Commit 2e152217 authored by Yuwei Xiao's avatar Yuwei Xiao
Browse files

ex5 fluid

parent 5ecd92dd
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall")
# libigl
option(LIBIGL_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY "Use libigl as static library" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_CORK "Use Cork" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_EMBREE "Use Embree" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_MATLAB "Use Matlab" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_PYTHON "Use Python" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_TETGEN "Use Tetgen" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_TRIANGLE "Use Triangle" OFF)
option(LIBIGL_WITH_VIEWER "Use OpenGL viewer" ON)
# Add default project files
file(GLOB LIBFILES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../include/*.*)
source_group("Library Files" FILES ${LIBFILES})
# Add your project files
file(GLOB SRCFILES *.cpp)
file(GLOB HFILES *.h)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRCFILES} ${HFILES} ${LIBFILES} )
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} igl::core igl::opengl_glfw igl::opengl_glfw_imgui)
\ No newline at end of file
#include "FluidSim.h"
void FluidSim::solvePoisson() {
double dx2 = m_dx * m_dx;
double residual = m_acc + 1; // initial residual
double rho = 1;
Array2d& p = p_pressure->x();
for (int it = 0; residual > m_acc && it < m_iter; ++it) {
// Note that the boundaries are handles by the framework, so you iterations should be similar to:
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x) {
double b = -p_divergence->x()(x, y) / m_dt * rho; // right-hand
// TODO: update the pressure values
p(x, y) = p(x, y);
// Compute the new residual, i.e. the sum of the squares of the individual residuals (squared L2-norm)
residual = 0;
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x) {
double b = -p_divergence->x()(x, y) / m_dt * rho; // right-hand
// TODO: compute the cell residual
double cellResidual = 0;
residual += cellResidual * cellResidual;
// Get the L2-norm of the residual
residual = sqrt(residual);
// We assume the accuracy is meant for the average L2-norm per grid cell
residual /= (m_res_x - 2) * (m_res_y - 2);
// For your debugging, and ours, please add these prints after every iteration
if (it == m_iter - 1)
printf("Pressure solver: it=%d , res=%f \n", it, residual);
if (residual < m_acc)
printf("Pressure solver: it=%d , res=%f, converged \n", it, residual);
void FluidSim::correctVelocity() {
Array2d& p = p_pressure->x();
Array2d& u = p_velocity->x(); // x velocity
Array2d& v = p_velocity->y(); // y velocity
// Note: velocity u_{i+1/2}
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y)
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x; ++x)
// TODO: update u
u(x, y) = u(x, y);
// Same for velocity v_{i+1/2}.
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y; ++y)
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x)
// TODO: update v
v(x, y) = v(x, y);
void FluidSim::advectValues() {
// Densities live on the grid centers, the velocities on the MAC grid
// Separate their computation to avoid confusion
Array2d& d = p_density->x();
Array2d& u = p_velocity->x();
Array2d& v = p_velocity->y();
Array2d& d_ = p_density_tmp->x();
Array2d& u_ = p_velocity_tmp->x();
Array2d& v_ = p_velocity_tmp->y();
// Densities, grid centers
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x) {
// TODO: Compute the velocity
double last_x_velocity = 0;
double last_y_velocity = 0;
// TODO: Find the last position of the particle (in grid coordinates)
double last_x = 0;
double last_y = 0;
// Make sure the coordinates are inside the boundaries
// Densities are known between 1 and res-2
if (last_x < 1) last_x = 1;
