package; import static emu.grasscutter.config.Configuration.*; import java.util.*; import dev.morphia.annotations.Entity; import dev.morphia.annotations.Transient; import emu.grasscutter.GameConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.server.event.player.PlayerTeamDeathEvent; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAddCustomTeamRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarDieAnimationEndRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarFightPropUpdateNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarLifeStateChangeNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarTeamUpdateNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketChangeAvatarRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketChangeMpTeamAvatarRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketChangeTeamNameRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketChooseCurAvatarTeamRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketCustomTeamListNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerEnterSceneNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketRemoveCustomTeamRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSceneTeamUpdateNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSetUpAvatarTeamRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketWorldPlayerDieNotify; import emu.grasscutter.utils.Position; import emu.grasscutter.utils.Utils; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; @Entity public class TeamManager extends BasePlayerDataManager { // This needs to be a LinkedHashMap to guarantee insertion order. @Getter private LinkedHashMap teams; private int currentTeamIndex; @Getter @Setter private int currentCharacterIndex; @Transient @Getter @Setter private TeamInfo mpTeam; @Transient @Getter @Setter private int entityId; @Transient private final List avatars; @Transient @Getter private final Set gadgets; @Transient @Getter private final IntSet teamResonances; @Transient @Getter private final IntSet teamResonancesConfig; @Transient private int useTemporarilyTeamIndex = -1; @Transient private List temporaryTeam; // Temporary Team for tower public TeamManager() { this.mpTeam = new TeamInfo(); this.avatars = new ArrayList<>(); this.gadgets = new HashSet<>(); this.teamResonances = new IntOpenHashSet(); this.teamResonancesConfig = new IntOpenHashSet(); } public TeamManager(Player player) { this(); this.setPlayer(player); this.teams = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.currentTeamIndex = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= GameConstants.DEFAULT_TEAMS; i++) { this.teams.put(i, new TeamInfo()); } } public World getWorld() { return this.getPlayer().getWorld(); } /** * Search through all teams and if the team matches, return that index. * Otherwise, return -1. * No match could mean that the team does not currently belong to the player. */ public int getTeamId(TeamInfo team) { for (int i = 1; i <= this.teams.size(); i++) { if (this.teams.get(i).equals(team)) { return i; } } return -1; } public int getCurrentTeamId() { // Starts from 1 return currentTeamIndex; } private void setCurrentTeamId(int currentTeamIndex) { this.currentTeamIndex = currentTeamIndex; } public long getCurrentCharacterGuid() { return this.getCurrentAvatarEntity().getAvatar().getGuid(); } public TeamInfo getCurrentTeamInfo() { if (useTemporarilyTeamIndex >= 0 && useTemporarilyTeamIndex < temporaryTeam.size()) { return temporaryTeam.get(useTemporarilyTeamIndex); } if (this.getPlayer().isInMultiplayer()) { return this.getMpTeam(); } return this.getTeams().get(this.currentTeamIndex); } public TeamInfo getCurrentSinglePlayerTeamInfo() { return this.getTeams().get(this.currentTeamIndex); } public List getActiveTeam() { return avatars; } public EntityAvatar getCurrentAvatarEntity() { return this.getActiveTeam().get(currentCharacterIndex); } public boolean isSpawned() { return this.getPlayer().getScene() != null && this.getPlayer().getScene().getEntities().containsKey(this.getCurrentAvatarEntity().getId()); } public int getMaxTeamSize() { if (this.getPlayer().isInMultiplayer()) { int max = GAME_OPTIONS.avatarLimits.multiplayerTeam; if (this.getPlayer().getWorld().getHost() == this.getPlayer()) { return Math.max(1, (int) Math.ceil(max / (double) this.getWorld().getPlayerCount())); } return Math.max(1, (int) Math.floor(max / (double) this.getWorld().getPlayerCount())); } return GAME_OPTIONS.avatarLimits.singlePlayerTeam; } // Methods /** * Returns true if there is space to add the number of avatars to the team. */ public boolean canAddAvatarsToTeam(TeamInfo team, int avatars) { return team.size() + avatars <= this.getMaxTeamSize(); } /** * Returns true if there is space to add to the team. */ public boolean canAddAvatarToTeam(TeamInfo team) { return this.canAddAvatarsToTeam(team, 1); } /** * Returns true if there is space to add the number of avatars to the current team. * If the current team is temporary, returns false. */ public boolean canAddAvatarsToCurrentTeam(int avatars) { if (this.useTemporarilyTeamIndex != -1) { return false; } return this.canAddAvatarsToTeam(this.getCurrentTeamInfo(), avatars); } /** * Returns true if there is space to add to the current team. * If the current team is temporary, returns false. */ public boolean canAddAvatarToCurrentTeam() { return this.canAddAvatarsToCurrentTeam(1); } /** * Try to add the collection of avatars to the team. * Returns true if all were successfully added. * If some can not be added, returns false and does not add any. */ public boolean addAvatarsToTeam(TeamInfo team, Collection avatars) { if (!this.canAddAvatarsToTeam(team, avatars.size())) { return false; } // Convert avatars into a collection of avatar IDs, then add team.getAvatars().addAll( -> a.getAvatarId()).toList()); // Update team if (this.getPlayer().isInMultiplayer()) { if (team.equals(this.getMpTeam())) { // MP team Packet this.updateTeamEntities(new PacketChangeMpTeamAvatarRsp(this.getPlayer(), team)); } } else { // SP team update packet this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarTeamUpdateNotify(this.getPlayer())); int teamId = this.getTeamId(team); if (teamId != -1) { // This is one of the player's teams // Update entites if (teamId == this.getCurrentTeamId()) { this.updateTeamEntities(new PacketSetUpAvatarTeamRsp(this.getPlayer(), teamId, team)); } else { this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketSetUpAvatarTeamRsp(this.getPlayer(), teamId, team)); } } } return true; } /** * Try to add an avatar to a team. * Returns true if successful. */ public boolean addAvatarToTeam(TeamInfo team, Avatar avatar) { return this.addAvatarsToTeam(team, Collections.singleton(avatar)); } /** * Try to add the collection of avatars to the current team. * Will not modify a temporary team. * Returns true if all were successfully added. * If some can not be added, returns false and does not add any. */ public boolean addAvatarsToCurrentTeam(Collection avatars) { if (this.useTemporarilyTeamIndex != -1) { return false; } return this.addAvatarsToTeam(this.getCurrentTeamInfo(), avatars); } /** * Try to add an avatar to the current team. * Will not modify a temporary team. * Returns true if successful. */ public boolean addAvatarToCurrentTeam(Avatar avatar) { return this.addAvatarsToCurrentTeam(Collections.singleton(avatar)); } private void updateTeamResonances() { this.getTeamResonances().clear(); this.getTeamResonancesConfig().clear(); // Official resonances require a full party if (this.avatars.size() < 4) return; // TODO: make this actually read from TeamResonanceExcelConfigData.json for the real resonances and conditions // Currently we just hardcode these conditions, but this won't work for modded resources or future changes var elementCounts = new Object2IntOpenHashMap(); this.getActiveTeam().stream() .map(EntityAvatar::getAvatar).filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(Avatar::getSkillDepot).filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(AvatarSkillDepotData::getElementType).filter(Objects::nonNull) .forEach(elementType -> elementCounts.addTo(elementType, 1)); // Dual element resonances elementCounts.object2IntEntrySet().stream() .filter(e -> e.getIntValue() >= 2) .map(e -> e.getKey()) .filter(elementType -> elementType.getTeamResonanceId() != 0) .forEach(elementType -> { this.teamResonances.add(elementType.getTeamResonanceId()); this.teamResonancesConfig.add(elementType.getConfigHash()); }); // Four element resonance if (elementCounts.size() >= 4) { this.teamResonances.add(ElementType.Default.getTeamResonanceId()); this.teamResonancesConfig.add(ElementType.Default.getConfigHash()); } } public void updateTeamEntities(BasePacket responsePacket) { // Sanity check - Should never happen if (this.getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars().size() <= 0) { return; } // If current team has changed EntityAvatar currentEntity = this.getCurrentAvatarEntity(); Int2ObjectMap existingAvatars = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); int prevSelectedAvatarIndex = -1; for (EntityAvatar entity : this.getActiveTeam()) { existingAvatars.put(entity.getAvatar().getAvatarId(), entity); } // Clear active team entity list this.getActiveTeam().clear(); // Add back entities into team for (int i = 0; i < this.getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars().size(); i++) { int avatarId = this.getCurrentTeamInfo().getAvatars().get(i); EntityAvatar entity; if (existingAvatars.containsKey(avatarId)) { entity = existingAvatars.get(avatarId); existingAvatars.remove(avatarId); if (entity == currentEntity) { prevSelectedAvatarIndex = i; } } else { entity = new EntityAvatar(this.getPlayer().getScene(), this.getPlayer().getAvatars().getAvatarById(avatarId)); } this.getActiveTeam().add(entity); } // Unload removed entities for (EntityAvatar entity : existingAvatars.values()) { this.getPlayer().getScene().removeEntity(entity); entity.getAvatar().save(); } // Set new selected character index if (prevSelectedAvatarIndex == -1) { // Previous selected avatar is not in the same spot, we will select the current one in the prev slot prevSelectedAvatarIndex = Math.min(this.currentCharacterIndex, this.getActiveTeam().size() - 1); } this.currentCharacterIndex = prevSelectedAvatarIndex; // Update team resonances this.updateTeamResonances(); // Packets this.getPlayer().getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketSceneTeamUpdateNotify(this.getPlayer())); // Skill charges packet - Yes, this is official server behavior as of 2.6.0 this.getActiveTeam().stream().map(EntityAvatar::getAvatar).forEach(Avatar::sendSkillExtraChargeMap); // Run callback if (responsePacket != null) { this.getPlayer().sendPacket(responsePacket); } // Check if character changed if (currentEntity != this.getCurrentAvatarEntity()) { // Remove and Add this.getPlayer().getScene().replaceEntity(currentEntity, this.getCurrentAvatarEntity()); } } public synchronized void setupAvatarTeam(int teamId, List list) { // Sanity checks if (list.size() == 0 || list.size() > this.getMaxTeamSize() || this.getPlayer().isInMultiplayer()) { return; } // Get team TeamInfo teamInfo = this.getTeams().get(teamId); if (teamInfo == null) { return; } // Set team data LinkedHashSet newTeam = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Long aLong : list) { Avatar avatar = this.getPlayer().getAvatars().getAvatarByGuid(aLong); if (avatar == null || newTeam.contains(avatar)) { // Should never happen return; } newTeam.add(avatar); } // Clear current team info and add avatars from our new team teamInfo.getAvatars().clear(); this.addAvatarsToTeam(teamInfo, newTeam); } public void setupMpTeam(List list) { // Sanity checks if (list.size() == 0 || list.size() > this.getMaxTeamSize() || !this.getPlayer().isInMultiplayer()) { return; } TeamInfo teamInfo = this.getMpTeam(); // Set team data LinkedHashSet newTeam = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Long aLong : list) { Avatar avatar = this.getPlayer().getAvatars().getAvatarByGuid(aLong); if (avatar == null || newTeam.contains(avatar)) { // Should never happen return; } newTeam.add(avatar); } // Clear current team info and add avatars from our new team teamInfo.getAvatars().clear(); this.addAvatarsToTeam(teamInfo, newTeam); } public void setupTemporaryTeam(List> guidList) { this.temporaryTeam = -> { // Sanity checks if (list.size() == 0 || list.size() > this.getMaxTeamSize()) { return null; } // Set team data LinkedHashSet newTeam = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Long aLong : list) { Avatar avatar = this.getPlayer().getAvatars().getAvatarByGuid(aLong); if (avatar == null || newTeam.contains(avatar)) { // Should never happen return null; } newTeam.add(avatar); } // convert to avatar ids return .map(Avatar::getAvatarId) .toList(); }) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(TeamInfo::new) .toList(); } public void useTemporaryTeam(int index) { this.useTemporarilyTeamIndex = index; this.updateTeamEntities(null); } public void cleanTemporaryTeam() { // check if using temporary team if (useTemporarilyTeamIndex < 0) { return; } this.useTemporarilyTeamIndex = -1; this.temporaryTeam = null; this.updateTeamEntities(null); } public synchronized void setCurrentTeam(int teamId) { // if (this.getPlayer().isInMultiplayer()) { return; } // Get team TeamInfo teamInfo = this.getTeams().get(teamId); if (teamInfo == null || teamInfo.getAvatars().size() == 0) { return; } // Set this.setCurrentTeamId(teamId); this.updateTeamEntities(new PacketChooseCurAvatarTeamRsp(teamId)); } public synchronized void setTeamName(int teamId, String teamName) { // Get team TeamInfo teamInfo = this.getTeams().get(teamId); if (teamInfo == null) { return; } teamInfo.setName(teamName); // Packet this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketChangeTeamNameRsp(teamId, teamName)); } public synchronized void changeAvatar(long guid) { EntityAvatar oldEntity = this.getCurrentAvatarEntity(); if (guid == oldEntity.getAvatar().getGuid()) { return; } EntityAvatar newEntity = null; int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this.getActiveTeam().size(); i++) { if (guid == this.getActiveTeam().get(i).getAvatar().getGuid()) { index = i; newEntity = this.getActiveTeam().get(i); } } if (index < 0 || newEntity == oldEntity) { return; } // Set index this.setCurrentCharacterIndex(index); // Old entity motion state oldEntity.setMotionState(MotionState.MOTION_STATE_STANDBY); // Remove and Add this.getPlayer().getScene().replaceEntity(oldEntity, newEntity); this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketChangeAvatarRsp(guid)); } public void onAvatarDie(long dieGuid) { EntityAvatar deadAvatar = this.getCurrentAvatarEntity(); if (deadAvatar.isAlive() || deadAvatar.getId() != dieGuid) { return; } PlayerDieType dieType = deadAvatar.getKilledType(); int killedBy = deadAvatar.getKilledBy(); if (dieType == PlayerDieType.PLAYER_DIE_TYPE_DRAWN) { // Died in water. Do not replace // The official server has skipped this notify and will just respawn the team immediately after the animation. // TODO: Perhaps find a way to get vanilla experience? this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketWorldPlayerDieNotify(dieType, killedBy)); } else { // Replacement avatar EntityAvatar replacement = null; int replaceIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this.getActiveTeam().size(); i++) { EntityAvatar entity = this.getActiveTeam().get(i); if (entity.isAlive()) { replaceIndex = i; replacement = entity; break; } } if (replacement == null) { // No more living team members... this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketWorldPlayerDieNotify(dieType, killedBy)); // Invoke player team death event. PlayerTeamDeathEvent event = new PlayerTeamDeathEvent(this.getPlayer(), this.getActiveTeam().get(this.getCurrentCharacterIndex()));; } else { // Set index and spawn replacement member this.setCurrentCharacterIndex(replaceIndex); this.getPlayer().getScene().addEntity(replacement); } } // Response packet this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarDieAnimationEndRsp(deadAvatar.getId(), 0)); } public boolean reviveAvatar(Avatar avatar) { for (EntityAvatar entity : this.getActiveTeam()) { if (entity.getAvatar() == avatar) { if (entity.isAlive()) { return false; } entity.setFightProperty( FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, entity.getFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_MAX_HP) * .1f ); this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarFightPropUpdateNotify(entity.getAvatar(), FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP)); this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarLifeStateChangeNotify(entity.getAvatar())); return true; } } return false; } public boolean healAvatar(Avatar