package emu.grasscutter.scripts; import com.github.davidmoten.rtreemulti.RTree; import com.github.davidmoten.rtreemulti.geometry.Geometry; import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.scripts.constants.EventType; import*; import emu.grasscutter.scripts.service.ScriptMonsterSpawnService; import emu.grasscutter.scripts.service.ScriptMonsterTideService; import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalThread; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaError; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaValue; import org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.CoerceJavaToLua; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; public class SceneScriptManager { private final Scene scene; private final Map variables; private SceneMeta meta; private boolean isInit; /** * current triggers controlled by RefreshGroup */ private final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap> currentTriggers; private final Int2ObjectOpenHashMap regions; private Map sceneGroups; private ScriptMonsterTideService scriptMonsterTideService; private ScriptMonsterSpawnService scriptMonsterSpawnService; /** * blockid - loaded groupSet */ private Int2ObjectMap> loadedGroupSetPerBlock; public static final ExecutorService eventExecutor; static { eventExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 4, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(1000), FastThreadLocalThread::new, new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy()); } public SceneScriptManager(Scene scene) { this.scene = scene; this.currentTriggers = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); this.regions = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); this.variables = new HashMap<>(); this.sceneGroups = new HashMap<>(); this.scriptMonsterSpawnService = new ScriptMonsterSpawnService(this); this.loadedGroupSetPerBlock = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); // TEMPORARY if (this.getScene().getId() < 10 && !Grasscutter.getConfig() { return; } // Create this.init(); } public Scene getScene() { return scene; } public SceneConfig getConfig() { if(!isInit){ return null; } return meta.config; } public Map getBlocks() { return meta.blocks; } public Map getVariables() { return variables; } public Set getTriggersByEvent(int eventId) { return currentTriggers.computeIfAbsent(eventId, e -> new HashSet<>()); } public void registerTrigger(List triggers) { triggers.forEach(this::registerTrigger); } public void registerTrigger(SceneTrigger trigger) { getTriggersByEvent(trigger.event).add(trigger); } public void deregisterTrigger(List triggers) { triggers.forEach(this::deregisterTrigger); } public void deregisterTrigger(SceneTrigger trigger) { getTriggersByEvent(trigger.event).remove(trigger); } public void resetTriggers(int eventId) { currentTriggers.put(eventId, new HashSet<>()); } public void refreshGroup(SceneGroup group, int suiteIndex){ var suite = group.getSuiteByIndex(suiteIndex); if(suite == null){ return; } if(suite.sceneTriggers.size() > 0){ for(var trigger : suite.sceneTriggers){ resetTriggers(trigger.event); this.currentTriggers.get(trigger.event).add(trigger); } } spawnMonstersInGroup(group, suite); spawnGadgetsInGroup(group, suite); } public SceneRegion getRegionById(int id) { return regions.get(id); } public void registerRegion(SceneRegion region) { regions.put(region.config_id, region); } public void deregisterRegion(SceneRegion region) { regions.remove(region.config_id); } public Int2ObjectMap> getLoadedGroupSetPerBlock() { return loadedGroupSetPerBlock; } // TODO optimize public SceneGroup getGroupById(int groupId) { for (SceneBlock block : this.getScene().getLoadedBlocks()) { var group = block.groups.get(groupId); if(group == null){ continue; } if(!group.isLoaded()){ getScene().onLoadGroup(List.of(group)); } return group; } return null; } private void init() { var meta = ScriptLoader.getSceneMeta(getScene().getId()); if (meta == null){ return; } this.meta = meta; // TEMP this.isInit = true; } public boolean