if (last_y < 1) last_y = 1;
if (last_x > m_res_x - 2) last_x = m_res_x - 2;
if (last_y > m_res_y - 2) last_y = m_res_y - 2;
// Determine corners for bilinear interpolation
int x_low = (int)last_x;
int y_low = (int)last_y;
int x_high = x_low + 1;
int y_high = y_low + 1;
// Compute the interpolation weights
double x_weight = last_x - x_low;
double y_weight = last_y - y_low;
// TODO: Bilinear interpolation
d_(x, y) = d(x, y);
// Velocities (u), MAC grid
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x; ++x) {
// TODO: Compute the velocity
double last_x_velocity = 0;
double last_y_velocity = 0;
// TODO: Find the last position of the particle (in grid coordinates)
double last_x = 0;
double last_y = 0;
// Make sure the coordinates are inside the boundaries
// Being conservative, one can say that the velocities are known between 1.5 and res-2.5
// (the MAC grid is inside the known densities, which are between 1 and res - 2)
if (last_x < 1.5) last_x = 1.5;
if (last_y < 1.5) last_y = 1.5;
if (last_x > m_res_x - 1.5) last_x = m_res_x - 1.5;
if (last_y > m_res_y - 2.5) last_y = m_res_y - 2.5;
// Determine corners for bilinear interpolation
int x_low = (int)last_x;
int y_low = (int)last_y;
int x_high = x_low + 1;
int y_high = y_low + 1;
// Compute the interpolation weights
double x_weight = last_x - x_low;
double y_weight = last_y - y_low;
// TODO: Bilinear interpolation
u_(x, y) = u(x, y);
// Velocities (v), MAC grid
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x) {
// TODO: Compute the velocity
double last_x_velocity = 0;
double last_y_velocity = 0;
// TODO: Find the last position of the particle (in grid coordinates)
double last_x = 0;
double last_y = 0;
// Make sure the coordinates are inside the boundaries
// Being conservative, one can say that the velocities are known between 1.5 and res-2.5
// (the MAC grid is inside the known densities, which are between 1 and res - 2)
if (last_x < 1.5) last_x = 1.5;
if (last_y < 1.5) last_y = 1.5;
if (last_x > m_res_x - 2.5) last_x = m_res_x - 2.5;
if (last_y > m_res_y - 1.5) last_y = m_res_y - 1.5;
// Determine corners for bilinear interpolation
double x_low = (int)last_x;
double y_low = (int)last_y;
double x_high = x_low + 1;
double y_high = y_low + 1;
// Compute the interpolation weights
double x_weight = last_x - x_low;
double y_weight = last_y - y_low;
// TODO: Bilinear interpolation
v_(x, y) = v(x, y);
// Copy the values in temp to the original buffers
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y)
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x)
d(x, y) = d_(x, y);
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y)
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x; ++x)
u(x, y) = u_(x, y);
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y; ++y)
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x)
v(x, y) = v_(x, y);
#include <igl/edges.h>
#include "Simulation.h"
#include "Grid2.h"
#include "MACGrid2.h"
using namespace std;
* Simulation of a simple smoke plume rising.
class FluidSim : public Simulation {
FluidSim() : Simulation() { init(); }
virtual void init() override {
m_res_x = 128;
m_res_y = int(m_res_x*1.5); // 3:2 ratio
m_size_x = 1.0; //m_res_x; // or just 1.0
m_dx = m_size_x / m_res_x; // ! dx == dy
m_idx = m_res_x / m_size_x;
m_size_y = m_dx * m_res_y;
m_dt = 0.005 * sqrt((m_res_x + m_res_y) * 0.5);
m_acc = 1e-5;
m_iter = 2000;
m_field = 0;
m_velocityOn = false;
m_vScale = 20;
m_windOn = false;
p_density = new Grid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
p_density_tmp = new Grid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
p_pressure = new Grid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
p_divergence = new Grid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
