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parent cbbc4fa0
layout: default
title: "Render"
permalink: /guide/render/
permalink: /guide/render_mode/
parent: User Guide
# Render
......@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ Welcome! This is Scotty3D's realistic, globally illuminated renderer, capable of
In render mode, click on "Open Render Window", and you will be able to set the parameters to render your model. Enjoy the excitement of seeing the images becoming clearer and clearer ;-)
## Moving Camera
......@@ -26,27 +27,23 @@ To freely move the camera without updating its field of view/aspect ratio to mat
To create a lighting for your scene, simply go to the menu on the left side, click "New Light", and you will be able to choose from a variaty of light objects and environmental lights. (you will implement the support for environmental light in Task 7. See the corresponding documentation for more guide.)
## Enable Ray Logging for Debugging
In Render mode, simply check the box for "Logged Rays", and you would be able to see the camera rays that you generated in task 1 when you start render.
## Visualize BVH
In Render mode, simply check the box for "BVH", and you would be able to see the BVH you generated in task 3 when you start rendering. You can click on the horizontal bar to see each level of your BVH.
## Materials and Other Object Options
You can change the material and other property of your mesh by selecting the object and choose "Edit Pose", "Edit Mesh", and "Edit Material". For example, you can make a colored cow by "Edit Material" -> "Diffuse light", and pick a color that you like.
layout: default
title: "rig"
permalink: /guide/rig/
title: "Rig"
permalink: /guide/rigging_mode/
parent: User Guide
# Rig
......@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ If you want to branch off at a joint, simply click on the joint to branch off of
To view a rigged example, see `media/human.dae` example and select the object in the Rig tab to view its joints.
Once you've implemented forward kinematics the skeleton should be setup like so:
......@@ -28,14 +29,14 @@ Each joint has an associated `Radius` which controls the part of the mesh influ
<video src="{{ site.baseurl }}/guide/rigging_mode/" controls preload muted loop style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0 auto;"></video>
Note that rigging only uses extents of the bone for skeleton setup, joint pose does not influence the skeleton. Once rigging is done, the object can be posed by changing joint rotations in the [animate](../animate) mode.
Note that rigging only uses extents of the bone for skeleton setup, joint pose does not influence the skeleton. Once rigging is done, the object can be posed by changing joint rotations in the [animate](../animate_mode) mode.
## Inverse Kinematics
Instead of computing the positions of the bones from the joint poses (forward kinematics), in inverse kinematics, joint positions are computed from target positions.
To associate a target position with a joint, select `Add IK` and edit the target position. Multiple target positions can be associated with the same joint but targets need to be explicitly enabled using the checkbox.
In the [animate](../animate) mode, once inverse kinematics is implemented, joint rotation(pose) is updated based on the enabled IK handles.
In the [animate](../animate_mode) mode, once inverse kinematics is implemented, joint rotation(pose) is updated based on the enabled IK handles.
<video src="{{ site.baseurl }}/guide/rigging_mode/guide-ik.mp4" controls preload muted loop style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0 auto;"></video>
layout: default
title: "simulate"
permalink: /guide/simulate/
title: "Simulate"
permalink: /guide/simulate_mode/
parent: User Guide
# Simulate
The simulation view provides a way to create and manage particle emitters.
To add an emitter, open the dropdown menu, adjust desired parameters, and press `Add`.
![add emitter](simulate_mode/add_emitter.png)
- Color: color with which to render the particles.
- Angle: angle of cone within which particles are generated (pointing in the emitter object's direction).
- Scale: the scale factor to apply to the particle mesh when rendering particles.
- Lifetime: how long (in seconds) each particle should live before it is deleted.
- Particles/Sec: how many particles should be generated per second. The total amount of live particles is hence `lifetime * particles_per_second`.
- Particle: choose the shape of each particle. If mesh objects are present in the scene, they will also show up here, allowing the creation of particles with custom shapes.
- Enabled: whether to immediately enable the emitter
Once an enabled emitter is added to the scene (and animation task 4: particle simulation is implemented), particles will start generating and following trajectories based on the emitter parameters. Particles should collide with scene objects. When moving existing objects that particles interact with, the simulation will not be updated until the movement is completed.
For example, the `particles.dae` test scene:
<video src="{{ site.baseurl }}/guide/simulate_mode/guide-simulate-1.mp4" controls preload muted loop style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0 auto;"></video>
Finally, note that you can render particles just like any other scene objects. In the path tracer, each particle is also a point light source! Rendering `particles.dae` with depth of field:
![particles render](simulate_mode/render.png)
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