package; import dev.morphia.annotations.Entity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketOpenStateChangeNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketOpenStateUpdateNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSceneAreaUnlockNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketScenePointUnlockNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketSetOpenStateRsp; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketUnlockTransPointRsp; import java.util.*; import; // @Entity public class PlayerProgressManager extends BasePlayerDataManager { public PlayerProgressManager(Player player) { super(player); } /********** Handler for player login. **********/ public void onPlayerLogin() { // Try unlocking open states on player login. This handles accounts where unlock conditions were // already met before certain open state unlocks were implemented. this.tryUnlockOpenStates(false); // Send notify to the client. player.getSession().send(new PacketOpenStateUpdateNotify(this.player)); // Add statue quests if necessary. this.addStatueQuestsOnLogin(); // Auto-unlock the first statue and map area, until we figure out how to make // that particular statue interactable. this.player.getUnlockedScenePoints(3).add(7); this.player.getUnlockedSceneAreas(3).add(1); } /****************************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************************************** * OPEN STATES ****************************************************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************************************************/ // Set of open states that are never unlocked, whether they fulfill the conditions or not. public static final Set BLACKLIST_OPEN_STATES = Set.of( 48 // blacklist OPEN_STATE_LIMIT_REGION_GLOBAL to make Meledy happy. =D Remove this as soon as quest unlocks are fully implemented. ); // Set of open states that are set per default for all accounts. Can be overwritten by an entry in `map`. public static final Set DEFAULT_OPEN_STATES = GameData.getOpenStateList().stream() .filter(s -> s.isDefaultState() // Actual default-opened states. // All states whose unlock we don't handle correctly yet. || (s.getCond().stream().filter(c -> c.getCondType() == OpenStateCondType.OPEN_STATE_COND_PLAYER_LEVEL).count() == 0) // Always unlock OPEN_STATE_PAIMON, otherwise the player will not have a working chat. || s.getId() == 1 ) .filter(s -> !BLACKLIST_OPEN_STATES.contains(s.getId())) // Filter out states in the blacklist. .map(s -> s.getId()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); /********** Direct getters and setters for open states. **********/ public int getOpenState(int openState) { return this.player.getOpenStates().getOrDefault(openState, 0); } private void setOpenState(int openState, int value, boolean sendNotify) { int previousValue = this.player.getOpenStates().getOrDefault(openState, 0); if (value != previousValue) { this.player.getOpenStates().put(openState, value); if (sendNotify) { player.getSession().send(new PacketOpenStateChangeNotify(openState, value)); } } } private void setOpenState(int openState, int value) { this.setOpenState(openState, value, true); } /********** Condition checking for setting open states. **********/ private boolean areConditionsMet(OpenStateData openState) { // Check all conditions and test if at least one of them is violated. for (var condition : openState.getCond()) { // For level conditions, check if the player has reached the necessary level. if (condition.getCondType() == OpenStateCondType.OPEN_STATE_COND_PLAYER_LEVEL) { if (this.player.getLevel() < condition.getParam()) { return false; } } else if (condition.getCondType() == OpenStateCondType.OPEN_STATE_COND_QUEST) { // ToDo: Implement. } else if (condition.getCondType() == OpenStateCondType.OPEN_STATE_COND_PARENT_QUEST) { // ToDo: Implement. } else if (condition.getCondType() == OpenStateCondType.OPEN_STATE_OFFERING_LEVEL) { // ToDo: Implement. } else if (condition.getCondType() == OpenStateCondType.OPEN_STATE_CITY_REPUTATION_LEVEL) { // ToDo: Implement. } } // Done. If we didn't find any violations, all conditions are met. return true; } /********** Setting open states from the client (via `SetOpenStateReq`). **********/ public void setOpenStateFromClient(int openState, int value) { // Get the data for this open state. OpenStateData data = GameData.getOpenStateDataMap().get(openState); if (data == null) { this.player.sendPacket(new PacketSetOpenStateRsp(Retcode.RET_FAIL)); return; } // Make sure that this is an open state that the client is allowed to set, // and that it doesn't have any further conditions attached. if (!data.isAllowClientOpen() || !this.areConditionsMet(data)) { this.player.sendPacket(new PacketSetOpenStateRsp(Retcode.RET_FAIL)); return; } // Set. this.setOpenState(openState, value); this.player.sendPacket(new PacketSetOpenStateRsp(openState, value)); } /********** Triggered unlocking of open states (unlock states whose conditions have been met.) **********/ public void tryUnlockOpenStates(boolean sendNotify) { // Get list of open states that are not yet unlocked. var lockedStates = GameData.getOpenStateList().stream().filter(s -> this.player.getOpenStates().getOrDefault(s, 0) == 0).toList(); // Try unlocking all of them. for (var state : lockedStates) { // To auto-unlock a state, it has to meet three conditions: // * it can not be a state that is unlocked by the client, // * it has to meet all its unlock conditions, and // * it can not be in the blacklist. if (!state.isAllowClientOpen() && this.areConditionsMet(state) && !BLACKLIST_OPEN_STATES.contains(state.getId())) { this.setOpenState(state.getId(), 1, sendNotify); } } } public void tryUnlockOpenStates() { this.tryUnlockOpenStates(true); } /****************************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************************************** * MAP AREAS AND POINTS ****************************************************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************************************************/ private void addStatueQuestsOnLogin() { // Get all currently existing subquests for the "unlock all statues" main quest. var statueMainQuest = GameData.getMainQuestDataMap().get(303); var statueSubQuests = statueMainQuest.getSubQuests(); // Add the main statue quest if it isn't active yet. var statueGameMainQuest = this.player.getQuestManager().getMainQuestById(303); if (statueGameMainQuest == null) { this.player.getQuestManager().addQuest(30302); statueGameMainQuest = this.player.getQuestManager().getMainQuestById(303); } // Set all subquests to active if they aren't already finished. for (var subData : statueSubQuests) { var subGameQuest = statueGameMainQuest.getChildQuestById(subData.getSubId()); if (subGameQuest != null && subGameQuest.getState() == QuestState.QUEST_STATE_UNSTARTED) { this.player.getQuestManager().addQuest(subData.getSubId()); } } } public boolean unlockTransPoint(int sceneId, int pointId, boolean isStatue) { // Check whether the unlocked point exists and whether it is still locked. String key = sceneId + "_" + pointId; ScenePointEntry scenePointEntry = GameData.getScenePointEntries().get(key); if (scenePointEntry == null || this.player.getUnlockedScenePoints(sceneId).contains(pointId)) { return false; } // Add the point to the list of unlocked points for its scene. this.player.getUnlockedScenePoints(sceneId).add(pointId); // Give primogems and Adventure EXP for unlocking. this.player.getInventory().addItem(201, 5, ActionReason.UnlockPointReward); this.player.getInventory().addItem(102, isStatue ? 50 : 10, ActionReason.UnlockPointReward); // this.player.sendPacket(new PacketPlayerPropChangeReasonNotify(this.player.getProperty(PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP), PlayerProperty.PROP_PLAYER_EXP, PropChangeReason.PROP_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYER_ADD_EXP)); // Fire quest trigger for trans point unlock. this.player.getQuestManager().triggerEvent(QuestTrigger.QUEST_CONTENT_UNLOCK_TRANS_POINT, sceneId, pointId); // Send packet. this.player.sendPacket(new PacketScenePointUnlockNotify(sceneId, pointId)); return true; } public void unlockSceneArea(int sceneId, int areaId) { // Add the area to the list of unlocked areas in its scene. this.player.getUnlockedSceneAreas(sceneId).add(areaId); // Send packet. this.player.sendPacket(new PacketSceneAreaUnlockNotify(sceneId, areaId)); } }