package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.danilopianini.util.SpatialIndex; import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketLifeStateChangeNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSceneEntityAppearNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSceneEntityDisappearNotify; import emu.grasscutter.utils.Utils; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; public class GenshinScene { private final World world; private final SceneData sceneData; private final List players; private final Int2ObjectMap entities; private final Set spawnedEntities; private final Set deadSpawnedEntities; private boolean dontDestroyWhenEmpty; private int time; private ClimateType climate; private int weather; public GenshinScene(World world, SceneData sceneData) { = world; this.sceneData = sceneData; this.players = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); this.entities = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); this.time = 8 * 60; this.climate = ClimateType.CLIMATE_SUNNY; this.spawnedEntities = new HashSet<>(); this.deadSpawnedEntities = new HashSet<>(); } public int getId() { return sceneData.getId(); } public World getWorld() { return world; } public SceneData getSceneData() { return this.sceneData; } public SceneType getSceneType() { return getSceneData().getSceneType(); } public List getPlayers() { return players; } public int getPlayerCount() { return this.getPlayers().size(); } public Int2ObjectMap getEntities() { return entities; } public GenshinEntity getEntityById(int id) { return this.entities.get(id); } public int getTime() { return time; } public void changeTime(int time) { this.time = time % 1440; } public ClimateType getClimate() { return climate; } public int getWeather() { return weather; } public void setClimate(ClimateType climate) { this.climate = climate; } public void setWeather(int weather) { = weather; } public boolean dontDestroyWhenEmpty() { return dontDestroyWhenEmpty; } public void setDontDestroyWhenEmpty(boolean dontDestroyWhenEmpty) { this.dontDestroyWhenEmpty = dontDestroyWhenEmpty; } public Set getSpawnedEntities() { return spawnedEntities; } public Set getDeadSpawnedEntities() { return deadSpawnedEntities; } public boolean isInScene(GenshinEntity entity) { return this.entities.containsKey(entity.getId()); } public void addPlayer(GenshinPlayer player) { // Check if player already in if (getPlayers().contains(player)) { return; } // Remove player from prev scene if (player.getScene() != null) { player.getScene().removePlayer(player); } // Add getPlayers().add(player); player.setSceneId(this.getId()); player.setScene(this); this.setupPlayerAvatars(player); } public void removePlayer(GenshinPlayer player) { // Remove player from scene getPlayers().remove(player); player.setScene(null); // Remove player avatars this.removePlayerAvatars(player); // Remove player gadgets for (EntityGadget gadget : player.getTeamManager().getGadgets()) { this.removeEntity(gadget); } // Deregister scene if not in use if (this.getEntities().size() <= 0 && !this.dontDestroyWhenEmpty()) { this.getWorld().deregisterScene(this); } } private void setupPlayerAvatars(GenshinPlayer player) { // Clear entities from old team player.getTeamManager().getActiveTeam().clear(); // Add new entities for player TeamInfo teamInfo = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeamInfo(); for (int avatarId : teamInfo.getAvatars()) { EntityAvatar entity = new EntityAvatar(player.getScene(), player.getAvatars().getAvatarById(avatarId)); player.getTeamManager().getActiveTeam().add(entity); } // Limit character index in case its out of bounds if (player.getTeamManager().getCurrentCharacterIndex() >= player.getTeamManager().getActiveTeam().size() || player.getTeamManager().getCurrentCharacterIndex() < 0) { player.getTeamManager().setCurrentCharacterIndex(player.getTeamManager().getCurrentCharacterIndex() - 1); } } private void removePlayerAvatars(GenshinPlayer player) { Iterator it = player.getTeamManager().getActiveTeam().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { this.removeEntity(, VisionType.VisionRemove); it.remove(); } } public void spawnPlayer(GenshinPlayer player) { if (this.isInScene(player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity())) { return; } if (player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity().getFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP) <= 0f) { player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity().setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, 1f); } this.addEntity(player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity()); } private void addEntityDirectly(GenshinEntity entity) { getEntities().put(entity.getId(), entity); } public synchronized void addEntity(GenshinEntity entity) { this.addEntityDirectly(entity); this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneEntityAppearNotify(entity)); } public synchronized void addEntities(Collection entities) { for (GenshinEntity entity : entities) { this.addEntityDirectly(entity); } this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneEntityAppearNotify(entities, VisionType.VisionBorn)); } private GenshinEntity removeEntityDirectly(GenshinEntity entity) { return getEntities().remove(entity.getId()); } public void removeEntity(GenshinEntity entity) { this.removeEntity(entity, VisionType.VisionDie); } public synchronized void removeEntity(GenshinEntity entity, VisionType visionType) { GenshinEntity removed = this.removeEntityDirectly(entity); if (removed != null) { this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneEntityDisappearNotify(removed, visionType)); } } public synchronized void