# SVG Rasterizer ## Overview In this project, you will implement a simple software rasterizer that draws points, lines, triangles, and bitmap images. When you are done, you will have a viewer that supports the basic features of the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format that is now widely used on the internet. ## Getting started We will be distributing assignments with git. You can find the repository for this assignment at https://github.com/cmu462/DrawSVG. If you are unfamiliar with git, here is what you need to do to get the starter code: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/cmu462/DrawSVG.git ``` This will create a folder with all the source files. ### Build Instructions In order to ease the process of running on different platforms, we will be using [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/) for our assignments. You will need a CMake installation of version 2.8+ to build the code for this assignment. It should also be relatively easy to build the assignment and work locally on your OSX or 64-bit version of Linux. Building on Windows is in beta support, and the project can be run by SSH'ing through Andrew Linux using MobaXterm. #### OS X/Linux Build Instructions If you are working on OS X and do not have CMake installed, we recommend installing it through [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/): `$ brew install cmake`. You may also need the freetype package `$ brew install freetype`. If you are working on Linux, you should be able to install dependencies with your system's package manager as needed (you may need cmake and freetype, and possibly others). To build your code for this assignment: ``` $ cd DrawSVG && mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make ``` These steps (1) create an out-of-source build directory, (2) configure the project using CMake, and (3) compile the project. If all goes well, you should see an executable `drawsvg` in the build directory. As you work, simply typing `make` in the build directory will recompile the project. #### Windows Build Instructions We have a beta build support for Windows systems. You need to install the latest version of [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/) and install [Visual Studio Community 2017](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/). After installing these programs, you can run `runcmake_win.bat` by double-clicking on it. This should create a `build` directory with a Visual Studio solution file in it named `drawsvg.sln`. You can double-click this file to open the solution in Visual Studio. If you plan on using Visual Studio to debug your program, you can change `drawsvg` project in the Solution Explorer as the startup project by right-clicking on it and selecting `Set as StartUp Project`. You can also set the commandline arguments to the project by right-clicking `drawsvg` project again, selecting `Properties`, going into the `Debugging` tab, and setting the value in `Command Arguments`. If you want to run the program with the basic svg folder, you can set this command argument to `../../svg/basic`. After setting all these, you can hit F5 to build your program and run it with the debugger. If you feel that your program is running slowly, you can also change the build mode to `Release` from `Debug` by clicking the Solution Configurations drop down menu on the top menu bar. Note that you will have to set `Command Arguments` again if you change the build mode. #### Windows build instructions using CLion (tested on CLion 2018.3) Open CLion, then do `File -> Import Project..` In the popped out window, find and select the project folder `...\DrawSVG`, click OK, click Open Existing Project, then select New Window Make sure the drop down menu on top right has drawsvg selected (it should say `drawsvg | Debug`). Then open the drop down menu again and go to Edit Configurations.. Fill in Program arguments, say, `./svg/basic`, then click Apply and close the popup Now you should be able to click on the green run button on top right to run the project. ### Using the Mini-SVG Viewer App When you have successfully built your code, you will get an executable named **drawsvg**. The **drawsvg** executable takes exactly one argument from the command line. You may load a single SVG file by specifying its path. For example, to load the example file `svg/basic/test1.svg` : ``` ./drawsvg ../svg/basic/test1.svg ``` When you first run the application, you will see a picture of a flower made of a bunch of blue points. The starter code that you must modify is drawing these points. Now press the R key to toggle display to the staff's reference solution to this assignment. You'll see that the reference differs from "your solution" in that it has a black rectangle around the flower. (This is because you haven't implemented line drawing yet!) While looking at the reference solution, hold down your primary mouse button (left button) and drag the cursor to pan the view. You can also use scroll wheel to zoom the view. (You can always hit SPACE to reset the viewport to the default view conditions). You can also compare the output of your implementation with that of the reference implementation. To toggle the diff view, press D. We have also provided you with a "pixel-inspector" view to examine pixel-level