avatar, int healRate, int healAmount) { for (EntityAvatar entity : this.getActiveTeam()) { if (entity.getAvatar() == avatar) { if (!entity.isAlive()) { return false; } entity.setFightProperty( FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, (float) Math.min( (entity.getFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP) + entity.getFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_MAX_HP) * (float) healRate / 100.0 + (float) healAmount / 100.0), entity.getFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_MAX_HP) ) ); this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarFightPropUpdateNotify(entity.getAvatar(), FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP)); this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarLifeStateChangeNotify(entity.getAvatar())); return true; } } return false; } public void respawnTeam() { // Make sure all team members are dead // Drowning needs revive when there may be other team members still alive. // for (EntityAvatar entity : getActiveTeam()) { // if (entity.isAlive()) { // return; // } // } player.getStaminaManager().stopSustainedStaminaHandler(); // prevent drowning immediately after respawn // Revive all team members for (EntityAvatar entity : this.getActiveTeam()) { entity.setFightProperty( FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, entity.getFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_MAX_HP) * .4f ); this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarFightPropUpdateNotify(entity.getAvatar(), FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP)); this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketAvatarLifeStateChangeNotify(entity.getAvatar())); } // Teleport player and set player position try { this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketPlayerEnterSceneNotify(this.getPlayer(), EnterType.ENTER_TYPE_SELF, EnterReason.Revival, player.getSceneId(), getRespawnPosition())); player.getPosition().set(getRespawnPosition()); }catch (Exception e) { this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new PacketPlayerEnterSceneNotify(this.getPlayer(), EnterType.ENTER_TYPE_SELF, EnterReason.Revival, 3, GameConstants.START_POSITION)); player.getPosition().set(GameConstants.START_POSITION); // If something goes wrong, the resurrection is here } // Packets this.getPlayer().sendPacket(new BasePacket(PacketOpcodes.WorldPlayerReviveRsp)); } public Position getRespawnPosition() { var deathPos = this.getPlayer().getPosition(); int sceneId = this.getPlayer().getSceneId(); // Get the closest trans point to where the player died. var respawnPoint = this.getPlayer().getUnlockedScenePoints(sceneId).stream() .map(pointId -> GameData.getScenePointEntryById(sceneId, pointId)) .filter(point -> point.getPointData().getType().equals("SceneTransPoint")) .min((Comparator.comparingDouble(pos -> Utils.getDist(pos.getPointData().getTranPos(), deathPos)))); return respawnPoint.get().getPointData().getTranPos(); } public void saveAvatars() { // Save all avatars from active team for (EntityAvatar entity : this.getActiveTeam()) { entity.getAvatar().save(); } } public void onPlayerLogin() { // Hack for now to fix resonances on login this.updateTeamResonances(); } public synchronized void addNewCustomTeam() { // Sanity check - max number of teams. if (this.teams.size() == GameConstants.MAX_TEAMS) { player.sendPacket(new PacketAddCustomTeamRsp(Retcode.RET_FAIL)); return; } // The id of the new custom team is the lowest id in [5,MAX_TEAMS] that is not yet taken. int id = -1; for (int i = 5; i <= GameConstants.MAX_TEAMS; i++) { if (!this.teams.keySet().contains(i)) { id = i; break; } } // Create the new team. this.teams.put(id, new TeamInfo()); // Send packets. player.sendPacket(new PacketCustomTeamListNotify(player)); player.sendPacket(new PacketAddCustomTeamRsp()); } public synchronized void removeCustomTeam(int id) { // Check if the target id exists. if (!this.teams.containsKey(id)) { player.sendPacket(new PacketRemoveCustomTeamRsp(Retcode.RET_FAIL, id)); } // Remove team. this.teams.remove(id); // Send packets. player.sendPacket(new PacketCustomTeamListNotify(player)); player.sendPacket(new PacketRemoveCustomTeamRsp(id)); } }