*<imgsrc="task2_media/0075.png"style="height:24px"> is the axis of rotation
*<imgsrc="task2_media/0076.png"style="height:24px"> is the vector from the base of joint <imgsrc="task2_media/0077.png"style="height:24px"> to the end point of the target joint
Note that <imgsrc="task2_media/0076.png"style="height:24px"> and <imgsrc="task2_media/0054.png"style="height:24px"> (from above) are not the same!
For a more in-depth derivation of Jacobian transpose (and a look into other inverse kinematics algorithms), please check out [this presentation](https://web.archive.org/web/20190501035728/https://autorob.org/lectures/autorob_11_ik_jacobian.pdf). (Pages 45-56 in particular)
Now, all of this will work for updating the angle along a single axis, but we have 3 axes to deal with. Luckily, extending it to 3 dimensions isn't very difficult, we just need to update the angle along each axis independently.