details of the currently displayed implementation more clearly. The pixel inspector is toggled with the Z key. For convenience, `drawsvg` can also accept a path to a directory that contains multiple SVG files. To load files from `svg/basic`: ``` ./drawsvg ../svg/basic ``` The application will load up to nine files from that path and each file will be loaded into a tab. You can switch to a specific tab using keys 1 through 9. ### Summary of Viewer Controls A table of all the keyboard controls in the **draw** application is provided below. | Command | Key | | ---------------------------------------- | :---: | | Go to tab | 1 ~ 9 | | Switch to hw renderer | H | | Switch to sw renderer | S | | Toggle sw renderer impl (student soln/ref soln) | R | | Regenerate mipmaps for current tab (student soln) | ; | | Regenerate mipmaps for current tab (ref soln) | ' | | Increase samples per pixel | = | | Decrease samples per pixel | - | | Toggle text overlay | ` | | Toggle pixel inspector view | Z | | Toggle image diff view | D | | Reset viewport to default position | SPACE | ### What You Need to Do The assignment is divided into nine major tasks, which are described below in the order the course staff suggests you attempt them. You are of course allowed to do the assignment in any order you choose. Although you have 2 weeks to complete this assignment, the assignment **involves significant implementation effort. Also, be advised that meeting the requirements of later tasks may involve restructuring code that you implemented in earlier ones.** In short: you are highly advised to aim to compete the first three tasks in the first week of the assignment. #### Getting Acquainted with the Starter Code Before you start, here are some basic information on the structure of the starter code. All the source code files are contained in `src` directory. You're welcome to browse through and/or edit any file, but the following ones and their headers are probably the most relevant: - `hardware/hardware_renderer` (task 1) - `software_renderer` (most tasks) - `viewport` (task 5) - `texture` (tasks 6, 7) Most of your work will be constrained to implementing part of the class `SoftwareRendererImp` in `software_renderer.cpp`. The most important method is `draw_svg` which (not surprisingly) accepts an SVG object to draw. An SVG file defines its canvas (which defines a 2D coordinate space), and specifies a list of shape elements (such as points, lines, triangles, and images) that should be drawn on that canvas. Each shape element has a number of style parameters (e.g., color) as well as a modeling transform used to determine the element's position on the canvas. You can find the definition of the SVG class (and all the associated `SVGElements`) in `svg.h`. Notice that one type of `SVGElement` is a group that itself contains child elements. Therefore, you should think of an SVG file as defining a tree of shape elements. (Interior nodes of the tree are groups, and leaves are shapes.) Another important method on the `SoftwareRendererImp` class is `set_render_target()`, which provides your code a buffer corresponding to the output image (it also provides width and height of the buffer in pixels, which are stored locally as `target_w` and `target_h`). This buffer is often called the "render target" in many applications, since it is the "target" of rendering commands. **We use the term pixel here on purpose because the values in this buffer are the values that will be displayed on screen.** Pixel values are stored in row-major format, and each pixel is an 8-bit RGBA value (32 bits in total). Your implementation needs to fill in the contents of this buffer when it is asked to draw an SVG file. `set_render_target()` is called whenever the user resizes the application window. #### A Simple Example: Drawing Points You are given starter code that already implements drawing of 2D points. To see how this works, begin by taking a look at `draw_svg()` in `software_renderer.cpp`. The method accepts an SVG file, and draws all elements in the SVG file via a sequence of calls to `draw_element()`. For each element `draw_element()` inspects the type of the element, and then calls the appropriate draw function. In the case of points, that function is `draw_point()`. The position of each point is defined in a local coordinate frame, so `draw_point()` first transforms the input point into its screen-space position (see line `p_screen = transform(p)`). This transform is set at the beginning of `draw_svg()`. In the starter code, this transform converts from the svg canvas' coordinate system to screen coordinates. You will need to handle more complex transforms to support more complex SVG files and implement mouse viewing controls later in the assignment. The function `rasterize_point()` is responsible for actually drawing the point. In this assignment we define screen space for an output image of size `(target_w, target_h)` as follows: - `(0, 0)` corresponds to the top-left of the output image - `(target_w, target_h)` corresponds to the bottom-right of the output image - **Please assume that screen sample positions are located at half-integer coordinates in screen space. That is, the top-left sample point is at coordinate (0.5, 0.5), and the bottom-right sample point is at coordinate (target_w-0.5, target_h-0.5).