package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketCookDataNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketCookRecipeDataNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerCookArgsRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketPlayerCookRsp; import io.netty.util.internal.ThreadLocalRandom; public class CookingManager extends BasePlayerManager { private static final int MANUAL_PERFECT_COOK_QUALITY = 3; private static Set defaultUnlockedRecipies; public CookingManager(Player player) { super(player); } public static void initialize() { // Initialize the set of recipies that are unlocked by default. defaultUnlockedRecipies = new HashSet<>(); for (var recipe : GameData.getCookRecipeDataMap().values()) { if (recipe.isDefaultUnlocked()) { defaultUnlockedRecipies.add(recipe.getId()); } } } /******************** * Unlocking for recipies. ********************/ public boolean unlockRecipe(int id) { if (this.player.getUnlockedRecipies().containsKey(id)) { return false; // Recipe already unlocked } // Tell the client that this blueprint is now unlocked and add the unlocked item to the player. this.player.getUnlockedRecipies().put(id, 0); this.player.sendPacket(new PacketCookRecipeDataNotify(id)); return true; } /******************** * Perform cooking. ********************/ private double getSpecialtyChance(ItemData cookedItem) { // Chances taken from the Wiki. return switch (cookedItem.getRankLevel()) { case 1 -> 0.25; case 2 -> 0.2; case 3 -> 0.15; default -> 0; }; } public void handlePlayerCookReq(PlayerCookReq req) { // Get info from the request. int recipeId = req.getRecipeId(); int quality = req.getQteQuality(); int count = req.getCookCount(); int avatar = req.getAssistAvatar(); // Get recipe data. var recipeData = GameData.getCookRecipeDataMap().get(recipeId); if (recipeData == null) { this.player.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerCookRsp(Retcode.RET_FAIL)); return; } // Get proficiency for player. int proficiency = this.player.getUnlockedRecipies().getOrDefault(recipeId, 0); // Try consuming materials. boolean success = player.getInventory().payItems(recipeData.getInputVec(), count, ActionReason.Cook); if (!success) { this.player.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerCookRsp(Retcode.RET_FAIL)); } // Get result item information. int qualityIndex = quality == 0 ? 2 : quality - 1; ItemParamData resultParam = recipeData.getQualityOutputVec().get(qualityIndex); ItemData resultItemData = GameData.getItemDataMap().get(resultParam.getItemId()); // Handle character's specialties. int specialtyCount = 0; double specialtyChance = this.getSpecialtyChance(resultItemData); var bonusData = GameData.getCookBonusDataMap().get(avatar); if (bonusData != null && recipeId == bonusData.getRecipeId()) { // Roll for specialy replacements. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble() <= specialtyChance) { specialtyCount++; } } } // Obtain results. List cookResults = new ArrayList<>(); int normalCount = count - specialtyCount; GameItem cookResultNormal = new GameItem(resultItemData, resultParam.getCount() * normalCount); cookResults.add(cookResultNormal); this.player.getInventory().addItem(cookResultNormal); if (specialtyCount > 0) { ItemData specialtyItemData = GameData.getItemDataMap().get(bonusData.getReplacementItemId()); GameItem cookResultSpecialty = new GameItem(specialtyItemData, resultParam.getCount() * specialtyCount); cookResults.add(cookResultSpecialty); this.player.getInventory().addItem(cookResultSpecialty); } // Increase player proficiency, if this was a manual perfect cook. if (quality == MANUAL_PERFECT_COOK_QUALITY) { proficiency = Math.min(proficiency + 1, recipeData.getMaxProficiency()); this.player.getUnlockedRecipies().put(recipeId, proficiency); } // Send response. this.player.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerCookRsp(cookResults, quality, count, recipeId, proficiency)); } /******************** * Cooking arguments. ********************/ public void handleCookArgsReq(PlayerCookArgsReq req) { this.player.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerCookArgsRsp()); } /******************** * Notify unlocked recipies. ********************/ private void addDefaultUnlocked() { // Get recipies that are already unlocked. var unlockedRecipies = this.player.getUnlockedRecipies(); // Get recipies that should be unlocked by default but aren't. var additionalRecipies = new HashSet<>(defaultUnlockedRecipies); additionalRecipies.removeAll(unlockedRecipies.keySet()); // Add them to the player. for (int id : additionalRecipies) { unlockedRecipies.put(id, 0); } } public void sendCookDataNofity() { // Default unlocked recipies to player if they don't have them yet. this.addDefaultUnlocked(); // Get unlocked recipies. var unlockedRecipies = this.player.getUnlockedRecipies(); // Construct CookRecipeData protos. List data = new ArrayList<>(); for (var recipe : unlockedRecipies.entrySet()) { int recipeId = recipe.getKey(); int proficiency = recipe.getValue(); CookRecipeDataOuterClass.CookRecipeData proto = CookRecipeDataOuterClass.CookRecipeData.newBuilder() .setRecipeId(recipeId) .setProficiency(proficiency) .build(); data.add(proto); } // Send packet. this.player.sendPacket(new PacketCookDataNotify(data)); } }