package emu.grasscutter.commands; import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter; import; import; import org.reflections.Reflections; import java.util.*; @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") public final class CommandMap { public static CommandMap getInstance() { return Grasscutter.getGameServer().getCommandMap(); } private final Map commands = new HashMap<>(); private final Map annotations = new HashMap<>(); /** * Register a command handler. * @param label The command label. * @param command The command handler. * @return Instance chaining. */ public CommandMap registerCommand(String label, CommandHandler command) { Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Registered command: " + label); // Get command data. Command annotation = command.getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class); this.annotations.put(label, annotation); this.commands.put(label, command); // Register aliases. if(annotation.aliases().length > 0) { for (String alias : annotation.aliases()) { this.commands.put(alias, command); this.annotations.put(alias, annotation); } } return this; } /** * Removes a registered command handler. * @param label The command label. * @return Instance chaining. */ public CommandMap unregisterCommand(String label) { Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Unregistered command: " + label); CommandHandler handler = this.commands.get(label); if(handler == null) return this; Command annotation = handler.getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class); this.annotations.remove(label); this.commands.remove(label); // Unregister aliases. if(annotation.aliases().length > 0) { for (String alias : annotation.aliases()) { this.commands.remove(alias); this.annotations.remove(alias); } } return this; } /** * Returns a list of all registered commands. * @return All command handlers as a list. */ public List getHandlersAsList() { return new LinkedList<>(this.commands.values()); } public HashMap getHandlers() { return new LinkedHashMap<>(this.commands); } /** * Returns a handler by label/alias. * @param label The command label. * @return The command handler. */ public CommandHandler getHandler(String label) { return this.commands.get(label); } /** * Invoke a command handler with the given arguments. * @param player The player invoking the command or null for the server console. * @param rawMessage The messaged used to invoke the command. */ public void invoke(GenshinPlayer player, String rawMessage) { rawMessage = rawMessage.trim(); if(rawMessage.length() == 0) { CommandHandler.sendMessage(player, "No command specified."); return; } // Remove prefix if present. if(!Character.isLetter(rawMessage.charAt(0))) rawMessage = rawMessage.substring(1); // Parse message. String[] split = rawMessage.split(" "); List args = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(split)); String label = args.remove(0); // Get command handler. CommandHandler handler = this.commands.get(label); if(handler == null) { CommandHandler.sendMessage(player, "Unknown command: " + label); return; } // Check for permission. if(player != null) { String permissionNode = this.annotations.get(label).permission(); Account account = player.getAccount(); if(!Objects.equals(permissionNode, "") && !account.hasPermission(permissionNode)) { CommandHandler.sendMessage(player, "You do not have permission to run this command."); return; } } // Execution power check. Command.Execution executionPower = this.annotations.get(label).execution(); if(player == null && executionPower == Command.Execution.PLAYER) { CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Run this command in-game."); return; } else if (player != null && executionPower == Command.Execution.CONSOLE) { CommandHandler.sendMessage(player, "This command can only be run from the console."); return; } // Invoke execute method for handler. if(player == null) handler.execute(args); else handler.execute(player, args); } public CommandMap() { this(false); } public CommandMap(boolean scan) { if(scan) this.scan(); } /** * Scans for all classes annotated with {@link Command} and registers them. */ private void scan() { Reflections reflector = Grasscutter.reflector; Set> classes = reflector.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Command.class); classes.forEach(annotated -> { try { Command cmdData = annotated.getAnnotation(Command.class); Object object = annotated.newInstance(); if (object instanceof CommandHandler) this.registerCommand(cmdData.label(), (CommandHandler) object); else Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Class " + annotated.getName() + " is not a CommandHandler!"); } catch (Exception exception) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Failed to register command handler for " + annotated.getSimpleName(), exception); } }); } }