** ![Sample locations](misc/coord_1spp.png?raw=true) To rasterize points, we adopt the following rule: a point covers at most one screen sample: the closest sample to the point in screen space. This is implemented as follows, assuming (x, y) is the screen-space location of a point. ``` int sx = (int) floor(x); int sy = (int) floor(y); ``` Of course, the code should not attempt to modify the render target buffer at invalid pixel locations. ``` if ( sx < 0 || sx > target_w ) return; if ( sy < 0 || sy > target_h ) return; ``` If the points happen to be on screen, we fill in the pixel with the RGBA color associated with the point. ``` render_target[4 * (sx + sy * target_w) ] = (uint8_t) (color.r * 255); render_target[4 * (sx + sy * target_w) + 1] = (uint8_t) (color.g * 255); render_target[4 * (sx + sy * target_w) + 2] = (uint8_t) (color.b * 255); render_target[4 * (sx + sy * target_w) + 3] = (uint8_t) (color.a * 255); ``` At this time the starter code does not correctly handle transparent points. We'll come back to this later. **Now that you understand the basics of drawing elements, let's get to work actually drawing more interesting elements than points!** #### Task 1: Hardware Renderer In this task, you will finish implementing parts of the hardware renderer by using the knowledge from the OpenGL tutorial session. In particular, you will be responsible for implementing `rasterize_point()`, `rasterize_line()`, and `rasterize_triangle()` in `hardware/hardware_renderer.cpp`. All other OpenGL context has been set up for you outside of these methods, so you only need to use `glBegin()`, `glEnd()`, and appropriate function calls in between those two functions. #### Task 2 : Warm Up: Drawing Lines In this task you will add line drawing functionality by implementing the function `rasterize_line()` in `software_renderer.cpp`. In Lecture 1, we discussed a few ways to think about rasterizing a line. (Recall we talked about possible rules for what samples are considered to be "covered" by the line, and we discussed algorithms for efficiently determining what samples meet that criteria. Since line drawing is very well documented on the web (and this is just a warm up exercise), you may consult the web and use any algorithm you wish. However, your solution should: - Handle non-integer vertex coordinates passed to `rasterize_line()`. - Handle lines of any slope. - Perform work proportional to the length of the line (methods that perform work for every pixel on screen or for all samples in the bounding box of the line are not acceptable solutions). We encourage you to start with an implementation of [Bresenham's algorithm](http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/goa/mallinnus/lines/bresenh.html) and then, if you wish, continue on with implementations that improve quality (e.g., draw smooth lines) or optimize drawing performance. When you are done, your solution should be able to correctly render `basic/test2.svg`. #####Possible Extra Credit Extensions: - (2 pts) If you compare your initial Bresenham results with the reference implementation, you will notice that the reference solution generates smooth lines. For example, you could modify your Bresenham implementation to perform [Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolin_Wu's_line_algorithm). - (2 pts) Add support for specifying a line width. #### Task 3: Drawing Triangles In this task, you will implement `rasterize_triangle()` in `software_renderer.cpp`. Your implementation should: - Sample triangle coverage using the methods discussed in Lecture _Drawing a Triangle_. While in Task 2 you were given choice in how you defined the outputs of line drawing, there is an exact solution to the problem of sampling triangle coverage. The position of screen sample points--at half-integer coordinates in screen space--was described above. - To receive full credit in Task 3 your implementation should assume that a sample point on a triangle edge is covered by the triangle. Your implementation **DOES NOT** need to respect the triangle "edge rules" to avoid "double counting" as discussed in class. (but we encourage you to try!) - Your implementation should use an algorithm that is more work efficient than simply testing all samples on screen. To receive full credit it should at least constrain coverage tests to samples that lie within a screen-space bounding box of the triangle. However, we encourage exploration of even more efficient implementations, such as ones that employ "early out" optimizations discussed in lecture. - When a triangle covers a sample, you should write the triangle's color to the location corresponding to this sample in `render_target`. Once you have successfully implemented triangle drawing, you will able to draw a large number of examples. When loading an SVG, the provided code triangulates convex polyhedra into a list of triangles for you, so by implementing support for rasterizing triangles, the viewer now supports drawing any of these shapes as well. (When parsing the SVG, we convert rectangles and polygons specified in the file into lists of triangles.) When you are done, you should be able to draw `basic/test3.svg`, `basic/test4.svg`, and `basic/test5.svg`. #### Task 4: Anti-Aliasing Using Supersampling **This part of the assignment requires only knowledge of concepts from Lectures _Course Introduction_ and _Drawing a Triangle_.