replaceEntity(EntityAvatar oldEntity, EntityAvatar newEntity) { this.removeEntityDirectly(oldEntity); this.addEntityDirectly(newEntity); this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneEntityDisappearNotify(oldEntity, VisionType.VisionReplace)); this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneEntityAppearNotify(newEntity, VisionType.VisionReplace, oldEntity.getId())); } public void showOtherEntities(GenshinPlayer player) { List entities = new LinkedList<>(); GenshinEntity currentEntity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity(); for (GenshinEntity entity : this.getEntities().values()) { if (entity == currentEntity) { continue; } entities.add(entity); } player.sendPacket(new PacketSceneEntityAppearNotify(entities, VisionType.VisionMeet)); } public void handleAttack(AttackResult result) { //GenshinEntity attacker = getEntityById(result.getAttackerId()); GenshinEntity target = getEntityById(result.getDefenseId()); if (target == null) { return; } // Godmode check if (target instanceof EntityAvatar) { if (((EntityAvatar) target).getPlayer().inGodmode()) { return; } } // Lose hp target.addFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, -result.getDamage()); // Check if dead boolean isDead = false; if (target.getFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP) <= 0f) { target.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, 0f); isDead = true; } // Packets this.broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(target, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP)); // Check if dead if (isDead) { this.killEntity(target, result.getAttackerId()); } } public void killEntity(GenshinEntity target, int attackerId) { // Packet this.broadcastPacket(new PacketLifeStateChangeNotify(attackerId, target, LifeState.LIFE_DEAD)); this.removeEntity(target); // Death event target.onDeath(attackerId); } // TODO Do not use yet public synchronized void onTick() { for (GenshinPlayer player : this.getPlayers()) { this.checkSpawns(player); } } // TODO - Test public void checkSpawns(GenshinPlayer player) { SpatialIndex list = GenshinDepot.getSpawnListById(this.getId()); Set visible = new HashSet<>(); int RANGE = 100; Collection entries = list.query( new double[] {player.getPos().getX() - RANGE, player.getPos().getZ() - RANGE}, new double[] {player.getPos().getX() + RANGE, player.getPos().getZ() + RANGE} ); for (SpawnGroupEntry entry : entries) { for (SpawnDataEntry spawnData : entry.getSpawns()) { visible.add(spawnData); } } // World level WorldLevelData worldLevelData = GenshinData.getWorldLevelDataMap().get(player.getWorldLevel()); int worldLevelOverride = 0; if (worldLevelData != null) { worldLevelOverride = worldLevelData.getMonsterLevel(); } // Todo List toAdd = new LinkedList<>(); List toRemove = new LinkedList<>(); for (SpawnDataEntry entry : visible) { if (!this.getSpawnedEntities().contains(entry) && !this.getDeadSpawnedEntities().contains(entry)) { // Spawn entity MonsterData data = GenshinData.getMonsterDataMap().get(entry.getMonsterId()); if (data == null) { continue; } EntityMonster entity = new EntityMonster(this, data, entry.getPos(), worldLevelOverride > 0 ? worldLevelOverride : entry.getLevel()); entity.getRotation().set(entry.getRot()); entity.setGroupId(entry.getGroup().getGroupId()); entity.setPoseId(entry.getPoseId()); entity.setConfigId(entry.getConfigId()); entity.setSpawnEntry(entry); toAdd.add(entity); this.addEntityDirectly(entity); // Add to spawned list this.getSpawnedEntities().add(entry); } } for (GenshinEntity entity : this.getEntities().values()) { if (entity.getSpawnEntry() != null && !visible.contains(entity.getSpawnEntry())) { toRemove.add(entity); this.removeEntityDirectly(entity); } } if (toAdd.size() > 0) { this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneEntityAppearNotify(toAdd, VisionType.VisionBorn)); } if (toRemove.size() > 0) { this.broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneEntityDisappearNotify(toRemove, VisionType.VisionRemove)); } } // Gadgets public void onPlayerCreateGadget(EntityClientGadget gadget) { // Directly add this.addEntityDirectly(gadget); // Add to owner's gadget list gadget.getOwner().getTeamManager().getGadgets().add(gadget); // Optimization if (this.getPlayerCount() == 1 && this.getPlayers().get(0) == gadget.getOwner()) { return; } this.broadcastPacketToOthers(gadget.getOwner(), new PacketSceneEntityAppearNotify(gadget)); } public void onPlayerDestroyGadget(int entityId) { GenshinEntity entity = getEntities().get(entityId); if (entity == null || !(entity instanceof EntityClientGadget)) { return; } // Get and remove entity EntityClientGadget gadget = (EntityClientGadget) entity; this.removeEntityDirectly(gadget); // Remove from owner's gadget list gadget.getOwner().getTeamManager().getGadgets().remove(gadget); // Optimization if (this.getPlayerCount() == 1 && this.getPlayers().get(0) == gadget.getOwner()) { return; } this.broadcastPacketToOthers(gadget.getOwner(), new PacketSceneEntityDisappearNotify(gadget, VisionType.VisionDie)); } // Broadcasting public void broadcastPacket(GenshinPacket packet) { // Send to all players - might have to check if player has been sent data packets for (GenshinPlayer player : this.getPlayers()) { player.getSession().send(packet); } } public void broadcastPacketToOthers(GenshinPlayer excludedPlayer, GenshinPacket packet) { // Optimization if (this.getPlayerCount() == 1 && this.getPlayers().get(0) == excludedPlayer) { return; } // Send to all players - might have to check if player has been sent data packets for (GenshinPlayer player : this.getPlayers()) { if (player == excludedPlayer) { continue; } // Send player.getSession().send(packet); } } }