR **] ${x}") endforeach() message("[hunter ** FATAL ERROR **] [Directory:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}]") message("") hunter_gate_wiki("${hunter_WIKI}") endfunction() function(hunter_gate_user_error) hunter_gate_fatal_error(${ARGV} WIKI "error.incorrect.input.data") endfunction() function(hunter_gate_self root version sha1 result) string(COMPARE EQUAL "${root}" "" is_bad) if(is_bad) hunter_gate_internal_error("root is empty") endif() string(COMPARE EQUAL "${version}" "" is_bad) if(is_bad) hunter_gate_internal_error("version is empty") endif() string(COMPARE EQUAL "${sha1}" "" is_bad) if(is_bad) hunter_gate_internal_error("sha1 is empty") endif() string(SUBSTRING "${sha1}" 0 7 archive_id) if(EXISTS "${root}/cmake/Hunter") set(hunter_self "${root}") else() set( hunter_self "${root}/_Base/Download/Hunter/${version}/${archive_id}/Unpacked" ) endif() set("${result}" "${hunter_self}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Set HUNTER_GATE_ROOT cmake variable to suitable value. function(hunter_gate_detect_root) # Check CMake variable string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${HUNTER_ROOT}" "" not_empty) if(not_empty) set(HUNTER_GATE_ROOT "${HUNTER_ROOT}" PARENT_SCOPE) hunter_gate_status_debug("HUNTER_ROOT detected by cmake variable") return() endif() # Check environment variable string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "$ENV{HUNTER_ROOT}" "" not_empty) if(not_empty) set(HUNTER_GATE_ROOT "$ENV{HUNTER_ROOT}" PARENT_SCOPE) hunter_gate_status_debug("HUNTER_ROOT detected by environment variable") return() endif() # Check HOME environment variable string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "$ENV{HOME}" "" result) if(result) set(HUNTER_GATE_ROOT "$ENV{HOME}/.hunter" PARENT_SCOPE) hunter_gate_status_debug("HUNTER_ROOT set using HOME environment variable") return() endif() # Check SYSTEMDRIVE and USERPROFILE environment variable (windows only) if(WIN32) string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "$ENV{SYSTEMDRIVE}" "" result) if(result) set(HUNTER_GATE_ROOT "$ENV{SYSTEMDRIVE}/.hunter" PARENT_SCOPE) hunter_gate_status_debug( "HUNTER_ROOT set using SYSTEMDRIVE environment variable" ) return() endif() string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "$ENV{USERPROFILE}" "" result) if(result) set(HUNTER_GATE_ROOT "$ENV{USERPROFILE}/.hunter" PARENT_SCOPE) hunter_gate_status_debug( "HUNTER_ROOT set using USERPROFILE environment variable" ) return() endif() endif() hunter_gate_fatal_error( "Can't detect HUNTER_ROOT" WIKI "error.detect.hunter.root" ) endfunction() function(hunter_gate_download dir) string( COMPARE NOTEQUAL "$ENV{HUNTER_DISABLE_AUTOINSTALL}" "" disable_autoinstall ) if(disable_autoinstall AND NOT HUNTER_RUN_INSTALL) hunter_gate_fatal_error( "Hunter not found in '${dir}'" "Set HUNTER_RUN_INSTALL=ON to auto-install it from '${HUNTER_GATE_URL}'" "Settings:" " HUNTER_ROOT: ${HUNTER_GATE_ROOT}" " HUNTER_SHA1: ${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1}" WIKI "error.run.install" ) endif() string(COMPARE EQUAL "${dir}" "" is_bad) if(is_bad) hunter_gate_internal_error("Empty 'dir' argument") endif() string(COMPARE EQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1}" "" is_bad) if(is_bad) hunter_gate_internal_error("HUNTER_GATE_SHA1 empty") endif() string(COMPARE EQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_URL}" "" is_bad) if(is_bad) hunter_gate_internal_error("HUNTER_GATE_URL empty") endif() set(done_location "${dir}/DONE") set(sha1_location "${dir}/SHA1") set(build_dir "${dir}/Build") set(cmakelists "${dir}/CMakeLists.txt") hunter_gate_status_debug("Locking directory: ${dir}") file(LOCK "${dir}" DIRECTORY GUARD FUNCTION) hunter_gate_status_debug("Lock done") if(EXISTS "${done_location}") # while waiting for lock other instance can do all the job hunter_gate_status_debug("File '${done_location}' found, skip install") return() endif() file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${build_dir}") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${cmakelists}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${build_dir}") # check directory permissions # Disabling languages speeds up a little bit, reduces noise in the output # and avoids