** In this task, you will extend your rasterizer to anti-alias triangle edges via supersampling. In response to the user changing the screen sampling rate (the = and - keys), the application will call `set_sample_rate()` . The parameter `sample_rate` defines the sampling rate in each dimension, so a value of 2 would correspond to a sample density of 4 samples per pixel. In this case, the samples lying within the top-left pixel of the screen would be located at locations (0.25, 0.25), (0.75, 0.25), (0.25, 0.75), and (0.75, 0.75). ![Sample locations](misc/coord_4spp.png?raw=true) It's reasonable to think of supersampled rendering as rendering an image that is `sample_rate` times larger than the actual output image in each dimension, then resampling the larger rendered output down to the screen sampling rate after rendering is complete. **Note: If you implemented your triangle rasterizer in terms of sampling coverage in screen-space coordinates (and not in terms of pixels), then the code changes to support supersampling should be fairly simple for triangles.** To help you out, here is a sketch of an implementation: - The image being rendered is stored in `render_target`, an array that stores each pixel's color components as an `uint8_t` in rgbargba.. order. Refer to `rasterize_point` to see how it can be modified. When rasterizing primitives such as triangles, rather than directly updating `render_target`, your rasterization should update the contents of a larger buffer (perhaps call it `supersample_target`) that holds the per-super-sample results. Yes, you will have to allocate/free this buffer yourself. Question: when is the right time to perform this allocation in the code? - After rendering is complete, your implementation must resample the supersampled results buffer to obtain sample values for the render target. This is often called "resolving" the supersample buffer into the render target. Please implement resampling using a simple unit-area box filter. Note that the function `SoftwareRendererImp::resolve()` is called by `draw_svg()` after the SVG file has been drawn. Thus it's a very convenient place to perform resampling. When you are done, try increasing the supersampling rate in the viewer, and bask in the glory of having much smoother triangle edges. Also observe that after enabling supersampled rendering, something might have gone very wrong with the rasterization of points and lines. (Hint: they probably appear to get thinner!) **Please modify your implementation of rasterizing points and lines so that supersampled rendering of these primitives preserves their thickness across different supersampling rates.** (A solution that does not anti-alias points and lines is acceptable.) **Possible Extra Credit Extensions:** - (3 pts) Implement [Morphological anti-aliasing](http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15869-f11/www/readings/reshetov09_mlaa.pdf) (MLAA), rather than supersampling. It's shocking how well this works. MLAA is a technique used throughout the gaming community to avoid the high cost of supersampling but still avoid objectionable image artifacts caused by aliasing. (A more advanced version of MLAA is [here](http://www.iryoku.com/mlaa/)). - (1 pts) Implement [jittered sampling](http://graphics.pixar.com/library/MultiJitteredSampling/paper.pdf) to improve image quality when supersampling. - (2 pts) Implement higher quality resampling filters than a box and analyze their impact on image quality. #### Task 5: Implementing Modeling and Viewing Transforms ##### Part 1: Modeling Transforms **This part of the assignment assumes knowledge of concepts in Lecture _Transformations_.** In previous lectures we discussed how it is common (and often very useful) to describe objects and shapes in their own local coordinate spaces and then build up more complicated objects by positioning many individual components in a single coordinate space. In this task you will extend the renderer to properly interpret the hierarchy of modeling transforms expressed in SVG files. Recall that an SVG object consists of a hierarchy of shape elements. Each element in an SVG is associated with a modeling transform (see `SVGElement.transform` in `svg.h`) that defines the relationship between the object's local coordinate space and the parent element's coordinate space. At present, the implementation of `draw_element()`ignores these modeling transforms, so the only SVG objects your renderer has been able to correctly draw were objects that contained only identity modeling transforms. Please modify `draw_svg()` and `draw_element()` to implement the hierarchy of transforms specified in the SVG object. (You can do this in no more than a few lines of code.) When you are done, you should be able to draw `basic/test6.svg`. **Hint: If there is an SVGElement which is not in a group, the modeling transform should be the relationship between its local coordinate space and the canvas space. If it is in a group, the modeling transform should be the relationship between its local coordinate space and its parent element's local coordinate space. Look at how the transformation matrix in software renderer is applied, and think about how you can modify this to take into account each SVGElement's transform.