Commit 5c6570d0 authored by Vidya Narayanan's avatar Vidya Narayanan
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initial userguide doc for animate, todo pictures/videos

parent ad95036f
......@@ -5,7 +5,39 @@ permalink: /guide/animate/
# Animate
When you select the Animate tab, a timeline window will show up at the bottom of your screen.
[picture here]()
Animation is performed by creating **keyframes** and **interpolating** along those keyframes.
### Posing Action
If you have [rigged](rig) an object with a skeleton, it can now be posed by selecting a bone and changing its pose i.e., joint rotation.
Once you've implemented **inverse kinematics** and **skinning**, as you change the pose, the mesh will deform.
[picture/video here](TODO)
Different poses can be set as keyframes to animate the object.
### Keyframes
A keyframe associates an object's pose with a specific frame in the timeline.
Keyframes can be associated with all the objects (including the camera and rig joints associated with an object) in the scene.
To create a keyframe for an object:
- Select a frame location along that objects timeline by clicking on the timeline. Remember to do this *before* editing the pose.
- Change the pose of the selected object and press `Set`. To associate keyframes with all the objects, use `Set All`. Note that for rig joints, only joint rotation can be performed.
- Click on a keyframe in the timeline, and press `Clear` to remove it.
[gif/video here](TODO)
To see your animation, press `Play [space]` . Once you've implemented **spline interpolation**, intermediate frames are generated by interpolating object poses between keyframes.
Check `Draw Splines` to visualize the spline along which objects are animated.
[picture here](TODO)
`Add Frames` inserts 90 empty frames into the timeline. `Crop End` deletes frames from the selected location to the end of the timeline.
......@@ -6,6 +6,36 @@ permalink: /guide/rig/
# Rig
### Rigging Action
Select the `Rig` tab to create a skeletal rig for an object.
You can create new bone by first selecting a parent joint and pressing `New Bone`, then click anywhere else on the object to place the bone. From thereon, you can repeat this process to create a chain of bones connected along the selected joint.
If you want to branch off at a joint, simply click on the joint to branch off of, then start another chain by adding a new bone from there.
To view a rigged example, see `media/human.dae` example and select the object in the Rig tab to view its joints.
Once you've implemented **inverse kinematics** the skeleton should be setup like so:
[picture here](TODO)
### Editing Skinning Weight Threshold Radius
Each joint has an associated `Radius` which controls the part of the mesh influenced by the selected bone during animaton. The radius is visualized by the blue capsule around each bone and can be edited using the menu. The position of the joint can also be edited using the `Extent` values in the menu.
After setting up the skeleton and assigning radii, the mesh can be posed in the [animate](animate) mode.
### Toggling Linear Blend Skinning with Threshold
You can press `u` or `U` to toggle between linear blend skinning with or without threshold.
### Inverse Kinematics
Multiple targets can be specified for IK purposes. To specify an additional target, just select a new joint and right click. To clear all targets, press `i` or `I`.
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