CSD462 Library Documentation  1.0
15-462/15-662: Computer Graphics (Fall 2015)
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
CSD462::Matrix3x3 Class Reference

Defines a 3x3 matrix. More...

#include <matrix3x3.h>

Collaboration diagram for CSD462::Matrix3x3:

Public Member Functions

void zero (double val=0.0)
 Sets all elements to val.
double det (void) const
 Returns the determinant of A.
double norm (void) const
 Returns the Frobenius norm of A.
Vector3Dcolumn (int i)
 Returns the ith column.
Matrix3x3 T (void) const
 Returns the transpose of A.
Matrix3x3 inv (void) const
 Returns the inverse of A.

Static Public Member Functions

static Matrix3x3 identity (void)
 Returns the 3x3 identity matrix.
static Matrix3x3 crossProduct (const Vector3D &u)
 Returns a matrix representing the (left) cross product with u.

Detailed Description

Defines a 3x3 matrix.

3x3 matrices are extremely useful in computer graphics.

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