package; import java.util.*; import dev.morphia.annotations.*; import emu.grasscutter.GenshinConstants; import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.database.DatabaseHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAbilityInvocationsNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarAddNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarDataNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarGainCostumeNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketAvatarGainFlycloakNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketClientAbilityInitFinishNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketCombatInvocationsNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketGadgetInteractRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketItemAddHintNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketOpenStateUpdateNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerApplyEnterMpResultNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerDataNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerEnterSceneNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerPropNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerStoreNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPrivateChatNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSetNameCardRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketStoreWeightLimitNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketUnlockNameCardNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketWorldPlayerRTTNotify; import emu.grasscutter.utils.Position; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; @Entity(value = "players", useDiscriminator = false) public class GenshinPlayer { @Id private int id; @Indexed(options = @IndexOptions(unique = true)) private String accountId; @Transient private Account account; private String nickname; private String signature; private int headImage; private int nameCardId = 210001; private Position pos; private Position rotation; private Map properties; private Set nameCardList; private Set flyCloakList; private Set costumeList; @Transient private long nextGuid = 0; @Transient private int peerId; @Transient private World world; @Transient private GenshinScene scene; @Transient private GameSession session; @Transient private AvatarStorage avatars; @Transient private Inventory inventory; @Transient private FriendsList friendsList; private TeamManager teamManager; private PlayerGachaInfo gachaInfo; private PlayerProfile playerProfile; private MpSettingType mpSetting = MpSettingType.MpSettingEnterAfterApply; private boolean showAvatar; private ArrayList shownAvatars; private int sceneId; private int regionId; private int mainCharacterId; private boolean godmode; @Transient private boolean paused; @Transient private int enterSceneToken; @Transient private SceneLoadState sceneState; @Transient private boolean hasSentAvatarDataNotify; @Transient private final Int2ObjectMap coopRequests; @Transient private final InvokeHandler combatInvokeHandler; @Transient private final InvokeHandler abilityInvokeHandler; @Transient private final InvokeHandler clientAbilityInitFinishHandler; @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) // Morphia only! public GenshinPlayer() { this.inventory = new Inventory(this); this.avatars = new AvatarStorage(this); this.friendsList = new FriendsList(this); this.pos = new Position(); this.rotation = new Position(); = new HashMap<>(); for (PlayerProperty prop : PlayerProperty.values()) { if (prop.getId() < 10000) { continue; }, 0); } this.setSceneId(3); this.setRegionId(1); this.sceneState = SceneLoadState.NONE; this.coopRequests = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); this.combatInvokeHandler = new InvokeHandler(PacketCombatInvocationsNotify.class); this.abilityInvokeHandler = new InvokeHandler(PacketAbilityInvocationsNotify.class); this.clientAbilityInitFinishHandler = new InvokeHandler(PacketClientAbilityInitFinishNotify.class); } // On player creation public GenshinPlayer(GameSession session) { this(); this.account = session.getAccount(); this.accountId = this.getAccount().getId(); this.session = session; this.nickname = "Traveler"; this.signature = ""; this.teamManager = new TeamManager(this); this.gachaInfo = new PlayerGachaInfo(); this.playerProfile = new PlayerProfile(this); this.nameCardList = new HashSet<>(); this.flyCloakList = new HashSet<>(); this.costumeList = new HashSet<>(); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL, 1); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_SPRING_AUTO_USE, 1); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_SPRING_AUTO_USE_PERCENT, 50); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_FLYABLE, 1); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_TRANSFERABLE, 1); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_MAX_STAMINA, 24000); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_CUR_PERSIST_STAMINA, 24000); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_RESIN, 160); this.getFlyCloakList().add(140001); this.getNameCardList().add(210001); this.getPos().set(GenshinConstants.START_POSITION); this.getRotation().set(0, 307, 0); } public int getUid() { return id; } public void setUid(int id) { = id; } public long getNextGenshinGuid() { long nextId = ++this.nextGuid; return ((long) this.getUid() << 32) + nextId; } public Account getAccount() { return account; } public void setAccount(Account account) { this.account = account; this.account.setPlayerId(getUid()); } public GameSession getSession() { return session; } public void setSession(GameSession session) { this.session = session; } public boolean isOnline() { return this.getSession() != null && this.getSession().isActive(); } public GameServer getServer() { return this.getSession().getServer(); } public synchronized World getWorld() { return; } public synchronized void setWorld(World world) { = world; } public GenshinScene getScene() { return scene; } public void setScene(GenshinScene scene) { this.scene = scene; } public int getGmLevel() { return 1; } public String getNickname() { return nickname; } public void setNickname(String nickName) { this.nickname = nickName; this.updateProfile(); } public int getHeadImage() { return headImage; } public void setHeadImage(int picture) { this.headImage = picture; this.updateProfile(); } public String getSignature() { return signature; } public void setSignature(String signature) { this.signature = signature; this.updateProfile(); } public Position getPos() { return pos; } public Position getRotation() { return rotation; } public int getLevel() { return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL); } public int getExp() { return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP); } public int getWorldLevel() { return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL); } public int getPrimogems() { return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN); } public void setPrimogems(int primogem) { this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN, primogem); this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN)); } public int getMora() { return this.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN); } public void setMora(int mora) { this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN, mora); this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN)); } private int getExpRequired(int level) { PlayerLevelData levelData = GenshinData.getPlayerLevelDataMap().get(level); return levelData != null ? levelData.getExp() : 0; } private float getExpModifier() { return Grasscutter.getConfig().getGameRates().ADVENTURE_EXP_RATE; } // Affected by exp rate public void earnExp(int exp) { addExpDirectly((int) (exp * getExpModifier())); } // Directly give player exp public void addExpDirectly(int gain) { boolean hasLeveledUp = false; int level = getLevel(); int exp = getExp(); int reqExp = getExpRequired(level); exp += gain; while (exp >= reqExp && reqExp > 0) { exp -= reqExp; level += 1; reqExp = getExpRequired(level); hasLeveledUp = true; } if (hasLeveledUp) { // Set level property this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL, level); // Update social status this.updateProfile(); // Update player with packet this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL)); } // Set exp this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP, exp); // Update player with packet this.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropNotify(this, PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP)); } private void updateProfile() { getProfile().syncWithCharacter(this); } public boolean isFirstLoginEnterScene() { return !this.hasSentAvatarDataNotify; } public TeamManager getTeamManager() { return this.teamManager; } public PlayerGachaInfo getGachaInfo() { return gachaInfo; } public PlayerProfile getProfile() { if (this.playerProfile == null) { this.playerProfile = new PlayerProfile(this);; } return playerProfile; } public Map getProperties() { return properties; } public void setProperty(PlayerProperty prop, int value) { getProperties().put(prop.getId(), value); } public int