--- layout: default title: "A4: Animation" permalink: /animation/ nav_order: 7 has_children: true has_toc: false --- # Animation Overview There are four primary components that must be implemented to support Animation functionality. **A4.0** - [(Task 1) Spline Interpolation](splines) - [(Task 2) Skeleton Kinematics](skeleton_kinematics) **A4.5** - [(Task 3) Linear Blend Skinning](skinning) - [(Task 4) Particle Simulation](particles) Each task is described at the linked page. ## Converting Frames to Video Additionally, we will ask you to create your own animation. Once you've rendered out each frame of your animation, you can combine them into a video by using: `ffmpeg -r 30 -f image2 -s 640x360 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i ./%4d.png -vcodec libx264 out.mp4` You may want to change the default `30` and `640x360` to the frame rate and resolution you chose to render at. If you don't have ffmpeg installed on your system, you can get it through most package managers, or you can [download it directly](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html). Alternatively, you may use your preferred video editing tool.