isInit() { return isInit; } public void loadBlockFromScript(SceneBlock block) { block.load(scene.getId(), meta.context); } public void loadGroupFromScript(SceneGroup group) { group.load(getScene().getId()); if (group.variables != null) { group.variables.forEach(var -> this.getVariables().put(, var.value)); } this.sceneGroups.put(, group); if(group.regions != null){ group.regions.forEach(this::registerRegion); } } public void checkRegions() { if (this.regions.size() == 0) { return; } for (SceneRegion region : this.regions.values()) { getScene().getEntities().values() .stream() .filter(e -> e.getEntityType() <= 2 && region.contains(e.getPosition())) .forEach(region::addEntity); if (region.hasNewEntities()) { // This is not how it works, source_eid should be region entity id, but we dont have an entity for regions yet callEvent(EventType.EVENT_ENTER_REGION, new ScriptArgs(region.config_id).setSourceEntityId(region.config_id)); region.resetNewEntities(); } } } public void addGroupSuite(SceneGroup group, SceneSuite suite){ spawnMonstersInGroup(group, suite); spawnGadgetsInGroup(group, suite); registerTrigger(suite.sceneTriggers); } public void removeGroupSuite(SceneGroup group, SceneSuite suite){ removeMonstersInGroup(group, suite); removeGadgetsInGroup(group, suite); deregisterTrigger(suite.sceneTriggers); } public void spawnGadgetsInGroup(SceneGroup group, int suiteIndex) { spawnGadgetsInGroup(group, group.getSuiteByIndex(suiteIndex)); } public void spawnGadgetsInGroup(SceneGroup group) { spawnGadgetsInGroup(group, null); } public void spawnGadgetsInGroup(SceneGroup group, SceneSuite suite) { var gadgets = group.gadgets.values(); if (suite != null) { gadgets = suite.sceneGadgets; } var toCreate = .map(g -> createGadget(, group.block_id, g)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .toList(); this.addEntities(toCreate); } public void spawnMonstersInGroup(SceneGroup group, int suiteIndex) { var suite = group.getSuiteByIndex(suiteIndex); if(suite == null){ return; } spawnMonstersInGroup(group, suite); } public void spawnMonstersInGroup(SceneGroup group, SceneSuite suite) { if(suite == null || suite.sceneMonsters.size() <= 0){ return; } this.addEntities( .map(mob -> createMonster(, group.block_id, mob)).toList()); } public void spawnMonstersInGroup(SceneGroup group) { this.addEntities(group.monsters.values().stream() .map(mob -> createMonster(, group.block_id, mob)).toList()); } public void startMonsterTideInGroup(SceneGroup group, Integer[] ordersConfigId, int tideCount, int sceneLimit) { this.scriptMonsterTideService = new ScriptMonsterTideService(this, group, tideCount, sceneLimit, ordersConfigId); } public void unloadCurrentMonsterTide(){ if(this.getScriptMonsterTideService() == null){ return; } this.getScriptMonsterTideService().unload(); } public void spawnMonstersByConfigId(SceneGroup group, int configId, int delayTime) { // TODO delay getScene().addEntity(createMonster(, group.block_id, group.monsters.get(configId))); } // Events public void callEvent(int eventType, ScriptArgs params){ /** * We use ThreadLocal to trans SceneScriptManager context to ScriptLib, to avoid eval script for every groups' trigger in every scene instances. * But when callEvent is called in a ScriptLib func, it may cause NPE because the inner call cleans the ThreadLocal so that outer call could not get it. * e.g. CallEvent -> set -> -> CallEvent -> set -> remove -> NPE -> (remove) * So we use thread pool to clean the stack to avoid this new issue. */ eventExecutor.submit(() -> this.realCallEvent(eventType, params)); } private void realCallEvent(int eventType, ScriptArgs params) { try{ ScriptLoader.getScriptLib().setSceneScriptManager(this); for (SceneTrigger trigger : this.getTriggersByEvent(eventType)) { try{ ScriptLoader.getScriptLib().setCurrentGroup(trigger.currentGroup); LuaValue ret = callScriptFunc(trigger.condition, trigger.currentGroup, params); Grasscutter.getLogger().trace("Call Condition Trigger {}", trigger.condition); if (ret.isboolean() && ret.checkboolean()) { // the