getProperty(PlayerProperty prop) { return getProperties().get(prop.getId()); } public Set getFlyCloakList() { return flyCloakList; } public Set getCostumeList() { return costumeList; } public Set getNameCardList() { return this.nameCardList; } public MpSettingType getMpSetting() { return mpSetting; } public synchronized Int2ObjectMap getCoopRequests() { return coopRequests; } public InvokeHandler getCombatInvokeHandler() { return this.combatInvokeHandler; } public InvokeHandler getAbilityInvokeHandler() { return this.abilityInvokeHandler; } public InvokeHandler getClientAbilityInitFinishHandler() { return clientAbilityInitFinishHandler; } public void setMpSetting(MpSettingType mpSetting) { this.mpSetting = mpSetting; } public AvatarStorage getAvatars() { return avatars; } public Inventory getInventory() { return inventory; } public FriendsList getFriendsList() { return this.friendsList; } public int getEnterSceneToken() { return enterSceneToken; } public void setEnterSceneToken(int enterSceneToken) { this.enterSceneToken = enterSceneToken; } public int getNameCardId() { return nameCardId; } public void setNameCardId(int nameCardId) { this.nameCardId = nameCardId; this.updateProfile(); } public int getMainCharacterId() { return mainCharacterId; } public void setMainCharacterId(int mainCharacterId) { this.mainCharacterId = mainCharacterId; } public int getPeerId() { return peerId; } public void setPeerId(int peerId) { this.peerId = peerId; } public int getClientTime() { return session.getClientTime(); } public long getLastPingTime() { return session.getLastPingTime(); } public boolean isPaused() { return paused; } public void setPaused(boolean newPauseState) { boolean oldPauseState = this.paused; this.paused = newPauseState; if (newPauseState && !oldPauseState) { this.onPause(); } else if (oldPauseState && !newPauseState) { this.onUnpause(); } } public SceneLoadState getSceneLoadState() { return sceneState; } public void setSceneLoadState(SceneLoadState sceneState) { this.sceneState = sceneState; } public boolean isInMultiplayer() { return this.getWorld() != null && this.getWorld().isMultiplayer(); } public int getSceneId() { return sceneId; } public void setSceneId(int sceneId) { this.sceneId = sceneId; } public int getRegionId() { return regionId; } public void setRegionId(int regionId) { this.regionId = regionId; } public boolean inGodmode() { return godmode; } public void setGodmode(boolean godmode) { this.godmode = godmode; } public boolean hasSentAvatarDataNotify() { return hasSentAvatarDataNotify; } public void setHasSentAvatarDataNotify(boolean hasSentAvatarDataNotify) { this.hasSentAvatarDataNotify = hasSentAvatarDataNotify; } public void addAvatar(GenshinAvatar avatar) { boolean result = getAvatars().addAvatar(avatar); if (result) { // Add starting weapon getAvatars().addStartingWeapon(avatar); // Try adding to team if possible //List currentTeam = this.getTeamManager().getCurrentTeam(); boolean addedToTeam = false; /* if (currentTeam.size() <= GenshinConstants.MAX_AVATARS_IN_TEAM) { addedToTeam = currentTeam } */ // Done if (hasSentAvatarDataNotify()) { // Recalc stats avatar.recalcStats(); // Packet sendPacket(new PacketAvatarAddNotify(avatar, addedToTeam)); } } else { // Failed adding avatar } } public void addFlycloak(int flycloakId) { this.getFlyCloakList().add(flycloakId); this.sendPacket(new PacketAvatarGainFlycloakNotify(flycloakId)); } public void addCostume(int costumeId) { this.getCostumeList().add(costumeId); this.sendPacket(new PacketAvatarGainCostumeNotify(costumeId)); } public void addNameCard(int nameCardId) { this.getNameCardList().add(nameCardId); this.sendPacket(new PacketUnlockNameCardNotify(nameCardId)); } public void setNameCard(int nameCardId) { if (!this.getNameCardList().contains(nameCardId)) { return; } this.setNameCardId(nameCardId); this.sendPacket(new PacketSetNameCardRsp(nameCardId)); } public void dropMessage(Object message) { this.sendPacket(new PacketPrivateChatNotify(GenshinConstants.SERVER_CONSOLE_UID, getUid(), message.toString())); } /** * Sends a message to another player. * @param sender The sender of the message. * @param message The message to send. */ public void sendMessage(GenshinPlayer sender, Object message) { this.sendPacket(new PacketPrivateChatNotify(sender.getUid(), this.getUid(), message.toString())); } public void interactWith(int gadgetEntityId) { GenshinEntity entity = getScene().getEntityById(gadgetEntityId); if (entity == null) { return; } // Delete entity.getScene().removeEntity(entity); // Handle if (entity instanceof EntityItem) { // Pick