p_vorticity = new Grid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
p_density->getMesh(m_renderV, m_renderF); // need to call once
p_velocity = new MACGrid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
p_velocity_tmp = new MACGrid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
p_force = new MACGrid2(m_res_x, m_res_y, m_dx);
virtual void resetMembers() override {
p_density->applySource(0.45, 0.55, 0.1, 0.15);
virtual void updateRenderGeometry() override {
if (m_field == 0) {
else if (m_field == 1) {
p_pressure->getColors(m_renderC, true);
else if (m_field == 2) {
p_divergence->getColors(m_renderC, true);
else if (m_field == 3) {
p_vorticity->getColors(m_renderC, true);
if (m_velocityOn) {
virtual bool advance() override {
// apply source in density field
p_density->applySource(0.45, 0.55, 0.1, 0.15);
// add in new forces
if (m_windOn)
// remove divergence
// advect everything
// reset forces
// advance m_time
m_time += m_dt;
return false;
virtual void renderRenderGeometry(
igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer& viewer) override {, m_renderF);;
if (m_velocityOn) {>s(), p_velocity->e(), Eigen::RowVector3d(0, 0, 0));>vs(), p_velocity->ve(), p_velocity->vc());
#pragma region FluidSteps
void addBuoyancy() {
double scaling = 64.0 / m_res_x;
// add buoyancy
for (int i = 0; i < p_force->y().size(0); ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j < p_force->y().size(1) - 1; ++j) {
p_force->y()(i, j) += 0.1 * (p_density->x()(i, j - 1) + p_density->x()(i, j)) / 2.0 * scaling;
void addWind() {
double scaling = 64.0 / m_res_x;
static double r = 0.0;
r += 1;
const double fx = 2e-2 * cos(5e-2 * r) * cos(3e-2 * r) * scaling;
// add wind
for (int i = 0; i < p_force->x().size(0); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < p_force->x().size(1); ++j) {
p_force->x()(i, j) += fx;
void addForce() {
for (int i = 0; i < p_velocity->x().size(0); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < p_velocity->x().size(1); ++j) {
p_velocity->x()(i, j) += m_dt * p_force->x()(i, j);
for (int i = 0; i < p_velocity->y().size(0); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < p_velocity->y().size(1); ++j) {
p_velocity->y()(i, j) += m_dt * p_force->y()(i, j);
void solvePressure() {
// copy out the boundaries
// solve Poisson equation
// for debugging
void setNeumann() {
// x-velocity
Array2d& u = p_velocity->x();
int sx = u.size(0);
int sy = u.size(1);
for (int y = 0; y < sy; ++y) {
u(0, y) = u(2, y);
u(sx - 1, y) = u(sx - 3, y);
// y-velocity
Array2d& v = p_velocity->y();
sx = v.size(0);
sy = v.size(1);
for (int x = 0; x < sx; ++x) {
v(x, 0) = v(x, 2);
v(x, sy - 1) = v(x, sy - 3);
void setZero() {
// x-velocity
Array2d& u = p_velocity->x();
int sx = u.size(0);
int sy = u.size(1);
for (int x = 0; x < sx; ++x) {
u(x, 0) = 0;
u(x, sy - 1) = 0;
// y-velocity
Array2d& v = p_velocity->y();
sx = v.size(0);
sy = v.size(1);
for (int y = 0; y < sy; ++y) {
v(0, y) = 0;
v(sx - 1, y) = 0;
void computeDivergence() {
// calculate divergence
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x) {
double xComponent = (p_velocity->x()(x + 1, y) - p_velocity->x()(x, y)) * m_idx;
double yComponent = (p_velocity->y()(x, y + 1) - p_velocity->y()(x, y)) * m_idx;
p_divergence->x()(x, y) = xComponent + yComponent;
void computeVorticity() {
// calculate vorticity
for (int y = 1; y < m_res_y - 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < m_res_x - 1; ++x) {
double xComponent = (p_velocity->x()(x + 1, y) - p_velocity->x()(x, y)) * m_idx;
double yComponent = (p_velocity->y()(x, y + 1) - p_velocity->y()(x, y)) * m_idx;
p_vorticity->x()(x, y) = yComponent - xComponent;
void copyBorder() {
Array2d& p = p_pressure->x();
int sx = p.size(0);
int sy = p.size(1);
for (int y = 0; y < sy; ++y) {