** ##### Part 2: Viewing Transform Notice the staff reference solution supports image pan and zoom behavior (drag the mouse to pan, use the scroll wheel to zoom). To implement this functionality in your solution, you will need to implement `ViewportImp::set_viewbox()` in `viewport.cpp`. A viewport defines a region of the SVG canvas that is visible in the app. The 3 properties we care about here are `centerX`, `centerY` and `vspan` (vertical span). They are all defined in normalized svg coordinate space. When the application initially launches, the entire canvas is in view. For example, when it loads an SVG canvas, the viewport is initially centered on the canvas, and have a vertical field of view that spans the entire canvas. Specifically, the member values of the `Viewport` class will be: `centerX=0.5, centerY=0.5`, and `vspan` will be some value >= 0.5. When user actions require the viewport be changed, the application will call `update_viewbox()` with the appropriate parameters. Given this change in view parameters, you should implement `set_viewbox()` to compute and set transform `svg_2_norm` (by calling `set_svg_2_norm`) based on the new view parameters. This transform should map the normalized SVG canvas coordinate space to a normalized device coordinate space, where the top left of the viewport region maps to (0,0) and the bottom right maps to (1, 1). For example, for the values `centerX=0, centerY=0, vspan=1`, then normalized SVG canvas coordinate `(0, 0)` (bottom left corner) transforms to normalized coordinate `(0.5, 0.5)` (center of screen) and normalized SVG canvas coordinate `(0, 1)` (bottom right corner) transforms to `(0.5, 1)` (bottom center). Once you have correctly implemented `set_viewbox()`, your solution will respond to mouse pan and zoom in the same way as the reference implementation. #### Task 6: Drawing Scaled Images **This part of the assignment requires knowledge of concepts in Lecture _Perspective Projection and Texture Mapping_.** In this task, you will implement `rasterize_image()` in `software_renderer.cpp`. To keep things very simple, we are going to constrain this problem to rasterizing image elements that are positioned on the SVG canvas via translations and scaling, **but not rotations**. Therefore, `rasterize_image()` should render the specified image into an axis-aligned rectangle on screen whose top-left coordinate is `(x0, y0)` and whose bottom-right coordinate is `(x1, y1)`. Your implementation should adhere to the following specification: - The image element should cover all screen samples inside the specified rectangle. - For each image, texture space spans a [0-1]^2 domain as described in class. That is, given the example above, the mapping from screen-space to texture-space is as follows: `(x0, y0)` in screen space maps to image texture coordinate `(0, 0)` and `(x1, y1)` maps to `(1, 1)`. - You may wish to look at the implementation of input texture images in `texture.h/.cpp`. The class `Sampler2D` provides skeleton of methods for nearest-neighbor (`sample_nearest()`), bilinear (`sample_bilinear()`), and trilinear filtering (`sample_trilinear()`). In this task, for each covered sample, the color of the image at the specified sample location should be computed using **bilinear filtering** of the input texture. Therefore you should implement `Sampler2D::sample_bilinear()` in `texture.cpp` and call it from `rasterize_image()`. (However, we recommend first implementing `Sampler2D::sample_nearest()` -- as nearest neighbor filtering is simpler and will be given partial credit.) - As discussed in class, please assume that image pixels correspond to samples at half-integer coordinates in texture space. - The `Texture` struct stored in the `Sampler2D` class maintains multiple image buffers corresponding to a mipmap hierarchy. In this task, you will sample from level 0 of the hierarchy: `Texture::mipmap[0]`. In other words, if you call one of the samplers above, you should pass in `0` for the level parameter. When you are done, you should be able to draw `basic/test7.svg`. #### Task 7: Anti-Aliasing Image Elements Using Trilinear Filtering **This part of the assignment requires knowledge of concepts in Lecture _Perspective Projection and Texture Mapping_.** In this task you will improve your anti-aliasing of image elements by adding trilinear filtering. This will involve generating mipmaps for image elements at SVG load time and then modifying your sampling code from Task 6 to implement trilinear filtering using the mipmap. Your implementation is only required to work for images that have power-of-two dimensions in each direction. - To generate mipmaps, you need to modify code in `Sampler2DImp::generate_mips()` in `texture.cpp`. Code for allocating all the appropriate buffers for each level of the mipmap hierarchy is given to you. However, you will need to populate the contents of these buffers from the original texture data in level 0. **Your implementation can assume that all input texture images have power of two dimensions. (But it should not assume inputs images are square.)