SetGroupVariableValueByGroup in tower need the param to record the first stage time callScriptFunc(trigger.action, trigger.currentGroup, params); Grasscutter.getLogger().trace("Call Action Trigger {}", trigger.action); } //TODO some ret may not bool }finally { ScriptLoader.getScriptLib().removeCurrentGroup(); } } }finally { // make sure it is removed ScriptLoader.getScriptLib().removeSceneScriptManager(); } } private LuaValue callScriptFunc(String funcName, SceneGroup group, ScriptArgs params){ LuaValue funcLua = null; if (funcName != null && !funcName.isEmpty()) { funcLua = (LuaValue) group.getBindings().get(funcName); } LuaValue ret = LuaValue.TRUE; if (funcLua != null) { LuaValue args = LuaValue.NIL; if (params != null) { args = CoerceJavaToLua.coerce(params); } ret = safetyCall(funcName, funcLua, args); } return ret; } public LuaValue safetyCall(String name, LuaValue func, LuaValue args){ try{ return, args); }catch (LuaError error){ ScriptLib.logger.error("[LUA] call trigger failed {},{}",name,args,error); return LuaValue.valueOf(-1); } } public ScriptMonsterTideService getScriptMonsterTideService() { return scriptMonsterTideService; } public ScriptMonsterSpawnService getScriptMonsterSpawnService() { return scriptMonsterSpawnService; } public EntityGadget createGadget(int groupId, int blockId, SceneGadget g) { EntityGadget entity = new EntityGadget(getScene(), g.gadget_id, g.pos); if (entity.getGadgetData() == null){ return null; } entity.setBlockId(blockId); entity.setConfigId(g.config_id); entity.setGroupId(groupId); entity.getRotation().set(g.rot); entity.setState(g.state); entity.setPointType(g.point_type); entity.setMetaGadget(g); entity.buildContent(); return entity; } public EntityNPC createNPC(SceneNPC npc, int blockId, int suiteId) { return new EntityNPC(getScene(), npc, blockId, suiteId); } public EntityMonster createMonster(int groupId, int blockId, SceneMonster monster) { if(monster == null){ return null; } MonsterData data = GameData.getMonsterDataMap().get(monster.monster_id); if (data == null) { return null; } // Calculate level int level = monster.level; if (getScene().getDungeonData() != null) { level = getScene().getDungeonData().getShowLevel(); } else if (getScene().getWorld().getWorldLevel() > 0) { WorldLevelData worldLevelData = GameData.getWorldLevelDataMap().get(getScene().getWorld().getWorldLevel()); if (worldLevelData != null) { level = worldLevelData.getMonsterLevel(); } } // Spawn mob EntityMonster entity = new EntityMonster(getScene(), data, monster.pos, level); entity.getRotation().set(monster.rot); entity.setGroupId(groupId); entity.setBlockId(blockId); entity.setConfigId(monster.config_id); entity.setPoseId(monster.pose_id); this.getScriptMonsterSpawnService() .onMonsterCreatedListener.forEach(action -> action.onNotify(entity)); return entity; } public void addEntity(GameEntity gameEntity){ getScene().addEntity(gameEntity); } public void meetEntities(List gameEntity){ getScene().addEntities(gameEntity, VisionTypeOuterClass.VisionType.VISION_MEET); } public void addEntities(List gameEntity){ getScene().addEntities(gameEntity); } public RTree getBlocksIndex() { return meta.sceneBlockIndex; } public void removeMonstersInGroup(SceneGroup group, SceneSuite suite) { var configSet = .map(m -> m.config_id) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); var toRemove = getScene().getEntities().values().stream() .filter(e -> e instanceof EntityMonster) .filter(e -> e.getGroupId() == .filter(e -> configSet.contains(e.getConfigId())) .toList(); getScene().removeEntities(toRemove, VisionTypeOuterClass.VisionType.VISION_MISS); } public void removeGadgetsInGroup(SceneGroup group, SceneSuite suite) { var configSet = .map(m -> m.config_id) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); var toRemove = getScene().getEntities().values().stream() .filter(e -> e instanceof EntityGadget) .filter(e -> e.getGroupId() == .filter(e -> configSet.contains(e.getConfigId())) .toList(); getScene().removeEntities(toRemove, VisionTypeOuterClass.VisionType.VISION_MISS); } }