item EntityItem drop = (EntityItem) entity; GenshinItem item = new GenshinItem(drop.getItemData(), drop.getCount()); // Add to inventory boolean success = getInventory().addItem(item); if (success) { this.sendPacket(new PacketGadgetInteractRsp(drop, InteractType.InteractPickItem)); this.sendPacket(new PacketItemAddHintNotify(item, ActionReason.SubfieldDrop)); } } return; } public void onPause() { } public void onUnpause() { } public void sendPacket(GenshinPacket packet) { if (this.hasSentAvatarDataNotify) { this.getSession().send(packet); } } public OnlinePlayerInfo getOnlinePlayerInfo() { OnlinePlayerInfo.Builder onlineInfo = OnlinePlayerInfo.newBuilder() .setUid(this.getUid()) .setNickname(this.getNickname()) .setPlayerLevel(this.getLevel()) .setMpSettingType(this.getMpSetting()) .setNameCardId(this.getNameCardId()) .setSignature(this.getSignature()) .setAvatar(HeadImage.newBuilder().setAvatarId(this.getHeadImage())); if (this.getWorld() != null) { onlineInfo.setCurPlayerNumInWorld(this.getWorld().getPlayers().indexOf(this) + 1); } else { onlineInfo.setCurPlayerNumInWorld(1); } return; } public SocialDetail.Builder getSocialDetail() { SocialDetail.Builder social = SocialDetail.newBuilder() .setUid(this.getUid()) .setAvatar(HeadImage.newBuilder().setAvatarId(this.getHeadImage())) .setNickname(this.getNickname()) .setSignature(this.getSignature()) .setLevel(this.getLevel()) .setBirthday(Birthday.newBuilder()) .setWorldLevel(this.getWorldLevel()) .setUnk1(1) .setUnk3(1) .setNameCardId(this.getNameCardId()) .setFinishAchievementNum(0); return social; } public PlayerLocationInfo getPlayerLocationInfo() { return PlayerLocationInfo.newBuilder() .setUid(this.getUid()) .setPos(this.getPos().toProto()) .setRot(this.getRotation().toProto()) .build(); } public synchronized void onTick() { // Check ping if (this.getLastPingTime() > System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000) { this.getSession().close(); return; } // Check co-op requests Iterator it = this.getCoopRequests().values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CoopRequest req =; if (req.isExpired()) { req.getRequester().sendPacket(new PacketPlayerApplyEnterMpResultNotify(this, false, PlayerApplyEnterMpReason.SystemJudge)); it.remove(); } } // Ping if (this.getWorld() != null) { this.sendPacket(new PacketWorldPlayerRTTNotify(this.getWorld())); // Player ping } } @PostLoad private void onLoad() { this.getTeamManager().setPlayer(this); } public void save() { DatabaseHelper.savePlayer(this); } public void onLogin() { // Make sure these exist if (this.getTeamManager() == null) { this.teamManager = new TeamManager(this); } if (this.getGachaInfo() == null) { this.gachaInfo = new PlayerGachaInfo(); } if (this.nameCardList == null) { this.nameCardList = new HashSet<>(); } if (this.costumeList == null) { this.costumeList = new HashSet<>(); } // Check if player object exists in server // TODO - optimize GenshinPlayer exists = this.getServer().getPlayerByUid(getUid()); if (exists != null) { exists.getSession().close(); } // Load from db this.getAvatars().loadFromDatabase(); this.getInventory().loadFromDatabase(); this.getAvatars().postLoad(); this.getFriendsList().loadFromDatabase(); // Create world World world = new World(this); world.addPlayer(this); // Add to gameserver if (getSession().isActive()) { getServer().registerPlayer(this); getProfile().setPlayer(this); // Set online } // Multiplayer setting this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_MP_SETTING_TYPE, this.getMpSetting().getNumber()); this.setProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_IS_MP_MODE_AVAILABLE, 1); // Packets session.send(new PacketPlayerDataNotify(this)); // Player data session.send(new PacketStoreWeightLimitNotify()); session.send(new PacketPlayerStoreNotify(this)); session.send(new PacketAvatarDataNotify(this)); session.send(new PacketPlayerEnterSceneNotify(this)); // Enter game world session.send(new PacketOpenStateUpdateNotify()); // First notify packets sent this.setHasSentAvatarDataNotify(true); } public void onLogout() { // Leave world if (this.getWorld() != null) { this.getWorld().removePlayer(this); } // Status stuff this.getProfile().syncWithCharacter(this); this.getProfile().setPlayer(null); // Set offline this.getCoopRequests().clear(); // Save to db; this.getTeamManager().saveAvatars(); this.getFriendsList().save(); } public enum SceneLoadState { NONE (0), LOADING (1), INIT (2), LOADED (3); private final int value; private SceneLoadState(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return this.value; } } }