path too long windows error file( WRITE "${cmakelists}" "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)\n" "project(HunterDownload LANGUAGES NONE)\n" "include(ExternalProject)\n" "ExternalProject_Add(\n" " Hunter\n" " URL\n" " \"${HUNTER_GATE_URL}\"\n" " URL_HASH\n" " SHA1=${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1}\n" " DOWNLOAD_DIR\n" " \"${dir}\"\n" " TLS_VERIFY\n" " ${HUNTER_TLS_VERIFY}\n" " SOURCE_DIR\n" " \"${dir}/Unpacked\"\n" " CONFIGURE_COMMAND\n" " \"\"\n" " BUILD_COMMAND\n" " \"\"\n" " INSTALL_COMMAND\n" " \"\"\n" ")\n" ) if(HUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG) set(logging_params "") else() set(logging_params OUTPUT_QUIET) endif() hunter_gate_status_debug("Run generate") # Need to add toolchain file too. # Otherwise on Visual Studio + MDD this will fail with error: # "Could not find an appropriate version of the Windows 10 SDK installed on this machine" if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}") get_filename_component(absolute_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "${CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}" ABSOLUTE) set(toolchain_arg "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${absolute_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}") else() # 'toolchain_arg' can't be empty set(toolchain_arg "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=") endif() string(COMPARE EQUAL "${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM}" "" no_make) if(no_make) set(make_arg "") else() # Test case: remove Ninja from PATH but set it via CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM set(make_arg "-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM}") endif() execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-H${dir}" "-B${build_dir}" "-G${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" "${toolchain_arg}" ${make_arg} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${dir}" RESULT_VARIABLE download_result ${logging_params} ) if(NOT download_result EQUAL 0) hunter_gate_internal_error( "Configure project failed." "To reproduce the error run: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -H${dir} -B${build_dir} -G${CMAKE_GENERATOR} ${toolchain_arg} ${make_arg}" "In directory ${dir}" ) endif() hunter_gate_status_print( "Initializing Hunter workspace (${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1})" " ${HUNTER_GATE_URL}" " -> ${dir}" ) execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build "${build_dir}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${dir}" RESULT_VARIABLE download_result ${logging_params} ) if(NOT download_result EQUAL 0) hunter_gate_internal_error("Build project failed") endif() file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${build_dir}") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${cmakelists}") file(WRITE "${sha1_location}" "${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1}") file(WRITE "${done_location}" "DONE") hunter_gate_status_debug("Finished") endfunction() # Must be a macro so master file 'cmake/Hunter' can # apply all variables easily just by 'include' command # (otherwise PARENT_SCOPE magic needed) macro(HunterGate) if(HUNTER_GATE_DONE) # variable HUNTER_GATE_DONE set explicitly for external project # (see `hunter_download`) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY HUNTER_GATE_DONE YES) endif() # First HunterGate command will init Hunter, others will be ignored get_property(_hunter_gate_done GLOBAL PROPERTY HUNTER_GATE_DONE SET) if(NOT HUNTER_ENABLED) # Empty function to avoid error "unknown function" function(hunter_add_package) endfunction() set( _hunter_gate_disabled_mode_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/Hunter/disabled-mode" ) if(EXISTS "${_hunter_gate_disabled_mode_dir}") hunter_gate_status_debug( "Adding \"disabled-mode\" modules: ${_hunter_gate_disabled_mode_dir}" ) list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${_hunter_gate_disabled_mode_dir}") endif() elseif(_hunter_gate_done) hunter_gate_status_debug("Secondary HunterGate (use old settings)") hunter_gate_self( "${HUNTER_CACHED_ROOT}" "${HUNTER_VERSION}" "${HUNTER_SHA1}" _hunter_self ) include("${_hunter_self}/cmake/Hunter") else() set(HUNTER_GATE_LOCATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${PROJECT_NAME}" "" _have_project_name) if(_have_project_name) hunter_gate_fatal_error( "Please set HunterGate *before* 'project' command. " "Detected project: ${PROJECT_NAME}" WIKI "error.huntergate.before.project" ) endif() cmake_parse_arguments( HUNTER_GATE "LOCAL" "URL;SHA1;GLOBAL;FILEPATH" "" ${ARGV} ) string(COMPARE EQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1}" "" _empty_sha1) string(COMPARE EQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_URL}" "" _empty_url) string( COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" "" _have_unparsed ) string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_GLOBAL}" "" _have_global) string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_FILEPATH}" "" _have_filepath) if(_have_unparsed) hunter_gate_user_error( "HunterGate unparsed arguments: ${HUNTER_GATE_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" ) endif() if(_empty_sha1) hunter_gate_user_error("SHA1 suboption of HunterGate is mandatory") endif() if(_empty_url) hunter_gate_user_error("URL suboption of HunterGate is mandatory") endif() if(_have_global) if(HUNTER_GATE_LOCAL) hunter_gate_user_error("Unexpected LOCAL (already has GLOBAL)") endif() if(_have_filepath) hunter_gate_user_error("Unexpected FILEPATH (already has GLOBAL)") endif() endif() if(HUNTER_GATE_LOCAL) if(_have_global) hunter_gate_user_error("Unexpected GLOBAL (already has LOCAL)") endif() if(_have_filepath) hunter_gate_user_error("Unexpected FILEPATH (already has LOCAL)") endif() endif() if(_have_filepath) if(_have_global) hunter_gate_user_error("Unexpected GLOBAL (already has FILEPATH)") endif() if(HUNTER_GATE_LOCAL) hunter_gate_user_error("Unexpected LOCAL (already has FILEPATH)") endif() endif() hunter_gate_detect_root() # set HUNTER_GATE_ROOT # Beautify path, fix probable problems with windows path slashes get_filename_component( HUNTER_GATE_ROOT "${HUNTER_GATE_ROOT}" ABSOLUTE ) hunter_gate_status_debug("HUNTER_ROOT: ${HUNTER_GATE_ROOT}") if(NOT HUNTER_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_PATH) string(FIND "${HUNTER_GATE_ROOT}" " " _contain_spaces) if(NOT _contain_spaces EQUAL -1) hunter_gate_fatal_error( "HUNTER_ROOT (${HUNTER_GATE_ROOT}) contains spaces." "Set HUNTER_ALLOW_SPACES_IN_PATH=ON to skip this error" "(Use at your own risk!)" WIKI "error.spaces.in.hunter.root" ) endif() endif() string( REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+[-_a-z0-9]*" HUNTER_GATE_VERSION "${HUNTER_GATE_URL}" ) string(COMPARE EQUAL "${HUNTER_GATE_VERSION}" "" _is_empty) if(_is_empty) set(HUNTER_GATE_VERSION "unknown") endif() hunter_gate_self( "${HUNTER_GATE_ROOT}" "${HUNTER_GATE_VERSION}" "${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1}" _hunter_self ) set(_master_location "${_hunter_self}/cmake/Hunter") if(EXISTS "${HUNTER_GATE_ROOT}/cmake/Hunter") # Hunter downloaded manually (e.g. by 'git clone') set(_unused "xxxxxxxxxx") set(HUNTER_GATE_SHA1 "${_unused}") set(HUNTER_GATE_VERSION "${_unused}") else() get_filename_component(_archive_id_location "${_hunter_self}/.." ABSOLUTE) set(_done_location "${_archive_id_location}/DONE") set(_sha1_location "${_archive_id_location}/SHA1") # Check Hunter already downloaded by HunterGate if(NOT EXISTS "${_done_location}") hunter_gate_download("${_archive_id_location}") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${_done_location}") hunter_gate_internal_error("hunter_gate_download failed") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${_sha1_location}") hunter_gate_internal_error("${_sha1_location} not found") endif() file(READ "${_sha1_location}" _sha1_value) string(COMPARE EQUAL "${_sha1_value}" "${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1}" _is_equal) if(NOT _is_equal) hunter_gate_internal_error( "Short SHA1 collision:" " ${_sha1_value} (from ${_sha1_location})" " ${HUNTER_GATE_SHA1} (HunterGate)" ) endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${_master_location}") hunter_gate_user_error( "Master file not found:" " ${_master_location}" "try to update Hunter/HunterGate" ) endif() endif() include("${_master_location}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY HUNTER_GATE_DONE YES) endif() endmacro()