** - Then modify your implementation of `rasterize_image()` from Task 6 to perform trilinear filtered sampling from the mipmap. Your implementation will first need to compute the appropriate level at which to sample from the mip-hierarchy. Recall from class that as image elements shrink on screen, to avoid aliasing the rasterizer should sample from increasingly high (increasing prefiltered) levels of the hierarchy. The program only stores a single set of mipmaps for each image, so the `rasterize_image()` routine (both your implementation and the reference solution) will use whichever mipmaps have been generated most recently using the `'` and `;` keys. Be sure you are testing with your own mipmaps and not the reference ones. At this point, zooming in and out of your image should produce nicely filtered results! To test this functionality, try zooming out on `basic/test7.svg`. #### Task 8: Alpha Compositing Up until this point your renderer was not able to properly draw semi-transparent elements. Therefore, your last programming task in this assignment is to modify your code to implement [Simple Alpha Blending](http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/painting.html#CompositingSimpleAlpha) in the SVG specification. Note that in the above link, all the element and canvas color values assume **premultiplied alpha**. Refer to lecture _Depth and Transparency_ and [this blog post](https://developer.nvidia.com/content/alpha-blending-pre-or-not-pre) for the differences between premultiplied alpha and non-premultiplied alpha. While the application will always clear the render target buffer to the canvas color at the beginning of a frame to opaque white ((255,255,255,255) in RGBA) before drawing any SVG element, your transparency implementation should make no assumptions about the state of the target at the beginning of a frame. When you are done, you should be able to correctly draw the tests in `/alpha`. #### Task 9: Draw Something!!! Now that you have implemented a few basic features of the SVG format, it is time to get creative and draw something! You can create an SVG file in popular design tools like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape and export SVG files, or use a variety of editors online. However, be aware that our starter code and your renderer implementation only support a subset of the features defined in the SVG specification, and these applications may not always encode shapes with the primitives we support. (You may need to convert complicated paths to the basic primitives in these tools.) Also, it is not very hard to write SVG files directly since they are just XML files. Please name this file `task9.svg`. #### Going Further: Tasks that May Potentially Win You Extra Credit: ##### Implement More Advanced Shapes We have provided you with a couple of examples of subdividing complex, smooth complex shapes into much simpler triangles in `/subdiv`. Subdivision is something you will dig into in great detail in the next assignment. You can see subdivision in action as you step though the test files we provided. In addition to what you have implemented already, the [SVG Basic Shapes](http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/shapes.html) also include circles and ellipses. We may support these features by converting them to triangulated polygons. But if we zoom in on the edges, there will be a point at which the approximation breaks down and the image no longer will look like a smooth curve. Triangulating more finely can be costly as a large number of triangles may be necessary to get a good approximation. Is there a better way to sample these shapes? For example, implement `draw_ellipse` in `software_renderer.cpp` and `hardware/hardware_renderer.cpp` (2 pts). ### Friendly Advice from your TAs - As always, start early. There is a lot to implement in this assignment, and no official checkpoint, so don't fall behind! - Open `.../DrawSVG/CMU462/docs/html/index.html` with a browser to see documentation of many utility classes, especially the ones related to vectors and matrices. - Be careful with memory allocation, as too many or too frequent heap allocations will severely degrade performance. - While C has many pitfalls, C++ introduces even more wonderful ways to shoot yourself in the foot. It is generally wise to stay away from as many features as possible, and make sure you fully understand the features you do use. - The reference solution is **for reference only**, and we compare your result to reference solution only qualitatively. It contains bugs, too, for example sometimes lines are not drawn when its endpoints are offscreen, and lines get thinner when supersampling. So don't panic if number of pixels different from reference seems large. Still, looking at that diff image could be a good sanity check. - We also mostly run your code with svg files in the `basic` folder, so don't worry too much about the hardcore ones. - Currently, DrawSVG does not support rendering `` svg elements (which is different from ``). ### Resources and Notes - [Rasterization Rules in Direct3D 11](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/cc627092(v=vs.85).aspx) - [Rasterization in OpenGL 4.0](https://www.opengl.org/registry/doc/glspec40.core.20100311.pdf#page=156) - [Bryce Summer's C++ Programming Guide](https://github.com/Bryce-Summers/Writings/blob/master/Programming%20Guides/C_plus_plus_guide.pdf) - [NeHe OpenGL Tutorials Lessons 01~05](http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorial/lessons_01__05/22004/)