p(0, y) = p(1, y);
p(sx - 1, y) = p(sx - 2, y);
for (int x = 0; x < sx; ++x) {
p(x, 0) = p(x, 1);
p(x, sy - 1) = p(x, sy - 2);
#pragma endregion FluidSteps
#pragma region Exercise
void solvePoisson();
void correctVelocity();
void advectValues();
#pragma endregion Exercise
#pragma region SettersAndGetters
void selectField(int field) { m_field = field; }
void selectVField(bool v) { m_velocityOn = v; }
void setVelocityScale(double s) { m_vScale = s; }
void setResX(int r) { m_res_x = r; }
void setResY(int r) { m_res_y = r; }
void setAccuracy(double acc) { m_acc = acc; }
void setIteration(int iter) { m_iter = iter; }
void setWind(bool w) { m_windOn = w; }
int getField() const { return m_field; }
bool getVField() const { return m_velocityOn; }
double getVelocityScale() const { return m_vScale; }
int getResX() const { return m_res_x; }
int getResY() const { return m_res_y; }
double getAccuracy() const { return m_acc; }
int getIteration() const { return m_iter; }
bool getWind() const { return m_windOn; }
double getTimestep() const { return m_dt; }
#pragma endregion SettersAndGetters
int m_res_x, m_res_y;
double m_dx, m_idx; // dx, inverse dx
double m_size_x, m_size_y;
double m_acc; // solver accuracy
int m_iter;
int m_field;
bool m_velocityOn;
double m_vScale;
bool m_windOn;
Grid2* p_density;
Grid2* p_density_tmp;
Grid2* p_pressure;
Grid2* p_divergence;
Grid2* p_vorticity;
MACGrid2* p_velocity;
MACGrid2* p_velocity_tmp;
MACGrid2* p_force;
Eigen::MatrixXd m_renderV; // vertex positions,
Eigen::MatrixXi m_renderF; // face indices
Eigen::MatrixXd m_renderC; // face (or vertex) colors for rendering
\ No newline at end of file
#include <igl/writeOFF.h>
#include <thread>
#include "Gui.h"
#include "Simulator.h"
#include "FluidSim.h"
class FluidGui : public Gui {
float m_dt;
float m_acc;
int m_iter;
float m_vScale;
bool m_windOn;
const vector<char const*> m_fields = {
"Density", "Pressure", "Divergence", "Vorticity"
int m_selected_field;
bool m_velocityOn;
FluidSim* p_fluidSim = NULL;
FluidGui() {
turnOffLight(); // no light for field visualization
p_fluidSim = new FluidSim();
m_dt = p_fluidSim->getTimestep();
m_acc = p_fluidSim->getAccuracy();
m_iter = p_fluidSim->getIteration();
m_vScale = p_fluidSim->getVelocityScale();
m_windOn = p_fluidSim->getWind();
m_selected_field = p_fluidSim->getField();
m_velocityOn = p_fluidSim->getVField();
virtual void updateSimulationParameters() override {
// change all parameters of the simulation to the values that are set in
// the GUI
virtual void clearSimulation() override {
virtual void drawSimulationParameterMenu() override {
if (ImGui::Combo("Fields", &m_selected_field,, m_fields.size())) {
cout << m_selected_field << endl;
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Velocity", &m_velocityOn)) {
ImGui::InputFloat("v scale", &m_vScale, 0, 0);
ImGui::InputFloat("dt", &m_dt, 0, 0);
ImGui::InputFloat("accuracy", &m_acc, 0, 0, 5);
ImGui::InputInt("iter", &m_iter, 0, 0);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Wind", &m_windOn))
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// create a new instance of the GUI for the spring simulation
new FluidGui();
return 0;
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...@@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ endif() ...@@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ endif()
# add_subdirectory(2-1_bead) # add_subdirectory(2-1_bead)
# add_subdirectory(2-2_pendulum) # add_subdirectory(2-2_pendulum)
# add_subdirectory(3_cloth) # add_subdirectory(3_cloth)
add_subdirectory(4-1_spinning) # add_subdirectory(4-1_spinning)
add_subdirectory(4-2_collision) # add_subdirectory(4-2_collision)
\ No newline at end of file add_subdirectory(5_fluid)
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