package emu.grasscutter.commands; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketItemAddHintNotify; import emu.grasscutter.utils.Position; public class PlayerCommands { private static HashMap list = new HashMap<>(); static { try { // Look for classes for (Class cls : PlayerCommands.class.getDeclaredClasses()) { // Get non abstract classes if (!Modifier.isAbstract(cls.getModifiers())) { Command commandAnnotation = cls.getAnnotation(Command.class); PlayerCommand command = (PlayerCommand) cls.newInstance(); if (commandAnnotation != null) { command.setLevel(commandAnnotation.gmLevel()); for (String alias : commandAnnotation.aliases()) { if (alias.length() == 0) { continue; } String commandName = "!" + alias; list.put(commandName, command); commandName = "/" + alias; list.put(commandName, command); } } String commandName = "!" + cls.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); list.put(commandName, command); commandName = "/" + cls.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); list.put(commandName, command); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } public static void handle(GenshinPlayer player, String msg) { String[] split = msg.split(" "); // End if invalid if (split.length == 0) { return; } // String first = split[0].toLowerCase(); PlayerCommand c = PlayerCommands.list.get(first); if (c != null) { // Level check if (player.getGmLevel() < c.getLevel()) { return; } // Execute int len = Math.min(first.length() + 1, msg.length()); c.execute(player, msg.substring(len)); } } public static abstract class PlayerCommand { // GM level required to use this command private int level; protected int getLevel() { return this.level; } protected void setLevel(int minLevel) { this.level = minLevel; } // Main public abstract void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw); } // ================ Commands ================ @Command(aliases = {"g", "item", "additem"}, helpText = "/give [item id] [count] - Gives {count} amount of {item id}") public static class Give extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { String[] split = raw.split(" "); int itemId = 0, count = 1; try { itemId = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); } catch (Exception e) { itemId = 0; } try { count = Math.max(Math.min(Integer.parseInt(split[1]), Integer.MAX_VALUE), 1); } catch (Exception e) { count = 1; } // Give ItemData itemData = GenshinData.getItemDataMap().get(itemId); GenshinItem item; if (itemData == null) { player.dropMessage("Error: Item data not found"); return; } if (itemData.isEquip()) { List items = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { item = new GenshinItem(itemData); items.add(item); } player.getInventory().addItems(items); player.sendPacket(new PacketItemAddHintNotify(items, ActionReason.SubfieldDrop)); } else { item = new GenshinItem(itemData, count); player.getInventory().addItem(item); player.sendPacket(new PacketItemAddHintNotify(item, ActionReason.SubfieldDrop)); } } } @Command(aliases = {"d"}, helpText = "/drop [item id] [count] - Drops {count} amount of {item id}") public static class Drop extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { String[] split = raw.split(" "); int itemId = 0, count = 1; try { itemId = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); } catch (Exception e) { itemId = 0; } try { count = Math.max(Math.min(Integer.parseInt(split[1]), Integer.MAX_VALUE), 1); } catch (Exception e) { count = 1; } // Give ItemData itemData = GenshinData.getItemDataMap().get(itemId); if (itemData == null) { player.dropMessage("Error: Item data not found"); return; } if (itemData.isEquip()) { float range = (5f + (.1f * count)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Position pos = player.getPos().clone().addX((float) (Math.random() * range) - (range / 2)).addY(3f).addZ((float) (Math.random() * range) - (range / 2)); EntityItem entity = new EntityItem(player.getWorld(), player, itemData, pos, 1); player.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } } else { EntityItem entity = new EntityItem(player.getWorld(), player, itemData, player.getPos().clone().addY(3f), count); player.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } } } @Command(helpText = "/spawn [monster id] [count] - Creates {count} amount of {item id}") public static class Spawn extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { String[] split = raw.split(" "); int monsterId = 0, count = 1, level = 1; try { monsterId = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); } catch (Exception e) { monsterId = 0; } try { level = Math.max(Math.min(Integer.parseInt(split[1]), 200), 1); } catch (Exception e) { level = 1; } try { count = Math.max(Math.min(Integer.parseInt(split[2]), 1000), 1); } catch (Exception e) { count = 1; } // Give MonsterData monsterData = GenshinData.getMonsterDataMap().get(monsterId); if (monsterData == null) { player.dropMessage("Error: Monster data not found"); return; } float range = (5f + (.1f * count)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Position pos = player.getPos().clone().addX((float) (Math.random() * range) - (range / 2)).addY(3f).addZ((float) (Math.random() * range) - (range / 2)); EntityMonster entity = new EntityMonster(player.getWorld(), monsterData, pos, level); player.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } } } @Command(helpText = "/killall") public static class KillAll extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { List toRemove = new LinkedList<>(); for (GenshinEntity entity : player.getWorld().getEntities().values()) { if (entity instanceof EntityMonster) { toRemove.add(entity); } } toRemove.forEach(e -> player.getWorld().killEntity(e, 0)); } } @Command(helpText = "/resetconst - Resets all constellations for the currently active character") public static class ResetConst extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity(); if (entity == null) { return; } GenshinAvatar avatar = entity.getAvatar(); avatar.getTalentIdList().clear(); avatar.setCoreProudSkillLevel(0); avatar.recalcStats();; player.dropMessage("Constellations for " + entity.getAvatar().getAvatarData().getName() + " have been reset. Please relogin to see changes."); } } @Command(helpText = "/godmode - Prevents you from taking damage") public static class Godmode extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { player.setGodmode(!player.hasGodmode()); player.dropMessage("Godmode is now " + (player.hasGodmode() ? "ON" : "OFF")); } } @Command(helpText = "/sethp [hp]") public static class Sethp extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { String[] split = raw.split(" "); int hp = 0; try { hp = Math.max(Integer.parseInt(split[0]), 1); } catch (Exception e) { hp = 1; } EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity(); if (entity == null) { return; } entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, hp); entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP)); } } @Command(aliases = {"clearart"}, helpText = "/clearartifacts") public static class ClearArtifacts extends PlayerCommand { @Override public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, String raw) { List toRemove = new LinkedList<>(); for (GenshinItem item : player.getInventory().getItems().values()) { if (item.getItemType() == ItemType.ITEM_RELIQUARY && item.getLevel() == 1 && item.getExp() == 0 && !item.isLocked() && !item.isEquipped()) { toRemove.add(item); } } player.getInventory().removeItems(toRemove); } } }